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#REDIRECT [[Flecainide#Drug Interactions]]
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==drug interactions==
Flecainide acetatehas been administered to patients receiving [[digitalis]] preparations or beta-adrenergic blocking agents without adverse effects. During administration of multiple oral doses of flecainide acetate to healthy subjects stabilized on a maintenance dose of [[digoxin]], a 13% to 19% increase in plasma [[digoxin]]levels occurred at six hours postdose.
In a study involving healthy subjects receiving flecainide acetate and [[propranolol]] concurrently, plasma flecainide levels were increased about 20% and [[propranolol]] levels were increased about 30% compared to control values. In this formal interaction study, flecainide acetate and [[propranolol]] were each found to have negative inotropic effects; when the drugs were administered together, the effects were additive. The effects of concomitant administration of flecainide acetate and [[propranolol]] on the PR interval were less than additive. In flecainide acetate clinical trials, patients who were receiving [[beta-blockers]] concurrently did not experience an increased incidence of side effects. Nevertheless, the possibility of additive negative inotropic effects of [[beta-blockers]] and flecainide should be recognized.
Flecainide is not extensively bound to plasma proteins. In vitro studies with several drugs which may be administered concomitantly showed that the extent of flecainide binding to human plasma proteins is either unchanged or only slightly less. Consequently, interactions with other drugs which are highly protein bound (e.g., [[anticoagulants]]  would not be expected. Flecainide acetatehas been used in a large number of patients receiving [[diuretics]]  ithout apparent interaction. Limited data in patients receiving known enzyme inducers ([[phenytoin]], [[phenobarbital]]  [[carbamazepine]]  indicate only a 30% increase in the rate of flecainide elimination. In healthy subjects receiving [[cimetidine]]  1 gram daily) for one week, plasma flecainide levels increased by about 30% and half-life increased by about 10%.
When amiodarone is added to flecainide therapy, plasma flecainide levels may increase two-fold or more in some patients, if flecainide dosage is not reduced. (SeeDOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION)
Drugs that inhibit cytochrome P450IID6, such as [[quinidine]]  might increase the plasma concentrations of flecainide in patients that are on chronic flecainide therapy; especially if these patients are extensive metabolizers.
There has been little experience with the coadministration of flecainide acetate and either [[disopyramide]] or [[verapamil]]  Because both of these drugs have negative inotropic properties and the effects of coadministration with flecainide acetate are unknown, neither [[disopyramide]]  or [[verapamil]]  should be administered concurrently with flecainide acetate unless, in the judgment of the physician, the benefits of this combination outweigh the risks. There has been too little experience with the coadministration of flecainide acetate with [[nifedipine]]  or [[diltiazem]] to recommend concomitant use.<ref name="dailymed.nlm.nih.gov">{{Cite web  | last =  | first =  | title = FLECAINIDE ACETATE TABLET [APOTEX CORP.] | url = http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/lookup.cfm?setid=72595783-e6a0-6b7a-f428-9ca03d707794#nlm34084-4 | publisher =  | date =  | accessdate = 11 March 2014 }}</ref>
[[Category:Antiarrhythmic agents]]
[[Category:Phenol ethers]]
[[Category:Sodium channel blockers]]
[[Category:Cardiovascular Drugs]]

Latest revision as of 21:50, 21 July 2014