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SLE resident survival guide:
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{{Familytree|boxstyle=width: 700px; text-align: left; font-size: 100%; padding: 0px;| A01 | | |A01=<div style="padding: 10px;">
==SLE Presentation==
*[[Fatigue]]<ref name="pmid11085805">{{cite journal |vauthors=Tench CM, McCurdie I, White PD, D'Cruz DP |title=The prevalence and associations of fatigue in systemic lupus erythematosus |journal=Rheumatology (Oxford) |volume=39 |issue=11 |pages=1249–54 |year=2000 |pmid=11085805 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid7779127">{{cite journal |vauthors=McKinley PS, Ouellette SC, Winkel GH |title=The contributions of disease activity, sleep patterns, and depression to fatigue in systemic lupus erythematosus. A proposed model |journal=Arthritis Rheum. |volume=38 |issue=6 |pages=826–34 |year=1995 |pmid=7779127 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid9598886">{{cite journal |vauthors=Wang B, Gladman DD, Urowitz MB |title=Fatigue in lupus is not correlated with disease activity |journal=J. Rheumatol. |volume=25 |issue=5 |pages=892–5 |year=1998 |pmid=9598886 |doi= |url=}}</ref>
*Joint [[tenderness]]
*[[Muscle weakness]]
*[[Weight]] changes
==Less common Presentation==
*Peptic ulcer disease
*Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
*Protein-losing enteropathy
*Acute pancreatitis
*Pulmonary hemorrhage
*Interstitial lung disease
*Pulmonary emboli
*Pulmonary hypertension
*Nephrotic syndrome
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==Focused History==
* Onset, duration and progression of symptoms
* History of [[Weight change|weight changes]] (gain or loss)
* [[Anorexia]]
* [[Arthritis]], [[Arthralgia|arthralgias]], or [[muscle pain]]
* Morning [[stiffness]]
* [[Skin rashes]] and their association to flare ups, especially after exposure to sunlight
* [[Medications]] and their association to flare ups
* [[Infections]] especially [[mononucleosis]]
* Sores in the mouth, nose, or other [[Mucous membrane|mucous membranes]]
* Symptoms of other organ failure
** [[Renal failure]]: Recent peripheral [[edema]] and [[weight gain]]
** [[Cardiac]] involvement: [[Tachycardia]], [[dyspnea]], [[Chest pain|chest pains]]
* History of having a pet
* [[Hair loss]]
* Job history
* [[Comorbid|Co-morbid]] conditions include:
** Other [[Rheumatologic disease|rheumatologic]] and [[autoimmune diseases]]
** [[Hypertension]]
** [[Diabetes]], [[immunodeficiency]]
* [[Seizure|Seizures]], or other [[nervous system]] symptoms
* [[Family history]] of [[Rheumatologic disease|rheumatologic diseases]]
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==Physical Examination==

* A [[fever]] is often present.  The [[Fever of unknown origin history and symptoms#Fever patterns|periodicity of fever]] may have clinical significance in selected contexts.
* Weak or absent [[pulse]] may be present in [[Takayasu's arteritis]].
* Physiologically, fever is accompanied by [[tachycardia]].
* [[Faget's sign|Relative bradycardia (Faget's sign)]] may be present in [[legionellosis]], [[brucellosis]], [[psittacosis]], [[leptospirosis]], [[drug fever]], or [[fever|factitious fever]].
* [[Janeway lesion]]s may be present in [[infective endocarditis]].
* [[Petechiae]] may be present in [[Rocky Mountain spotted fever]].
* [[Rash|maculopapular, vesicular, or petechial rash]] may be present in [[typhus]].
* An [[eschar]] at the site of the tick bite may be present in [[tick-borne disease]]s.
* [[Swollen lymph nodes]] may be present. [[Lymphadenopathy]] may represent reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (suggestive of [[inflammation]] or [[infection]]) or underlying malignant processes such as [[lymphoma]].
* [[Rose spots]] (blanching pink papules 2–3 mm in diameter) may be present on the trunk in [[salmonellosis]].
* [[Macules]], [[papules]], and [[nodules]] may be present on the trunk and extremities in [[meningococcemia]].
* [[Macules]] or [[petechiae]] evolving into [[vesicles]] and [[pustules]] on a hemorrhagic base may be present in [[gonococcus|disseminated gonococcal infection]].
* Diffuse [[hyperpigmentation]] may be present in [[Whipple's disease]].
* [[Papules]] and [[nodules]] evolving into crusted, verrucous growths may be present in [[blastomycosis]].
* [[Wart]]y [[nodules]] and subcutaneous [[abscess]]es may be present in [[coccidioidomycosis]].
* [[Erythematous]] [[papules]], [[pustules]], subcutaneous [[nodules]], or [[cellulitis]] may be present in [[cryptococcosis]].
* [[Sister Mary Joseph nodule]] (palpable [[nodule]] bulging into the [[umbilicus]]) may be present in metastasis of a [[cancer|malignant tumor]] in the pelvis or abdomen.
* Multiple purplish [[papules]], [[nodules]], and [[plaques]] may be present on the scalp, face, and neck in [[lymphoma]].
* Multiple [[erythematous]], painful [[plaques]] with small bumps, [[pustules]], and [[vesicles]] may be present in [[Sweet's syndrome]].
* Palpable [[purpura]] may be present on the lower extremities and other areas of dependency in cutaneous [[vasculitis]].
* [[Temporal artery]] [[tenderness]] with weak [[pulse]] may be present in [[temporal arteritis]].
* Sinus [[tenderness]] may be present in [[sinusitis]].
* [[Roth's spot]]s or [[conjunctival hemorrhage]] may be present in [[infective endocarditis]].
* [[Photophobia]] or ocular pain on palpation suggestive of [[uveitis]] may be present in [[Wegener's granulomatosis]], [[Behcet syndrome]], [[Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome]], or [[infection]]s.
* [[Oral thrush]] caused by [[candidiasis]] may be present in patients with [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]].
* [[Oral ulcer]]s may be present in [[systemic lupus erythematosis]], disseminated [[histoplasmosis]], and [[Behcet syndrome]].
* [[Tenderness]] with a palpable [[abscess]] may be present in [[periodontal disease]].
* [[Petechiae]] on the palate may be present in [[infective endocarditis]].
* [[Parotid gland]] enlargement and [[tenderness]] may be present in [[infection]]s (e.g., ''[[Staphylococcus aureus]]'', [[tuberculosis]], [[mumps]], [[HIV]]), [[Sjogren's syndrome]], or [[sarcoidosis]].
* Cervical [[lymph nodes]] may be present in [[inflammation]], [[infection]], [[lymphoma]], or [[Kikuchi disease]].
* Enlargement of the [[thyroid gland]] may be present in [[thyroiditis]].
* [[Rales]] or [[rhonchi]] may be present in [[pneumonia]].
* [[Fremitus]] with diminished [[breath sounds]] may be present in [[pneumonia]].
* [[Heart murmurs]] may be present in [[endocarditis]] secondary to [[infection]]s ([[infective endocarditis]]), [[systemic lupus erythematosus]] ([[Libman-Sacks endocarditis]]), or chronic diseases ([[marantic endocarditis]]).
* [[Abdominal tenderness]] may be present in [[intra-abdominal infection]]s.
* [[Rebound tenderness]] may be present in [[intra-abdominal infection]]s.
* An [[acute abdomen]] may be present in [[intra-abdominal infection]]s.
* Guarding may be present in [[intra-abdominal infection]]s.
* [[Flank pain]] may be present in psoas muscle [[abscess]], perinephric abscess, or [[pyelonephritis]].
* An inguinal mass may be present in psoas muscle [[abscess]].
* [[Splenomegaly]] may be present in [[infectious mononucleosis]], [[spleen|splenic]] [[abscess]], or [[hepatitis]].
* [[prostate|Prostatic]] enlargement may be present in [[prostate|prostatic]] [[abscess]].
* Epididymal [[nodule]] may be present in [[epididymitis]].
* [[testicle|Testicular]] [[nodule]] may be present in [[polyarteritis nodosa]].
* [[Osler's node]]s may be present in [[infective endocarditis]].
* Swollen joints with effusion may be present in infectious [[arthritis]] or [[rheumatic disease]]s.
* [[Splinter hemorrhage]] in the nail beds may be present in [[infective endocarditis]].
* Limb [[tenderness]] along deep veins may be present in [[deep vein thrombosis]] or [[thrombophlebitis]].
* [[Altered mental status]] may be present.
* Cranial nerve deficits may be present in cerebral [[vasculitis]] associated with [[systemic lupus erythematosus]].
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==Laboratory Workup==
* [[Complete blood count|CBC with DC]]
* [[Basic metabolic panel|SMA-7]]
* [[AST]], [[ALT]], [[LDH]], [[bilirubin]], and [[ALP]]
* [[Creatine kinase]]
* [[Blood cultures]], at least 2 sets
* [[Urinalysis]] with [[Urinalysis#Microscopic examination|microscopic examination]]
* [[Urine culture]]s
* [[Erythrocyte sedimentation rate]]
* [[C-reactive protein]]
* [[Gamma-glutamyl transferase]]
* [[Coombs test]]
* [[Cold agglutinins]]
* [[Ferritin]]
* [[Angiotensin-converting enzyme]]
* [[Thyroid peroxidase]] and [[ATG|anti-thyroglobulin antibodies]]
* [[Antinuclear antibodies]]
* [[Rheumatoid factor]]
* [[Cryoglobulins]]
* [[CMV]] [[serology]] and [[heterophile antibody test]] if ⊕ [[Reactive lymphocyte|atypical lymphocytes]]
* [[Q fever]] [[serology]] if ⊕ exposure to livestocks
* [[HIV]] [[serology]]
* [[Serum protein electrophoresis]]
* [[Tuberculin skin test]]
* [[Fecal occult blood test]]
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==Imaging Study==
===Chest Radiograph===
* Chest radiograph should be considered as a part of the initial diagnostic workup.
* Echocardiography should be considered when suspecting [[endocarditis]].
===Abdominal Ultrasonography===
* Abdominal ultrasonography should be considered when suspecting hepatobiliary pathology.
===Chest CT Scan===
* Chest CT scan may detect nodular lesions (s/o [[malignancy]] or [[fungal]]/[[mycobacterial]]/[[nocardial]] [[infection]]) or [[mediastinal]] [[adenopathy]] (s/o [[lymphoma]], [[histoplasmosis]], or [[sarcoidosis]]).
===Abdominal CT Scan===
* Abdominal CT scan should be considered when suspecting [[intra-abdominal abscess]] or [[malignancy]].
===Positron Emission Tomography===
* PET may be useful in localizing the nidus of fever of unknown origin.
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==Other Investigation==
===Lymph Node Biopsy===
* Lymph node biopsy may be useful when suspecting [[lymphoma]], [[lymphogranuloma venereum]], [[toxoplasmosis]], and [[Kikuchi disease]].
* Granuloma may indicate disorders associated with granulomatous [[inflammation]] (eg, [[tuberculosis]], [[sarcoidosis]]) or [[lymphoma]].
===Bone Marrow Biopsy===
* Bone marrow biopsy may be considered when suspecting intracellular infectious pathogens or hematologic malignancies.
===Discontinuation of Nonessential Medications===
* Nonessential medications should be discontinued.
* Defervescence in less than 72 hours after discontinuing the culprit medication suggests [[drug fever]].
* Rechallenge with the offending agent usually results in recurrence of [[drug fever]].
===Trial of Empiric Antibiotics===
* Therapeutic trials of antimicrobial agents may be considered if other techniques fail to disclose the etiology.
* An infectious etiology is likely if abatement of fever occurs after the administration of empiric antibiotics.
===Naproxen Test===
* Naproxen test (375 mg twice daily) can be used to distinguish [[neoplastic]] [[fever]] from other etiologies.
* Naproxen test is considered positive when there is a rapid or sustained abatement of fever during the 3 days of the trial period.
* Defervescence within 12 hours occurs in almost all patients with [[neoplastic]] [[fever]].
* Fever recurs after discontinuation of naproxen in patients with [[neoplasms]].
* Naproxen demonstrated no antipyretic activity against fever in patients with occult infection.

Latest revision as of 15:53, 28 September 2018