Uploads by Anum Gull

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:54, 14 January 2019 Xray carcinoid.gif (file) 283 KB Rounded left hilar opacity with branching opacity anteriorly on the lateral projection 1
21:45, 14 January 2019 X ray bronchial carcinoid.gif (file) 362 KB Rounded left hilar opacity with branching opacity anteriorly. 1
16:35, 31 January 2019 Bronchial carcinoid tumor Gross pathology.jpeg (file) 107 KB Left upper lobe": A lung lobe 185x110x55mm with bronchovascular remnants up to 25mm. Arising in the hilum and involving the bronchus is a rubbery tan-pink tumor 21x20x19mm. The tumor is 6mm from the bronchovascular margins and 3mm from the hilar margin... 1
16:00, 15 February 2019 Typical carcinoid histopathology.jpg (file) 177 KB The nuclei of the tumor cells are uniform with a stippled chromatin pattern. There is no mitotic activity or necrosis 1