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'''For the WikiDoc page for this topic, click [[Radiation Injury|here]]'''
{{Radiation injury (patient information)}}
'''For the WikiDoc page for this topic, click [[Radiation injury|here]]'''

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Radiation injury is illness and symptoms resulting from excessive exposure to [[ionizing]] radiation.

'''Associate Editor-in-Chief:''' [[Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan]], M.B.B.S.; [[Varun Kumar]], M.B.B.S.
There are two basic types of radiation: ionizing and nonionizing.
* Nonionizing radiation comes in the form of light, radio waves, microwaves and radar. This kind of radiation usually does not cause [[tissue]] damage.
* Ionizing radiation is radiation that produces immediate chemical effects on human tissue . [[X-ray]]s, [[gamma ray]]s, and particle bombardment (neutron beam, electron beam, protons, mesons, and others) give off ionizing radiation. This type of radiation can be used for medical testing and treatment, industrial and manufacturing purposes, weapons and weapons development, and more.

Radiation injury results when humans (or other animals) are exposed to very large doses of ionizing radiation.

'''What is radiation?'''
Radiation exposure can occur as a single large exposure (acute), or a series of small exposures spread over time (chronic). Exposure may be accidental or intentional (as in [[radiation therapy]]).

Radiation is a form of energy.
Radiation injury is generally associated with acute exposure and has a characteristic set of symptoms that appear in an orderly fashion. Chronic exposure is usually associated with delayed medical problems such as [[cancer]] and premature aging, which may happen over a long period of time.
The unit for measurement of radiation released into the environment is "curies", while the amount of radiation a person receives is measured as "rem".

'''What are the causes for radiation exposure?'''
The risk of cancer depends on the dose and begins to build up even with very low doses. There is no "minimum threshold."
*People are constantly exposed to radiation both from natural sources (cosmic rays from the sun) and man-made sources including electronic equipment (microwave & television), medical sources (X-rays) and from nuclear weapon testing. However, the amount of radiation from the natural or man-made sources is usually small while a radiation emergency (such as nuclear power plant accident or a terrorist event), depending on the situation could expose people to small or large doses of radiation.

*Scientists estimate that the average person in the United States receives a dose of about one-third of a rem per year. About 80% of human exposure comes from natural sources and the remaining 20% comes from man-made radiation sources – mainly medical x-rays.
Exposure from x-rays or gamma rays is measured in units of roentgens. For example:

*Exposure levels in rem Dose:
Total body exposure of 100 roentgens/rad (or 1 Gy) causes Radiation injury.
**One dental x-ray 4 = 15 mrem exposure
**One chest x-ray = 10 mrem exposure
**One mammogram = 70 mrem exposure
**One year of exposure to natural radiation (from soil, cosmic rays, etc.) = 300 mrem exposure

*'''Contamination''' refers to radioactive particles getting deposited anywhere that they are not supposed to be (as on an object or on a person’s skin).
Total body exposure of 400 roentgens/rad (or 4 Gy) causes Radiation injury and death in half the individuals. Without medical treatment, nearly everyone who receives more than this amount of radiation will die within 30 days.
This contamination could be internal (taken into the body through breathing, eating, or drinking) or external (such as radiation energy penetrating the body).

'''What are the effects of radiation?'''
100,000 roentgens/rad (1000 Gy) causes almost immediate unconsciousness and death within an hour
*The adverse health effects of radiation depends on the dose of radiation exposed.
*[[Radiation sickness]] is acute exposure with a dose greater than 75 rads of penetrating radiation to the body in a short time (usually minutes). A characteristic set of symptoms occur in an orderly manner depending on the type,route and amount of radiation absorbed by the body. The earliest symptoms are nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea. Hair loss, bleeding, swelling of the mouth and throat, and general loss of energy may follow. If the exposure has been approximately 1,000 rads or more, death may occur within 2 – 4 weeks.
*Longer term exposure to radiation at low doses, produce serious radiation sickness by inducing cancer as the cell-cycle genes are mutated.

'''How can I be prepared for radiation emergency?'''
The severity of symptoms and illness (acute Radiation injury) depends on the type and amount of radiation, how long you were exposed, and which part of the body was exposed. Symptoms of Radiation injury may occur immediately after exposure, or over the next few days, weeks, or months. The bone marrow and gastrointestinal tract are especially sensitive to radiation injury. Children and babies still in the womb are more likely to be severely injured by radiation.
* Contact your community leaders and employers to learn about the the plan and possible evacuation routes during radiation emergencies.
* Develop your own emergency plan for your family.
* Prepare a family emergency kit which should include:
** Canned and packed food
** Bottled water
** Manual can opener
** A flashlight with extra batteries
** A portable radio with extra batteries
** A first-aid kit with essential prescription medications
** Paper towels, garbage bags, toilet paper and other personal items.

'''How can I protect myself in the event of radiation emergency?'''
Because it is difficult to determine the amount of [[radiation]] exposure from nuclear accidents, the best signs of the severity of the exposure are: the length of time between the exposure and the onset of symptoms, the severity of symptoms, and severity of changes in white blood cells. If a person vomits less than an hour after being exposed, that usually means the radiation dose received is very high and death may be expected.
* Tune to the local news station for information and instructions during any emergency.
* If there is release of large amount of radioactive particles into the environment as in nuclear explosion or a nuclear reactor accidents, you many be advised to evacuate or to stay indoors.
* If you are advised to stay indoors, you should do the following:
** All the doors and windows should be locked.
** Air conditioners, fans and heating units that bring in air from outside should be turned off.
** Fireplace dampers should be closed.
** Should be tuned to local news station or emergency response network further instructions.
* If you are advised to evacuate, follow the instructions provided by local officials and leave the area as quickly and orderly as possible and carry the emergency kit mentioned above.

'''What is the treatment for radiation emergency due to nuclear power plant accident or nuclear explosion?'''
Children who receive radiation treatments or who are accidentally exposed to radiation will be treated based on their symptoms and their blood cell counts. Frequent blood studies are necessary and require a small puncture through the [[skin]] into a [[vein]] to obtain [[blood]] samples

Nuclear reactor accidents release radioactive iodine which as a part of internal contamination enters the human body. Within the body the radioactive iodine is absorbed by the thyroid gland and subsequently injuries the gland.
==What are the symptoms of Radiation injury?==
The radioactive iodine usually clears off from the environment within 24hours.
* [[Bleeding]] from the [[epistaxis|nose]], mouth, gums, and rectum
* [[Bloody stool]]
* [[Bruising]]
* [[Confusion]]
* [[Dehydration]]
* [[Diarrhea]]
* [[Fainting]]
* [[Fatigue]]
* [[Fever]]
* Hair loss
* [[Inflammation]] of exposed areas (redness, tenderness, swelling, bleeding)
* Mouth [[ulcer]]s
* [[Nausea]] and [[vomiting]]
* Open sores on the [[skin]]
* Skin burns (redness, blistering)
* Sloughing of skin
* [[Ulcer]]s in the esophagus, stomach or intestines
* [[hemetemesis|Vomiting blood]]
* [[Weakness]]
* Your doctor will advise you how best to treat these symptoms. Medications may be prescribed to help reduce nausea, vomiting, and pain. Blood transfusions may be given for anemia. Antibiotics are used to prevent or fight infections.
==What causes Radiation injury?==
The causes include:

*Potassium iodide(KI) is a non-radioactive salt of stable iodine that blocks the uptake of radioactive iodine into the thyroid gland as the gland becomes “full” and cannot absorb any more iodine (either stable or radioactive) for next 24 hours.However KI does not prevent the radioactive iodine from entering the body or prevent the damage caused by radioactive substance to other parts of the body.
* Accidental exposure to high doses of [[radiation]] such as a nuclear power plant accidents
* Exposure to excessive radiation for medical treatments
==Treatment options==
'''First Aid'''
* Check the person's [[breathing]] and [[pulse]].
* Start CPR, if necessary.
* Remove the person's clothing and place the items in a sealed container. This stops ongoing contamination.
*Vigorously wash body with soap and water.
* Dry the body and wrap with soft, clean blanket.
* Call for emergency medical help or take the person to nearest emergency medical facility if you can do so safely

*Iodized table salt also contains iodine but does not contain enough to block radioactive iodine uptake into the thyroid gland.

'''When do you start taking potassium iodide?'''
* If symptoms occur during or after medical radiation treatments:
** Tell the health care provider or seek medical treatment.
* Handle affected areas gently.
* Treat symptoms or illnesses as recommended by the doctor.
* DO NOT remain in area where exposure occurred.
* DO NOT apply [[ointment]]s to burned areas.
* DO NOT remain in contaminated clothing.
==Where to find medical care for Radiation injury?==
[http://maps.google.com/maps?q={{urlencode:{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}|map+top+hospital+Condition}}}}&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wlDirections to Hospitals Treating Radiation injury ]

After a nuclear event, the local public health or emergency management officials announce the amount of radiation occurred and further precautions to be taken. Potassium iodide is recommended '''only to those internally contaminated with (or likely to be internally contaminated with) radioactive iodine''', unless they have known allergies to iodine.
* Avoid unnecessary exposure to [[radiation]].
* Persons working in radiation hazard areas should wear badges to measure their exposure levels.
* Protective shields should always be placed over the parts of the body not being treated or studied during x-ray imaging tests or [[radiation therapy]].

Children are more sensitive to effects of radioactive iodine than adults.
[[Category:Patient information]]
[[Category:Emergency medicine]]
'''Who should take potassium iodide?'''
*Newborn to 18years (including breast-fed infants)
*Young adults (between 18 – 40 years)
*Pregnant woman (all forms of iodine cross placenta, hence KI is required to protect the fetus).
*Breastfeeding women - {{cquote|CDC recommends that women internally contaminated with or are likely to be internally contaminated with radioactive iodine stop breastfeeding and feed the child baby formula as the radioactive iodine quickly enters breast milk, but if breast milk is the only food available for the infant then nursing to be continued.}}
*People with [[hypothyroidism]]

Adults older than 40 years have the least chance of developing thyroid cancer and higher chance of developing allergic reactions to KI, hence should not take KI unless exposed to a very large dose of radioactive iodine.
'''Who should not take potassium iodide?'''
*Known allergy to iodine
*Known [[Hyperthyroid]] states should take KI under supervision
*Skin disorders such as urticaria vasculitis, dermatitis herpetiformis
'''What are the possible risks and side effects of KI?'''
Following a nuclear event, when the public health or emergency management officials announce the public to take KI, the benefits of taking KI outweighs the risk which is true for all age groups.
Common side effects are :
*Allergic reactions (higher incidence in adults older than 40)
*Salivary gland inflammation
*Inflammation of the salivary glands
*Thyroid gland injury (with higher KI dose or taken for several days)
*Newborns(less than 1 month old) develop [[hypothyroidism]] if more than one dose is given and untreated [[hypothyroidism]] causes brain damage. Hence infants should receive KI under constant supervision.

[[Category:Patient Information]]
[[Category:Emergency medicine]]

Latest revision as of 18:25, 22 April 2013

Radiation injury



What are the symptoms?

What are the causes?

Treatment options

Where to find medical care for Radiation injury?


Radiation injury On the Web

Trials at Clinical Trials.gov

Images of Radiation injury

Videos on Radiation injury

on Radiation injury

CDC on Radiation injury

Radiation injury in the news

Blogs on Radiation injury

to Hospitals Treating Radiation injury

Risk calculators and risk factors for Radiation injury

For the WikiDoc page for this topic, click here

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Kalsang Dolma, M.B.B.S.[2]


Radiation injury is illness and symptoms resulting from excessive exposure to ionizing radiation.

There are two basic types of radiation: ionizing and nonionizing.

  • Nonionizing radiation comes in the form of light, radio waves, microwaves and radar. This kind of radiation usually does not cause tissue damage.
  • Ionizing radiation is radiation that produces immediate chemical effects on human tissue . X-rays, gamma rays, and particle bombardment (neutron beam, electron beam, protons, mesons, and others) give off ionizing radiation. This type of radiation can be used for medical testing and treatment, industrial and manufacturing purposes, weapons and weapons development, and more.


Radiation injury results when humans (or other animals) are exposed to very large doses of ionizing radiation.

Radiation exposure can occur as a single large exposure (acute), or a series of small exposures spread over time (chronic). Exposure may be accidental or intentional (as in radiation therapy).

Radiation injury is generally associated with acute exposure and has a characteristic set of symptoms that appear in an orderly fashion. Chronic exposure is usually associated with delayed medical problems such as cancer and premature aging, which may happen over a long period of time.

The risk of cancer depends on the dose and begins to build up even with very low doses. There is no "minimum threshold."

Exposure from x-rays or gamma rays is measured in units of roentgens. For example:

Total body exposure of 100 roentgens/rad (or 1 Gy) causes Radiation injury.

Total body exposure of 400 roentgens/rad (or 4 Gy) causes Radiation injury and death in half the individuals. Without medical treatment, nearly everyone who receives more than this amount of radiation will die within 30 days.

100,000 roentgens/rad (1000 Gy) causes almost immediate unconsciousness and death within an hour

The severity of symptoms and illness (acute Radiation injury) depends on the type and amount of radiation, how long you were exposed, and which part of the body was exposed. Symptoms of Radiation injury may occur immediately after exposure, or over the next few days, weeks, or months. The bone marrow and gastrointestinal tract are especially sensitive to radiation injury. Children and babies still in the womb are more likely to be severely injured by radiation.

Because it is difficult to determine the amount of radiation exposure from nuclear accidents, the best signs of the severity of the exposure are: the length of time between the exposure and the onset of symptoms, the severity of symptoms, and severity of changes in white blood cells. If a person vomits less than an hour after being exposed, that usually means the radiation dose received is very high and death may be expected.

Children who receive radiation treatments or who are accidentally exposed to radiation will be treated based on their symptoms and their blood cell counts. Frequent blood studies are necessary and require a small puncture through the skin into a vein to obtain blood samples

What are the symptoms of Radiation injury?

What causes Radiation injury?

The causes include:

  • Accidental exposure to high doses of radiation such as a nuclear power plant accidents
  • Exposure to excessive radiation for medical treatments

Treatment options

First Aid

  • Check the person's breathing and pulse.
  • Start CPR, if necessary.
  • Remove the person's clothing and place the items in a sealed container. This stops ongoing contamination.
  • Vigorously wash body with soap and water.
  • Dry the body and wrap with soft, clean blanket.
  • Call for emergency medical help or take the person to nearest emergency medical facility if you can do so safely


  • If symptoms occur during or after medical radiation treatments:
    • Tell the health care provider or seek medical treatment.
  • Handle affected areas gently.
  • Treat symptoms or illnesses as recommended by the doctor.


  • DO NOT remain in area where exposure occurred.
  • DO NOT apply ointments to burned areas.
  • DO NOT remain in contaminated clothing.

Where to find medical care for Radiation injury?

to Hospitals Treating Radiation injury


  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation.
  • Persons working in radiation hazard areas should wear badges to measure their exposure levels.
  • Protective shields should always be placed over the parts of the body not being treated or studied during x-ray imaging tests or radiation therapy.



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