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{{Morton's neuroma}} | {{Morton's neuroma}} | ||
{{CMG}} {{AE}}{{Faizan}} | {{CMG}} {{AE}}{{S.M.}}{{Faizan}} | ||
==Overview== | ==Overview== | ||
'''Morton's neuroma''' is a [[benign]] [[neuroma]] of the interdigital [[plantar nerve]]. | '''Morton's neuroma''' is a [[benign]] [[neuroma]] of the [[Intermetatarsal|interdigital]] [[plantar nerve]]. Although it is [[Label|labeled]] a "[[neuroma]]", many sources do not consider it a true [[tumor]], but rather a [[Thickener|thickening]] of existing [[Tissue (biology)|tissue]] or a [[Swelling|swollen]], [[inflamed]] [[nerve]] [[Location parameter|located]] between the [[bones]] at the [[Ball (anatomy)|ball]] of the [[foot]]. The most common [[Location parameter|location]] of a [[Morton's neuroma]] is in either the second or the third [[Intermetatarsal|spacing]] from the [[base]] of the [[big toe]]. It is [[Characterization (mathematics)|characterised]] by [[numbness]] & [[Pain and nociception|pain]], and [[Pain relief|relieved]] by removing [[Foot|footwear]]. | ||
is | |||
==Historical Perspective== | ==Historical Perspective== | ||
The | The [[Term logic|term]] [[neuroma]] originates from two [[Greek key|Greek]] words, ''[[NeuroArm|neuro]]-'' from the [[Greek key|Greek]] word for ''[[nerve]]'' (νεῦρον), and ''-oma'' (-ωμα) from the [[Greek key|Greek]] word for ''[[swelling]]''. In 1876, [[neuroma]] was first described by Thomas [[Morton's neuroma|Morton]] and [[Morton's neuroma]] was first correctly described by a chiropodist named Durlacher. In 2000, a small [[Study design|study]][[Review|reviewed]] the [[medical records]] of 85 [[People's Solidarity|people]] who had their [[feet]] [[Image|imaged]] with [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]], and it was found out that 33% of the [[patients]] had [[morton's neuroma]] without any [[pain]]. | ||
==Pathophysiology== | |||
[[Morton's neuroma]] is [[Association (statistics)|associated]] with [[symptomatic]] [[Collapse (medical)|collapse]] of the [[Transverse arch of the foot|transverse arch]] by [[Perineural fibroma|perineural]] [[fibrosis]] around a [[plantar]] [[digital nerve]] of the [[foot]] due to [[Chronic (medical)|chronic]][[Traction (orthopedics)|traction]] and increased [[pressure]]/[[Compression bandage|compression]] on the interdigital [[nerve]]. It is [[Location parameter|located]] at the [[Third metatarsal bone|third]] [[Intermetatarsal|intermetatarsal space]] most commonly (between [[Third metatarsal bone|third]] and [[Fourth metatarsal bone|fourth metatarsals]]), and sometimes [[Second metatarsal bone|second]] or [[Fourth metatarsal bone|fourth]] interspaces or [[bifurcation]] of the fourth [[plantar]] [[digital nerve]]. [[Gross pathology|Gross pathological]] [[Features (pattern recognition)|features]] of [[morton's neuroma]] include adherent fibrofatty [[Tissue (biology)|tissue]], small, [[Firming agent|firm]], [[oval]], [[Yellowing|yellowish]]-[[White (mutation)|white]], [[Slow|slowly]] [[Growth|growing]], [[palpable]] [[nodule]] on [[skin]] (no discoloration of [[skin]] on the [[Top note|top]] of [[nodule]]) and </=2cm in [[Size consistency|size]]. [[Histopathological]] [[analysis]] is [[Characterization (mathematics)|characterized]] by extensive [[fibrosis]] around and within the [[nerve]], [[Digit ratio|digital]] [[artery]], [[Thrombosis|thrombosis,]] [[Epineurium|epineural]] and [[Endoneurium|endoneural]] [[arterial]][[Thickener|thickening]]/[[vascular]] [[Hyaline|hyalinization]], and [[Degenerate|degenerated]]/[[Demyelination|demyelinated]] [[axons]]. [[Possibility theory|Possible]] [[Tissue (biology)|tissue]] [[Pathological|pathologies]] [[Association (statistics)|associated]] with [[Intermetatarsal|interdigital]] [[pain]] of [[morton's neuroma]] include [[Perineural fibroma|perineural]] [[fibrosis]], [[Endoneurium|endoneural]] [[edema]], [[Neurofibroma|neurofibromata]], angioneurofibromata, [[local]] [[demyelination]], and [[local]] [[vascular]] [[degeneration]]. | |||
==Causes== | ==Causes== | ||
The exact cause is unknown. | The exact [[Causes|cause]] is unknown. However, [[morton's neuroma]] is [[Belief revision|believed]] to be [[Association (statistics)|associated]] with [[Wear red day|wearing]] tight [[Shoe insert|shoes]] with tapered [[toe]] [[box]] or high [[Heel|heels]], overpronation, [[abnormal]] [[Position effect|positioning]] of [[toes]], [[flat feet]], [[Foot|forefoot]] [[Problem Solved|problems]] such as [[Bunion|bunions]] and [[Hammer toe|hammer toes]], and high [[Arches of the foot|foot arches]]. | ||
==Differentiating Morton's Neuroma from other diseases== | ==Differentiating Morton's Neuroma from other diseases== | ||
Morton's neuroma must be differentiated from other causes of pain in the forefoot. | [[Morton's neuroma]] must be [[Differentiate|differentiated]] from other [[causes]] of [[pain]] in the [[Foot|forefoot]] such as [[metatarsophalangeal joint]] [[Capsule|capsulitis]], [[intermetatarsal]] [[bursitis]], [[Callus|calluses]], [[Stress fracture|stress fractures]], [[Freiberg infraction|Freiberg's disease]], [[osteomyelitis]], [[Localized disease|localized]] [[vasculitis]], [[ischemia]] of [[plantar]] digital [[artery]], [[tarsal tunnel syndrome]], [[rheumatoid arthritis]], [[peripheral neuritis]], [[synovitis]], [[tendonitis]], and [[avascular necrosis]]. | ||
==Epidemiology and Demographics== | ==Epidemiology and Demographics== | ||
Morton neuroma is more common in women than | [[Morton's neuroma]] is more common in [[Womens Pack|women]] than [[men]]. | ||
==Risk Factors== | ==Risk Factors== | ||
Risk factors for | [[Risk factors]] for [[morton's neuroma]] include [[Improper rotation|improper]] [[Foot|footwear]]/tight [[Shoe insert|shoes]] with tapered [[toe]] [[box]], [[abnormal]] [[Position effect|positioning]] of [[toes]], [[flat feet]], [[Foot|forefoot]] [[Problem Solved|problems]] such as [[Bunion|bunions]] and [[Hammer toe|hammer toes]], high [[Arches of the foot|foot arches]], high [[Heel|heels]], overpronation, [[Gait Abnormalities|gait abnormalities]], and high-[[Impacted|impact]] [[Sports Medicine|sports]] such as [[Rock climbing|rock-climbing]], ballet dancing, jogging, [[running]], [[snow]] skiing, racquet and court [[Sports medicine|sports]]. | ||
==Natural History, Complications and Prognosis== | ==Natural History, Complications and Prognosis== | ||
[[Symptoms]] of [[morton's neuroma]] begin gradually and initially occur only occasionally while [[Wear red day|wearing]] the narrow-[[Toe|toed]] [[Shoe insert|shoes]] and [[Performance status|performing]] [[Certain safety factor|certain]] aggravating [[Activities of daily living|activities]]. [[Symptoms]] may go away temporarily by [[Elimination communication|removing]] the [[Shoe insert|shoe]], [[Massage|massaging]] the [[foot]] and [[Avoidance reaction|avoiding]] the aggravating [[Shoe insert|shoes]]/[[Activities of daily living|activities]]. [[Symptoms]] become even more [[Intensity|intense]] & start to worsen progressively with time and may persist for several [[Day spa|days]] or weeks. Ultimately, the temporary changes in the [[nerve]] become permanent if left untreated for prolonged [[periods]] of [[Time constant|time]]. Common [[complications]] of [[morton's neuroma]] include [[Difficulty walking|difficult walking]], [[trouble]] [[Performance status|performing]] [[Activities of daily living|activities]] that [[Puto|put]][[pressure]] on the [[foot]] ([[Pressor|pressing]] the [[gas]] pedal of an [[Automobile accident|automobile]]), and [[feet]] hurt with [[Wear red day|wearing]] [[Certain safety factor|certain]] types of [[Shoe insert|shoes]] especially high-[[Heel|heels]]. [[Post operative complications|Postoperative complications]]<nowiki/>include [[Permanent cosmetics|permanent]] non-[[painful]] [[numbness]], small [[RiskMetrics|risk]] of [[infection]] around [[toes]] [[after surgery]], [[Incision|incisional]] [[Sore|soreness]], [[scarring]], & [[Recurring dream|recurring]] stump [[Neuroma|neuromas]]. Non-[[Surgery|surgical]][[Treatments|treatment]] is successful in 80% of the [[Case-based reasoning|cases]] but does not always [[Improving agent|improve]] [[symptoms]] and [[surgery]] to remove the [[Thickener|thickened]] [[Tissue (biology)|tissue]] is successful in about 85% of [[Case-based reasoning|cases]]. | |||
==History and Symptoms== | ==History and Symptoms== | ||
[[Morton's neuroma]] is most commonly [[Location parameter|located]] at the [[Third metatarsal bone|third]] [[intermetatarsal]] [[Spacetime|space]], with other [[Site Master File|sites]] being involved including [[Second metatarsal bone|second]] or [[Fourth metatarsal bone|fourth]] [[Intermetatarsal|interspaces]], at the [[bifurcation]] of the fourth [[plantar]] [[digital nerve]] and [[Fifth metatarsal|fifth]] [[Intermetatarsal|interspace]] [[Rare|rarely]]. [[Patient]] complaints of [[feeling]] like <nowiki>''</nowiki>[[walking]] on a marble<nowiki>''</nowiki>. Most common [[symptom]] of [[morton's neuroma]] includes persistent [[pain]] on [[weight]] bearing [[Affect|affecting]] the [[contiguous]] [[Half cell|halves]] of two [[toes]], with the [[nature]] of [[pain]] being [[Shooting, shoveling, and shutting up|shooting]], [[Burn|burning]], stabbing, [[raw]], gnawing or [[Sick|sickening]] [[sensations]]. Other [[symptoms]] may include [[numbness]], [[parasthesia]], [[dysesthesia]], [[Function (biology)|functional]] [[impairment]] and [[psychological]] [[distress]] [[Association (statistics)|associated]]<nowiki/>with severe decrease in the [[quality of life]]. | |||
==Physical Examination== | ==Physical Examination== | ||
Direct pressure between the metatarsal heads | [[Patients]] may have antalgic [[posture]]. [[Physical examination]] may be remarkable for [[tenderness]] to [[palpation]], [[Limit theorem|limitation]] of [[range of motion]], [[Pain|dysesthetic pain]] and [[Mulder's sign]] which includes [[replication]] of [[symptoms]] or [[Click chemistry|clicking]] [[sensations]] upon [[Direct Fick|direct]] [[pressure]] between the [[Metatarsal bones|metatarsal heads]] or [[Compression bandage|compression]] of [[Transverse arch of the foot|transverse arch in forefoot]] between the [[finger]] and [[thumb]]. [[Negative control|Negative]] [[signs]] include no obvious [[deformities]], [[erythema]] or [[signs]] of [[inflammation]]. | ||
==Laboratory Findings== | ==Laboratory Findings== | ||
Blood tests are done to check for inflammation-related conditions, including certain forms of arthritis. | [[Blood tests]] are [[done]] to [[check]] for [[inflammation]]-[[Related phenomena|related]] [[conditions]], including [[Certain safety factor|certain]] [[Formal charge|forms]] of [[arthritis]]. | ||
==X-Ray== | ==X-Ray== | ||
A foot x-ray may be done to rule out bone pathologies. | A [[foot]] [[x-ray]] may be done to rule out [[bone]] [[Pathology|pathologies]] such as [[arthritis]] or any [[Stress fracture|stress fractures]]. | ||
== | ==MRI== | ||
[[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]] can successfully [[diagnose]] and [[Assessment and Plan|assess]] the [[Location parameter|location]], [[Size consistency|size]], and [[soft tissue]] [[abnormalities]] [[Association (statistics)|associated]] with [[Morton's neuroma]]. As there's a 26% chance of [[morton's neuroma]] [[Recurrence plot|recurrence]] [[after surgery]], hence, [[Post-operative complications|post-operative]] [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MR imaging]] can [[Help Menu|help]] rule out any [[Recurrence plot|recurrence]]. [[Morton's neuroma]]-like [[abnormalities]] are seen in [[asymptomatic]] and [[symptomatic]] [[intermetatarsal]] spaces on [[MRI]] after the [[resection]] of [[morton's neuroma]]. There's a [[Significant figure|significant]] [[Difference (philosophy)|difference]] in the [[appearance]] of [[morton's neuroma]] on [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]] done in different [[Position effect|positions]] such as [[Prone position|prone]], [[supine]], or [[weight]]-bearing, with the [[morton's neuroma]] being best [[Visible spectrum|visible]] in the [[prone position]]. | |||
==Other Imaging Findings== | |||
== | [[Imaging]] findings on [[Higher Power|high]]-[[resolution]] [[ultrasound]] may [[Help desk|help]] to find out or [[differentiate]] any [[soft tissue]] [[abnormalities]] from [[morton's neuroma]]. In 2000, a [[Study design|study]] was [[Conduct|conducted]] in which [[ultrasound]] [[done]] on [[patients]] with [[morton's neuroma]] demonstrated to have 100% [[sensitivity]], 83.3% [[specificity]] and 96.7% [[accuracy]] in [[Detection theory|detecting]]<nowiki/>the [[Location parameter|location]] of [[morton's neuroma]]. [[Symptomatic]] [[morton's neuroma]] is at least 5 mm in [[diameter]] on [[sonogram]]. A presumed [[plantar]] [[digital nerve]] identified in [[Continuity equation|continuity]] with the [[mass]] on [[ultrasound]] [[Lead|leads]] to an improved [[diagnostic]] [[Confidence level|confidence]] of [[morton's neuroma]]. | ||
==Other Diagnostic Tests== | |||
[[Nerve]] [[testing]] such as [[electromyography]] cannot definitely [[diagnose]] [[Morton's neuroma]], but may be [[Usage analysis|used]] to rule out [[conditions]] that [[Causes|cause]] [[Similarity matrix|similar]] [[symptoms]]. | |||
==Medical Therapy== | |||
<nowiki/>'''<nowiki/>''' | |||
Non-[[Surgery|surgical]] [[Treatments|treatment]] is [[Institute of Medicine|instituted]] first for the [[Treatments|treatment]] of [[morton's neuroma]]. Firstly, the conservative [[Measure (mathematics)|measures]] are [[Usage analysis|used]] for the [[pain relief]] such as decreasing the [[pressure]] on [[Metatarsal|metatarsal heads]] by [[Usage analysis|using]] [[Metatarsals|metatarsal]] [[support]], [[bars]], padded [[shoe insert]] just [[proximal]] to the [[Metatarsal|metatarsal head]], [[Tapping AFM|tapping]] the [[toe]] [[area]], [[orthotics]], [[Specialize|specialized]] [[orthopedic]] [[Shoe insert|shoes]], [[Shoe insert|shoes]] with [[Wide and fast|wider]] [[toe]] [[Box|boxes]] allowing [[Spreading activation|spread]] of [[Metatarsal bones|metatarsal heads]], low [[Heel|heels]], [[Good Friends (Cereal)|good]] [[arch support]] & [[Stiff pattern|stiff]] [[soles]], determining [[Proper linear model|proper]] [[Shoe insert|shoe]]<nowiki/>width, [[physical therapy]], [[Massage|massaging]] [[Ball (anatomy)|ball]] of the [[foot]], [[Strength training|strength]] [[exercises]] for [[Intrinsic factor|intrinsic]] [[foot]] [[muscles]], [[stretching]] [[exercises]] for [[foot]] [[tendons]] & [[ligaments]], [[Rest cure|resting]] the [[foot]], applying [[Ice pack|ice packs]] to the [[sore]] [[foot]] [[Area|areas]] and [[weight loss]] in [[overweight]] [[patients]]. When conservative [[Measure (mathematics)|measures]] [[Failure|fail]], [[Medical therapy template|medical therapy]] is [[Usage analysis|used]] which includes [[Tricyclic antidepressant|tricyclic antidepressants]], [[anticonvulsants]], [[Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor|serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors]], [[prolotherapy]] via Hackett-Hemwall technique which includes [[ultrasound]]-[[Guidant|guided]][[Intermetatarsal|interdigital]] [[Injection (medicine)|injection]] of [[Nerve block|nerve blocking]] [[AgentSheets|agents]] such as [[steroids]], [[Local anaesthetic|local anaesthetics]], [[dextrose]], [[Anti-inflammatory drug|anti-inflammatory drugs]] or 4% [[alcohol]] sclerosing [[injections]] via '''[[dorsal]]<nowiki/>approach''' into the [[Site management organization|site]] of [[tenderness]], [[oral]] or [[Injected|injectable]] [[Anti-inflammatory drug|anti-inflammatory drugs]] and [[painkillers]]. | |||
==Surgery== | ==Surgery== | ||
In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove the thickened tissue | [[Surgery]] is the last resort in the [[Treatments|treatment]] of [[morton's neuroma]]. In some [[Case-based reasoning|cases]], [[surgery]] may be needed to remove the [[Thickener|thickened]] [[tissue]]/[[Affect|affected]] [[nerve]] in order to [[Help Menu|help]] [[Release (information centre)|release]] the [[pressure]] on the [[Affect|affected]] [[nerve]], [[Pain relief|relieve]] the [[pain]] and [[Improving agent|improve]] [[foot]] [[Function (biology)|function]]. [[Fewmets|Few]] [[complications]] [[after surgery]] are possible and include [[Permanent cosmetics|permanent]] nonpainful [[numbness]] if a [[Portion control (dieting)|portion]] of the [[Affect|affected]] [[nerve]] is removed, [[RiskMetrics|risk]] of [[Postoperative complication|postoperative]] [[infection]] around the [[toes]], [[Incision|incisional]] [[Sore|soreness]], [[scarring]], and [[Recurring dream|recurring]] stump [[Neuroma|neuromas.]] [[Morton's neuroma]] can be removed [[Surgery|surgically]] either via [[dorsal]] or [[plantar]] approach, with each approach having its own merits and demerits. [[Dependency ratio|Depending]]<nowiki/>upon each [[Individual growth|individual]] [[Case-based reasoning|case]], [[Differentiate|different]] [[surgical procedures]] that can be [[Usage analysis|used]] for the [[Treatments|treatment]] of [[morton's neuroma]] include [[neurectomy]], [[cryogenic]][[surgery]]/neuroablation, and [[decompression]] [[surgery]]. | ||
==Primary prevention== | |||
[[Primary prevention|Primary preventive measures]] for [[morton's neuroma]] include [[Avoidance reaction|avoiding]] [[Illness|ill]]-[[Fitness (biology)|fitting]] [[Shoe insert|shoes]], high [[Heel|heels]], narrow-[[Toe|toed]] [[Shoe insert|shoes]], overpronation, high-[[Impacted|impact]] [[Sports medicine|sports]] such as [[Rock climbing|rock-climbing]], ballet dancing, jogging, [[running]], [[snow]] skiing, [[Wear red day|wearing]] comfortable [[Shoe insert|shoes]] with [[Wide and fast|wide]] [[toe]] [[box]], low [[Heel|heels]] & [[Good Friends (Cereal)|good]] [[arch support]] and [[Wear red day|wearing]] [[Athletic trainer|athletic]] [[Shoe insert|shoes]] (with enough padding in the [[soles]]) while [[running]] or [[Play therapy|playing]] [[Sports medicine|sports]]. | |||
==References== | ==References== |
Latest revision as of 20:14, 24 June 2019
Morton's neuroma Microchapters |
Diagnosis |
Treatment |
Case Studies |
Morton's neuroma overview On the Web |
American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Morton's neuroma overview |
Risk calculators and risk factors for Morton's neuroma overview |
Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Sara Mohsin, M.D.[2]Faizan Sheraz, M.D. [3]
Morton's neuroma is a benign neuroma of the interdigital plantar nerve. Although it is labeled a "neuroma", many sources do not consider it a true tumor, but rather a thickening of existing tissue or a swollen, inflamed nerve located between the bones at the ball of the foot. The most common location of a Morton's neuroma is in either the second or the third spacing from the base of the big toe. It is characterised by numbness & pain, and relieved by removing footwear.
Historical Perspective
The term neuroma originates from two Greek words, neuro- from the Greek word for nerve (νεῦρον), and -oma (-ωμα) from the Greek word for swelling. In 1876, neuroma was first described by Thomas Morton and Morton's neuroma was first correctly described by a chiropodist named Durlacher. In 2000, a small studyreviewed the medical records of 85 people who had their feet imaged with MRI, and it was found out that 33% of the patients had morton's neuroma without any pain.
Morton's neuroma is associated with symptomatic collapse of the transverse arch by perineural fibrosis around a plantar digital nerve of the foot due to chronictraction and increased pressure/compression on the interdigital nerve. It is located at the third intermetatarsal space most commonly (between third and fourth metatarsals), and sometimes second or fourth interspaces or bifurcation of the fourth plantar digital nerve. Gross pathological features of morton's neuroma include adherent fibrofatty tissue, small, firm, oval, yellowish-white, slowly growing, palpable nodule on skin (no discoloration of skin on the top of nodule) and </=2cm in size. Histopathological analysis is characterized by extensive fibrosis around and within the nerve, digital artery, thrombosis, epineural and endoneural arterialthickening/vascular hyalinization, and degenerated/demyelinated axons. Possible tissue pathologies associated with interdigital pain of morton's neuroma include perineural fibrosis, endoneural edema, neurofibromata, angioneurofibromata, local demyelination, and local vascular degeneration.
The exact cause is unknown. However, morton's neuroma is believed to be associated with wearing tight shoes with tapered toe box or high heels, overpronation, abnormal positioning of toes, flat feet, forefoot problems such as bunions and hammer toes, and high foot arches.
Differentiating Morton's Neuroma from other diseases
Morton's neuroma must be differentiated from other causes of pain in the forefoot such as metatarsophalangeal joint capsulitis, intermetatarsal bursitis, calluses, stress fractures, Freiberg's disease, osteomyelitis, localized vasculitis, ischemia of plantar digital artery, tarsal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuritis, synovitis, tendonitis, and avascular necrosis.
Epidemiology and Demographics
Morton's neuroma is more common in women than men.
Risk Factors
Risk factors for morton's neuroma include improper footwear/tight shoes with tapered toe box, abnormal positioning of toes, flat feet, forefoot problems such as bunions and hammer toes, high foot arches, high heels, overpronation, gait abnormalities, and high-impact sports such as rock-climbing, ballet dancing, jogging, running, snow skiing, racquet and court sports.
Natural History, Complications and Prognosis
Symptoms of morton's neuroma begin gradually and initially occur only occasionally while wearing the narrow-toed shoes and performing certain aggravating activities. Symptoms may go away temporarily by removing the shoe, massaging the foot and avoiding the aggravating shoes/activities. Symptoms become even more intense & start to worsen progressively with time and may persist for several days or weeks. Ultimately, the temporary changes in the nerve become permanent if left untreated for prolonged periods of time. Common complications of morton's neuroma include difficult walking, trouble performing activities that putpressure on the foot (pressing the gas pedal of an automobile), and feet hurt with wearing certain types of shoes especially high-heels. Postoperative complicationsinclude permanent non-painful numbness, small risk of infection around toes after surgery, incisional soreness, scarring, & recurring stump neuromas. Non-surgicaltreatment is successful in 80% of the cases but does not always improve symptoms and surgery to remove the thickened tissue is successful in about 85% of cases.
History and Symptoms
Morton's neuroma is most commonly located at the third intermetatarsal space, with other sites being involved including second or fourth interspaces, at the bifurcation of the fourth plantar digital nerve and fifth interspace rarely. Patient complaints of feeling like ''walking on a marble''. Most common symptom of morton's neuroma includes persistent pain on weight bearing affecting the contiguous halves of two toes, with the nature of pain being shooting, burning, stabbing, raw, gnawing or sickening sensations. Other symptoms may include numbness, parasthesia, dysesthesia, functional impairment and psychological distress associatedwith severe decrease in the quality of life.
Physical Examination
Patients may have antalgic posture. Physical examination may be remarkable for tenderness to palpation, limitation of range of motion, dysesthetic pain and Mulder's sign which includes replication of symptoms or clicking sensations upon direct pressure between the metatarsal heads or compression of transverse arch in forefoot between the finger and thumb. Negative signs include no obvious deformities, erythema or signs of inflammation.
Laboratory Findings
Blood tests are done to check for inflammation-related conditions, including certain forms of arthritis.
A foot x-ray may be done to rule out bone pathologies such as arthritis or any stress fractures.
MRI can successfully diagnose and assess the location, size, and soft tissue abnormalities associated with Morton's neuroma. As there's a 26% chance of morton's neuroma recurrence after surgery, hence, post-operative MR imaging can help rule out any recurrence. Morton's neuroma-like abnormalities are seen in asymptomatic and symptomatic intermetatarsal spaces on MRI after the resection of morton's neuroma. There's a significant difference in the appearance of morton's neuroma on MRI done in different positions such as prone, supine, or weight-bearing, with the morton's neuroma being best visible in the prone position.
Other Imaging Findings
Imaging findings on high-resolution ultrasound may help to find out or differentiate any soft tissue abnormalities from morton's neuroma. In 2000, a study was conducted in which ultrasound done on patients with morton's neuroma demonstrated to have 100% sensitivity, 83.3% specificity and 96.7% accuracy in detectingthe location of morton's neuroma. Symptomatic morton's neuroma is at least 5 mm in diameter on sonogram. A presumed plantar digital nerve identified in continuity with the mass on ultrasound leads to an improved diagnostic confidence of morton's neuroma.
Other Diagnostic Tests
Nerve testing such as electromyography cannot definitely diagnose Morton's neuroma, but may be used to rule out conditions that cause similar symptoms.
Medical Therapy
Non-surgical treatment is instituted first for the treatment of morton's neuroma. Firstly, the conservative measures are used for the pain relief such as decreasing the pressure on metatarsal heads by using metatarsal support, bars, padded shoe insert just proximal to the metatarsal head, tapping the toe area, orthotics, specialized orthopedic shoes, shoes with wider toe boxes allowing spread of metatarsal heads, low heels, good arch support & stiff soles, determining proper shoewidth, physical therapy, massaging ball of the foot, strength exercises for intrinsic foot muscles, stretching exercises for foot tendons & ligaments, resting the foot, applying ice packs to the sore foot areas and weight loss in overweight patients. When conservative measures fail, medical therapy is used which includes tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, prolotherapy via Hackett-Hemwall technique which includes ultrasound-guidedinterdigital injection of nerve blocking agents such as steroids, local anaesthetics, dextrose, anti-inflammatory drugs or 4% alcohol sclerosing injections via dorsalapproach into the site of tenderness, oral or injectable anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers.
Surgery is the last resort in the treatment of morton's neuroma. In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove the thickened tissue/affected nerve in order to help release the pressure on the affected nerve, relieve the pain and improve foot function. Few complications after surgery are possible and include permanent nonpainful numbness if a portion of the affected nerve is removed, risk of postoperative infection around the toes, incisional soreness, scarring, and recurring stump neuromas. Morton's neuroma can be removed surgically either via dorsal or plantar approach, with each approach having its own merits and demerits. Dependingupon each individual case, different surgical procedures that can be used for the treatment of morton's neuroma include neurectomy, cryogenicsurgery/neuroablation, and decompression surgery.
Primary prevention
Primary preventive measures for morton's neuroma include avoiding ill-fitting shoes, high heels, narrow-toed shoes, overpronation, high-impact sports such as rock-climbing, ballet dancing, jogging, running, snow skiing, wearing comfortable shoes with wide toe box, low heels & good arch support and wearing athletic shoes (with enough padding in the soles) while running or playing sports.