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#REDIRECT[[Ebola virus]]
<div style="float: right;">
| name = Ebola virus
| image = Ebola_virus.jpg
| image_width = 100px
| caption = An [[electron microscope|electron micrograph]] of an Ebola virus
| virus_group = V
| ordo = ''[[Mononegavirales]]''
| familia = ''[[Filovirus]]''
| genus = ''Ebolavirus''
| type_species = ''Zaïre Ebolavirus''
| subdivision_ranks = Species
| subdivision = ''[[Ebola Reston|Reston Ebolavirus]]''<br />''Sudan Ebolavirus''<br />''Ivory Coast Ebolavirus''<br />''Bundibugyo Ebolavirus''
Ebola infection is caused by a [[virus]] that belongs to the family [[Filoviridae]].  Four [[viral]] subtypes have been reported to cause clinical illness in humans: Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Tai Forest ebolavirus, and Zaire ebolavirus.
'''''Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Mononegavirales; Filoviridae; Ebolavirus'''''<ref>{{cite web | title = Taxonomy browser (Ebolavirus) | url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Tree&id=186536&lvl=3&lin=f&keep=1&srchmode=1&unlock}}</ref>
* Ebolavirus
:* '''''Bundibugyo ebolavirus'''''
:* '''''Reston ebolavirus'''''
::* Reston ebolavirus - Reston
::* Reston ebolavirus - Reston (1989)
::* Reston ebolavirus - Siena/Philippine-92
:* '''''Sudan ebolavirus'''''
::* Sudan ebolavirus - Boniface (1976)
::* Sudan ebolavirus - Maleo (1979)
::* Sudan ebolavirus - Nakisamata
::* Sudan ebolavirus - Uganda (2000)
:* '''''Tai Forest ebolavirus'''''
::* Tai Forest virus - Côte d’Ivoire, Côte d’Ivoire, 1994
:* '''''Zaire ebolavirus'''''
::* Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976
::* Zaire ebolavirus - Eckron (Zaire, 1976)
::* Zaire ebolavirus - Gabon (1994-1997)
::* Zaire ebolavirus - Zaire (1995)
:* '''''Unclassified Ebolavirus'''''
::* Ebola virus Yambio0401
::* Ebola virus Yambio0402
::* Ebola virus Yambio0403
::* Ebola virus sp.
Ebola infection is caused by a [[virus]] that belongs to the family [[Filoviridae]].  Four [[viral]] subtypes have been reported to cause clinical illness in humans: Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Tai Forest ebolavirus, and Zaire ebolavirus.  The human disease has so far been limited to parts of Africa.  A very small number of people in the United States and in the Philippines were infected with the fifth type of the [[virus]], known as Reston ebolavirus, and did not develop any signs of disease. The virus can be passed to humans from infected animals and animal materials. Ebola can also be spread among humans by close contact with infected body fluids or by infected needles.
===Size and Shape===
[[Electron microscope|Electron micrographs]] of members of ''Ebola virus'' show them to have the characteristic thread-like structure of a [[Filoviridae|filovirus]].<ref name="Klenk2004">{{cite book |title=Ebola and Marburg Viruses, Molecular and Cellular Biology |last=Klenk |first=Hans-Dieter |authorlink= |coauthors=Feldmann, Heinz |year=2004 |publisher=Horizon Bioscience |location=Wymondham, Norfolk |isbn=0954523237 |pages= }}</ref> EBOV VP30 is around 288 amino acids long.<ref name="Klenk2004" />  The virions are tubular and variable in shape and may appear as a "U", "6", coiled, circular, or branched shape, however, laboratory purification techniques, such as [[centrifugation]], may contribute to the various shapes.<ref name="Klenk2004" /> Virions are generally 80 [[nanometer|nm]] in diameter.<ref name="Klenk2004" /> They are variable in length, and can be up to 1400 nm long. On average, however, the length of a typical [[virion|Ebola virus]] is closer to 1000 nm. In the center of the virion is a structure called nucleocapsid,  which is formed by the helically wound viral genomic RNA complexed with the proteins ''NP, VP35, VP30'' and ''L''. It has a diameter of 40 &ndash; 50 nm and contains a central channel of 20–30 nm in diameter. Virally encoded [[glycoprotein]] (GP) spikes 10 nm long and 10 nm apart are present on the outer [[viral envelope]] of the virion, which is derived from the host cell membrane. Between envelope and nucleocapsid, in the so-called matrix space, the viral proteins VP40 and VP24 are located.
Each virion contains one minor molecule of linear, single-stranded, [[Sense (molecular biology)|negative-sense]] RNA, totaling 18959 to 18961 nucleotides in length. The 3′ terminus is not polyadenylated and the 5′ end is not capped. It was found that 472 nucleotides from the 3' end and 731 nucleotides from the 5' end were sufficient for replication.<ref name="Klenk2004" /> It codes for seven structural proteins and one non-structural protein. The gene order is 3′ - leader - NP - VP35 - VP40 - GP/sGP - VP30 - VP24 - L - trailer - 5′; with the leader and trailer being non-transcribed regions which carry important signals to control transcription, replication and packaging of the viral genomes into new virions. The genomic material by itself is not infectious, because viral proteins, among them the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, are necessary to transcribe the viral genome into mRNAs, as well as for replication of the viral genome.
==Life Cycle==
* Virus attaches to host receptors through the GP (glycoprotein) surface [[peplomer]] and is endocytosed into vesicles in the host cell.
* Fusion of virus membrane with the vesicle membrane occurs; nucleocapsid is released into the cytoplasm.
* The encapsidated, negative-sense genomic ssRNA is used as a template for the synthesis (3' - 5') of polyadenylated, monocistronic mRNAs.
* Translation of the mRNA into viral proteins occurs using the host cell's machinery.
* Post-translational processing of viral proteins occurs. GP0 (glycoprotein precursor) is cleaved to GP1 and GP2, which are heavily glycosylated. These    two molecules assemble, first into heterodimers, and then into trimers to give the surface peplomers. SGP (secreted glycoprotein) precursor is cleaved to SGP and delta peptide, both of which are released from the cell.
* As viral protein levels rise, a switch occurs from translation to replication. Using the negative-sense genomic RNA as a template, a complementary +ssRNA is synthesized; this is then used as a template for the synthesis of new genomic (-)ssRNA, which is rapidly encapsidated.
* The newly-formed nucleocapsides and envelope proteins associate at the host cell's plasma membrane; budding occurs, and the virions are released
Scientists have identified four types of the Ebola virus. Three have been reported to cause [[disease]] in humans: Ebola-Zaire virus, Ebola-Sudan virus, and Ebola-Ivory Coast virus. The human disease has so far been limited to parts of Africa. A very small number of people in the United States who were infected with the fourth type of the virus, known as Ebola Reston, did not develop any signs of disease. The disease can be passed to humans from infected animals and animal materials. Ebola can also be spread between humans by close contact with infected bodily fluids or through infected [[needles]] in the hospital.
==Viral Reservoirs==
Despite numerous studies, the wildlife reservoir of ''Ebolavirus'' has not been identified. Between 1976 and 1998, from 30,000 mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods sampled from outbreak regions, no ''Ebolavirus'' was detected <ref name="Pourrut2005">{{cite journal |last=Pourrut |first=Xavier|authorlink= |coauthors=''et al.'' |year=2005 |month= |title=The natural history of Ebola virus in Africa |journal=Microbes and Infection |volume=7 |issue=7-8|pages=1005-1014 |doi=10.1016/j.micinf.2005.04.006 |url= |accessdate= |quote= }}</ref> apart from some genetic material found in six rodents (''Mus setulosus''and  ''Praomys'' species) and a [[shrew]] (''Sylvisorex ollula'') collected from the [[Central African Republic]] in 1998.<ref name="Morvan1999">{{cite journal|last=Morvan |first=Jaques |authorlink= |coauthors=''et al.'' |year=1999 |month= |title=Identification of Ebola virus sequences present as RNA or DNA in organs of terrestrial small mammals of the Central African Republic |journal=Microbes and Infection |volume=1 |issue=14 |pages=1193-1201|doi=10.1016/S1286-4579(99)00242-7 |url= |accessdate= |quote= }}</ref> ''Ebolavirus'' was detected in the carcasses of [[gorilla]]s, chimpanzees and [[duiker]]s during outbreaks in 2001 and 2003 (the carcasses were the source of the initial human infections) but the high mortality from infection in these species precludes them from acting as reservoirs.<ref name="Pourrut2005" />
[[Plant]]s, [[arthropods]], and birds have also been considered as reservoirs, however bats are considered the most likely candidate<ref>{{cite news |first=|last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Fruit bats may carry Ebola virus |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4484494.stm |work=BBC News |publisher=|date=2005-12-11 |accessdate=2008-02-25 }}</ref>. Bats were known to reside in the cotton factory in which the index cases for the 1976 and 1979 outbreaks were employed and have also been implicated in Marburg infections in 1975 and 1980.<ref name="Pourrut2005" /> Of 24 plant species and 19 vertebrate species experimentally inoculated with  ''Ebolavirus'', only bats became infected.<ref>{{cite journal |last=Swanepoel |first=R |authorlink= |coauthors=''et al.''|year=1996 |month= |title=Experimental inoculation of plants and animals with Ebola virus |journal=Emerging Infectious Diseases |volume=2 |issue= |pages=321-325|doi= |url=http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol2no4/swanepo2.htm |accessdate= |quote= }}</ref> The absence of clinical signs in these bats is characteristic of a reservoir species. In 2002-03, a survey of 1,030 animals from [[Gabon]] and the [[Republic of the Congo]] including 679 bats found ''Ebolavirus'' RNA in 13[[fruit bats]] (''Hyspignathus monstrosus, Epomops franquetti and Myonycteris torquata'').<ref>{{cite journal |last=Leroy |first=Eric |authorlink=|coauthors=''et al.'' |year=2005 |month= |title=Fruit bats as reservoirs of Ebola virus |journal=Nature |volume=438 |issue= |pages=575-576 |doi=10.1038/438575a|url= |accessdate= |quote= }}</ref> Bats are also known to be the reservoirs for a number of related viruses including [[Nipah virus]], [[Hendra virus]] and[[lyssavirus]]es.
==Microscopic Pathology==
The images below display key features of the Ebola virus.
Image:Ebola virus2.png|This transmission electron micrograph (TEM) demonstrates the ultrastructural morphology displayed by an Ebola virus. Source: CDC microbiologist Frederick A. Murphy.<SMALL><SMALL>''[http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/  Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]''<ref name="PHIL">{{Cite web | title = Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | url = http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/}}</ref></SMALL></SMALL>
Image:Ebola virus1.png|This transmission electron micrograph (TEM) demonstrates the ultrastructural morphologic changes in this tissue sample isolate.<SMALL><SMALL>''[http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/  Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]''<ref name="PHIL">{{Cite web | title = Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | url = http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/}}</ref></SMALL></SMALL>
Image:Ebola virus3.png|Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) revealing ultrastructural morphologic features of the Ebola virus from the Ivory Coast of Africa.<SMALL><SMALL>''[http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/  Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]''<ref name="PHIL">{{Cite web | title = Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | url = http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/}}</ref></SMALL></SMALL>
Image:Ebola virus4.png|Negatively-stained transmission electron micrograph (TEM) demonstrating the ultrastructural curvilinear morphologic features displayed by the Ebola virus from the Ivory Coast of Africa.<SMALL><SMALL>''[http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/  Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]''<ref name="PHIL">{{Cite web | title = Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | url = http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/}}</ref></SMALL></SMALL></gallery>
[[Category:Biological weapons]]
[[Category:Hemorrhagic fevers]]
[[Category:Infectious disease]]
[[Category:Viral diseases]]

Latest revision as of 14:58, 10 August 2015

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