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{{CMG}}{{AE}}{{PSD}}, {{SR}}
Mesothelioma must be differentiated from lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, peritoneal tuberculosis, restrictive cardiomyopathy, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.<ref>Mesothelioma. Radiopaedia. Accessed on 13th January, 2016.</ref>
Mesothelioma must be differentiated from [[pleural effusion]], [[lung cancer]], [[pulmonary tuberculosis]], [[tuberculosis|peritoneal tuberculosis]], [[pseudomyxoma peritonei]], [[constrictive pericarditis]], [[cystadenoma|ovarian cystadenoma]], and mesothelial hyperplasia of the testis.
==Differentiating Mesothelioma from other Diseases==
==Differentiating Mesothelioma from other Diseases==
Mesothelioma must be differentiated from:<ref name=ddxmesothelioma1>Differential diagnosis of mesothelioma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and A.Prof Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 3, 2016</ref>
*[[Pleural effusion]]  
===Differentiating Pleural Mesothelioma from other Diseases===
*[[Pulmonary tuberculosis]]
Pleural mesothelioma must be differentiated from:<ref name=ddxmesothelioma1>Differential diagnosis of mesothelioma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and A.Prof Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=pleuraltumors1>Dr Yuranga Weerakkody et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=ddxmesothelioma1>Differential diagnosis of mesothelioma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and A.Prof Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=pleuraltumors1>Dr Yuranga Weerakkody et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=ddxperitonealmesotheliomadifferentialdiagnosis1>Differential diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma. Dr Alexandra Stanislavsky et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=Primaryperitonealneoplasms1>Primary peritoneal neoplasms. Dr Praveen Jha and Radswiki et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=ddxpericardialmesotheliomadifferential1diagnosis1>Seek a Second Opinion to Avoid Misdiagnosis of Pericardial Mesothelioma. 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=ddxmulticysticmesotheliomadiffrntialdiagnsois1>Differential diagnosis of multicystic mesothelioma. Dr Aditya Shetty and Dr Yuranga Weerakkody et al. Raiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name="ChekolSun2012">{{cite journal|last1=Chekol|first1=Seble S|last2=Sun|first2=Chen-Chin|title=Malignant Mesothelioma of the Tunica Vaginalis Testis: Diagnostic Studies and Differential Diagnosis|journal=Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine|volume=136|issue=1|year=2012|pages=113–117|issn=0003-9985|doi=10.5858/arpa.2010-0550-RS}}</ref>
*[[asbestosis|Benign asbestos related pleural disease]]
*[[metastasis|Pleural metastases]]
*[[Pleural effusion]]
*[[lung cancer|Peripheral bronchogenic carcinoma]]
*[[asbestos|Benign asbestos-related pleural disease]]
*[[Solitary fibrous tumor of pleura]]
*[[bronchogenic carcinoma|Peripheral bronchogenic carcinoma]]
*Pleural fibrosis from infective/inflammatory source (e.g. [[actinomyctes]], [[tuberculosis]])
*Pleural fibrosis from infective/inflammatory source (e.g. [[actinomycetes]], [[tuberculosis]])
*[[Colorectal Cancer]]
*Primary pleural tumors
*[[Peritoneal tuberculosis]]
:*[[Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura]]
*[[Restrictive cardiomyopathy]]
:*[[fibrosarcoma|Pleural fibrosarcoma]]
*[[Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy]]
:*[[liposarcoma|Pleural liposarcoma]]
*Other causes of [[heart failure]]
:*[[lymphoma|Primary pleural lymphoma]]
:*[[synovial sarcoma|Pleural synovial sarcoma]]
*Secondary lesions that can involve the pleura
:*[[metastasis|Pleural metastases]]
:*[[Thymoma]] with pleural invasion
:*Pericardial tumors with pleural invasion
:*[[Ewing sarcoma]] of chest wall with pleural invasion
===Differentiating Peritoneal Mesothelioma from other Diseases===
Peritoneal mesothelioma must be differentiated from:<ref name=ddxperitonealmesotheliomadifferentialdiagnosis1>Differential diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma. Dr Alexandra Stanislavsky et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref><ref name=Primaryperitonealneoplasms1>Primary peritoneal neoplasms. Dr Praveen Jha and Radswiki et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref>
*[[Peritoneal carcinomatosis ]]
*[[Pseudomyxoma peritonei]]
*[[lymphoma|Lymphoma with peritoneal involvement]]
*[[tuberculosis|Peritoneal involvement with tuberculosis]]
*[[panniculitis|Mesenteric panniculitis]]
*Primary peritoneal adenomatoid tumor
*Primary peritoneal papillary serous carcinoma
*Primary peritoneal serous borderline tumor
*[[leiomyomatosis|Diffuse peritoneal leiomyomatosis]]
*[[Desmoplastic small round cell tumor|Desmoplastic small round cell tumor arising from the peritoneum]]
*[[Solitary fibrous tumor]] arising the peritoneum
*[[lymphangioma|Peritoneal lymphangioma]]
*[[Peritoneal inclusion cyst]]
*[[Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis|Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)]]
===Differentiating Pericardial Mesothelioma from other Diseases===
Pericardial mesothelioma must be differentiated from:<ref name=ddxpericardialmesotheliomadifferential1diagnosis1>Seek a Second Opinion to Avoid Misdiagnosis of Pericardial Mesothelioma. 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref>
*[[Heart failure]]
*[[Coronary heart disease]]
*[[Constrictive pericarditis]]
*[[tuberculosis|Tuberculosis pericarditis]]
*[[Cardiac tamponade]]
*[[myxoma|Intra-atrial myxoma]]
===Differentiating Multicystic Mesothelioma from other Diseases===
Multicystic mesothelioma must be differentiated from:<ref name=ddxmulticysticmesotheliomadiffrntialdiagnsois1>Differential diagnosis of multicystic mesothelioma. Dr Aditya Shetty and Dr Yuranga Weerakkody et al. Raiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016</ref>
*[[lymphangioma|Abdominopelvic cystic lymphangioma]]
*[[cystadenoma|Ovarian cystadenoma]]
*[[cystadenocarcinoma|Ovarian cystadenocarcinoma]]
*[[teratoma|Cystic teratoma]]
*Cystic mucinous tumor of pancreas
===Differentiating Tunica Vaginalis Testis Mesothelioma from other Diseases===
Tunica vaginalis testis mesothelioma must be differentiated from:<ref name="ChekolSun2012">{{cite journal|last1=Chekol|first1=Seble S|last2=Sun|first2=Chen-Chin|title=Malignant Mesothelioma of the Tunica Vaginalis Testis: Diagnostic Studies and Differential Diagnosis|journal=Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine|volume=136|issue=1|year=2012|pages=113–117|issn=0003-9985|doi=10.5858/arpa.2010-0550-RS}}</ref>
*Mesothelial hyperplasia of the testis
*[[Adenomatoid tumor]] of the testis
*[[adenocarcinoma|Rete testis adenocarcinoma]]
*Serous papillary tumors of the testis and epididymis
*[[rhabdomyosarcoma|Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma]]
*[[Malignant fibrous histiocytoma]]
*[[Germ cell tumor]]s of the testis
===Differentiating peritoneal Mesothelioma from other Diseases===
{| style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="2"
|+'''Differentiating peritoneal mesothelioma from other causes of peritonitis'''
! colspan="2" style="background: #4479BA; text-align: center;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| '''Disease'''}}
! colspan="1" style="background: #4479BA; text-align: center;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| '''Prominent clinical findings'''}}
! colspan="1" style="background: #4479BA; text-align: center;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| '''Lab tests'''}}
! colspan="1" style="background: #4479BA; text-align: center;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| '''Tratment'''}}
| rowspan="3" |'''Primary peritonitis'''
|'''[[Primary peritonitis|Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis]]'''
* Absence of GI [[perforation]], most closely associated with [[cirrhosis]] and [[Liver disease|advanced liver disease]].
* Presents with abrupt onset of [[fever]], [[abdominal pain]], [[distension]], and [[rebound tenderness]].
* Most have clinical and biochemical manifestations of advanced [[cirrhosis]] or [[nephrosis]] like [[leukocytosis]],[[hypoalbuminemia]],
* Prolonged [[prothrombin]] time. SAAG >1.1 g/dL, increased serum [[lactic acid]] level, or a decreased [[Ascites|ascitic fluid]] pH (< 7.31) supports the diagnosis. [[Gram staining]] reveals bacteria in only 25% of cases.
* Diagnosed by analysis of the [[Ascitic|ascitic fluid]] which reveals [[WBC]] > 500/ML, and [[PMN]] >250cells/ml.
* [[Culture medium|Culture]] of ascitic fluid inoculated immediately into [[blood culture]] media at the bedside usually reveals a single [[Enteric Bacilli|enteric organism]], most commonly ''[[Escherichia coli]]'', ''[[Klebsiella]]'', or [[streptococci]].
* Once diagnosed,it is treated with [[Ceftriaxone]].
|'''[[Tuberculous peritonitis]]'''
* Seen in 0.5% of new cases of [[tuberculosis]] particularly in young women in endemic areas as a primary infection.
* Presents with [[abdominal pain]] and [[distension]], [[fever]], [[night sweats]], [[weight loss]], and altered bowel habits.
* [[Ascites]] is present in about half of cases. [[Abdominal mass]] may be felt in a third of cases. The [[peritoneal fluid]] is characterized by a [[protein]] concentration > 3 g/dL with < 1.1 g/dL SAAG and [[Lymphocyte|lymphocyte predominance]] of [[WBC]].
* Definitive diagnosis in 80% of cases is by culture. Most patients presenting acutely are diagnosed only by [[laparotomy]].
* Combination [[Antituberculosis|antituberculosis chemotherapy]] is preferred in chronic cases.
|'''[[Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis|Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis]]''' [[Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis|('''CAPD peritonitis)''']]
* [[Peritonitis]] is one of the major complications of [[peritoneal dialysis]] & 72.6% occurred within the first six months of [[peritoneal dialysis]].
* Historically, [[coagulase-negative staphylococci]] were the most common cause of peritonitis in [[Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis|CAPD]], presumably due to touch contamination or infection via the pericatheter route.
* Treatment for [[peritoneal dialysis]]-associated peritonitis consists of [[Antimicrobial drug|antimicrobial therapy]], in some cases catheter removal is also warranted.
* Additional therapies for [[Peritonitis|relapsing or recurrent peritonitis]] may include [[Fibrinolytic agent|fibrinolytic agents]] and [[peritoneal lavage]]. Most episodes of peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis resolve with outpatient [[Antibiotic|antibiotic treatment]].
* Majority of [[peritonitis]] cases are caused by [[bacteria]] (50%-due to [[Gram-positive bacteria|gram positive]] organisms, 15% to [[gram negative]] organisms,20% were culture negative.2% of cases are caused by [[fungi]], mostly [[Candida]] species. Polymicrobial infection in 4%.Exit-site infection was present in 13% and a [[peritoneal fluid]] leak in 3 % and [[M.tuberculosis]] 0.1%.
* [[Antibiotic|Initial empiric antibiotic coverage]] for peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis consists of coverage for [[gram-positive]] organisms (by [[vancomycin]] or a [[Cephalosporins|first-generation cephalosporin]]) and [[gram-negative]] organisms (by a [[cephalosporin|third-generation cephalosporin]] or an [[aminoglycoside]]). Subsequently, the regimen should be adjusted based on [[Culture medium|culture]] and [[sensitivity]] data. Cure rates are approximately 75%.
| rowspan="2" |'''[[Secondary peritonitis]]'''
|'''Acute [[bacterial]] [[secondary peritonitis]]'''
* Occurs after perforating, penetrating, inflammatory, infectious, or [[ischemic]] injuries of the GI or GU tracts. Most often follows disruption of a hollow viscus?chemical peritonitis?bacterial peritonitis(polymicrobial, includes [[aerobic]] [[gram negative]] {[[E coli]], [[Klebsiella]], [[Enterobacter]], [[Proteus mirabilis]]} and gram positive { [[Enterococcus]], [[Streptococcus]]} and [[anaerobes]] {[[Bacteroides]], [[clostridia]]}).
* Presents with [[abdominal pain]], [[tenderness]], [[guarding]] or rigidity, [[distension]], free peritoneal air, and diminished [[bowel sounds]]. Signs that reflect irritation of the parietal peritoneum resulting [[ileus]]. Systemic findings include [[fever]], [[chills]] or [[rigors]], [[tachycardia]], [[sweating]], [[tachypnea]], [[restlessness]], [[dehydration]], [[oliguria]], [[disorientation]], and, ultimately, refractory [[shock]].
* [[Peritoneal lavage]], [[Laparoscopy]] are the treatment of choice.
|'''[[Biliary]] [[Secondary peritonitis|peritonitis]]'''
* Most often seen in cases of rupture of pathological [[gallbladder]] or [[bile duct]] or [[Cholangitis|cholangitic abscess]] or secondary to obstruction of  the [[biliary tract]].
* Seen in alcoholic patients with [[ascites]].
| colspan="2" |'''[[Peritonitis|Tertiary peritonitis]]'''
* Persistence or recurrence of [[Infection|intraabdominal infection]] following apparently adequate therapy of [[Peritonitis|primary or secondary peritonitis]].
* Associated with [[Mortality|high mortality]] due to multi organ dysfunction. It presents in a similar way as other [[peritonitis]] but is recognized as an adverse outcome with poor prognosis.
* [[Enterococcus]], [[Candida]], [[Staphylococcus epidermidis]], and [[Enterobacter]] being the most common organisms.
* Characterized by lack of response to appropriate surgical and [[antibiotic therapy]] due to disturbance in the hosts [[immune response]].
| colspan="2" |'''[[Familial mediterranean fever|Familial Mediterranean fever (periodic peritonitis, familial paroxysmal polyserositis)]]'''
* Rare [[Genetic disorder|genetic condition]] which affects individuals of Mediterranean genetic background.
* Etiology is unclear.
* Presents with recurrent bouts of [[abdominal pain]] and [[tenderness]] along with [[pleuritic]] or [[joint pain]]. [[Fever]] and [[leukocytosis]] are common.
* [[Colchicine]] prevents but does not treat acute attacks.
| colspan="2" |'''[[Granulomatous peritonitis]]'''
* A rare condition caused by disposable surgical fabrics or food particles from a [[perforated ulcer]], eliciting a vigorous [[granulomatous]] ([[Hypersensitivity|delayed hypersensitivity]]) response in some patients 2-6 weeks after [[laparotomy]].
* Presents with [[abdominal pain]], [[fever]], [[nausea and vomiting]], [[ileus]], and systemic complaints, mild and diffuse [[abdominal tenderness]].
* Diagnosed by the demonstration of diagnostic Maltese cross pattern of starch particles.
* The disease is self-limiting.
* Treated with [[corticosteroids]] or [[Anti inflammatory medications|anti-inflammatory agents]].
| colspan="2" |'''[[Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis]]'''
* Seen in conditions associated with long term [[peritoneal dialysis]], shunts like [[Ventriculoperitoneal shunt|VP shunts]], history of [[Abdominal surgery|abdominal surgeries]], [[liver transplantation]].
* Symptoms include [[nausea]], [[abdominal pain]], [[diarrhea]], [[anorexia]], bloody [[ascites]].
| colspan="2" |'''[[Abscess|Intraperitoneal abscesses]]'''
* Most common etiologies being [[Perforation|Gastrointestinal perforations]], postoperative complications, and penetrating injuries.
* Signs and symptoms depend on the location of the [[abscess]] within the [[peritoneal cavity]] and the extent of involvement of the surrounding structures.
* Diagnosis is suspected in any patient with a predisposing condition. In a third of cases it occurs as a sequela of [[Peritonitis|generalized peritonitis]].
* The pathogenic organisms are similar to those responsible for [[peritonitis]], but [[anaerobic]] organisms occupy an important role.
* The [[mortality rate]] of serious [[Abscesses|intra-abdominal abscesses]] is about 30%.
* Diagnosed best by [[CT-scans|CT]] scan of the abdomen.
* Treatment consists of prompt and complete [[CT]] or [[Ultrasound|US]] guided drainage of the [[abscess]], control of the primary cause, and adjunctive use of effective [[Antibiotics|antibiotics.]] Open drainage is reserved for [[abscesses]] for which percutaneous drainage is inappropriate or unsuccessful.
| colspan="2" |'''[[Peritoneal mesothelioma]]'''
* Arises from the [[mesothelium]] lining the [[peritoneal cavity]].
* Its incidence is approximately 300-500 new cases being diagnosed in the United States each year.  As with [[pleural mesothelioma]], there is an association with an [[Asbestos|asbestos exposure]].
* Most commonly affects men at the age of 50-69 years. Patients most often present with [[abdominal pain]] and later increased abdominal girth and [[ascites]] along with [[anorexia]], [[weight loss]] and [[abdominal pain]].
* Mean time from diagnosis to death is less than 1 year without treatment. 
* [[Computed tomography|CT]] with [[Contrast|intravenous contrast]] typically demonstrates the thickening of the [[peritoneum]]. [[Laparoscopy]] with tissue biopsy or CT guided tissue biopsy with [[immunohistochemical staining]] for [[calretinin]], [[cytokeratin|cytokeratin 5/6]], [[mesothelin]], and [[WT1|Wilms tumor 1 antigen]] remain the [[Gold standard (test)|gold standard]] for diagnosis.
* At [[laparotomy]] the goal is cytoreduction with [[excision]]. Debulking surgery and intraperitoneal [[chemotherapy]] improves survival in some cases.
| colspan="2" |'''[[peritoneal carcinomatosis]]'''
* Associated with a history of [[ovarian]] or [[Malignancy|GI tract malignancy]].
* Symptoms include [[ascites]], [[abdominal pain]], [[nausea]], [[vomiting]].

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[[Category:Mature chapter]]
[[Category:Mature chapter]]

Latest revision as of 20:23, 19 February 2019

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Parminder Dhingra, M.D. [2], Sujit Routray, M.D. [3]


Mesothelioma must be differentiated from pleural effusion, lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, peritoneal tuberculosis, pseudomyxoma peritonei, constrictive pericarditis, ovarian cystadenoma, and mesothelial hyperplasia of the testis.

Differentiating Mesothelioma from other Diseases

Differentiating Pleural Mesothelioma from other Diseases

Pleural mesothelioma must be differentiated from:[1][2][1][2][3][4][5][6][7]

  • Secondary lesions that can involve the pleura

Differentiating Peritoneal Mesothelioma from other Diseases

Peritoneal mesothelioma must be differentiated from:[3][4]

Differentiating Pericardial Mesothelioma from other Diseases

Pericardial mesothelioma must be differentiated from:[5]

Differentiating Multicystic Mesothelioma from other Diseases

Multicystic mesothelioma must be differentiated from:[6]

Differentiating Tunica Vaginalis Testis Mesothelioma from other Diseases

Tunica vaginalis testis mesothelioma must be differentiated from:[7]

Differentiating peritoneal Mesothelioma from other Diseases

Differentiating peritoneal mesothelioma from other causes of peritonitis
Disease Prominent clinical findings Lab tests Tratment
Primary peritonitis Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Tuberculous peritonitis
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD peritonitis)
Secondary peritonitis Acute bacterial secondary peritonitis
Biliary peritonitis
Tertiary peritonitis
Familial Mediterranean fever (periodic peritonitis, familial paroxysmal polyserositis)
  • Colchicine prevents but does not treat acute attacks.
Granulomatous peritonitis
  • Diagnosed by the demonstration of diagnostic Maltese cross pattern of starch particles.
Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis
Intraperitoneal abscesses
  • Diagnosed best by CT scan of the abdomen.
  • Treatment consists of prompt and complete CT or US guided drainage of the abscess, control of the primary cause, and adjunctive use of effective antibiotics. Open drainage is reserved for abscesses for which percutaneous drainage is inappropriate or unsuccessful.
Peritoneal mesothelioma
peritoneal carcinomatosis


  1. 1.0 1.1 Differential diagnosis of mesothelioma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and A.Prof Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016
  2. 2.0 2.1 Dr Yuranga Weerakkody et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016
  3. 3.0 3.1 Differential diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma. Dr Alexandra Stanislavsky et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016
  4. 4.0 4.1 Primary peritoneal neoplasms. Dr Praveen Jha and Radswiki et al. Radiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016
  5. 5.0 5.1 Seek a Second Opinion to Avoid Misdiagnosis of Pericardial Mesothelioma. 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016
  6. 6.0 6.1 Differential diagnosis of multicystic mesothelioma. Dr Aditya Shetty and Dr Yuranga Weerakkody et al. Raiopaedia 2016. Accessed on February 12, 2016
  7. 7.0 7.1 Chekol, Seble S; Sun, Chen-Chin (2012). "Malignant Mesothelioma of the Tunica Vaginalis Testis: Diagnostic Studies and Differential Diagnosis". Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. 136 (1): 113–117. doi:10.5858/arpa.2010-0550-RS. ISSN 0003-9985.

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