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{{Infobox_Disease |
  Name          = Candidiasis |
  Image          = Candida albicans .jpg |
  Caption        = [[Agar plate]] culture of ''Candida albicans'' |
{{SK}} Candida infection, Candida caused diseases
[[Candida]] is a normal [[commensal]] of the skin and mucous membranes. The balance between the [[virulence]] of the [[fungus]] and the [[Immune response|host immune defense]] is responsible avoiding [[opportunistic infection]] of candida.
Deficiency of [[cell-mediated immunity]] or poor general status are the main risk factors for having opportunistic candidiasis.
Candidiasis is usually localized to skin and mucous membranes. In rare cases, candidiasis can spread causing [[Candidiasis|candidaemia]] and distant infection. These cases are usually associated with [[Immunodeficiency|deficient immunity]]
[[C. albicans]] is the main species causing infection in humans more than any other candida species.
[[Candida albicans|Candida Albicans]] is responsible for the majority of [[Candida]] infections.
===Localized candidiasis===
====Oral and esophageal candidasis:====
*[[Candida albicans]] accounts for majority of the cases followed by some non albicans species as [[Candida krusei|C. krusei]] and [[Candida glabrata|C. glabrata]].<ref name="pmid21586373">{{cite journal |vauthors=Laurent M, Gogly B, Tahmasebi F, Paillaud E |title=[Oropharyngeal candidiasis in elderly patients] |language=French |journal=Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil |volume=9 |issue=1 |pages=21–8 |year=2011 |pmid=21586373 |doi=10.1684/pnv.2011.0259 |url=}}</ref><ref name="urlCandidaesophagitis | SpringerLink">{{cite web |url= |title=Candidaesophagitis &#124; SpringerLink |format= |work= |accessdate=}}</ref>
====Candida vulvovaginitis:====
*[[Candida albicans]]: These strains are isolated in 85 to 95% patients with [[yeast]] infection.<ref name="pmid12932875">{{cite journal| author=Corsello S, Spinillo A, Osnengo G, Penna C, Guaschino S, Beltrame A et al.| title=An epidemiological survey of vulvovaginal candidiasis in Italy. | journal=Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol | year= 2003 | volume= 110 | issue= 1 | pages= 66-72 | pmid=12932875 | doi= | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
*[[Candida]] non albicans: [[Candida glabrata]] is the most common isolated pathogen in this group affecting 10 to 20% of women and is associated with recurrent [[Candida]] [[vulvovaginitis]].<ref name="pmid15456373">{{cite journal| author=Okungbowa FI, Isikhuemhen OS, Dede AP| title=The distribution frequency of Candida species in the genitourinary tract among symptomatic individuals in Nigerian cities. | journal=Rev Iberoam Micol | year= 2003 | volume= 20 | issue= 2 | pages= 60-3 | pmid=15456373 | doi= | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
====Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis:====
*[[C. albicans]] are the most isolated species.<ref name="urlChronic mucocutaneous candidiasis - Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology">{{cite web |url= |title=Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis - Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology |format= |work= |accessdate=}}</ref>
===Invasive candidasis===
*[[C. albicans]] is the most common isolated organism. However, some non C. albicans species were isolated beside [[C. albicans]].<ref name="pmid16505666">{{cite journal |vauthors=Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Pappas PG |title=Invasive candidiasis in the intensive care unit |journal=Crit. Care Med. |volume=34 |issue=3 |pages=857–63 |year=2006 |pmid=16505666 |doi=10.1097/01.CCM.0000201897.78123.44 |url=}}</ref>
*In severely [[Immunodeficiency|immuno-copromised patients]], non C. albicans species were isolated alone.
====Candida endocarditis:====
* Among causes of [[fungal endophthalmitis]], [[Candida albicans|Cadida albicans]] and non candida albicans species are the 2 most common causes. However, Non albicans species are slightly more prevalent.<ref name="pmid11118386">{{cite journal |vauthors=Ellis ME, Al-Abdely H, Sandridge A, Greer W, Ventura W |title=Fungal endocarditis: evidence in the world literature, 1965-1995 |journal=Clin. Infect. Dis. |volume=32 |issue=1 |pages=50–62 |year=2001 |pmid=11118386 |doi=10.1086/317550 |url=}}</ref>
====Candida osteoarticular disease:====
* [[C. albicans]] is the most common cause. However, [[Candida glabrata|C. glabrata]] and [[C. tropicalis]] are also involved.<ref name="pmid3897399">{{cite journal |vauthors=Dupont B, Drouhet E |title=Cutaneous, ocular, and osteoarticular candidiasis in heroin addicts: new clinical and therapeutic aspects in 38 patients |journal=J. Infect. Dis. |volume=152 |issue=3 |pages=577–91 |year=1985 |pmid=3897399 |doi= |url=}}</ref>

Candidiasis can be classified according to the site of infection into:<ref name="urlCandidiasis | Types of Diseses | Fungal Diseases | CDC">{{cite web |url= |title=Candidiasis &#124; Types of Diseses &#124; Fungal Diseases &#124; CDC |format= |work= |accessdate=}}</ref>
{{Family tree/start}}
{{Family tree | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A01 | | | | | | | | | | | | |A01= '''Candidiasis'''}}
{{Family tree | | | | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | }}
{{Family tree | | | | | | | | | | C01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | C02 |C01= Localoized mucocutaneous candidiasis| C02= Invasive Candidiasis}}
{{Family tree | | |,|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|.|}}
{{Family tree | | D01 | | D02 | | | | | | D03 | | D04 | | | | | | | | | D05 | | D06 | | | | | | D07 | | |D08 |D01=[[Oropharyngeal]] candidiasis |D02=[[Esophageal]] candidiasis|D03=[[Candida vulvovaginitis]] |D04=Chronic [[Mucocutaneous|mucocutaneous candidiasis]] |D05=Candidaemia|D06=[[Endophthalmitis|Candida endophthalmitis]] |D07=[[Endocarditis|Candida endocarditis]]|D08=[[Osteomyelitis|Candida osteoarticular disease]]}}
{{Family tree/end}}
Candida is a [[Commensal|normal commensal]] of skin and mucous membranes. A [[Immune system|competent immune system]] and an intact regenerating healthy skin prevent the [[virulence]] of [[Candida]].
===Candida Virulence factors===
The main virulence factors that mediate the infection:<ref name="pmid23302789">{{cite journal |vauthors=Mayer FL, Wilson D, Hube B |title=Candida albicans pathogenicity mechanisms |journal=Virulence |volume=4 |issue=2 |pages=119–28 |year=2013 |pmid=23302789 |pmc=3654610 |doi=10.4161/viru.22913 |url=}}</ref>
*Secreting '''molecules that mediate adherence''' into host cells
*Production of '''[[hydrolases]]''' which has a [[Lytic|lytic effect]] on tissues and facilitate the invasion by the fungus.
*'''[[Polymorphism]]:''' [[Candida]] has the ability to grow either as [[Hyphae|pseudohyphae]] (elongated ellipsoid form) or in a [[Yeast|yeast form]] (rounded to oval budding form. While the role of polymorphism is not clearly understood in the [[virulence]] of [[Candida]], it’s noted that the species that are capable of producing the most severe form of the disease has this ability.
*'''[[Biofilm|Biofilm production]]:''' which means the ability to form a thick layer of the [[organism]] on the [[Mucosal|mucosal surfaces]] or even on [[catheters]] and [[dentures]].
Patients with [[candida vulvovaginitis]] were found to have decreased levels of [[Lectins|mannose binding lectins (MBL)]] . Further investigations revealed that 2 [[genetic mutations]] in [[genes]] responsible for [[Lectins|MBL]] and [[Interleukin 4|IL4]] production increase the host susceptibility of getting recurrent [[candida vulvovaginitis]].<ref name="pmid18715406">{{cite journal |vauthors=Donders GG, Babula O, Bellen G, Linhares IM, Witkin SS |title=Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphism and resistance to therapy in women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis |journal=BJOG |volume=115 |issue=10 |pages=1225–31 |year=2008 |pmid=18715406 |doi=10.1111/j.1471-0528.2008.01830.x |url=}}</ref>
===Host immune defects===
Any condition that compromises [[Cell-mediated immunity|cell mediated immunity]], worsens the general status of the patient or provide a favorable medium for [[Candida]] to form [[biofilms]]  put the patient at increased risk for having candidiasis.<ref name="pmid16984866">{{cite journal |vauthors=Pappas PG |title=Invasive candidiasis |journal=Infect. Dis. Clin. North Am. |volume=20 |issue=3 |pages=485–506 |year=2006 |pmid=16984866 |doi=10.1016/j.idc.2006.07.004 |url=}}</ref>
====Conditions that compromises cell mediated immunity:====
*[[T lymphocyte|T cell deficiencies]] as in [[DiGeorge syndrome]], Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome and [[Ataxia-telangiectasia]].
*[[Bone marrow transplant]]
*[[Corticosteroids]] use or [[Immunosuppresive drug|immunosuppresive drugs]].
====Conditions that worsens the general condition:====
*[[Chemotherapy|Recent chemotherapy]]
*Recent surgery
*Prolonged hospitalization
*[[Broad-spectrum antibiotic|Broad-spectrum antibiotics]]
*[[Renal failure]]
*[[Haemodialysis]] (especially if prolonged)
====Dentures that provide a favorable media for forming biofilms:====
*Prolonged [[central venous catheters]] insertion
*Prolonged [[Foley catheter|foley’s catheter]] insertion
*Prolonged [[mechanical ventilation]]
==Differential diagnosis==
Candidiasis should be differentiated from other diseases presenting with an erythmatous, scaly, annular and pruritic rash. The differentials include the following:
{| class="wikitable"
! align="center" style="background: #4479BA; color: #FFFFFF; " |Name of superficial infection
! align="center" style="background: #4479BA; color: #FFFFFF; " |Clinical presentation
! align="center" style="background: #4479BA; color: #FFFFFF; " |Extension to hair follicle
! align="center" style="background: #4479BA; color: #FFFFFF; " |Fungus(i)
! align="center" style="background: #4479BA; color: #FFFFFF; " |Systemic disease
! align="center" style="background: #4479BA; color: #FFFFFF; " |KOH preparations
! align="center" style="background: #4479BA; color: #FFFFFF; " |Morphology in tissue sections
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Tinea or [[Ringworm Infection|ringworm]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Round lesions with [[Scaling skin|scaly]] border, accompanied by [[pruritis]] and burning
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Yes; when [[suppurative]] known as [[kerion]], when chronic known as [[Majocchi's granuloma]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Dermatophytes (''[[Epidermophyton]]'' spp., ''[[Trichophyton]]'' spp., ''[[Microsporum]]'' spp.)
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Very rare but can invade the [[dermis]] and [[Soft tissue|soft tissues]], causing [[Mycetoma|mycetomas]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Hyphae]] with or without septations
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Hyphae]] cannot be visualized in the [[keratin]] with [[H&E stain|H&E]], special stains are needed
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Tinea versicolor]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Hypo and [[hyperpigmentation]] in patients with oily and sweaty skin, fine [[Scaling skin|scales]] when scratching
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Yes, known as ''Pityrosporum'' folliculits
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |''[[Malassezia]]'' spp.
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Systemic infections may occur in [[Premature birth|premature]] [[neonates]] receiving [[parenteral]] nutrition and in other [[Immunosuppression|immunosuppressed]] [[Host (biology)|hosts]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Yeast|Yeasts]] and [[hyphae]] (“spaghetti and meat balls”)
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Faintly [[basophilic]] hyphae in the [[stratum corneum]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Tinea nigra]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Brown to black [[macule]], usually on palms, with some scaling
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |No
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |''Phaeoannellomyces werneckii''
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Not described
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Darkly pigmented, septated, and branching [[hyphae]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Pigmented [[hyphae]] in the [[stratum corneum]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[White piedra]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Creamy-white, small, soft nodules in hair shafts
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |No
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |''[[Trichosporon]]'' spp.
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Immunosuppressed]] patients may have [[lung]] infiltrates, [[renal]] involvement, and [[fungemia]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Septate [[hyphae]] perpendicular to hair shaft
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Not used for diagnosis
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Black piedra]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Hard dark nodules in hair shafts
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |No
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |''Piedraia hortae''
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Not described
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Collections of crescent ascospores surrounded by [[Pigmented lesions|pigmented]] [[hyphae]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Not used for diagnosis
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Candidiasis|Superficial candidiasis]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Intertrigo]], chronic [[paronychia]], [[onychodystrophy]], [[cheilitis]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Yes
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |''[[Candida]]'' spp.
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |Yes, particularly in patients with [[AIDS]] and depending on the level of [[immunosuppression]]
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Yeast|Yeasts]], pseudohyphae may be observed
| colspan="1" rowspan="1" |[[Fungal]] elements may be seen through the biopsy, vascular invasion must be determined
[[Category:Emergency medicine]]
[[Category:Infectious disease]]

Latest revision as of 20:47, 29 July 2020

Agar plate culture of Candida albicans

Candidiasis Main page

Patient Information





Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1];Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Ahmed Younes M.B.B.CH [2]

Synonyms and keywords: Candida infection, Candida caused diseases


Candida is a normal commensal of the skin and mucous membranes. The balance between the virulence of the fungus and the host immune defense is responsible avoiding opportunistic infection of candida. Deficiency of cell-mediated immunity or poor general status are the main risk factors for having opportunistic candidiasis. Candidiasis is usually localized to skin and mucous membranes. In rare cases, candidiasis can spread causing candidaemia and distant infection. These cases are usually associated with deficient immunity C. albicans is the main species causing infection in humans more than any other candida species.


Candida Albicans is responsible for the majority of Candida infections.

Localized candidiasis

Oral and esophageal candidasis:

Candida vulvovaginitis:

Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis:

Invasive candidasis


Candida endocarditis:

Candida osteoarticular disease:


Candidiasis can be classified according to the site of infection into:[9]

Localoized mucocutaneous candidiasis
Invasive Candidiasis
Oropharyngeal candidiasis
Esophageal candidiasis
Candida vulvovaginitis
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
Candida endophthalmitis
Candida endocarditis
Candida osteoarticular disease


Candida is a normal commensal of skin and mucous membranes. A competent immune system and an intact regenerating healthy skin prevent the virulence of Candida.

Candida Virulence factors

The main virulence factors that mediate the infection:[10]

Patients with candida vulvovaginitis were found to have decreased levels of mannose binding lectins (MBL) . Further investigations revealed that 2 genetic mutations in genes responsible for MBL and IL4 production increase the host susceptibility of getting recurrent candida vulvovaginitis.[11]

Host immune defects

Any condition that compromises cell mediated immunity, worsens the general status of the patient or provide a favorable medium for Candida to form biofilms put the patient at increased risk for having candidiasis.[12]

Conditions that compromises cell mediated immunity:

Conditions that worsens the general condition:

Dentures that provide a favorable media for forming biofilms:

Differential diagnosis

Candidiasis should be differentiated from other diseases presenting with an erythmatous, scaly, annular and pruritic rash. The differentials include the following:

Name of superficial infection Clinical presentation Extension to hair follicle Fungus(i) Systemic disease KOH preparations Morphology in tissue sections
Tinea or ringworm Round lesions with scaly border, accompanied by pruritis and burning Yes; when suppurative known as kerion, when chronic known as Majocchi's granuloma Dermatophytes (Epidermophyton spp., Trichophyton spp., Microsporum spp.) Very rare but can invade the dermis and soft tissues, causing mycetomas Hyphae with or without septations Hyphae cannot be visualized in the keratin with H&E, special stains are needed
Tinea versicolor Hypo and hyperpigmentation in patients with oily and sweaty skin, fine scales when scratching Yes, known as Pityrosporum folliculits Malassezia spp. Systemic infections may occur in premature neonates receiving parenteral nutrition and in other immunosuppressed hosts Yeasts and hyphae (“spaghetti and meat balls”) Faintly basophilic hyphae in the stratum corneum
Tinea nigra Brown to black macule, usually on palms, with some scaling No Phaeoannellomyces werneckii Not described Darkly pigmented, septated, and branching hyphae Pigmented hyphae in the stratum corneum
White piedra Creamy-white, small, soft nodules in hair shafts No Trichosporon spp. Immunosuppressed patients may have lung infiltrates, renal involvement, and fungemia Septate hyphae perpendicular to hair shaft Not used for diagnosis
Black piedra Hard dark nodules in hair shafts No Piedraia hortae Not described Collections of crescent ascospores surrounded by pigmented hyphae Not used for diagnosis
Superficial candidiasis Intertrigo, chronic paronychia, onychodystrophy, cheilitis Yes Candida spp. Yes, particularly in patients with AIDS and depending on the level of immunosuppression Yeasts, pseudohyphae may be observed Fungal elements may be seen through the biopsy, vascular invasion must be determined


  1. Laurent M, Gogly B, Tahmasebi F, Paillaud E (2011). "[Oropharyngeal candidiasis in elderly patients]". Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil (in French). 9 (1): 21–8. doi:10.1684/pnv.2011.0259. PMID 21586373.
  2. Corsello S, Spinillo A, Osnengo G, Penna C, Guaschino S, Beltrame A; et al. (2003). "An epidemiological survey of vulvovaginal candidiasis in Italy". Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 110 (1): 66–72. PMID 12932875.
  3. Okungbowa FI, Isikhuemhen OS, Dede AP (2003). "The distribution frequency of Candida species in the genitourinary tract among symptomatic individuals in Nigerian cities". Rev Iberoam Micol. 20 (2): 60–3. PMID 15456373.
  4. "Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis - Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology".
  5. Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Pappas PG (2006). "Invasive candidiasis in the intensive care unit". Crit. Care Med. 34 (3): 857–63. doi:10.1097/01.CCM.0000201897.78123.44. PMID 16505666.
  6. Ellis ME, Al-Abdely H, Sandridge A, Greer W, Ventura W (2001). "Fungal endocarditis: evidence in the world literature, 1965-1995". Clin. Infect. Dis. 32 (1): 50–62. doi:10.1086/317550. PMID 11118386.
  7. Dupont B, Drouhet E (1985). "Cutaneous, ocular, and osteoarticular candidiasis in heroin addicts: new clinical and therapeutic aspects in 38 patients". J. Infect. Dis. 152 (3): 577–91. PMID 3897399.
  8. "Candidiasis | Types of Diseses | Fungal Diseases | CDC".
  9. Mayer FL, Wilson D, Hube B (2013). "Candida albicans pathogenicity mechanisms". Virulence. 4 (2): 119–28. doi:10.4161/viru.22913. PMC 3654610. PMID 23302789.
  10. Donders GG, Babula O, Bellen G, Linhares IM, Witkin SS (2008). "Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphism and resistance to therapy in women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis". BJOG. 115 (10): 1225–31. doi:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2008.01830.x. PMID 18715406.
  11. Pappas PG (2006). "Invasive candidiasis". Infect. Dis. Clin. North Am. 20 (3): 485–506. doi:10.1016/j.idc.2006.07.004. PMID 16984866.