Cutaneous larva migrans

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Cutaneous larva migrans
ICD-10 B76.9
ICD-9 126.9
DiseasesDB 3263
eMedicine derm/91  ped/1278
MeSH D007815

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Synonyms and keywords: CLM - Cutaneous larva migrans; Creeping eruption; Duckhunter's itch; Ground itch; Hookworm cutaneous vesicle; Plumber's itch; Sandworm.


Cutaneous larva migrans ("CLM") is a skin disease in humans, caused by the larvae of various nematode parasites, the most common of which is Ancylostoma braziliense.

Sometimes referred to as "creeping eruption" or "ground itch", in some parts of the Southern USA this condition is also referred to as "sandworms," as the larvae like to live in sandy soil.


These parasites are found in dog and cat feces and although they are able to infect the deeper tissues of these animals (through to the lungs and then the intestinal tract), in humans they are only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin and thus create the typical wormlike burrows visible underneath the skin. The parasites apparently lack the collagenase enzymes required to penetrate through the basement membrane deeper into the skin.


The infection causes a red, intense itching eruption. The itching can become very painful and if scratched may allow a secondary bacterial infection to develop.


CLM can be treated a number of different ways:

  • Another agent which can be applied either topically or taken by mouth is thiabendazole (trade name Mintezol), an anti-helminthic. When taken orally, this medication is known to cause nausea.
  • Topical freezing agents, such as ethyl chloride or liquid nitrogen, applied locally can freeze and kill the larvae (but is often a hit-or-miss proposition).
  • Ancylostoma braziliense treatment[1]
  • 1.1 In adults
  • Preferred regimen: Albendazole 400 mg PO qd for 3-7 days
  • Alternative regimen: Ivermectin 200 mcg/kg PO qd for 1-2 days
  • 1.2 In children
  • Preferred regimen: Albendazole > 2 years then 400 mg PO qd for 3 days
  • Alternative regimen: Ivermectin > 15 kg give 200 mcg/kg single dose
  • Note: Albendazole is contraindicated in children younger than 2 years age.

See also

External links


af:Larva migrans

Template:WikiDoc Sources


  1. "Parasites - Zoonotic Hookworm".