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Latest revision as of 16:15, 9 August 2012

WikiDoc Resources for ICPC-2 PLUS


Most recent articles on ICPC-2 PLUS

Most cited articles on ICPC-2 PLUS

Review articles on ICPC-2 PLUS

Articles on ICPC-2 PLUS in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ


Powerpoint slides on ICPC-2 PLUS

Images of ICPC-2 PLUS

Photos of ICPC-2 PLUS

Podcasts & MP3s on ICPC-2 PLUS

Videos on ICPC-2 PLUS

Evidence Based Medicine

Cochrane Collaboration on ICPC-2 PLUS

Bandolier on ICPC-2 PLUS


Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on ICPC-2 PLUS at Clinical Trials.gov

Trial results on ICPC-2 PLUS

Clinical Trials on ICPC-2 PLUS at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on ICPC-2 PLUS

NICE Guidance on ICPC-2 PLUS





Books on ICPC-2 PLUS


ICPC-2 PLUS in the news

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News trends on ICPC-2 PLUS


Blogs on ICPC-2 PLUS


Definitions of ICPC-2 PLUS

Patient Resources / Community

Patient resources on ICPC-2 PLUS

Discussion groups on ICPC-2 PLUS

Patient Handouts on ICPC-2 PLUS

Directions to Hospitals Treating ICPC-2 PLUS

Risk calculators and risk factors for ICPC-2 PLUS

Healthcare Provider Resources

Symptoms of ICPC-2 PLUS

Causes & Risk Factors for ICPC-2 PLUS

Diagnostic studies for ICPC-2 PLUS

Treatment of ICPC-2 PLUS

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on ICPC-2 PLUS


ICPC-2 PLUS en Espanol

ICPC-2 PLUS en Francais


ICPC-2 PLUS in the Marketplace

Patents on ICPC-2 PLUS

Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to ICPC-2 PLUS


ICPC-2 PLUS is an extended terminology classified to ICPC-2 International Classification of Primary Care, which aids data entry, retrieval and analysis. ICPC-2 PLUS takes into account the frequency distribution of problems seen in primary care. It allows for the classification of the patient’s reason for encounter (RFE), the problems/diagnosis managed, primary care interventions, and the ordering of the data of the primary care session in an episode of care structure.

ICPC-2 PLUS provides a list of possible terms matching a keyword (or start of a keyword) entered by the user. The user then selects the most appropriate term. Each term is already classified to ICPC-2 rubrics and a system of additional groupers that may include terms from multiple ICPC-2 rubrics.

Each term has one or more keywords linked to it which may include abbreviations, synonyms, generics or specifics. The keyword searching is thus much broader, faster and better controlled than text mining of free text and labels. Instead of guessing what the doctor meant by a term (in free text) prior to classification, the doctor is actually prompted with a small list of terms to select from which are already classified.

The product also includes a 'natural language' label for each term which can be used for reports and letters.

Note: The PLUS extension mentioned here is not part of the ICPC-2 standard. WONCA and WICC have no control over it although they do have control over the ICPC classification which the PLUS extension makes use of. It’s similar to the difference between a car and fuel.


ICPC-2 PLUS was the successor to 'ICPC PLUS' and were both designed by the Family Medicine Research Centre([1] FMRC]) for use in Australia. The FMRC continues to update and support ICPC-2 PLUS.

ICPC is being developed by the WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC), and the first version was published as ICPC-1 in 1987 by Oxford University Press (OUP), and a revision and inclusion of criteria and definitions, was published in 1998 as ICPC-2.

See also

External links

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