Internal intercostal muscles
(Redirected from Intercostales interni)
The Intercostales interni (Internal intercostals) are eleven in number on either side. They commence anteriorly at the sternum, in the interspaces between the cartilages of the true ribs, and at the anterior extremities of the cartilages of the false ribs, and extend backward as far as the angles of the ribs, whence they are continued to the vertebral column by thin aponeuroses, the posterior intercostal membranes.
Each arises from the ridge on the inner surface of a rib, as well as from the corresponding costal cartilage, and is inserted into the upper border of the rib below.
Their fibers are also directed obliquely, but pass in a direction opposite to those of the Intercostales externi.
Additional images
A central rib of the left side. Inferior aspect.
The Obliquus internus abdominis.
Diagram of the course and branches of a typical intercostal nerve.
Thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk.
External links
- Template:MuscleLoyola
- Template:GPnotebook
- Template:SUNYAnatomyLabs - "The Internal Intercostal Muscle"
- Template:SUNYAnatomyFigs - "Transverse section of thorax."
- Template:EMedicineDictionary
Template:Gray's Template:Muscles of trunk