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Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB) is caused by an organism that is resistant to at least [[isoniazid]] and [[rifampin]], the two most potent TB drugs. These drugs are used to treat all persons with TB disease.
[[Multidrug-resistant TB]] ([[MDR-TB]]) is caused by [[Mycobacterium tuberculosis]] that is [[Drug resistance|resistant]] to at least [[isoniazid]] and [[rifampin]], the two most potent [[TB]] drugs.<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref> Anti-tuberculosis ([[TB]]) drug resistance is a major [[public health]] problem that threatens the progress made in [[TB]] care and control worldwide. [[Drug resistance]] arises due to improper use of [[antibiotics]] in chemotherapy of drug-susceptible [[TB]] patients. This improper use is a result of a number of actions including, administration of inadequate treatment regimens and failure to ensure that patients complete the whole course of treatment. Essentially, [[drug resistance]] arises particularly in areas with weak [[TB]] control programmes.<ref name=WHO>{{cite web | title = Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis | url = }}</ref> [[Symptoms]] may include [[fever]], [[weight loss]], [[night sweats]] and [[cough]]. [[Diagnosis]] of [[MDR-TB]] can be made based on [[TB skin test]] and [[TB]] [[blood test]]. Drug susceptibility tests will show the [[drug resistance]] pattern of that strain of [[bacteria]]. People who show the above mentioned [[symptoms]], or who have been in contact with someone who has the disease, should seek medical attention. Treatment options will be based on the results of the drug susceptibility test, and generally involve 4 or more [[drugs]]. Surveillance of treatment adherence is an important tool to ensure adequate therapy, thereby decreasing the chances of [[drug resistance]] and/or relapse of the disease. There is a [[vaccine]] available ([[BCG]]), however it is not generally recommended in the United States due to its limited effectiveness in preventing [[TB]] overall. Complications of [[pulmonary]] [[TB]] may include permanent [[lung]] damage, [[liver]] damage and [[eye]] problems.
==What are the symptoms of Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis?==

==What causes Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis?==
==What are the Symptoms of Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis?==
The causes of multi-drug resistance to anti-TB drugs can occur when drugs are misused or mismanaged:<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
[[Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis]] usually affects the [[lungs]], but it can also affect other parts of the body, such as the [[brain]], the [[kidneys]], or the [[spine]].<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref> Common [[symptoms]] include:
* Feelings of sickness or [[weakness]]
* [[Weight loss]]
* [[Fever]]
* [[Night sweats]]
The [[symptoms]] of [[TB]] disease of the [[lungs]] may also include:
* [[Coughing]]
* [[Chest pain]]
* [[Coughing up blood]]
[[Symptoms]] of [[TB]] disease in other parts of the body will depend on the affected area.
==What Causes Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis?==
[[Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis]] is caused by the [[bacterium]] [[Mycobacterium tuberculosis]] resistant to anti-[[TB]] drugs. This [[drug resistance|resistance]] can occur when drugs are misused or mismanaged:<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
* When patients do not complete their full course of treatment
* When patients do not complete their full course of treatment
* When health-care providers prescribe the wrong treatment, the wrong dose, or length of time for taking the drugs
* When health-care providers prescribe the wrong treatment, the wrong [[dose]], or length of time for taking the [[drugs]]
* When the supply of drugs is not always available
* When the supply of [[drugs]] is not always available
* When the drugs are of poor quality
* When the [[drugs]] are of poor quality

==Who is at highest risk?==
==Who is at Highest Risk?==
[[Drug resistance]] is more common in people who:<ref name=WHO>{{cite web | title = Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis | url = }}</ref>
* Do not take their [[TB]] medicine regularly
* Do not take all of their [[TB]] medicine as told by their doctor or nurse
* Develop [[TB]] disease again, after having taken [[TB]] medicine in the past
* Come from areas of the world where [[drug-resistant]] [[TB]] is common
* Have spent time with someone known to have [[drug-resistant]] [[TB]] disease
[[Mycobacterium tuberculosis|Tuberculosis bacteria]] are put into the air when a person with [[TB]] disease of the [[lungs]] or [[throat]] [[coughs]], [[sneezes]], speaks, or sings.<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
These [[bacteria]] can float in the air for several hours, depending on the environment. Persons who [[breathe]] in the air containing these [[bacteria]] can become [[infected]].<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>

There are two tests that can be used to help detect [[TB]] [[infection]]:<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
* [[TB skin test]]
:* The [[TB skin test|skin test]] is used most often
:* A small needle is used to put some testing material, called [[tuberculin]], under the [[skin]]
:* In 2-3 days, the patient should return to the health care worker, who will check if there is a reaction to the test
* [[TB]] [[blood test]] 
:* In some cases, a [[TB]] [[blood test]] is used to test for [[Tuberculosis|TB infection]]
:* This [[blood test]] measures how a person’s [[immune system]] reacts to the germs that cause [[TB]]
The [[drug resistance]] will be shown by a [[drug]] susceptibility test.
To tell if someone has [[TB]] disease, other tests may be needed:<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
* [[Chest x-ray]]
* Sample of [[sputum]] (phlegm that is coughed up from deep in the [[lungs]])
It is important to tell your health care provider if you have ever had a “positive” reaction to a [[TB skin test]] or [[TB]] [[blood test]], or if you have been treated with [[TB]] drugs in the past.
==When to Seek Urgent Medical Care?==
Urgent medical care should be sought:
* If you think you have been exposed to someone with [[TB]] disease, you should contact your doctor or local health department about getting a [[TB skin test]] or [[TB]] [[blood test]]. You should also inform your doctor or nurse when did this contact occur.<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
* When you experience some of the previously described [[symptoms]].<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>

==When to seek urgent medical care?==
==Treatment Options==
* [[TB]] is a treatable and curable disease. Treatment for [[multidrug-resistant tuberculosis]] must be confirmed by drug-susceptibility testing. However, since this testing can take weeks, treatment should be started with an [[empirical]] regimen based on expert advice as soon as [[drug-resistant]] [[TB]] disease is suspected. <ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref><ref name=WHO>{{cite web | title = Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis | url = }}</ref>

==Treatment options==
* When the testing results are known, the treatment regimen should be adjusted according to the results, in order to avoid suboptimal treatment. Patients should be monitored closely throughout treatment. <ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>

==Where to find medical care for Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis?==
* A common treatment regimen includes at least 4 [[drugs]], to which the [[bacteria]] was shown to be susceptible.<ref>{{cite book | last = Mandell | first = Gerald | title = Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases | publisher = Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier | location = Philadelphia, PA | year = 2010 | isbn = 0443068399 }}</ref>

==Prevention of Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis==
* Treatment regimens are commonly divided into 2 phases: the initial phase and the continuation phase.

==What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?==
* A [[fluoroquinolone]] is indicated in the treatment of patients with [[MDR-TB]].

==Possible complications==
* Directly observed therapy should always be used in the treatment of [[drug-resistant]] [[TB]] to ensure adherence.<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
===Special Considerations===
====HIV-Infected Persons====
* Treatment of [[drug-resistant]] [[TB]] in persons with [[HIV infection]] is the same as for patients without [[HIV]].
* Management of [[HIV]]-related [[TB]] requires expertise in the management of both [[HIV]] and [[TB]].
* Providers must monitor the interactions among many of the [[antiretroviral drugs]].
* [[Rifampin]] should not be used with most [[antiretroviral drugs]]. [[Rifabutin]], which has fewer problematic drug interactions, may be used in place of [[Rifampin]].
* These recommendations are likely to be modified, as new [[antiretroviral]] agents and [[pharmacokinetic]] data become available.
* Treatment for children who have [[TB]] disease after exposure to a [[drug-resistant]] case should be guided by the source-case susceptibility results.
* When a source is unknown and circumstances suggest an increased risk of [[drug resistance]], children should be treated with a standard four-drug initial-phase regimen until their susceptibility pattern is known.
* [[Ethambutol]] can be used safely (15-20 mg/kg per day), in the likelihood of [[Isoniazide]] resistance.
* [[Streptomycin]], [[kanamycin]], or [[amikacin]] also can be selected as the fourth drug.
* Long-term use of [[fluoroquinolones]] in children has not been approved. However, most experts agree that these drugs should be considered for children with [[MDR-TB]].
* Consultation with a specialist in pediatric [[TB]] treatment is recommended.
====Pregnant Women====
* Case management for pregnant women who have [[drug-resistant]] [[TB]] requires consultation with an expert because most second-line [[drugs]] can have harmful effects on the [[fetus]].
* [[Pyrazinamide]] should not be used as part of the treatment regimen for pregnant women.
* Counseling concerning risks to the [[fetus]] should be provided.
====Close Contacts of Drug-Resistant TB Patients====
* Contacts of [[isoniazid]]-[[drug resistance|resistant]] [[TB]].
* Persons who have been exposed to [[Isoniazid]]-[[drug-resistant|resistant]], [[Rifampin]]-susceptible [[TB]] and are known or suspected to have latent [[TB]] [[infection]], a 4-month regimen of daily [[Rifampin]] is recommended.
* When [[Rifampin]] cannot be used, [[rifabutin]] may be substituted.
====Contacts of MDR-TB====
* For persons with known or suspected latent [[tuberculosis]] [[infection]] [[drug resistance|resistant]] to both [[Isoniazid]] and [[Rifampin]], alternative regimens should be considered.
* Alternative regimens should include two [[drugs]] to which the [[TB]] strain is susceptible.
* A potential regimen should include a daily [[fluoroquinolone]].
* Contacts who are not [[immunosuppressed]] may be treated for 6 months or observed without treatment.
* All persons with suspected MDR latent TB should be monitored for 2 years regardless of the treatment regimen.
==Where to Find Medical Care for Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis?==
[,-95.677068,2z/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=en Directions to Hospitals Treating Tuberculosis]
==Prevention of Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis==
To prevent [[multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis]], the following rules should be observed:<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
* Take all medications exactly as prescribed by the health care provider
* No [[doses]] should be missed and treatment should not be stopped early
* Patients should tell their health care provider if they are having trouble taking the medications
* If patients plan to travel, they should talk to their health care providers and make sure they have enough medicine to last while away
* Avoid exposure to known [[MDR TB]] patients in closed or crowded places such as hospitals, prisons, or homeless shelters:
:* In the case of health care workers who are more likely to have contact with [[TB]] patients, [[infection]] control or occupational health experts should be consulted
:* Administrative and environmental procedures for preventing exposure to [[TB]] should be implemented. Once those procedures are implemented, additional measures could include using personal [[respiratory]] protective devices
Health care providers can help prevent [[MDR-TB]] by:<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
* Quickly [[diagnosis|diagnosing]] cases
* Following recommended treatment guidelines
* Monitoring patients’ response to treatment
* Making sure therapy is completed
There is a [[vaccine]] for [[TB]] disease called [[Bacillus Calmette-Guérin]] ([[BCG]]). It is used in some countries to prevent severe forms of [[TB]] in children. However, [[BCG]] is not generally recommended in the United States because it has limited effectiveness for preventing [[TB]] overall.<ref name=CDC>{{cite web | title = Tuberculosis Fact Sheet | url = }}</ref>
==What to Expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?==
The [[prognosis]] of [[multidrug-resistant TB]] is worst than that of [[tuberculosis]] susceptible to common treatment. Therefore it is mandatory to perform a drug susceptibility test and to monitor adherence to the treatment regimen, in order to avoid new [[drug resistance]]s and ensure a better [[outcome]].
==Possible Complications==
[[Pulmonary]] [[MDR-TB]] can cause permanent [[lung]] damage if not treated early. Medicines used to treat [[MDR-TB]] may cause [[side effects]], including:
* [[Liver]] damage
* Changes in [[vision]]
* Orange- or brown-colored tears and urine
* [[Rash]]

[ Center for Disease Control or Prevention]<br>
[ World Health Organization]
[[Category:Needs content]]
[[Category:Bacterial diseases]]
[[Category:Bacterial diseases]]
[[Category:Tuberculosis| ]]
[[Category:Tuberculosis| ]]
[[Category:Infectious disease]]

Latest revision as of 18:06, 18 September 2017

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Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis


What are the symptoms?

What are the causes?

Who is at highest risk?


When to seek urgent medical care?

Treatment options

Where to find medical care for Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis?


What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?

Possible complications

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis On the Web

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

Images of Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

Videos on Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

FDA on Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

CDC on Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis in the news

Blogs on Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

Directions to Hospitals Treating Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: João André Alves Silva, M.D. [2]


Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that is resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin, the two most potent TB drugs.[1] Anti-tuberculosis (TB) drug resistance is a major public health problem that threatens the progress made in TB care and control worldwide. Drug resistance arises due to improper use of antibiotics in chemotherapy of drug-susceptible TB patients. This improper use is a result of a number of actions including, administration of inadequate treatment regimens and failure to ensure that patients complete the whole course of treatment. Essentially, drug resistance arises particularly in areas with weak TB control programmes.[2] Symptoms may include fever, weight loss, night sweats and cough. Diagnosis of MDR-TB can be made based on TB skin test and TB blood test. Drug susceptibility tests will show the drug resistance pattern of that strain of bacteria. People who show the above mentioned symptoms, or who have been in contact with someone who has the disease, should seek medical attention. Treatment options will be based on the results of the drug susceptibility test, and generally involve 4 or more drugs. Surveillance of treatment adherence is an important tool to ensure adequate therapy, thereby decreasing the chances of drug resistance and/or relapse of the disease. There is a vaccine available (BCG), however it is not generally recommended in the United States due to its limited effectiveness in preventing TB overall. Complications of pulmonary TB may include permanent lung damage, liver damage and eye problems.

What are the Symptoms of Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis?

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body, such as the brain, the kidneys, or the spine.[1] Common symptoms include:

The symptoms of TB disease of the lungs may also include:

Symptoms of TB disease in other parts of the body will depend on the affected area.

What Causes Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis?

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to anti-TB drugs. This resistance can occur when drugs are misused or mismanaged:[1]

  • When patients do not complete their full course of treatment
  • When health-care providers prescribe the wrong treatment, the wrong dose, or length of time for taking the drugs
  • When the supply of drugs is not always available
  • When the drugs are of poor quality

Who is at Highest Risk?

Drug resistance is more common in people who:[2]

  • Do not take their TB medicine regularly
  • Do not take all of their TB medicine as told by their doctor or nurse
  • Develop TB disease again, after having taken TB medicine in the past
  • Come from areas of the world where drug-resistant TB is common
  • Have spent time with someone known to have drug-resistant TB disease


Tuberculosis bacteria are put into the air when a person with TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings.[1]

These bacteria can float in the air for several hours, depending on the environment. Persons who breathe in the air containing these bacteria can become infected.[1]


There are two tests that can be used to help detect TB infection:[1]

  • The skin test is used most often
  • A small needle is used to put some testing material, called tuberculin, under the skin
  • In 2-3 days, the patient should return to the health care worker, who will check if there is a reaction to the test

The drug resistance will be shown by a drug susceptibility test. To tell if someone has TB disease, other tests may be needed:[1]

It is important to tell your health care provider if you have ever had a “positive” reaction to a TB skin test or TB blood test, or if you have been treated with TB drugs in the past.

When to Seek Urgent Medical Care?

Urgent medical care should be sought:

  • If you think you have been exposed to someone with TB disease, you should contact your doctor or local health department about getting a TB skin test or TB blood test. You should also inform your doctor or nurse when did this contact occur.[1]
  • When you experience some of the previously described symptoms.[1]

Treatment Options

  • When the testing results are known, the treatment regimen should be adjusted according to the results, in order to avoid suboptimal treatment. Patients should be monitored closely throughout treatment. [1]
  • A common treatment regimen includes at least 4 drugs, to which the bacteria was shown to be susceptible.[3]
  • Treatment regimens are commonly divided into 2 phases: the initial phase and the continuation phase.
  • Directly observed therapy should always be used in the treatment of drug-resistant TB to ensure adherence.[1]

Special Considerations

HIV-Infected Persons


  • Treatment for children who have TB disease after exposure to a drug-resistant case should be guided by the source-case susceptibility results.
  • When a source is unknown and circumstances suggest an increased risk of drug resistance, children should be treated with a standard four-drug initial-phase regimen until their susceptibility pattern is known.
  • Ethambutol can be used safely (15-20 mg/kg per day), in the likelihood of Isoniazide resistance.
  • Streptomycin, kanamycin, or amikacin also can be selected as the fourth drug.
  • Long-term use of fluoroquinolones in children has not been approved. However, most experts agree that these drugs should be considered for children with MDR-TB.
  • Consultation with a specialist in pediatric TB treatment is recommended.

Pregnant Women

  • Case management for pregnant women who have drug-resistant TB requires consultation with an expert because most second-line drugs can have harmful effects on the fetus.
  • Pyrazinamide should not be used as part of the treatment regimen for pregnant women.
  • Counseling concerning risks to the fetus should be provided.

Close Contacts of Drug-Resistant TB Patients

Contacts of MDR-TB

  • For persons with known or suspected latent tuberculosis infection resistant to both Isoniazid and Rifampin, alternative regimens should be considered.
  • Alternative regimens should include two drugs to which the TB strain is susceptible.
  • A potential regimen should include a daily fluoroquinolone.
  • Contacts who are not immunosuppressed may be treated for 6 months or observed without treatment.
  • All persons with suspected MDR latent TB should be monitored for 2 years regardless of the treatment regimen.

Where to Find Medical Care for Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis?

Directions to Hospitals Treating Tuberculosis

Prevention of Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

To prevent multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, the following rules should be observed:[1]

  • Take all medications exactly as prescribed by the health care provider
  • No doses should be missed and treatment should not be stopped early
  • Patients should tell their health care provider if they are having trouble taking the medications
  • If patients plan to travel, they should talk to their health care providers and make sure they have enough medicine to last while away
  • Avoid exposure to known MDR TB patients in closed or crowded places such as hospitals, prisons, or homeless shelters:
  • In the case of health care workers who are more likely to have contact with TB patients, infection control or occupational health experts should be consulted
  • Administrative and environmental procedures for preventing exposure to TB should be implemented. Once those procedures are implemented, additional measures could include using personal respiratory protective devices

Health care providers can help prevent MDR-TB by:[1]

  • Quickly diagnosing cases
  • Following recommended treatment guidelines
  • Monitoring patients’ response to treatment
  • Making sure therapy is completed


There is a vaccine for TB disease called Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). It is used in some countries to prevent severe forms of TB in children. However, BCG is not generally recommended in the United States because it has limited effectiveness for preventing TB overall.[1]

What to Expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?

The prognosis of multidrug-resistant TB is worst than that of tuberculosis susceptible to common treatment. Therefore it is mandatory to perform a drug susceptibility test and to monitor adherence to the treatment regimen, in order to avoid new drug resistances and ensure a better outcome.

Possible Complications

Pulmonary MDR-TB can cause permanent lung damage if not treated early. Medicines used to treat MDR-TB may cause side effects, including:

  • Liver damage
  • Changes in vision
  • Orange- or brown-colored tears and urine
  • Rash


Center for Disease Control or Prevention
World Health Organization


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 "Tuberculosis Fact Sheet".
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis".
  3. Mandell, Gerald (2010). Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier. ISBN 0443068399.

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