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Causes of heart murmur can be grouped into [[functional murmur|functional]], also known as innocent murmur, physiologic and pathological murmur. [[Still murmur]] is one of the causes of functional murmur. Causes of physiologic murmur include [[atriovenous fistula]] and [[pregnancy]]. Pathological murmur can result from a broad variety such as valvular stenosis, valvular insufficiency, [[mitral valve prolapse]], [[right-to-left shunt]] and [[left-to-right shunt]].
Causes of heart murmur can be grouped into [[functional murmur|functional]], also known as [[innocent murmur]], [[physiologic]] and pathological murmurs. [[Still murmur]] is one of the causes of [[functional murmur]]. Causes of physiologic murmur include [[arteriovenous fistula]] and [[pregnancy]]. Pathological murmur can result from a broad variety of conditions such as [[valvular stenosis]], valvular insufficiency, [[mitral valve prolapse]], [[right-to-left shunt]] and [[left-to-right shunt]].

==Common Causes==
=== Diastolic Heart Murmurs ===
* [[Aortic insufficiency]]
* [[Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage]] with [[left-to-right shunt]]
* [[Atrial myxoma]]
* [[Atrial septal defect|Atrial septal defect (ASD)]] with [[left-to-right shunt]]
* [[Austin Flint murmur]]
* [[Bronchial artery|Bronchial collateral circulation]]
* [[Carey-Coombs murmur]]
* [[Venous hum|Cervical venous hum]]
* [[Coarctation of the aorta]]
* [[Arteriovenous fistula|Coronary or pulmonary arteriovenous malformation]]
* [[Hepatic venous hum]]
* [[Mammary souffle]]
* [[Mitral stenosis]]
* [[Patent Ductus Arteriosus| Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)]]
* [[Pericarditis|Pericardial knock]]
* [[Pulmonary artery stenosis]]
* [[Pulmonic regurgitation|Pulmonary insufficiency]]
* [[Tricuspid stenosis]]

=== Systolic Heart Murmurs ===
*[[Systolic murmur]]<ref name="pmid21250186">{{cite journal| author=Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW| title=Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations | journal= | year= 1990 | volume=  | issue=  | pages=  | pmid=21250186 | doi= | pmc= | url= }} </ref>
* [[Aortic sclerosis]]
**[[Ejection murmurs]]
* [[Aortic stenosis]]
* [[Atrial septal defect]]
****[[Still's murmur]] and its adult variant
* [[Bicuspid aortic valve]]
****Flow [[murmur]] emanating from the root of the [[pulmonary artery]]
* [[Venous hum|Cervical venous hum]]
****[[Murmur]] associated with high [[cardiac output]] states
* [[Coarctation of the aorta]]
****Flow murmurs associated with [[Aorta|aortic]] or [[pulmonary]] valvular insufficiency
* [[Arteriovenous fistula|Coronary or pulmonary arteriovenous malformation]]
* [[Endocarditis]]
****Valvular [[aortic stenosis]]
* [[Hepatic venous hum]]
****[[Aortic sclerosis]]
* [[Hyperthyroidism]]
****Discrete [[subvalvular aortic stenosis]] (web or tunnel)
* [[Innocent murmur]]
****[[Supravalvular aortic stenosis]]
* [[Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction]]
****[[Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy]]
* [[Mammary souffle]]
****[[Pulmonary valvular stenosis]]
* [[Mitral insufficiency]]
****[[Pulmonary infundibular stenosis]]
* [[Mitral valve prolapse]]
****[[Atrial septal defect]]
* [[Papillary muscle dysfunction]]
****[[Tetralogy of Fallot]]
* [[Patent ductus arteriosus|Patent ductus arteriosus PDA)]]
**Regurgitant murmurs
* [[Pericardial friction rub]]s
***Functional: none
* [[Pulmonary artery stenosis|Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis]]
* [[Artificial heart valve|Prosthetic valve]]
****[[Mitral regurgitation]]:
* [[Pulmonary artery stenosis]]
*****[[Rheumatic disease|Rheumatic]]
* [[Pulmonic stenosis|Pulmonic outflow obstruction]]
*****[[Papillary muscle]] dysfunction
* [[Still's murmur]]
*****[[Mitral valve prolapse]]
* [[Tricuspid insufficiency]]
* [[Ventricular septal defect]]
****[[Tricuspid regurgitation]]:
===Continuous Murmurs===
* [[Aortic coarctation]]
****[[Ventricular septal defect]]
* [[Aortic insufficiency]]
*****Roger's type (small and large)
* [[Aortic stenosis]]
******Without [[pulmonary hypertension]]
* [[Coronary artery fistula]]
******With [[pulmonary hypertension]]
* [[Mammary souffle]]
* [[Pneumomediastinum|Mediastinal air dissection]]
***Extracardiac sounds simulating [[systolic heart murmurs]]
* [[Patent ductus arteriosus]]
****Subclavian (supraclavicular/brachiocephalic) [[Murmur]]
* [[Pericardial friction rub]]
****[[Internal mammary soufflé]]
* [[Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula]]
****[[Carotid artery bruits]]
* [[Sinus of Valsalva|Ruptured sinus of Valsalva]]
****[[Coarctation of the aorta]]
* [[Venous hum]]
****Murmurs emanating from a dilated aortic or pulmonary artery root
****[[Patent ductus arteriosus]] with [[pulmonary hypertension]] <br />
*[[Diastolic murmur]]<ref name="pmid21250187">{{cite journal| author=Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW| title=Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations | journal= | year= 1990 | volume=  | issue=  | pages=  | pmid=21250187 | doi= | pmc= | url= }} </ref>
**[[Aortic regurgitation]]
**[[Pulmonary valve regurgitation]]
**Mitral rumble
***Obstruction to flow
****[[Mitral stenosis]] (rheumatic, congenital)
****[[Left atrial myxoma]]
****[[Cor triatriatum]]
****Localized pericardial constriction
***Increased flow
****[[Mitral regurgitation]]
****[[Ventricular septal defect]]
****[[Patent ductus arteriousus]]
****[[Complete heart block]]
**Tricuspid rumble
***Obstruction to flow
****[[Tricuspid stenosis]] (rheumatic, Ebstein's anomoly, carinoid)
****[[Right atrial myxoma]]
****Localized pericardial constriction
***Increased flow
****[[Atrial septal defect]]
****[[Tricuspid regurgitation]]
*[[Continuous murmur]] <ref name="pmid22574086">{{cite journal| author=Ginghină C, Năstase OA, Ghiorghiu I, Egher L| title=[[Continuous murmur]]—the auscultatory expression of a variety of pathological conditions. | journal=J Med Life | year= 2012 | volume= 5 | issue= 1 | pages= 39-46 | pmid=22574086 | doi= | pmc=3307079 | url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&tool=sumsearch.org/cite&retmode=ref&cmd=prlinks&id=22574086  }} </ref>
****[[Patent ductus arteriosus]]
****[[Coronary arteriovenous fistulas]]
****Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm ruptured into right cavities
****[[Atrial septal defect]] associated with abnormalities that cause increased pressure in the [[left atrium]]
****[[Left coronary artery]] origin from [[pulmonary artery]] anomaly
****[[Continuous murmur]] at intern mammary artery
***Extra [[Precordial]]
****[[Coarctation of the aorta]]
****[[Pulmonary atresia]]
****[[Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula]]
****[[Truncus arteriosus]]
****Anomalies of origin of the [[pulmonary artery]]
***[[Venous hum]]
***Cruveilhier-Baumgarten sindrom
***Severe arterial stenosis
***Extrathoracic [[Arteriovenous fistula|arteriovenos fistulas]]


[[Category:Emergency medicine]]
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[[Category:Signs and symptoms]]
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[[Category:Mature chapter]]
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Latest revision as of 22:39, 21 January 2021

Heart murmur Microchapters


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FDA on Heart murmur causes

CDC on Heart murmur causes

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Directions to Hospitals Treating Heart murmur

Risk calculators and risk factors for Heart murmur causes

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] ; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Nuha Al-Howthi, MD[2]


Causes of heart murmur can be grouped into functional, also known as innocent murmur, physiologic and pathological murmurs. Still murmur is one of the causes of functional murmur. Causes of physiologic murmur include arteriovenous fistula and pregnancy. Pathological murmur can result from a broad variety of conditions such as valvular stenosis, valvular insufficiency, mitral valve prolapse, right-to-left shunt and left-to-right shunt.

Common Causes


  1. Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW (1990). "Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations". PMID 21250186.
  2. Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW (1990). "Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations". PMID 21250187.
  3. Ginghină C, Năstase OA, Ghiorghiu I, Egher L (2012). "[[Continuous murmur]]—the auscultatory expression of a variety of pathological conditions". J Med Life. 5 (1): 39–46. PMC 3307079. PMID 22574086. URL–wikilink conflict (help)

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