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When an individual is unable to integrate difficult feelings, specific defenses are mobilized to regulate these unbearable feelings. The defense that helps in this process is called [[splitting (psychology)|splitting]]. Splitting is the tendency to view events or people as either all bad or all good.<ref>M. Kraft Goin (1998). [ ''Borderline Personality Disorder: Splitting Counter transference.''] The Psychiatric Times, vol. 15 issue 11</ref> When viewing people as ‘all good’, you are said to be using the [[defense mechanism]] '''idealization''': a mental mechanism in which the person attributes exaggeratedly positive qualities to the self or others. The counterpart of idealization is '''devaluation''': attributing exaggerated negative qualities to the self or others.
When an individual is unable to integrate difficult feelings, specific defenses are mobilized to regulate these unbearable feelings. The defense that helps in this process is called [[splitting (psychology)|splitting]]. Splitting is the tendency to view events or people as either all bad or all good.<ref>M. Kraft Goin (1998). [ ''Borderline Personality Disorder: Splitting Counter transference.''] The Psychiatric Times, vol. 15 issue 11</ref> When viewing people as ‘all good’, you are said to be using the [[defense mechanism]] '''idealization''': a mental mechanism in which the person attributes exaggeratedly positive qualities to the self or others. The counterpart of idealization is '''devaluation''': attributing exaggerated negative qualities to the self or others.
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== References ==
== References ==



Latest revision as of 18:33, 4 September 2012

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

When an individual is unable to integrate difficult feelings, specific defenses are mobilized to regulate these unbearable feelings. The defense that helps in this process is called splitting. Splitting is the tendency to view events or people as either all bad or all good.[1] When viewing people as ‘all good’, you are said to be using the defense mechanism idealization: a mental mechanism in which the person attributes exaggeratedly positive qualities to the self or others. The counterpart of idealization is devaluation: attributing exaggerated negative qualities to the self or others.

In child development idealization and devaluation are quite normal. Being raised in a healthy environment, the child learns how to deal with reality. Being an adult and using idealization and devaluation as the only way to protect the feeling of the self is pathologic.


The term idealization first appeared in connection with Freud|Freud’s definition of narcissism. Freud’s vision was that all human infants pass through a phase of primary narcissism in which they assume they are the centre of their universe. To obtain the parents' love the child comes to do what he thinks the parents value. Internalising these values the child forms an ego ideal.[2][3] This ego ideal contains rules for good behavior and standards of excellence toward which the ego has to strive. When the child cannot bear ambivalence between the real self and the ego ideal and defences are used too often, it is called pathologic. Freud called this situation secondary narcissism, because the ego itself is idealized. Idealization of others besides the self was explained both in drive theory as well as in object-relation theory. From the viewpoint of libidinal drives, idealization of other people is a "flowing-over" of narcissistic libido onto the object; from the viewpoint of self-object relations, the object representations (like that of the caregivers) were made more beautiful than they really were.[4]


An extension of Freud’s theory of narcissism came when Heinz Kohut presented the so-called "self-object transferences" of idealization and mirroring. To Kohut, idealization in childhood is a healthy mechanism. If the parents fail to provide appropriate opportunities for idealization (healthy narcissism) and mirroring (how to cope with reality), the child does not develop beyond a developmental stage in which he sees himself as grandiose but in which he also remains dependent on others to provide his self-esteem.[5][6] Kohut stated that, with narcissistic patients, idealization of the self and the therapist should be allowed during therapy and then very gradually will diminish as a result of unavoidable optimal frustration.[7]


Otto Kernberg provided the most extensive discussion of idealization, both in its defensive and adaptive aspects. He conceptualised idealization as involving a denial of unwanted characteristics of an object, then enhancing the object by projecting one’s own libido or omnipotence on it. He proposed a developmental line with on one end of the continuum a normal form of idealization and on the other end a pathological form. In the latter, the individual has a problem with object constancy and sees others as all good or all bad, thus bolstering idealization and devaluation. At this stage idealization is associated with borderline pathology. At the upper pole of the continuumTemplate:Clarifyme idealization is said to be a necessary precursor for feelings of mature love.[8]


  1. M. Kraft Goin (1998). Borderline Personality Disorder: Splitting Counter transference. The Psychiatric Times, vol. 15 issue 11
  2. Joseph, E.D. (1978). The Ego Ideal of the Psychoanalyst. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:377-385.
  3. Carver, C.S. & Scheier, M.F. (2000). Perspectives on Personality. Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon.
  4. Spruiell, V. (1979). Freud's Concepts of Idealization. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 27:777-791
  5. Corbett, L. (1989). Kohut and Jung A Comparison of Theory and Therapy
  6. Newirth, J.W. (1987). Idealization and Interpretation. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 23, 239-243.
  7. Mitchell, S.A., & Black, M.J. (1995). Freud and beyond. New York: Basic Books.
  8. Lerner, P.M., Van-Der Keshet, Y. (1995). A Note on the Assessment of Idealization. Journal of Personality Assessment, 65 (1) 77-90

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