Differentiating menopause from other diseases: Difference between revisions

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== Overview ==
Menopause should be differentiated from other diseases presenting with menstrual irregularities (oligomenorrhea/amenorrhea).
{| class="wikitable"
! rowspan="3" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Diseases}}
! rowspan="3" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Onset}}
! colspan="5" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Manifestations}}
! colspan="4" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Diagnosis}}
! colspan="4" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|History and Symptoms}}
! rowspan="2" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Physical examination}}
! rowspan="2" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Laboratory findings}}
! rowspan="2" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Gold standard}}
! rowspan="2" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| Imaging}}
! rowspan="2" style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Other investigation findings}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| Trumatic delivery}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| Lactation failure}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| Menstrual irregularities}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 200px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF| Other features}}
![[Sheehan's syndrome]]
| ++
|Symptoms of:
* [[Adrenal insufficiency]]
* [[Hypothyroidism]]
* [[Breast tissue]] [[atrophy]]
* Decreased [[axillary]] and [[pubic]] hair growth
* [[Pancytopenia]]
* [[Eosinophilia]]
* [[Hyponatremia]]
* Low [[fasting plasma glucose]]
* Decreased levels of [[anterior pituitary]] [[hormones]] in blood
* Clinical diagnosis 
* Most senitive test: Low baseline [[prolactin]] levels w/o response to [[Thyrotropin-releasing hormone|TRH]]
* Sequential changes of pituitary enlargement followed by:
* Shrinkage and [[necrosis]] leading to decreased sellar volume or [[empty sella]]
* Pituitary hormone stimulation tests ([[Metoclopramide]] and [[clomiphene citrate]] stimulation tests)
![[Lymphocytic hypophysitis]]
* Associated with [[autoimmune]] conditions
* Generalized [[headache]]
* Retro-orbital or Bitemporal [[pain]]
* Mass lesion effect such as [[Visual field defect|visual field defects]]
* [[Diabetes insipidus|DI]]
* [[Autoimmune]] [[thyroiditis]]
* Decreased pituitary hormones([[Gonadotropins]] most common)
* [[Hyperprolactinemia]](40%)
* [[Growth hormone|GH]] excess
* [[Pituitary gland|Pituitary]] [[biopsy]]: [[lymphocytic]] [[Infiltration (medical)|infiltration]]
* [[CT]] & [[MRI]]: Features of a [[Pituitary gland|pituitary]] [[mass]]
* Diffuse and homogeneous contrast enhancement
|[[Assay|Assays]] for:
* Anti-TPO 
* Anti-Tg Ab
![[Pituitary apoplexy]]
|Severe [[headache]]
* [[Nausea and vomiting]]
* Paralysis of eye muscles ([[diplopia]])
* Changes in vision
* [[Visual acuity]] defects
* [[Cranial nerve palsies|CN palsies]] (nerves III, IV, V , and VI)
* Decreased levels of [[anterior]] pituitary hormones in blood.
* [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]]
* [[CT]] scan without [[Contrast medium|contrast]]: Hemorrhag<nowiki/>e on [[CT]] presents as a hyperdense lesion
* [[MRI]]: If inconclusive [[CT]]
[[Blood tests]] may be done to check:
* [[PT]]/[[INR]] and [[aPTT]]
* [[Pituitary gland|Pituitary]] [[hormonal]] assay
![[Empty sella syndrome]]
* [[Erectile dysfunction]]
* [[Headache]]
* Low [[libido]]
* Signs of raised [[intracranial pressure]] may be present
* [[Nipple discharge|Nipple]] discharge
* Decreased levels of pituitary hormones in the blood.
* [[MRI]]
* [[Empty sella]] containing [[Cerebrospinal fluid|CSF]]
* Pituitary hormone stimulation tests ([[Metoclopramide]] and [[clomiphene citrate]] stimulation tests)
![[Simmond's Disease|Simmonds' disease]]/[[Pituitary]] [[cachexia]]
| +
* [[Cachexia]]
* [[Premature aging|Premature]] aging
* Progressive [[emaciation]]
* Loss of body hair
* Decreased levels of anterior pituitary hormones in the blood.
* [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]]
* Done to rule out any pituitary cause
* Pituitary hormone stimulation tests ([[Metoclopramide]] and [[clomiphene citrate]] stimulation tests)
! [[Primary hypothyroidism|Hypothyroidism]]
* Cold intolerance
* [[Constipation]]
* Dry skin
* [[Bradycardia]]
* Hair loss
* [[Myxedema]]
* Delayed relaxation phase of deep [[Tendon reflex|tendon reflexes]]
* Low [[T3]],[[T4]]
* Normal/ low [[Thyroid-stimulating hormone|TSH]]
* Rest of pituitary hormone levels WNL
* [[TSH]] levels
* Done to rule out any pituitary cause
*Assays for anti-TPO and anti-Tg Ab
*FNA biopsy
![[Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism]]
* [[Hot flushes]]
* Energy and mood changes
* Decreased [[libido]]
* [[Breast tissue]] [[atrophy]]
* Decreased [[maturation]] of [[vaginal]] [[mucosa]]
* Low [[estrogen]], [[testosterone]]
* High [[FSH]]/[[Luteinizing hormone|LH]]
* [[FSH]]
* [[Luteinizing hormone|LH]]
* Done to rule out any pituitary cause
* Genetic tests  ([[karyotype]])
* Measurement of total and free [[testosterone]] and [[17-Hydroxyprogesterone|17-hydroxyprogesterone]] concentrations
* [[Infertility]]
* Subfertility
* Puerperal agalactogenesis
* No workup is necessary
* Decreased prolactin levels
* Done to rule out any pituitary cause
* [[Prolactin]] assay in [[3rd trimester]]
* [[Luteinizing hormone|LH]], [[Follicle-stimulating hormone|FSH]]
* [[Thyrotropin]] and free [[thyroxine]]
* [[Polyuria]]
* [[Polydipsia]]
* Features of [[hypothyroidism]] and [[hypoadrenalism]]
* [[Growth failure]]
* B/L [[hemianopsia]]
* [[Papilledema]]
* All pituitary hormones decreased
* [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]]
* Done to rule out any pituitary cause
* Left hand and wrist [[radiograph]] for [[bone age]]
![[Primary adrenal insufficiency]]/[[Addison's disease]]
| -
* [[Hypoglycemia]]
* [[Hypotension]]
* [[Dehydration]]
* [[Hyperpigmentation]]
* loss of [[pubic]] and [[axillary]] hair
* [[Hyponatremia]] with/without [[hyperkalemia]]
* [[Plasma renin activity]] to [[Aldosterone|aldosterone ratio]]
* Abdominal [[Computed tomography|CT]]
* Abdominal [[Computed tomography|CT]]
* Serum [[cortisol]] testing
* Serum [[ACTH]] testing
* Anti-adrenal [[Antibody|Ab]] testing
* [[Hot flashes]]
* [[Insomnia]]
* [[Weight gain]] and [[bloating]]
* Mood changes
* [[Vaginal atrophy]]
* Loss of pelvic [[muscle tone]]
* ↑ [[FSH]]
* ↓ [[Estradiol]] and [[inhibin]]
* [[FSH]] > [[LH]]
* [[Endometrial biopsy]]

Latest revision as of 00:40, 3 August 2020