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| Name          = Asplenia
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| ICD10          = {{ICD10|D|73|0|d|70}}, {{ICD10|Q|89|0|q|80}}
| ICD9          = {{ICD9|289.59}}, {{ICD9|759.01}}
| ICDO          =
| OMIM          =  208530 
| OMIM_mult      = {{OMIM2|%271400}} {{OMIM2|208540}}
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{{CMG}}{{AE}} {{Kalpana Giri}}  

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==[[Asplenia historical perspective|Historical Perspective]]==
==[[Asplenia historical perspective|Historical Perspective]]==
*In 1919, Morris and Bullock provided initial [[experimental]] evidence of the protective role of the [[spleen]] against [[infections]].
*In 1952, King and Schumacker reported a series of cases of overwhelming [[post-splenectomy]] [[infections]] (OPSI) caused by [[encapsulated bacteria]].
*In 1955, Rowley has demonstrated that [[splenectomized]] human beings fail to respond with a [[significant]] [[rise]] in [[antibody]] [[titer]] when an [[antigen]] is given intravenously.
*In 1969, Pearson et al,from USA, was the first to [[discover]] the term [[functional hypoplasia]], a few decades ago when he identified some children suffering from [[sickle cell disease]], who presented with the same [[clinical]] course as in [[splenectomised]] patients.

==[[Asplenia classification|Classification]]==
==[[Asplenia classification|Classification]]==

==[[Asplenia pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]==
==[[Asplenia pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]==
The [[spleen]] consists of three [[functional]] inter-related [[compartments]]: [[red pulp]], [[white pulp]], [[marginal zone]]. The red pulp is a [[sponge-like]] structure filled with [[blood]] flowing through [[sinuses]] and [[cords]] functions as a filter for [[blood elements]].<ref name="pmid21474172">Di Sabatino A, Carsetti R, Corazza GR (2011) [ Post-splenectomy and hyposplenic states.] ''Lancet'' 378 (9785):86-97. [ DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61493-6] PMID: [ 21474172]</ref> The [[white pulp]] consists primarily of [[lymphatic tissue]] creating structures called [[germinal centers]] which contain [[lymphocytes]] (activated [[B-lymphocytes]] among others), [[macrophages]], and [[dendritic cells]]. They are situated in direct contact with [[splenic arterioles]], branches of the [[splenic artery]]. Another region of the [[white pulp]] is that the [[periarteriolar]] [[lymphatic sheath]], which consists of [[nodules]] containing mostly [[B lymphocytes]]. The [[marginal zone]] surrounds the [[white pulp]] and consists of [[blood vessels]], [[macrophages]], and [[specialized B cells]].<ref name="pmid25125944">{{cite journal| author=Kirkineska L, Perifanis V, Vasiliadis T| title=Functional hyposplenism. | journal=Hippokratia | year= 2014 | volume= 18 | issue= 1 | pages= 7-11 | pmid=25125944 | doi= | pmc=4103047 | url= dbfrom=pubmed&  }} </ref> The [[primary physiologic]] role of [[spleen]] is the [[filtration]] and processing of [[senescent blood cells]], predominantly [[red blood cells]] and [[immunologically]] helps protect against [[encapsulated microorganisms]] and response to [[infectious pathogens]]. It contains both [[hematopoietic]] and [[lymphopoietic]] elements, which provides a basis for [[extramedullary hematopoiesis]] when necessary.
It is understood that [[Asplenia]] is a variety of clinical settings, and it can refer to an [[anatomic]] absence of the [[spleen]] or [[functional asplenia]] secondary to a variety of [[disease]] states.  The absence of a [[spleen]] is a well-known [[risk factor]] for severe [[bacterial infections]], especially due to [[encapsulated bacteria]]. The spleen contains 2 types of tissues: [[white pulp]] and [[red pulp]]. The [[white pulp]] is rich in [[T-cell lymphocytes]], [[naïve B-cell lymphocytes]], and [[macrophages]]. The [[antigen-presenting cells]] (APC) can enter the [[white pulp]] and activate [[T cells]], which in turn activate [[naïve B cells]] and [[differentiate]] into [[plasma cells]] that generate [[immunoglobulin M]] [[antibodies]] followed by [[immunoglobulin G]] [[antibodies]]. [[B cells]] can also act as [[antigen-presenting cells]] and has a [[phagocytic function]] to help [[opsonize]] [[encapsulated bacteria]]. About half of the [[total B cells]] in the [[blood]] [[express]] the [[memory marker]] [[CD27]] and carry [[somatic mutations]], and are therefore thought to be [[memory B cells]]. There are two types of [[memory B cells]] in human beings: [[switched memory B cells]] and [[IgM memory B cells]]. [[Switched memory B cells]], which are the final product of [[germinal center reactions]], produce [[high-affinity antibodies]] and have a [[protective]] function against [[infection]]. [[IgM memory B cells]], need the [[spleen]] for their [[survival]] and [[generation]] and have the ability to produce [[natural antibodies]]. They also produce [[antibodies]] against [[Streptococcus pneumonia]], [[Neisseria meningitidis]], and [[Haemophilus influenzae type b]]. They can initiate [[T-cell-independent]] [[immune responses]] on [[infection]] or [[vaccination]] with [[capsular polysaccharide antigens]].<ref name="pmid21474172">{{cite journal| author=Di Sabatino A, Carsetti R, Corazza GR| title=Post-splenectomy and hyposplenic states. | journal=Lancet | year= 2011 | volume= 378 | issue= 9785 | pages= 86-97 | pmid=21474172 | doi=10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61493-6 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> The [[red pulp]] has [[macrophages]] and is responsible for [[filtering]] damaged, older [[red blood cells]] as well as [[phagocytosing]] [[opsonized bacteria]]. Due to this role of removing [[damaged erythrocytes]], the [[spleen]] also plays an important role in the [[defense against]] [[intraerythrocytic]] [[parasitic infections]] such as [[malaria]] and [[Babesia]].<ref name="pmid33275684">{{cite journal| author=Lee GM| title=Preventing infections in children and adults with asplenia. | journal=Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program | year= 2020 | volume= 2020 | issue= 1 | pages= 328-335 | pmid=33275684 | doi=10.1182/hematology.2020000117 | pmc=7727556 | url=  }} </ref>

==[[Asplenia causes|Causes]]==
==[[Asplenia causes|Causes]]==
Asplenia is caused by either congenital, acquired conditions, or functional.
===Common Causes===
*'''Acquired asplenia''' associated after [[trauma]] or [[surgery]], is one of the commonest cause of the absence of [[splenic tissue]].<ref name="pmid26557043">{{cite journal| author=Erdem SB, Genel F, Erdur B, Ozbek E, Gulez N, Mese T| title=Asplenia in children with congenital heart disease as a cause of poor outcome. | journal=Cent Eur J Immunol | year= 2015 | volume= 40 | issue= 2 | pages= 266-9 | pmid=26557043 | doi=10.5114/ceji.2015.52841 | pmc=4637402 | url=  }} </ref>
*'''Functional asplenia''' include diseases such as [[sickle cell disease]], [[celiac disease]], [[alcoholic liver disease]], [[hepatic cirrhosis]], [[lymphomas]], and [[autoimmune]] disorders.<ref name="pmid25125944">Kirkineska L, Perifanis V, Vasiliadis T (2014) [ Functional hyposplenism.] ''Hippokratia'' 18 (1):7-11. PMID: [ 25125944]</ref>
===Less Common Causes===
*'''Congenital asplenia''' may be [[isolated]] or usually seen as a [[clinical syndrome]] such as [[ivemark syndrome]]. This [[syndrome]] is classified under [[heterotaxy syndrome]]. It is associated with [[malformation]] of the [[heart]], and abnormal arrangements of organs of the chest and abdomen along with [[asplenia]] or [[hypoplasia]] of the [[spleen]].
*'''Isolated asplenia''' are rare and etiology was [[genetic]], due to [[mutations]] in the [[gene RPSA]], which encodes [[ribosomal protein SA]], cause more than half of the cases of [[isolated congenital asplenia]], which was first discovered in 2013.
*In '''heterotaxy syndrome''' Two human [[genes]], [[connexin 43]] and [[ZIC3]], have been shown to be involved.
*congenital asplenia a very rare anomaly that has been reported in both infants and adults.
*'''Infantile''' cases are almost invariably associated with serious congenital malformations of the [[cardiovascular]], [[gastrointestinal]], and [[pulmonary]] systems that are not compatible with long life.
*These include [[atrioventricular]] communist, [[pulmonary stenosis]] or [[atresia]], anomalies of the [[aorta]] and [[great vessels]], complete or partial [[situs in versus]], [[anomalies]] of the [[mesenteric]] and [[accessory lobes of the lungs]].
*In the '''adult''' [[splenic]] [[agenesis]] is usually an isolated and unexpected finding.<ref name="pmid13322226">{{cite journal| author=MYERSON RM, KOELLE WA| title=Congenital absence of the spleen in an adult; report of a case associated with recurrent Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. | journal=N Engl J Med | year= 1956 | volume= 254 | issue= 24 | pages= 1131-2 | pmid=13322226 | doi=10.1056/NEJM195606142542406 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>

==[[Asplenia differential diagnosis|Differentiating Asplenia from other Diseases]]==
==[[Asplenia differential diagnosis|Differentiating Asplenia from other Diseases]]==
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==[[Asplenia epidemiology and demographics|Epidemiology and Demographics]]==
==[[Asplenia epidemiology and demographics|Epidemiology and Demographics]]==

==Risk Factors==
==[[Asplenia risk factors|Risk Factors]]==
===Common Risk Factors===
*Common risk factors in the development of asplenia include:
**[[Trauma]] <ref name="pmid26557043">{{cite journal| author=Erdem SB, Genel F, Erdur B, Ozbek E, Gulez N, Mese T| title=Asplenia in children with congenital heart disease as a cause of poor outcome. | journal=Cent Eur J Immunol | year= 2015 | volume= 40 | issue= 2 | pages= 266-9 | pmid=26557043 | doi=10.5114/ceji.2015.52841 | pmc=4637402 | url=  }} </ref>
**[[Atraumatic]] indication for [[splenectomy]] includes:<ref name="pmid27018168">{{cite journal| author=Browning MG, Bullen N, Nokes T, Tucker K, Coleman M| title=The evolving indications for splenectomy. | journal=Br J Haematol | year= 2017 | volume= 177 | issue= 2 | pages= 321-324 | pmid=27018168 | doi=10.1111/bjh.14060 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
***[[hematological autoimmune disorder]]
****[[Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)]]
****[[Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)]]
**[[Surgery]]: includes
***[[unexplained splenomegaly]]
===Less Common Risk Factors===
*Less common risk factor include:
**[[mutations]] in the [[gene RPSA]], is a risk factor for [[Isolated asplenia]].<ref name="pmid25840456">{{cite journal| author=Bolze A| title=[Connecting isolated congenital asplenia to the ribosome]. | journal=Biol Aujourdhui | year= 2014 | volume= 208 | issue= 4 | pages= 289-98 | pmid=25840456 | doi=10.1051/jbio/2015001 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
**Two human [[genes]], [[connexin 43]] and [[ZIC3]], is a risk factor for [[heterotaxy syndrome]].<ref name="pmid19618213">{{cite journal| author=Ahmed SA, Zengeya S, Kini U, Pollard AJ| title=Familial isolated congenital asplenia: case report and literature review. | journal=Eur J Pediatr | year= 2010 | volume= 169 | issue= 3 | pages= 315-8 | pmid=19618213 | doi=10.1007/s00431-009-1030-0 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>

==[[Asplenia screening|Screening]]==
==[[Asplenia screening|Screening]]==

==[[Asplenia natural history, complications and prognosis|Natural History, Complications and Prognosis]]==
==[[Asplenia natural history, complications and prognosis|Natural History, Complications and Prognosis]]==
===Natural History===
*If left untreated, Patients with asplenia or hyposplenia are at risk of life-threatening infection.
*Overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI) occurs in 5% of patients and has a mortality rate of 38%–70%.
*Patients with functional asplenia and hyposplenia who have not undergone a splenectomy can present with a life-threatening infection comparable to an OPSI

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[[Asplenia medical treatment|Medical Therapy]] | [[Asplenia surgical techniques|Surgery]] | [[Asplenia interventions|Interventions]] | [[Asplenia primary prevention|Primary Prevention]] | [[Asplenia secondary prevention|Secondary Prevention]] | [[Asplenia cost-effectiveness of therapy|Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy]] | [[Asplenia future or investigational therapies|Future or Investigational Therapies]]
[[Asplenia medical treatment|Medical Therapy]] | [[TAsplenia surgical techniques|Surgery]] | [[Asplenia primary prevention|Primary Prevention]] | [[Asplenia secondary prevention|Secondary Prevention]] | [[Asplenia cost-effectiveness of therapy|Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy]] | [[Asplenia future or investigational therapies|Future or Investigational Therapies]]
==Medical Therapy==
===Emergency Medical Management of suspected sepsis in Asplenic patient===
Asplenia can cause [[sepsis]] and require immediate management:<ref name="pmid24855431">{{cite journal| author=Salvadori MI, Price VE, Canadian Paediatric Society, Infectious Diseases and Immunization Committee| title=Preventing and treating infections in children with asplenia or hyposplenia. | journal=Paediatr Child Health | year= 2014 | volume= 19 | issue= 5 | pages= 271-8 | pmid=24855431 | doi= | pmc=4029242 | url=  }} </ref>
*Children with [[asplenia]] for every [[febrile illness]], must be seen by a physician immediately.
*[[Sepsis]] in individuals with [[asplenia]] or [[hyposplenia]] is a [[medical emergency]] as these [[patients]] can die within several hours of [[fever]] onset despite appearing well initially.
*[[Administration]] of [[antibiotic]] therapy should not be delayed and [[blood culture]] should be performed unless there is an obvious [[nonbacterial source]].
*[[Ceftriaxone]]: [[100 mg/kg/dose]], [[(maximum 2 g/dose)]] should be given in all [[asplenic patients]].
*[[Administer]] both [[ceftriaxone]] and [[vancomycin]] (60 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 6 h) in case of [[intermediate]] or [[high penicillin-resistant pneumococci]].
*If the [[patient]] is treated in a [[clinic]] or [[office setting]], refer [[immediately]] to the nearest [[emergency department]].
*Clinical [[deterioration]] can be rapid even after [[antibiotic administratin]] so changes in [[antibiotics]] should be done after [[culture reports]] available.
*[[Vancomycin]] and [[ciprofloxacin]] can be used if the patient has an [[allergy]] to [[penicillin]] or [[cephalosporin]]. Changes in [[antibiotics]] should be done after [[culture]] reports available.
==Primary prevention==
*Vaccination against these encapsulated bacteria is recommended to prevent asplenia patients from severe infection. Up to 87% of asplenic patients were found to have been infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae, one of the most common bacterial pathogen leading to infection in patients with asplenia.
*[[Vaccinations]] are also recommended before [[splenectomy]] and after the surgical removal. For those with [[functional asplenia]] or [[autosplenectomy]], it is also advised to continue aggressive [[vaccination schedules]]. It is recommended that patients should be given the [[pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-13)]] 8 weeks in advance, as well as the [[pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV-23)]], [[Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (Hib)]], and the [[quadrivalent meningococcal]] [[conjugate vaccine]] 14 days before planned surgery for [[splenectomy]].
===Antibiotic Prophylaxis===
*Only [[Immunizations]] do not [[protect against]] [[infections]] with [[encapsulated bacteria]], [[antibiotic prophylaxis]] Should be given.<ref name="pmid24855431">{{cite journal| author=Salvadori MI, Price VE, Canadian Paediatric Society, Infectious Diseases and Immunization Committee| title=Preventing and treating infections in children with asplenia or hyposplenia. | journal=Paediatr Child Health | year= 2014 | volume= 19 | issue= 5 | pages= 271-8 | pmid=24855431 | doi= | pmc=4029242 | url=  }} </ref>
*All [[patients]] younger than [[five years]] of age should receive [[antibiotic prophylaxis]].
**'''For children'''
***'''Birth to three months''': [[Escherichia coli]], [[Klebsiella]] are of concern in this [[age group]].
****[[Amoxicillin]] or [[clavulanate]] 10 mg/kg/dose PO q12h, with [[penicillin VK]] 125 mg per dose PO q12h OR [[amoxicillin]] 10 mg/kg/dose q12h, as an [[alternative]] if not tolerated.
***'''more than 3 months to five years'''
****[[Penicillin]] VK 125 mg per dose PO q12h OR [[amoxicillin]] 10 mg/kg/dose PO q12h.
****[[Liquid amoxicillin]] tastes better and may be [[better tolerated]] than [[liquid penicillin]].
***'''more than 5 years'''
****[[Penicillin V]] 250 mg or 300 mg per dose  q12h OR [[amoxicillin]] 250 mg per dose q12h.
****For [[penicillin]], 250 mg is a convenient dose for [[suspension]] but [[tablets]] are only available as 300 mg
===Malaria Prophylaxis===
*[[Asplenic]] and [[hyposplenic]] children must be advised of their [[increased]] [[risk]] of [[severe malaria]] and also take [[malaria prophylaxis]] as appropriate for their age and the type of [[malaria]] found in the area to which they are [[travelling]] and they should always [[seek]] [[travel advice]].
==Secondary prevention==
Effective measures for the secondary prevention of asplenia include:
*[[Patient]] should carry an [[alert card]] or [[bracelet]] and an [[up-to-date]] [[vaccination record]].<ref name="pmid32759171">{{cite journal| author=O'Neill NE, Baker J, Ward R, Johnson C, Taggart L, Sholzberg M| title=The development of a quality improvement project to improve infection prevention and management in patients with asplenia or hyposplenia. | journal=BMJ Open Qual | year= 2020 | volume= 9 | issue= 3 | pages=  | pmid=32759171 | doi=10.1136/bmjoq-2019-000770 | pmc=7410002 | url=  }} </ref>
*Adult with [[asplenia]], if unable to seek [[medical attention]] within 2 hours, should have [[access]] to [[preprescribed antibiotics]] which should be taken at [[fever]] onset.
*The risk of [[infection]] can be significantly reduced by using [[systematic]], [[long-term approaches]] to care for [[asplenic patients]].
*[[Patient]] and [[family education program]] that addresses the [[risk]] of [[infection]] in these at-risk [[patients]].<ref name="pmid33275684">{{cite journal| author=Lee GM| title=Preventing infections in children and adults with asplenia. | journal=Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program | year= 2020 | volume= 2020 | issue= 1 | pages= 328-335 | pmid=33275684 | doi=10.1182/hematology.2020000117 | pmc=7727556 | url=  }} </ref>

==Case Studies==
==Case Studies==
[[Asplenia case study one|Case #1]]
[[Asplenia case study one|Case #1]]
{{Phakomatoses and other congenital malformations not elsewhere classified}}
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Latest revision as of 04:39, 9 September 2021

Asplenia Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Asplenia from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Study of Choice

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


X Ray

Echocardiography and Ultrasound

CT scan


Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy



Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Asplenia On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Asplenia

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Asplenia

CDC on Asplenia

Asplenia in the news

Blogs on Asplenia

Directions to Hospitals Treating Asplenia

Risk calculators and risk factors for Asplenia

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Kalpana Giri, MBBS[2]

Synonyms and keywords:


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Asplenia from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic study of choice | History and Symptoms | Physical Examination | Laboratory Findings | Electrocardiogram | X-Ray Findings | Echocardiography and Ultrasound | CT-Scan Findings | MRI Findings | Other Imaging Findings | Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy | Surgery | Primary Prevention | Secondary Prevention | Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy | Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1