Confusion causes: Difference between revisions

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{{CMG}};   '''Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:''' [[User:Aditya Govindavarjhulla|Aditya Govindavarjhulla, M.B.B.S.]][]
{{CMG}};'''Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:''' [[User:Aditya Govindavarjhulla|Aditya Govindavarjhulla, M.B.B.S.]][]

List of all conditions which cause confusion.
Confusion is a common symptom associated with various diseases and metabolic disorders. Common causes of confusion include insults to the central nervous system (CNS), metabolic disorders, and side effects of medications or illicit drugs.

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===Common Causes===
===Common Causes===

* [[Urinary tract infection]]
* [[Respiratory infection]]
* [[Sepsis]]
* [[Alzheimer's disease]]
* [[Alzheimer's disease]]
* [[Hyperthyroidism]]
* [[Hypothyroidism]]
* [[Kidney failure]]
* [[Kidney failure]]
* [[Liver failure]]
* [[Liver failure]]
* [[Myxedema coma]]
* [[Respiratory infection]]
* [[Schizophrenia]]
* [[Schizophrenia]]
* [[Hypothyroidism]]
* [[Sepsis]]
* [[Myxedema coma]]
* [[Urinary tract infection]]
* [[Hyperthyroidism]]
===Causes by Organ System===

===By organ system===
{|style="width:80%; height:100px" border="1"
{|style="width:80%; height:100px" border="1"
|style="height:100px"; style="width:25%" border="1" bgcolor="LightSteelBlue" | '''Cardiovascular'''
|style="height:100px"; style="width:25%" border="1" bgcolor="LightSteelBlue" | '''Cardiovascular'''
|style="height:100px"; style="width:75%" border="1" bgcolor="Beige" | [[Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula ]], [[Postoperative haemorrhage ]], [[Shock ]], [[Sick sinus syndrome ]]  
|style="height:100px"; style="width:75%" border="1" bgcolor="Beige" | [[Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula]], [[Postoperative haemorrhage]], [[Shock]], [[Sick sinus syndrome]]  
| '''Chemical / poisoning'''
| '''Chemical / poisoning'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[24-Dinitrotoluene ]], [[44-Methylenebis  ]], [[4-Aminopyridine  ]], [[Acetylsalicylic Acid  ]], [[Acrylamide  ]], [[Acute Pesticide poisoning]], [[Adiponitrile    ]], [[Aldicarb  ]], [[Aniline  ]], [[Azinphos-methyl ]], [[Baneberry poisoning  ]], [[Boric Acid  ]], [[Box thorn poisoning    ]], [[Bromethalin  ]], [[Bromide  ]], [[Bromophos  ]], [[Butyl Alcohol  ]], [[Camphor  ]], [[Carbaryl    ]], [[Carbon Tetrachloride    ]], [[Chicken soup poisoning    ]], [[Chlordane    ]], [[Chloromethane  ]], [[Chlorpyrifos  ]], [[Christmas Cherry poisoning   ]], [[Cocaine abuse   ]], [[Cocaine addiction ]], [[Corn Lily poisoning ]], [[Coumaphos  ]], [[Crack addiction ]], [[Cresols  ]], [[Cresylic acid ]], [[Cyanogenic glycoside   ]], [[Cyclohexanone  ]], [[Daphne poisoning    ]], [[DDD  ]], [[DDT  ]], [[Demeton-S-methyl ]], [[Devil's trumpet poisoning   ]], [[Diazinon  ]], [[Dibromochloromethane  ]], [[Dichlorvos  ]], [[Dicrotophos  ]], [[Dieldrin    ]], [[Diethylene Glycol  ]], [[Digitalis glycoside]], [[Dinitrocresol  ]], [[Dioxathion  ]], [[Disulfiram  ]], [[Disulfoton  ]], [[Ecstasy addiction ]], [[Endosulfan  ]], [[Ethion  ]], [[Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate    ]], [[Fensulfothion  ]], [[Fenthion  ]], [[Foxglove poisoning   ]], [[Gasoline  ]], [[Glaze  ]], [[Glycol Ether  ]], [[Heroin dependence ]], [[High Melting Explosive (HMX) ]], [[Hydrazine  ]], [[Hydroquinone]], [[Hydroquinone    ]], [[Isofenphos    ]], [[Jet Fuel-4 ]], [[Jet Fuel-5 ]], [[Jimsonweed (Daturastramonium)]], [[Kentucky coffee tea poisoning ]], [[Kerosene  ]], [[King Cobra poisoning ]], [[Lead poisoning ]], [[Lobeline]], [[Lysergic Acid Diethylamide    ]], [[Malathion  ]], [[Marijuana abuse ]], [[Mercury poisoning]], [[Methidathion  ]], [[Methiocarb  ]], [[Methomyl  ]], [[Metobromuron  ]], [[Monkshood poisoning ]], [[Morphine toxicity ]], [[Mustard tree poisoning ]], [[Naphthalene  ]], [[Narcotic addiction ]], [[Nickel Carbonyl    ]], [[Nitrobenzene  ]], [[Nitroglycerin    ]], [[Nitrophenol  ]], [[Nitrophenol Urea  ]], [[NN-Dimethyl-P-Toluidine  ]], [[Oil-based paint ]], [[Oleander poisoning   ]], [[Opioid toxicity ]], [[Oxycodone addiction ]], [[Parathion  ]], [[Phencyclidine    ]], [[Phosdrin  ]], [[Phosphine  ]], [[potato(Solanumtuberosum)]], [[Profenofos  ]], [[Propane  ]], [[Propoxur  ]], [[Propylene Glycol Dinitrate  ]], [[Snake bite ]], [[Terbufos  ]], [[Tetrachloroethane  ]], [[Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate  ]], [[Thallium    ]], [[Thallium poisoning   ]], [[Thallium Sulfate    ]], [[Thiram  ]], [[Toluene  ]], [[Trichlorfon  ]], [[Zolpidem withdrawal ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[24-Dinitrotoluene]], [[44-methylenebis]], [[4-aminopyridine]], [[acetylsalicylic acid]], [[acrylamide]], [[acute pesticide poisoning]], [[adiponitrile]], [[aldicarb]], [[amoxicillin]], [[aniline]], [[azinphos-methyl]], [[aztreonam]], [[baneberry poisoning]], [[boric acid]], [[box thorn poisoning]], [[bromethalin]], [[bromide]], [[bromophos]], [[butyl alcohol]], [[camphor]], [[carbaryl]], [[carbon tetrachloride]], [[chlordane]], [[chloromethane]], [[chlorpyrifos]], [[christmas cherry poisoning]], [[cocaine abuse]], [[cocaine addiction]], [[corn lily poisoning]], [[coumaphos]], [[crack addiction]], [[cresols]], [[cresylic acid]], [[cyanogenic glycoside]], [[cyclohexanone]], [[ddd]], [[ddt]], [[demeton-s-methyl]], [[devil's trumpet poisoning]], [[diazinon]], [[dibromochloromethane]], [[dichlorvos]], [[dicrotophos]], [[dieldrin]], [[diethylene glycol]], [[digitalis glycoside]], [[dinitrocresol]], [[dioxathion]], [[disulfiram]], [[disulfoton]], [[ecstasy addiction]], [[endosulfan]], [[ethion]], [[ethylene glycol dinitrate]], [[fensulfothion]], [[fenthion]], [[foxglove poisoning]], [[gasoline]], [[glaze]], [[glycol ether]], [[heroin dependence]], [[high melting explosive (hmx)]], [[hydrazine]], [[hydroquinone]], [[hydroquinone]], [[interferon gamma]], [[isofenphos]], [[jet fuel-4]], [[jet fuel-5]], [[jimsonweed (daturastramonium)]], [[kentucky coffee tea poisoning]], [[kerosene]], [[king cobra poisoning]], [[lead poisoning]], [[lobeline]], [[lysergic acid diethylamide]], [[malathion]], [[marijuana abuse]], [[mercury poisoning]], [[methidathion]], [[methiocarb]], [[methomyl]], [[metobromuron]],[[mepenzolate]], [[monkshood poisoning]], [[morphine toxicity]], [[mustard tree poisoning]], [[naphthalene]], [[narcotic addiction]], [[nickel carbonyl]], [[nitrobenzene]], [[nitroglycerin]], [[nitrophenol]], [[nitrophenol urea]], [[nn-dimethyl-p-toluidine]], [[oil-based paint]], [[oleander poisoning]], [[opioid toxicity]], [[oxycodone addiction]], [[parathion]], [[phencyclidine]], [[phosdrin]], [[phosphine]], [[potato(solanumtuberosum)]], [[profenofos]], [[propane]], [[propoxur]], [[propylene glycol dinitrate]], [[potassium iodide]], [[snake bite]], [[terbufos]], [[tetrachloroethane]], [[tetraethyl pyrophosphate]], [[thallium]], [[thallium poisoning]], [[thallium sulfate]], [[thiram]], [[toluene]], [[trichlorfon]], [[zolpidem withdrawal]]
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| '''Drug Side Effect'''
| '''Drug Side Effect'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Anticholinergic syndrome   ]], [[Colchicine toxicity   ]], [[Cope's syndrome ]], [[Dextromethorphan toxicity ]], [[Fentanyl toxicity ]], [[Imipramine toxicity ]], [[Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome    ]], [[Phenytoin toxicity   ]], [[Propanol    ]], [[Serotonin Syndrome    ]], [[Tolterodine toxicity   ]], [[Tramadol toxicity ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"|[[Aldesleukin]], [[alprazolam]], [[amobarbital sodium]], [[anticholinergic syndrome]], [[apomorphine hydrochloride]], [[atropine]], [[bicalutamide]], [[butorphanol]], [[carbidopa and levodopa]], [[colchicine toxicity]], [[cope's syndrome]],[[cefaclor]], [[cycloserine]], [[dextromethorphan toxicity]], [[ethambutol]], [[ezogabine]], [[fentanyl toxicity]], [[gallium nitrate]], [[imipramine toxicity]], [[mepenzolate]],[[meropenem]], [[methocarbamol]], [[methylene blue]], [[mitomycin]], [[nabilone]], [[nelarabine]], [[neuroleptic malignant syndrome]], [[oxaprozin]], [[pergolide]], [[phenytoin toxicity]], [[propanol]], [[secobarbital sodium]], [[serotonin syndrome]], [[teniposide]],[[tolterodine toxicity]], [[tramadol toxicity]]
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| '''Endocrine'''
| '''Endocrine'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Adrenal crisis ]], [[Cushing syndrome ]], [[Hashimoto's encephalitis ]], [[Hyperinsulinism]], [[Hyperparathyroidism    ]], [[Insulinoma  ]], [[SIADH ]], [[WDHA syndrome ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Adrenal crisis]], [[Cushing syndrome]], [[Hashimoto's encephalitis]], [[hyperinsulinism]], [[hyperparathyroidism]], [[insulinoma]], [[multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1]], [[SIADH]], [[WDHA syndrome]]
| '''Environmental'''
| '''Environmental'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Dysbarism ]], [[High altitude cerebral edema ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Dysbarism]], [[high altitude cerebral edema]]
| '''Gastroenterologic'''
| '''Gastroenterologic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Cirrhosis of the liver]], [[Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1 ]], [[End Stage Liver Failure   ]], [[Liver failure ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Cirrhosis of the liver]], [[Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1]], [[end Stage Liver Failure]], [[liver failure]]
| '''Genetic'''
| '''Genetic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Congenital hepatic porphyria   ]], [[Congenital nonhemolytic jaundice ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Congenital hepatic porphyria]], [[congenital nonhemolytic jaundice]]
| '''Hematologic'''
| '''Hematologic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Anemia]], [[Bing-Neel syndrome ]], [[Leukemia ]], [[Multiple Myeloma ]], [[Plasma cell leukemia]], [[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Anemia]], [[Bing-Neel syndrome]], [[Leukemia]], [[Multiple Myeloma]], [[Plasma cell leukemia]], [[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura]]
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| '''Infectious Disease'''
| '''Infectious Disease'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Acanthamoeba infection ]], [[Actinomycetales infection ]], [[Acute Bokhoror   ]], [[Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis   ]], [[African Sleeping sickness   ]], [[Bolivian hemorrhagic fever   ]], [[Brill-Zinsser disease   ]], [[Bubonic plague   ]], [[Cryptococcal Meningitis ]], [[Cryptococcosis ]], [[Cysticercosis ]], [[Ehrlichiosis ]], [[Epidemic typhus   ]], [[Flea-borne diseases   ]], [[Fungal meningitis ]], [[Granulomatous amebic encephalitis ]], [[HIV/AIDS ]], [[Legionnaires' disease   ]], [[Listeriosis ]], [[Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis ]], [[Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis ]], [[Machupo virus   ]], [[Malaria   ]], [[Marburg virus   ]], [[Measles Encephalitis ]], [[Melioidosis ]], [[Meningitis ]], [[Meningococcal disease   ]], [[Naegleria ]], [[Neurocysticercosis ]], [[Neurosyphilis   ]], [[Nipah virus encephalitis   ]], [[Nocardiosis ]], [[Paratyphoid fever ]], [[Pediatric AIDS ]], [[Postoperative septicaemia ]], [[Primary amebic meningoencephalitis ]], [[Rabies   ]], [[Rocky Mountain spotted fever   ]], [[Tick-borne encephalitis ]], [[Toxemia ]], [[Toxic Shock Syndrome ]], [[Toxoplasmosis ]], [[Trypanosomiasis   ]], [[Yellow fever   ]], [[Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome ]]  
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Acanthamoeba infection]], [[Actinomycetales infection]], [[Acute Bokhoror]], [[Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis]], [[African Sleeping sickness]], [[Bolivian hemorrhagic fever]], [[Brill-Zinsser disease]], [[Bubonic plague]], [[Cryptococcal Meningitis]], [[Cryptococcosis]], [[Cysticercosis]], [[Ehrlichiosis]], [[Epidemic typhus]], [[Flea-borne diseases]], [[Fungal meningitis]], [[Granulomatous amebic encephalitis]], [[HIV/AIDS]], [[Legionnaires' disease]], [[Listeriosis]], [[Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis]], [[Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis]], [[Viral meningitis]], [[Machupo virus]], [[Malaria]], [[Marburg virus]], [[Measles Encephalitis]], [[Melioidosis]], [[Meningitis]], [[Meningococcal disease]], [[Naegleria]], [[Neurocysticercosis]], [[Neurosyphilis]], [[Nipah virus encephalitis]], [[Nocardiosis]], [[Paratyphoid fever]], [[Pediatric AIDS]], [[Postoperative septicaemia]], [[Primary amebic meningoencephalitis]], [[Rabies]], [[Rocky Mountain spotted fever]], [[Tick-borne encephalitis]], [[Toxemia]], [[Toxic Shock Syndrome]], [[Toxoplasmosis]], [[Trypanosomiasis]], [[Yellow fever]], [[Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome]]  
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| '''Neurologic'''
| '''Neurologic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Acute mountain sickness ]], [[Aging brain syndrome ]], [[Alzheimer disease ]], [[Anoxemia ]], [[Arbovirosis ]], [[Argentinean hemorrhagic fever   ]], [[Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome ]], [[Benign astrocytoma ]], [[Berry aneurysm]], [[Brain infection ]], [[Bristowe's syndrome ]], [[Central nervous system infections ]], [[Central nervous system lymphoma primary ]], [[Cerebellar abscess ]], [[Cerebral abscess ]], [[Classic migraine ]], [[Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease ]], [[Disequilibrium syndrome ]], [[Grand mal epilepsy ]], [[Grand mal seizures ]], [[Leukoencephalopathy ]], [[Limbic encephalitis ]], [[Multi-Infarct Dementia ]], [[Prion diseases ]], [[Stroke ]], [[Subdural hematoma ]], [[Sundown syndrome ]], [[Transient Ischemic Attack ]], [[Uremic encephalopathy ]], [[Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome ]], [[Wernicke's encephalopathy ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Acute mountain sickness]], [[Aging brain syndrome]], [[Alzheimer disease ]], [[Anoxemia]], [[Arbovirosis]], [[Argentinean hemorrhagic fever]], [[Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome]], [[Benign astrocytoma]], [[Berry aneurysm]], [[Brain infection]], [[Bristowe's syndrome]], [[Central nervous system infections]], [[Central nervous system lymphoma primary]], [[Cerebellar abscess]], [[Cerebral abscess]], [[Classic migraine]], [[Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease]], [[Disequilibrium syndrome]], [[Grand mal epilepsy]], [[Grand mal seizures]], [[Leukoencephalopathy]], [[Limbic encephalitis]], [[Multi-Infarct Dementia]], [[Prion diseases]], [[Stroke]], [[Subdural hematoma]], [[Sundown syndrome]], [[Transient Ischemic Attack]], [[Uremic encephalopathy]], [[Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome]], [[Wernicke's encephalopathy]]
| '''Nutritional / Metabolic'''
| '''Nutritional / Metabolic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Aceruloplasminemia ]], [[Acid-Base Imbalance   ]], [[Acute liver failure   ]], [[Alcohol drinking ]], [[Alcohol Withdrawal     ]], [[Alcoholic Neuropathy ]], [[Azotemia familial ]], [[Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome ]], [[Carnitine transporter deficiency ]], [[Citrullinemia ]], [[Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency ]], [[Dehydration ]], [[Diabetic hypoglycemia ]], [[Diabetic Ketoacidosis ]], [[Dilutional hyponatremia ]], [[Dobriner syndrome ]], [[Folate deficiency]], [[Graeck-Imerslund disease ]], [[Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome   ]], [[Hypervitaminoses A and D ]], [[Hypoglycemia ]], [[Hypothermia ]], [[Hypovolemia ]], [[Inborn urea cycle disorder   ]], [[Metabolic Acidosis   ]], [[Metabolic encephalopathy ]], [[Milk-Alkali syndrome ]], [[N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency ]], [[Nutritional deficiency ]], [[Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency ]], [[Pellagra ]], [[Pyridoxine deficiency ]], [[Q fever ]], [[Respiratory acidosis ]], [[Respiratory alkalosis ]], [[Reye's Syndrome   ]], [[Urea Cycle Disorders   ]], [[Water Intoxication ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Aceruloplasminemia]], [[Acid-Base Imbalance]], [[Acute liver failure]], [[Alcohol drinking]], [[Alcohol Withdrawal ]], [[Alcoholic Neuropathy]], [[Azotemia familial]], [[Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome]], [[Carnitine transporter deficiency]], [[Citrullinemia]], [[Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency ]], [[Dehydration]], [[Diabetic hypoglycemia]], [[Diabetic Ketoacidosis]], [[Dilutional hyponatremia]], [[Dobriner syndrome]], [[Folate deficiency]], [[Graeck-Imerslund disease]], [[Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome]], [[Hypervitaminoses A and D]], [[Hypoglycemia]], [[Hypothermia]], [[Hypovolemia]], [[Inborn urea cycle disorder]], [[Metabolic Acidosis]], [[Metabolic encephalopathy]], [[Milk-Alkali syndrome]], [[N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency]], [[Nutritional deficiency]], [[Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency]], [[Pellagra]], [[Pyridoxine deficiency]], [[Q fever]], [[Respiratory acidosis]], [[Respiratory alkalosis]], [[Reye's Syndrome]], [[Urea Cycle Disorders]], [[Water Intoxication]]
| '''Obstetric/Gynecologic'''
| '''Obstetric/Gynecologic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Acute fatty liver of pregnancy ]], [[Hyperemesis Gravidarum ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Acute fatty liver of pregnancy]], [[Hyperemesis Gravidarum]]
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| '''Overdose / Toxicity'''
| '''Overdose / Toxicity'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Alprazolam overdose ]], [[Appian-Plutarch syndrome   ]], [[Darvocet overdose ]], [[Demerol overdose ]], [[Dexedrine overdose ]], [[Dilaudid overdose ]], [[Ecstasy overdose   ]], [[Hydrocodone overdose ]], [[Lorazepam overdose   ]], [[Lortab overdose ]], [[Methadone overdose ]], [[Methamphetamine overdose ]], [[Ritalin overdose ]], [[Vicodin overdose ]], [[Zolpidem overdose ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Alprazolam overdose]], [[Appian-Plutarch syndrome]], [[Darvocet overdose]], [[Demerol overdose]], [[Dexedrine overdose]], [[Dilaudid overdose]], [[Ecstasy overdose]], [[Hydrocodone overdose]], [[Lorazepam overdose]], [[Lortab overdose]], [[Methadone overdose]], [[Methamphetamine overdose]], [[Ritalin overdose]], [[Vicodin overdose ]], [[Zolpidem overdose]]
| '''Psychiatric'''
| '''Psychiatric'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Brief Psychotic Disorder ]], [[Dissociative Amnesia ]], [[Dissociative disorder ]], [[Dissociative Identity Disorder ]], [[Nonaffective Psychosis ]], [[Schizoaffective disorder   ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Brief Psychotic Disorder]], [[Dissociative Amnesia]], [[Dissociative disorder]], [[Dissociative Identity Disorder]], [[Nonaffective Psychosis]], [[Schizoaffective disorder]]
| '''Pulmonary'''
| '''Pulmonary'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Postoperative respiratory failure ]], [[Respiratory depression   ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Postoperative respiratory failure]], [[Respiratory depression]]
| '''Renal / Electrolyte'''
| '''Renal / Electrolyte'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Chronic renal insufficiency ]], [[End-stage renal disease ]], [[Hypercalcemia ]], [[Hypomagnesemia ]], [[Hyponatremia ]], [[Hypophosphatemia ]], [[Kidney failure ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Chronic renal insufficiency]], [[End-stage renal disease]], [[Hypercalcemia]], [[Hypomagnesemia ]], [[Hyponatremia]], [[Hypophosphatemia ]], [[Kidney failure]]
| '''Rheum / Immune / Allergy'''
| '''Rheum / Immune / Allergy'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Antiphospholipid Syndrome ]], [[Autoimmune Hepatitis   ]], [[Autoimmune limbic encephalitis ]], [[Neurosarcoidosis ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Antiphospholipid Syndrome]], [[Autoimmune Hepatitis]], [[Autoimmune limbic encephalitis]], [[Neurosarcoidosis]]
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| '''Trauma'''
| '''Trauma'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Concussion   ]], [[Head injury ]], [[Traumatic Brain Injury ]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Concussion]], [[Head injury]], [[Traumatic Brain Injury]]
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===Alphabetical Order===
===Causes in Alphabetical Order===

* [[24-Dinitrotoluene ]]
* [[24-Dinitrotoluene]]
* [[44-Methylenebis ]]
* [[44-Methylenebis]]
* [[4-Aminopyridine ]]
* [[4-Aminopyridine]]
* [[Acanthamoeba infection ]]
* [[Acanthamoeba infection]]
* [[Aceruloplasminemia ]]
* [[Aceruloplasminemia]]
* [[Acetylsalicylic Acid ]]
* [[Acetylsalicylic Acid]]
* [[Acid-Base Imbalance   ]]
* [[Acid-Base Imbalance]]
* [[Acrylamide ]]
* [[Acrylamide]]
* [[Actinomycetales infection ]]
* [[Actinomycetales infection]]
* [[Acute Bokhoror   ]]
* [[Acute Bokhoror]]
* [[Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis   ]]
* [[Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis]]
* [[Acute fatty liver of pregnancy ]]
* [[Acute fatty liver of pregnancy]]
* [[Acute liver failure   ]]
* [[Acute liver failure]]
* [[Acute mountain sickness ]]
* [[Acute mountain sickness]]
* [[Acute Pesticide poisoning]]
* [[Acute Pesticide poisoning]]
* [[Adiponitrile   ]]
* [[Adiponitrile]]
* [[Adrenal crisis ]]
* [[Adrenal crisis]]
* [[African Sleeping sickness   ]]
* [[African Sleeping sickness]]
* [[Aging brain syndrome ]]
* [[Aging brain syndrome]]
* [[Alcohol drinking ]]
* [[Alcohol drinking]]
* [[Alcohol Withdrawal ]]
* [[Alcohol Withdrawal ]]
* [[Alcoholic Neuropathy ]]
* [[Alcoholic Neuropathy]]
* [[Aldicarb ]]
* [[Aldicarb]]
* [[Alprazolam overdose ]]
* [[Alprazolam overdose]]
* [[Alzheimer disease ]]
* [[Alzheimer disease ]]
* [[Aniline ]]
* [[Anoxemia ]]
* [[Aniline]]
* [[Anticholinergic syndrome   ]]
* [[Anoxemia]]
* [[Antiphospholipid Syndrome ]]
* [[Anticholinergic syndrome]]
* [[Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula ]]
* [[Antiphospholipid Syndrome]]
* [[Appian-Plutarch syndrome   ]]
* [[Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula]]
* [[Arbovirosis ]]
*[[Apomorphine hydrochloride]]
* [[Argentinean hemorrhagic fever   ]]
* [[Appian-Plutarch syndrome]]
* [[Autoimmune Hepatitis   ]]
* [[Arbovirosis]]
* [[Autoimmune limbic encephalitis ]]
* [[Argentinean hemorrhagic fever]]
* [[Azinphos-methyl ]]
* [[Autoimmune Hepatitis]]
* [[Azotemia familial ]]
* [[Autoimmune limbic encephalitis]]
* [[Baneberry poisoning ]]
* [[Azinphos-methyl]]
* [[Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome ]]
* [[Azotemia familial]]
* [[Benign astrocytoma ]]
* [[Baneberry poisoning]]
* [[Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome]]
* [[Benign astrocytoma]]
* [[Berry aneurysm]]
* [[Berry aneurysm]]
* [[Bing-Neel syndrome ]]
* [[Bing-Neel syndrome]]
* [[Bolivian hemorrhagic fever   ]]
* [[Bolivian hemorrhagic fever]]
* [[Boric Acid ]]
* [[Boric Acid]]
* [[Box thorn poisoning   ]]
* [[Box thorn poisoning]]
* [[Brain infection ]]
* [[Brain infection]]
* [[Brief Psychotic Disorder ]]
* [[Brief Psychotic Disorder]]
* [[Brill-Zinsser disease   ]]
* [[Brill-Zinsser disease]]
* [[Bristowe's syndrome ]]
* [[Bristowe's syndrome]]
* [[Bromethalin ]]
* [[Bromethalin]]
* [[Bromide ]]
* [[Bromide]]
* [[Bromophos ]]
* [[Bromophos]]
* [[Bubonic plague   ]]
* [[Bubonic plague]]
* [[Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome ]]
* [[Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome]]
* [[Butyl Alcohol ]]
* [[Camphor ]]
* [[Butyl Alcohol]]
* [[Carbaryl   ]]
* [[Camphor]]
* [[Carbon Tetrachloride   ]]
* [[Carbaryl]]
* [[Carcinomatous meningitis  ]]
* [[Carbon Tetrachloride]]
* [[Carnitine transporter deficiency ]]
* [[Carnitine transporter deficiency]]
* [[Central nervous system infections ]]
* [[Central nervous system infections]]
* [[Central nervous system lymphoma primary ]]
* [[Central nervous system lymphoma primary]]
* [[Cerebellar abscess ]]
* [[Cerebellar abscess]]
* [[Cerebral abscess ]]
* [[Cerebral abscess]]
* [[Chicken soup poisoning    ]]
* [[Chlordane]]
* [[Chlordane   ]]
* [[Chloromethane]]
* [[Chloromethane ]]
* [[Chlorpyrifos]]
* [[Chlorpyrifos ]]
* [[Christmas Cherry poisoning]]
* [[Christmas Cherry poisoning   ]]
* [[Chronic renal insufficiency]]
* [[Chronic renal insufficiency ]]
* [[Cirrhosis of the liver]]
* [[Cirrhosis of the liver   unresponsiveness]]
* [[Citrullinemia]]
* [[Citrullinemia ]]
* [[Classic migraine]]
* [[Classic migraine ]]
* [[Cocaine abuse]]
* [[Cocaine abuse   ]]
* [[Cocaine addiction]]
* [[Cocaine addiction ]]
* [[Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency ]]
* [[Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency ]]
* [[Colchicine toxicity   ]]
* [[Colchicine toxicity]]
* [[Concussion   ]]
* [[Concussion]]
* [[Congenital hepatic porphyria   ]]
* [[Congenital hepatic porphyria]]
* [[Congenital nonhemolytic jaundice ]]
* [[Congenital nonhemolytic jaundice]]
* [[Cope's syndrome ]]
* [[Cope's syndrome]]
* [[Corn Lily poisoning ]]
* [[Corn Lily poisoning]]
* [[Coumaphos ]]
* [[Coumaphos]]
* [[Crack addiction ]]
* [[Crack addiction]]
* [[Cresols ]]
* [[Cresols]]
* [[Cresylic acid ]]
* [[Cresylic acid]]
* [[Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease ]]
* [[Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease]]
* [[Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1 ]]
* [[Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1]]
* [[Cryptococcal Meningitis ]]
* [[Cryptococcal Meningitis]]
* [[Cryptococcosis ]]
* [[Cryptococcosis]]
* [[Cushing syndrome ]]
* [[Cushing syndrome]]
* [[Cyanogenic glycoside   ]]
* [[Cyanogenic glycoside]]
* [[Cyclohexanone ]]
* [[Cyclohexanone]]
* [[Cysticercosis ]]
* [[Cycloserine]]
* [[Daphne poisoning   ]]
* [[Cysticercosis]]
* [[Darvocet overdose ]]
* [[Daphne poisoning]]
* [[DDD ]]
* [[Darvocet overdose]]
* [[DDT ]]
* [[DDD]]
* [[Dehydration ]]
* [[DDT]]
* [[Demerol overdose ]]
* [[Dehydration]]
* [[Demeton-S-methyl ]]
* [[Demerol overdose]]
* [[Devil's trumpet poisoning   ]]
* [[Demeton-S-methyl]]
* [[Dexedrine overdose ]]
* [[Devil's trumpet poisoning]]
* [[Dextromethorphan toxicity ]]
* [[Dexedrine overdose]]
* [[Dextromethorphan toxicity]]
* [[Diabetic hypoglycemia ]]
* [[Diabetic hypoglycemia]]
* [[Diabetic Ketoacidosis ]]
* [[Diabetic Ketoacidosis]]
* [[Diazinon ]]
* [[Diazinon]]
* [[Dibromochloromethane ]]
* [[Dibromochloromethane]]
* [[Dichlorvos ]]
* [[Dichlorvos]]
* [[Dicrotophos ]]
* [[Dicrotophos]]
* [[Dieldrin   ]]
* [[Dieldrin]]
* [[Diethylene Glycol ]]
* [[Diethylene Glycol]]
* [[Digitalis glycoside]]
* [[Digitalis glycoside]]
* [[Dilaudid overdose ]]
* [[Dilaudid overdose]]
* [[Dilutional hyponatremia ]]
* [[Dilutional hyponatremia]]
* [[Dinitrocresol ]]
* [[Dinitrocresol]]
* [[Dioxathion ]]
* [[Dioxathion]]
* [[Disequilibrium syndrome ]]
* [[Disequilibrium syndrome]]
* [[Dissociative Amnesia ]]
* [[Dissociative Amnesia]]
* [[Dissociative disorder ]]
* [[Dissociative disorder]]
* [[Dissociative Identity Disorder ]]
* [[Dissociative Identity Disorder]]
* [[Disulfiram ]]
* [[Disulfiram]]
* [[Disulfoton ]]
* [[Disulfoton]]
* [[Dobriner syndrome ]]
* [[Dobriner syndrome]]
* [[Dysbarism ]]
* [[Dysbarism]]
* [[Ecstasy addiction ]]
* [[Ecstasy addiction]]
* [[Ecstasy overdose   ]]
* [[Ecstasy overdose]]
* [[Ehrlichiosis ]]
* [[Ehrlichiosis]]
* [[End Stage Liver Failure   ]]
* [[End Stage Liver Failure]]
* [[Endosulfan ]]
* [[Endosulfan]]
* [[End-stage renal disease ]]
* [[End-stage renal disease]]
* [[Epidemic typhus   ]]
* [[Epidemic typhus]]
* [[Epidermoid carcinoma ]]
* [[Epidermoid carcinoma]]
* [[Ethion ]]
* [[Ethion]]
* [[Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate   ]]
* [[Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate]]
* [[Fensulfothion ]]
* [[Fensulfothion]]
* [[Fentanyl toxicity ]]
* [[Fentanyl toxicity]]
* [[Fenthion ]]
* [[Fenthion]]
* [[Flea-borne diseases   ]]
* [[Flea-borne diseases]]
* [[Folate deficiency]]
* [[Folate deficiency]]
* [[Foxglove poisoning   ]]
* [[Foxglove poisoning]]
* [[Fungal meningitis ]]
* [[Fungal meningitis]]
* [[Gasoline ]]
* [[Gasoline]]
* [[Glaze ]]
* [[Glaze]]
* [[Glycol Ether ]]
* [[Glycol Ether]]
* [[Graeck-Imerslund disease ]]
* [[Graeck-Imerslund disease]]
* [[Grand mal epilepsy ]]
* [[Grand mal epilepsy]]
* [[Grand mal seizures ]]
* [[Grand mal seizures]]
* [[Granulomatous amebic encephalitis ]]
* [[Granulomatous amebic encephalitis]]
* [[Hashimoto's encephalitis ]]
* [[Hashimoto's encephalitis]]
* [[Head injury ]]
* [[Head injury]]
* [[Heroin dependence ]]
* [[Heroin dependence]]
* [[High altitude cerebral edema ]]
* [[High altitude cerebral edema]]
* [[High Melting Explosive (HMX) ]]
* [[High Melting Explosive (HMX)]]
* [[HIV/AIDS ]]
* [[HIV/AIDS]]
* [[Hydrazine ]]
* [[Hydrazine]]
* [[Hydrocodone overdose ]]
* [[Hydrocodone overdose]]
* [[Hydroquinone]]
* [[Hydroquinone]]
* [[Hydroquinone]]
* [[Hydroquinone    ]]
* [[Hyperbaric oxygen]]
* [[Hyperbaric oxygen]]
* [[Hypercalcemia ]]
* [[Hypercalcemia]]
* [[Hyperemesis Gravidarum ]]
* [[Hyperemesis Gravidarum]]
* [[Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome   ]]
* [[Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome]]
* [[Hyperinsulinism]]
* [[Hyperinsulinism]]
* [[Hyperparathyroidism   ]]
* [[Hyperparathyroidism]]
* [[Hypervitaminoses A and D ]]
* [[Hypervitaminoses A and D]]
* [[Hypoglycemia ]]
* [[Hypoglycemia]]
* [[Hypomagnesemia primary  ]]
* [[Hypomagnesemia ]]
* [[Hyponatremia ]]
* [[Hyponatremia]]
* [[Hypophosphatemia ]]
* [[Hypophosphatemia ]]
* [[Hypothermia ]]
* [[Hypothermia]]
* [[Hypovolemia ]]
* [[Hypovolemia]]
* [[Impramine toxicity ]]
* [[Impramine toxicity]]
* [[Inborn urea cycle disorder   ]]
* [[Inborn urea cycle disorder]]
* [[Insulinoma ]]
* [[Insulinoma]]
* [[Isofenphos   ]]
*[[Interferon gamma]]
* [[Jet Fuel-4 ]]
* [[Isofenphos]]
* [[Jet Fuel-5 ]]
* [[Jet Fuel-4]]
* [[Jet Fuel-5]]
* [[Jimsonweed (Daturastramonium)]]
* [[Jimsonweed (Daturastramonium)]]
* [[Kentucky coffee tea poisoning ]]
* [[Kentucky coffee tea poisoning]]
* [[Kerosene ]]
* [[Kerosene]]
* [[Kidney failure ]]
* [[Kidney failure]]
* [[King Cobra poisoning ]]
* [[King Cobra poisoning]]
* [[Lead poisoning ]]
* [[Lead poisoning]]
* [[Legionnaires' disease   ]]
* [[Legionnaires' disease]]
* [[Leukemia ]]
* [[Leukemia]]
* [[[Leukoencephalopathy ]]
* [[Leukoencephalopathy]]
* [[Limbic encephalitis ]]
* [[Limbic encephalitis]]
* [[Listeriosis ]]
* [[Listeriosis]]
* [[Liver failure ]]
* [[Liver failure]]
* [[Lobeline]]
* [[Lobeline]]
* [[Lorazepam overdose   ]]
* [[Lorazepam overdose]]
* [[Lortab overdose ]]
* [[Lortab overdose]]
* [[Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis ]]
* [[Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis]]
* [[Lysergic Acid Diethylamide   ]]
* [[Lysergic Acid Diethylamide]]
* [[Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis ]]
* [[Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis]]
* [[Machupo virus   ]]
* [[Machupo virus]]
* [[Malaria   ]]
* [[Malaria]]
* [[Malathion ]]
* [[Malathion]]
* [[Marburg virus   ]]
* [[Marburg virus]]
* [[Marijuana abuse ]]
* [[Marijuana abuse]]
* [[Measles Encephalitis ]]
* [[Measles Encephalitis]]
* [[Melioidosis ]]
* [[Melioidosis]]
* [[Meningitis ]]
* [[Meningitis]]
* [[Meningococcal disease   ]]
* [[Meningococcal disease]]
* [[Mercury poisoning]]
* [[Mercury poisoning]]
* [[Metabolic Acidosis   ]]
* [[Metabolic Acidosis]]
* [[Metabolic encephalopathy ]]
* [[Metabolic encephalopathy]]
* [[Methadone overdose ]]
* [[Methadone overdose]]
* [[Methamphetamine overdose ]]
* [[Methamphetamine overdose]]
* [[Methidathion ]]
* [[Methidathion]]
* [[Methiocarb ]]
* [[Methiocarb]]
* [[Methomyl ]]
* [[Methomyl]]
* [[Metobromuron ]]
* [[Metobromuron]]
* [[Milk-Alkali syndrome ]]
* [[Milk-Alkali syndrome]]
* [[Monkshood poisoning ]]
* [[Monkshood poisoning]]
* [[Morphine toxicity ]]
* [[Morphine toxicity]]
* [[Multi-Infarct Dementia ]]
* [[Multi-Infarct Dementia]]
* [[Multiple Myeloma ]]
* [[Multiple Myeloma]]
* [[Mustard tree poisoning ]]
* [[Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1]]
* [[N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency ]]
* [[Mustard tree poisoning]]
* [[Naegleria ]]
* [[Naphthalene ]]
* [[N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency]]
* [[Narcotic addiction ]]
* [[Naegleria]]
* [[Neurocysticercosis ]]
* [[Naphthalene]]
* [[Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome   ]]
* [[Narcotic addiction]]
* [[Neurosarcoidosis ]]
* [[Neurocysticercosis]]
* [[Neurosyphilis   ]]
* [[Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome]]
* [[Nickel Carbonyl   ]]
* [[Neurosarcoidosis]]
* [[Nipah virus encephalitis   ]]
* [[Neurosyphilis]]
* [[Nitrobenzene ]]
* [[Nickel Carbonyl]]
* [[Nitroglycerin   ]]
* [[Nipah virus encephalitis]]
* [[Nitrophenol ]]
* [[Nitrobenzene]]
* [[Nitrophenol Urea ]]
* [[Nitroglycerin]]
* [[NN-Dimethyl-P-Toluidine ]]
* [[Nitrophenol]]
* [[Nocardiosis ]]
* [[Nitrophenol Urea]]
* [[Nonaffective Psychosis ]]
* [[NN-Dimethyl-P-Toluidine]]
* [[Nutritional deficiency ]]
* [[Nocardiosis]]
* [[Oil-based paint ]]
* [[Nonaffective Psychosis]]
* [[Oleander poisoning   ]]
* [[Nutritional deficiency]]
* [[Opioid toxicity ]]
* [[Oil-based paint]]
* [[Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency ]]
* [[Oleander poisoning]]
* [[Oxycodone addiction ]]
* [[Opioid toxicity]]
* [[Parathion ]]
* [[Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency]]
* [[Paratyphoid fever ]]
* [[Oxycodone addiction]]
* [[Pediatric AIDS ]]
* [[Parathion]]
* [[Pellagra ]]
* [[Paratyphoid fever]]
* [[Phencyclidine   ]]
* [[Pediatric AIDS]]
* [[Phenytoin toxicity   ]]
* [[Pellagra]]
* [[Phosdrin ]]
* [[Phosphine ]]
* [[Phencyclidine]]
* [[Plague   ]]
* [[Phenytoin toxicity]]
* [[Phosdrin]]
* [[Phosphine]]
* [[Plague]]
* [[Plasma cell leukemia]]
* [[Plasma cell leukemia]]
* [[Postoperative haemorrhage ]]
* [[Postoperative haemorrhage]]
* [[Postoperative respiratory failure ]]
* [[Postoperative respiratory failure]]
* [[Postoperative septicaemia ]]
* [[Postoperative septicaemia]]
* [[potato(Solanumtuberosum)]]
* [[potato(Solanumtuberosum)]]
* [[Primary amebic meningoencephalitis ]]
* [[Primary amebic meningoencephalitis]]
* [[Prion diseases ]]
* [[Prion diseases]]
* [[Profenofos ]]
* [[Profenofos]]
* [[Propane ]]
* [[Propane]]
* [[Propanol   ]]
* [[Propanol]]
* [[Propoxur ]]
* [[Propoxur]]
* [[Propylene Glycol Dinitrate ]]
* [[Propylene Glycol Dinitrate]]
* [[Pyridoxine deficiency ]]
* [[Pyridoxine deficiency]]
* [[Q fever ]]
* [[Q fever]]
* [[Rabies   ]]
* [[Rabies]]
* [[Respiratory acidosis ]]
* [[Respiratory acidosis]]
* [[Respiratory alkalosis ]]
* [[Respiratory alkalosis]]
* [[Respiratory depression   ]]
* [[Respiratory depression]]
* [[Reye's Syndrome   ]]
* [[Reye's Syndrome]]
* [[Ritalin overdose ]]
* [[Ritalin overdose]]
* [[Rocky Mountain spotted fever   ]]
* [[Rocky Mountain spotted fever]]
* [[Schizoaffective disorder   ]]
* [[Schizoaffective disorder]]
* [[Serotonin Syndrome   ]]
* [[Serotonin Syndrome]]
* [[Shock ]]
* [[Shock]]
* [[SIADH ]]
* [[SIADH]]
* [[Sick sinus syndrome ]]
* [[Sick sinus syndrome]]
* [[Snake bite ]]
* [[Snake bite]]
* [[Stroke ]]
* [[Stroke]]
* [[Subdural hematoma ]]
* [[Subdural hematoma]]
* [[Sundown syndrome ]]
* [[Sundown syndrome]]
* [[Terbufos ]]
* [[Terbufos]]
* [[Tetrachloroethane ]]
* [[Tetrachloroethane]]
* [[Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate ]]
* [[Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate]]
* [[Thallium   ]]
* [[Thallium]]
* [[Thallium poisoning   ]]
* [[Thallium poisoning]]
* [[Thallium Sulfate   ]]
* [[Thallium Sulfate]]
* [[Thiram ]]
* [[Thiram]]
* [[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ]]
* [[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura]]
* [[Tick-borne encephalitis ]]
* [[Tick-borne encephalitis]]
* [[Tolterodine toxicity   ]]
* [[Tolterodine toxicity]]
* [[Toluene ]]
* [[Toluene]]
* [[Toxemia ]]
* [[Toxemia]]
* [[Toxic Shock Syndrome ]]
* [[Toxic Shock Syndrome]]
* [[Toxoplasmosis ]]
* [[Toxoplasmosis]]
* [[Tramadol toxicity ]]
* [[Tramadol toxicity]]
* [[Transient Ischemic Attack ]]
* [[Transient Ischemic Attack]]
* [[Traumatic Brain Injury ]]
* [[Traumatic Brain Injury]]
* [[Trichlorfon ]]
* [[Trichlorfon]]
* [[Trypanosomiasis   ]]
* [[Trypanosomiasis]]
* [[Urea Cycle Disorders   ]]
* [[Urea Cycle Disorders]]
* [[Uremic encephalopathy ]]
* [[Uremic encephalopathy]]
* [[Vicodin overdose ]]
* [[Vicodin overdose ]]
* [[Water Intoxication ]]
* [[Water Intoxication]]
* [[Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome ]]
* [[Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome]]
* [[WDHA syndrome ]]
* [[WDHA syndrome]]
* [[Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome ]]
* [[Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome]]
* [[Wernicke's encephalopathy ]]
* [[Wernicke's encephalopathy]]
* [[Yellow fever   ]]
* [[Yellow fever]]
* [[Zolpidem overdose ]]
* [[Zolpidem overdose]]
* [[Zolpidem withdrawal ]]
* [[Zolpidem withdrawal]]



[[Category:Emergency medicine]]
[[Category:Intensive care medicine]]

Latest revision as of 17:36, 8 May 2017

Confusion Microchapters


Patient Information




Differentiating Confusion from other Symptoms

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors

Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


Chest X Ray



Echocardiography or Ultrasound

Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Confusion causes On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Confusion causes

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Confusion causes

CDC on Confusion causes

Confusion causes in the news

Blogs on Confusion causes

Directions to Hospitals Treating Confusion

Risk calculators and risk factors for Confusion causes

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1];Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Aditya Govindavarjhulla, M.B.B.S.[2]


Confusion is a common symptom associated with various diseases and metabolic disorders. Common causes of confusion include insults to the central nervous system (CNS), metabolic disorders, and side effects of medications or illicit drugs.


Common Causes

Causes by Organ System

Cardiovascular Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula, Postoperative haemorrhage, Shock, Sick sinus syndrome
Chemical / poisoning 24-Dinitrotoluene, 44-methylenebis, 4-aminopyridine, acetylsalicylic acid, acrylamide, acute pesticide poisoning, adiponitrile, aldicarb, amoxicillin, aniline, azinphos-methyl, aztreonam, baneberry poisoning, boric acid, box thorn poisoning, bromethalin, bromide, bromophos, butyl alcohol, camphor, carbaryl, carbon tetrachloride, chlordane, chloromethane, chlorpyrifos, christmas cherry poisoning, cocaine abuse, cocaine addiction, corn lily poisoning, coumaphos, crack addiction, cresols, cresylic acid, cyanogenic glycoside, cyclohexanone, ddd, ddt, demeton-s-methyl, devil's trumpet poisoning, diazinon, dibromochloromethane, dichlorvos, dicrotophos, dieldrin, diethylene glycol, digitalis glycoside, dinitrocresol, dioxathion, disulfiram, disulfoton, ecstasy addiction, endosulfan, ethion, ethylene glycol dinitrate, fensulfothion, fenthion, foxglove poisoning, gasoline, glaze, glycol ether, heroin dependence, high melting explosive (hmx), hydrazine, hydroquinone, hydroquinone, interferon gamma, isofenphos, jet fuel-4, jet fuel-5, jimsonweed (daturastramonium), kentucky coffee tea poisoning, kerosene, king cobra poisoning, lead poisoning, lobeline, lysergic acid diethylamide, malathion, marijuana abuse, mercury poisoning, methidathion, methiocarb, methomyl, metobromuron,mepenzolate, monkshood poisoning, morphine toxicity, mustard tree poisoning, naphthalene, narcotic addiction, nickel carbonyl, nitrobenzene, nitroglycerin, nitrophenol, nitrophenol urea, nn-dimethyl-p-toluidine, oil-based paint, oleander poisoning, opioid toxicity, oxycodone addiction, parathion, phencyclidine, phosdrin, phosphine, potato(solanumtuberosum), profenofos, propane, propoxur, propylene glycol dinitrate, potassium iodide, snake bite, terbufos, tetrachloroethane, tetraethyl pyrophosphate, thallium, thallium poisoning, thallium sulfate, thiram, toluene, trichlorfon, zolpidem withdrawal
Dermatologic No underlying causes
Drug Side Effect Aldesleukin, alprazolam, amobarbital sodium, anticholinergic syndrome, apomorphine hydrochloride, atropine, bicalutamide, butorphanol, carbidopa and levodopa, colchicine toxicity, cope's syndrome,cefaclor, cycloserine, dextromethorphan toxicity, ethambutol, ezogabine, fentanyl toxicity, gallium nitrate, imipramine toxicity, mepenzolate,meropenem, methocarbamol, methylene blue, mitomycin, nabilone, nelarabine, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, oxaprozin, pergolide, phenytoin toxicity, propanol, secobarbital sodium, serotonin syndrome, teniposide,tolterodine toxicity, tramadol toxicity
Ear Nose Throat No underlying causes
Endocrine Adrenal crisis, Cushing syndrome, Hashimoto's encephalitis, hyperinsulinism, hyperparathyroidism, insulinoma, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, SIADH, WDHA syndrome
Environmental Dysbarism, high altitude cerebral edema
Gastroenterologic Cirrhosis of the liver, Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1, end Stage Liver Failure, liver failure
Genetic Congenital hepatic porphyria, congenital nonhemolytic jaundice
Hematologic Anemia, Bing-Neel syndrome, Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Plasma cell leukemia, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Iatrogenic Hyperbaric oxygen
Infectious Disease Acanthamoeba infection, Actinomycetales infection, Acute Bokhoror, Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, African Sleeping sickness, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Brill-Zinsser disease, Bubonic plague, Cryptococcal Meningitis, Cryptococcosis, Cysticercosis, Ehrlichiosis, Epidemic typhus, Flea-borne diseases, Fungal meningitis, Granulomatous amebic encephalitis, HIV/AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, Listeriosis, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis, Viral meningitis, Machupo virus, Malaria, Marburg virus, Measles Encephalitis, Melioidosis, Meningitis, Meningococcal disease, Naegleria, Neurocysticercosis, Neurosyphilis, Nipah virus encephalitis, Nocardiosis, Paratyphoid fever, Pediatric AIDS, Postoperative septicaemia, Primary amebic meningoencephalitis, Rabies, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Tick-borne encephalitis, Toxemia, Toxic Shock Syndrome, Toxoplasmosis, Trypanosomiasis, Yellow fever, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Musculoskeletal / Ortho No underlying causes
Neurologic Acute mountain sickness, Aging brain syndrome, Alzheimer disease , Anoxemia, Arbovirosis, Argentinean hemorrhagic fever, Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome, Benign astrocytoma, Berry aneurysm, Brain infection, Bristowe's syndrome, Central nervous system infections, Central nervous system lymphoma primary, Cerebellar abscess, Cerebral abscess, Classic migraine, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Disequilibrium syndrome, Grand mal epilepsy, Grand mal seizures, Leukoencephalopathy, Limbic encephalitis, Multi-Infarct Dementia, Prion diseases, Stroke, Subdural hematoma, Sundown syndrome, Transient Ischemic Attack, Uremic encephalopathy, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, Wernicke's encephalopathy
Nutritional / Metabolic Aceruloplasminemia, Acid-Base Imbalance, Acute liver failure, Alcohol drinking, Alcohol Withdrawal , Alcoholic Neuropathy, Azotemia familial, Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome, Carnitine transporter deficiency, Citrullinemia, Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency , Dehydration, Diabetic hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Dilutional hyponatremia, Dobriner syndrome, Folate deficiency, Graeck-Imerslund disease, Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome, Hypervitaminoses A and D, Hypoglycemia, Hypothermia, Hypovolemia, Inborn urea cycle disorder, Metabolic Acidosis, Metabolic encephalopathy, Milk-Alkali syndrome, N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency, Nutritional deficiency, Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency, Pellagra, Pyridoxine deficiency, Q fever, Respiratory acidosis, Respiratory alkalosis, Reye's Syndrome, Urea Cycle Disorders, Water Intoxication
Obstetric/Gynecologic Acute fatty liver of pregnancy, Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Oncologic No underlying causes
Opthalmologic No underlying causes
Overdose / Toxicity Alprazolam overdose, Appian-Plutarch syndrome, Darvocet overdose, Demerol overdose, Dexedrine overdose, Dilaudid overdose, Ecstasy overdose, Hydrocodone overdose, Lorazepam overdose, Lortab overdose, Methadone overdose, Methamphetamine overdose, Ritalin overdose, Vicodin overdose , Zolpidem overdose
Psychiatric Brief Psychotic Disorder, Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Nonaffective Psychosis, Schizoaffective disorder
Pulmonary Postoperative respiratory failure, Respiratory depression
Renal / Electrolyte Chronic renal insufficiency, End-stage renal disease, Hypercalcemia, Hypomagnesemia , Hyponatremia, Hypophosphatemia , Kidney failure
Rheum / Immune / Allergy Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Autoimmune limbic encephalitis, Neurosarcoidosis
Sexual No underlying causes
Trauma Concussion, Head injury, Traumatic Brain Injury
Urologic No underlying causes
Dental No underlying causes
Miscellaneous No underlying causes

Causes in Alphabetical Order


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