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While multiple theories have been proposed to explain [[preeclampsia]] and eclampsia, it occurs only in the presence of a [[placenta]] and is resolved by its removal.<ref name=lancet/> E. W. Page suggested that placental hypoperfusion is a key feature of the process. It is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the maternal vasculature to pressure agents leading to vasospasm and hypoperfusion of multiple organs. Further, an activation of the [[coagulation]] cascade leads to microthombi formation and aggravates the perfusion problem. Loss of plasma from the vascular tree with the resulting [[edema]] additionally compromises the situation. These events lead to signs and symptoms of toxemia including hypertension, renal, pulmonary, and hepatic dysfunction, and  - in eclampsia specifically - cerebral dysfunction.<ref name=lancet>{{cite journal |journal=The Lancet 2001; 357:53-56 |title=Series, Pre-eclampsia trio. Pathogenesis and genetics of pre-eclampsia. |author=JM Roberts, DW Cooper}} </ref> Preclinical markers of the disease process are signs of increased platelet and endothelial activation.<ref name=lancet/>
[[Eclampsia]] is severe form of [[pre-eclampsia]] and all the changes that happen in pre-eclampsia are further intensified. It is associated with abnormal or defective [[spiral artery]] remodelling, that is, high-resistance, low-flow blood vessels are unable to convert to low-resistance, high-flow blood vessels, hypoperfusion of the [[fetoplacental unit]], and chronic placental ischemia which result in [[oxidative stress]] and formation of [[reactive oxygen species]]. There is an imbalance between vasodilator agents such as [[prostaglandins]] and [[nitric oxide]] and vasoconstrictor agents such as [[thromboxane]]-II ([[TXA-2]]) amd [[angiotensin II]]. Also there is increased production of [[endothelin-1]] which also acts as a vasoconstrictor. Enhanced expression of [[antiangiogenic factors]] like [[sFlt-1]] and [[soluble endoglin]] ([[sEng]]) are also responsible for deranged [[cell signalling]] and inhibition of [[VEGF]] and [[TGF-beta]]. The [[oxidative stress]] results in various organ system damages and can ultimately lead to [[cerebral edema]], cerebral [[anoxia]], [[cerebral autoregulation]] failure and excess of [[excitatory neurotransmitter]]s, which can result in [[convulsions]].

===Anatomy and Physiology of placenta===
===Anatomy and Physiology of placenta===
The formation of the [[placenta]] commences with the development of [[trophoblast]]. After the [[fertilization]] of the [[ovum]] in the [[fallopian tubes]], it travels towards the [[uterus]] and by the time it reaches the uterus it has already become a [[morula]]. The morula is still surrounded by the [[zona pellucida]] which prevents it from sticking to the walls of the tube. The [[zona pellucida]] disappears soon after the [[blastocyst]] reaches the [[uterine cavity]]. Now the cells lining the [[blastocyst]] constitute the [[trophoblast]] whose function is to invade the surrounding uterine tissues to provide nutrition to the developing blastocyst. When the trophoblast attaches to the endometrium, it is known as [[implantation]], which begins on the sixth day after [[fertilization]] in humans. This process is additionally enhanced by the ''proteolytic enzymes'' produced by the trophoblast and the ''interaction'' between the receptors present uterine epithelium and [[L-selectin]] and [[integrins]] produced by the trophoblast cells. Hence, implantation is a result of mutual exchange between the endometrium of the uterine cavity and the trophoblastic cells surrounding the blastocyst.
The formation of the [[placenta]] commences with the development of [[trophoblast]]. After the [[fertilization]] of the [[ovum]] in the [[fallopian tubes]], it travels towards the [[uterus]] and by the time it reaches the uterus it has already become a [[morula]]. The morula is still surrounded by the [[zona pellucida]] which prevents it from sticking to the walls of the tube. The [[zona pellucida]] disappears soon after the [[blastocyst]] reaches the [[uterine cavity]]. Now the cells lining the [[blastocyst]] constitute the [[trophoblast]] whose function is to invade the surrounding uterine tissues to provide nutrition to the developing blastocyst. When the trophoblast attaches to the endometrium, it is known as [[implantation]], which begins on the sixth day after [[fertilization]] in humans. This process is additionally enhanced by the ''proteolytic enzymes'' produced by the trophoblast and the ''interaction'' between the receptors present uterine epithelium and [[L-selectin]] and [[integrins]] produced by the trophoblast cells. Hence, implantation is a result of mutual exchange between the endometrium of the uterine cavity and the trophoblastic cells surrounding the blastocyst.
After the implantation, the uterine endometrium is termed the [[Decidua]]. Once the implantation has occurred the [[stromal cells]] undergo a ''[[decidual reaction]]'' which consists of enlargement of the cells, [[vacuolisation]] and storage of glycogen and lipids.
=====[[Decidua basalis]]=====
*The area of the endometrium or decidua that is deep to the [[blastocyst]], where the placenta is to be formed is inferred as [[decidua basalis]]. It consists of the terminally differentiated large stromal cells which encompass largely lipids and glycogen that acts as a source of nutrition for the embryo. It also comprises of maternal vascular cells and maternal blood cells inside and outside those vessels.
*This area is also known as the ''[[decidual plate]]'' and it is firmly united to the [[chorion]].
*The stromal cells also produce a variety of humoral proteins such as ''[[insulin-like growth factor]] binding proteins'' and ''[[prolactin]]'' and its family proteins.

Placenta consists of two components:
====[[Chorionic villi]]====
These consist of the fetal portion of the placenta. They are offshoots or very small finger-like processes, hence called the [[villi]], from the surface of the trophoblast cells. Within the substance of these villi are fetal blood capillaries and fetal blood cells which arise from the [[extra-embryonic mesoderm]]. Since the trophoblast and the extra-embryonic mesoderm constitutes the [[chorion]], these villi are also known as [[chorionic villi]].
====[[Chorionic Villi]]====
=====[[Chorion fundosum]]=====
Originally the villi are formed all over the trophoblast and commence invading the surrounding decidua. Nevertheless gradually the villi related to the ''[[decidua capsularis]]'' degenerate and in contrast, those associated with the decidua basalis undergo further differentiation and substantial growth and helps form the placenta. This part is known as ''[[chorion fundosum]]''. During the [[differentiation]] process, the trophoblast which is originally a single layer of cells multiplies into two distinct layers. The cells in the superficial layer, that is the layer which is in proximity with the decidua, lose their cell boundaries and mould into one consecutive layer of cytoplasm and several nuclei, known as the ''[[syncytiotrophoblast]]''. The second layer cells, which rest on extra-embryonic mesoderm, however retain their cell walls and are known as the ''[[cytotrophoblast]]''.
*The tissues of ''[[desidua basalis]]'' and ''[[chorion fundosum]]'' jointly form a disc-shaped structure called the ''placenta''.
*Various septa start growing into the intervillous space from the maternal side and subdivide the placenta into 15-20 lobes known as the ''[[maternal cotyledon]]s''.
*Each lobe homes several anchoring villi and their branches. One such villus along with its branches constitute a ''[[fetal cotyledon]]''.
*The maternal vessels empty into the intervillous space and the maternal blood circulates through the intervillous space and the fetal blood travels through the fetal blood vessels in the villi. At any given time, the maternal and fetal blood do not mix and all exchanges take place via the ''[[placental membrane]]'' or the ''[[placental barrier]]''.
*The layers of the placental membrane(from the fetal side):
*#The endothelium and the basement membrane of the fetal blood vessels
*#Surrounding connective tissue(mesoderm)
*The functions of the placenta include:
**The transport of water, electrolytes, oxygen, and nutrition from mother to the baby
**Excretion of waste products such as carbon dioxide, urea, etcetera produced by the fetus into the maternal blood
**Passage for the maternal [[IgG]] to reach the fetus and give immunity against some infections
**A barrier against many bacteria, certain viruses, and harmful substances
**Synthesis of several hormones such as [[oestrogen]]([[estriol]]), [[progesterone]], [[human chorionic gonadotropin]] ([[hCG]]), [[somatomammotropin]] ([[hCS]])
====[[Spiral artery remodelling]]====
*Spiral artery remodelling of the maternal blood vessels, one of ''the physiological changes of pregnancy'', is a process that begins in the first few weeks of pregnancy and modifies the low-flow, high-resistant arteries to high-flow, low-resistance blood vessels which are capable of meeting the demands of the growing fetus.
*Spiral arteries develop from the radial arteries at the endometrial/myometrial border, and progressively remodel during the first 22 weeks of gestation. It correlates with extravillous trophoblast (EVT) invasion, which ultimately replaces the vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells.
*It is also accompanied by fibrinoid deposition and loss of responsiveness to vasoconstrictors.
*The fetal trophoblast cells also synthesize a plethora of cytokines.
*All these changes result in increased blood flow to the intervillous spaces which ensures a proper supply of nutrition and oxygen for the growth of the fetus.
*Failure to properly remodel is a common feature seen in preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome.
*Mechanisms responsible for the loss of vascular cells:
**''Decidua-associated remodelling'': Changes in the spiral artery structure before the arrival of the trophoblasts; may include, endothelial basophilia, vacuolation, and vessel dilation.
**The vascular effects of oestrogen: Stimulate nitric oxide synthesis, increase vessel permeability and endothelial cell proliferation via increased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) release.
**Influence of progesterone: Enhanced recruitment of immune cells such as lymphocytes, macrophages and uterine natural killer cells to the endometrium, ability to up-regulate stromal cell chemokine expression.
**''Trophoblast-dependent transformation'': Cytotrophoblast stem cells differentiate along two pathways, Villous trophoblasts and Extravillous trophoblasts. Extravillous trophoblasts are responsible for spiral artery remodelling via various processes which could include: adherence, migration, dedifferentiation, medial necrosis and fibrinoid deposition, phagocytosis/autophagy and apoptosis. Although, the research on human spiral artery remodelling is insufficient due to unavailability of material at all phases of pregnancy it is known that spiral artery remodelling plays a central role in establishing and maintaining a normal pregnancy and failure for this remodelling to occur normally may result in preeclampsia among other pregnancy disorders.<ref> Whitley GS, Cartwright JE. Trophoblast-mediated spiral artery remodelling: a role for apoptosis. J Anat. 2009 Jul;215(1):21-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2008.01039.x. Epub 2009 Feb 9. PMID: 19215319; PMCID: PMC2714635. </ref>

Placental hypoperfusion is linked to  abnormal modeling of the fetal-maternal interface that may be immunologically mediated<ref name=lancet/> The invasion of the trophoblast appears to be incomplete.<ref>{{cite journal |author=Zhou Y, Fisher SJ, Janatpour M, Gembacev O, Dejana E, Wheelock M, et al. | title=Human cytotrophoblasts adopt a vascular phenotype as they differentiate: a strategy for successful endovascular invasion? |journal=J Clin Invest 1997;99:2139-51}}</ref>
*In pre-eclampsia there is an abnormal or defective invasion of the spiral arteries by trophoblast cells resulting in abnormal modelling of the fetal-maternal interface and hypoperfusion of the fetoplacental unit which in turn leads to chronic placental ischemia and oxidative stress.
[[Adrenomedullin]], a potent vasodilator, is produced in diminished quantities by the placenta in preeclampsia (and thus eclampsia).<ref>{{cite journal| title=Adrenomedullin is decreased in preeclampsia because of failed response to epidermal growth factor and impaired syncytialization| author=Hongshi L., Dakour J, Kauman S, Guilbert LJ, Winkler-Lowen B, Morrish DW |journal=Hypertension 2003, vol. 42, no5, pp. 895-900}}</ref> Other vasoactive agents are at play including [[prostacyclin]], [[thromboxane]] A2, [[nitric oxide]], and [[endothelin]]s leading to vasoconstriction.<ref name=ACOG>{{cite journal |author=ACOG| title= Diagnosis and Management of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia |journal=ACOG Practice Bulletin # 33, 2002,}}</ref> Many studies have suggested the importance of a woman's [[immunological tolerance]] to her baby's father, whose genes are present in the young fetus and its placenta and which may pose a challenge to her immune system.<ref name="Sex Primes Women for Sperm">{{cite news | title=Sex Primes Women for Sperm | publisher=BBC News | date=[[2002-02-06]] | accessdate=2007-11-19 |}}</ref>
*In normal pregnancy, following the remodelling and displacement of endothelial cells, the vascular system becomes refractory to the pressor agents such as Angiotensin-ΙΙ and there is increased production of vasodilator agents such as prostaglandin-12(PG12), nitric oxide(NO) but in preeclampsia, there is an imbalance of the components of prostaglandins. There is a deficiency of PG12 and increased synthesis of thromboxane-A2 (TXA2), a potent vasoconstrictor from the platelets.
*In normal pregnancy, [[Angiotensin-ΙΙ]] is destroyed by [[angiotensinase]] produced by the placenta, but in preeclampsia, the angiotensinase activity is decreased following its excretion in urine via proteinuria.
Eclampsia is seen as form of a [[hypertensive encephalopathy]] in the context of those pathological events that lead to preeclampsia. It is thought that cerebral [[vascular resistance]] is reduced, leading to increased blood flow to the brain. In addition to abnormal function of the [[endothelium]], this leads to [[cerebral edema]].<ref name="Cipolla">{{cite journal | author=Cipolla MJ | title=Cerebrovascular function in pregnancy and eclampsia | journal=Hypertension | volume=50 | issue=1 | pages=14–24 | month=July | year=2007 | url= | pmid=17548723 | doi=10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.106.079442 }}</ref> Typically an eclamptic seizure will not lead to lasting brain damage; however, intracranial hemorrhage may occur.<ref>{{cite journal |author=Richards A, Graham D, Bullock R. |title=Clinicopathological study of neurological complications due to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. |journal=J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1988;51:416-21}}</ref>
*There is a deficiency of nitric oxide, a significant vasodilator, which is normally synthesised from L-arginine in the vascular endothelium and syncytiotrophoblast. It normally relaxes smooth muscles, inhibits platelet aggregation, and prevents inter-villous thrombi formation; but its deficiency leads to the development of hypertension.
*Increased synthesis of Endothelin-Ι, a potent vasoconstrictor, from endothelial cells also contribute to hypertension.
*Increased production of inflammatory mediators such as tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), among others, from activated WBCs further cause endothelial injury.
*Placental hypoventilation and decreased oxygen leads to abnormal lipid metabolism, which further results in oxidative stress. It leads to the production of superoxide radicals such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxides, superoxide anion radicals, which further enhance endothelial dysfunction.
*Oxidative stress induces the release of substances such as free radicals, oxidized lipids, cytokines, and serum soluble vascular endothelial growth factor-1 (VEGF1) into the maternal circulation.
*These abnormalities are responsible for endothelial dysfunction with vascular hyperpermeability, thrombophilia, and hypertension, to compensate for the decreased flow in the uterine arteries due to peripheral vasoconstriction.
*Role of [[Angiogenic]] and [[antiangiogenic]] factors: Several studies have suggested the role of increased expression of Anti-angiogenic factors, such as [[sFlt1]] and soluble [[Endoglin]] in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and eclampsia. <ref name="pmid12618519">{{cite journal| author=Maynard SE, Min JY, Merchan J, Lim KH, Li J, Mondal S | display-authors=etal| title=Excess placental soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt1) may contribute to endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, and proteinuria in preeclampsia. | journal=J Clin Invest | year= 2003 | volume= 111 | issue= 5 | pages= 649-58 | pmid=12618519 | doi=10.1172/JCI17189 | pmc=151901 | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid15472115">{{cite journal| author=Ahmad S, Ahmed A| title=Elevated placental soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 inhibits angiogenesis in preeclampsia. | journal=Circ Res | year= 2004 | volume= 95 | issue= 9 | pages= 884-91 | pmid=15472115 | doi=10.1161/01.RES.0000147365.86159.f5 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
**'''sFlt1(Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1)''': sFlt1 is produced as a result of deranged [[splicing]] of [[Flt1]]([[fms-like tyrosine kinase-1]]) protein. SFlt1 differs from Flt1 protein in way that it retains the extracellular ligand binding domain but looses of transmembrane as well as intracellular signalling domain. Flt1 is an endothelial receptor for [[VEGF]] ([[Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor]]) and [[PlGF]] ([[Placental Growth Factor]]), and is essential for intracellular angiogenic signals. With the increased production of [[sFlt1]] it binds to and [[antagonizes]] [[VEGF]] and [[PlGF]] <ref name="pmid8248162">{{cite journal| author=Kendall RL, Thomas KA| title=Inhibition of vascular endothelial cell growth factor activity by an endogenously encoded soluble receptor. | journal=Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | year= 1993 | volume= 90 | issue= 22 | pages= 10705-9 | pmid=8248162 | doi=10.1073/pnas.90.22.10705 | pmc=47846 | url=  }} </ref>.
**'''Soluble Endoglin (sEng)''': Endoglin (CD150), a transmembrane glycoprotein in vascular endothelium, is a cell surface receptor for transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and plays a key role in angiogenesis. Soluble Endoglin is a deranged and truncated form of endoglin and when it binds to TGF-β, it antagonising its action and alters the cell signalling pathway.
**Hence, the secretion of Sflt1 and sEng antagonises VEGF and TGF-β1 signalling. Under normal circumstances, VEGF/PlGF and TFG-β1 are accountable for protecting endothelial health via their interaction with various receptors. But their inhibition ultimately results in endothelial cell dysfunction, declined NO production, reduced prostacyclin generation, and heightened procoagulant elements. <ref name="pmid21266263">{{cite journal| author=Maynard SE, Karumanchi SA| title=Angiogenic factors and preeclampsia. | journal=Semin Nephrol | year= 2011 | volume= 31 | issue= 1 | pages= 33-46 | pmid=21266263 | doi=10.1016/j.semnephrol.2010.10.004 | pmc=3063446 | url=  }} </ref> All these elements contribute to the various symptoms of preeclampsia and eclampsia.
====Various mechanisms behind the convulsions in eclampsia====
Several factors that cause cerebral irritation can provoke cerebral convulsion, and include:
*'''Cerebral edema''': <ref name="pmid11117090">{{cite journal| author=Zunker P, Happe S, Georgiadis AL, Louwen F, Georgiadis D, Ringelstein EB | display-authors=etal| title=Maternal cerebral hemodynamics in pregnancy-related hypertension. A prospective transcranial Doppler study. | journal=Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol | year= 2000 | volume= 16 | issue= 2 | pages= 179-87 | pmid=11117090 | doi=10.1046/j.1469-0705.2000.00194.x | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid9562320">{{cite journal| author=Thomas SV| title=Neurological aspects of eclampsia. | journal=J Neurol Sci | year= 1998 | volume= 155 | issue= 1 | pages= 37-43 | pmid=9562320 | doi=10.1016/s0022-510x(97)00274-8 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid19404782">{{cite journal| author=Fletcher JJ, Kramer AH, Bleck TP, Solenski NJ| title=Overlapping features of eclampsia and postpartum angiopathy. | journal=Neurocrit Care | year= 2009 | volume= 11 | issue= 2 | pages= 199-209 | pmid=19404782 | doi=10.1007/s12028-009-9221-0 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid11415899">{{cite journal| author=Koch S, Rabinstein A, Falcone S, Forteza A| title=Diffusion-weighted imaging shows cytotoxic and vasogenic edema in eclampsia. | journal=AJNR Am J Neuroradiol | year= 2001 | volume= 22 | issue= 6 | pages= 1068-70 | pmid=11415899 | doi= | pmc=7974798 | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid10912407">{{cite journal| author=Kanki T, Tsukimori K, Mihara F, Nakano H| title=Diffusion-weighted images and vasogenic edema in eclampsia. | journal=Obstet Gynecol | year= 1999 | volume= 93 | issue= 5 Pt 2 | pages= 821-3 | pmid=10912407 | doi=10.1016/s0029-7844(98)00575-4 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid10561638">{{cite journal| author=Williams KP, Wilson S| title=Persistence of cerebral hemodynamic changes in patients with eclampsia: A report of three cases. | journal=Am J Obstet Gynecol | year= 1999 | volume= 181 | issue= 5 Pt 1 | pages= 1162-5 | pmid=10561638 | doi=10.1016/s0002-9378(99)70101-8 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid9404996">{{cite journal| author=Manfredi M, Beltramello A, Bongiovanni LG, Polo A, Pistoia L, Rizzuto N| title=Eclamptic encephalopathy: imaging and pathogenetic considerations. | journal=Acta Neurol Scand | year= 1997 | volume= 96 | issue= 5 | pages= 277-82 | pmid=9404996 | doi=10.1111/j.1600-0404.1997.tb00284.x | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> Cerebral edema is a key characteristic of eclampsia, as numerous clinical measures such as CT findings, MRI findings, post-mortem etc have exhibited varying extents of edema and vasculopathy. Although both cytotoxic and vasogenic causes have been suggested, the reversibility of neurological symptoms and radiological lesions within few days to weeks postpartum points towards vasogenic edema. The increase in the extracellular space as a consequence of oedema takes up room within the closed cavity of the skull and results in progressive brain compression and the symptoms of eclampsia such as nausea, vomiting, headache, cortical blindness, and seizures. <ref> Dinsdale HB, Mohr JP. Hypertensive Encephalopathy. In: Barnett Henry JM, Mohr JP, Stein Bennet M, Yatsu Frank M., editors. Stroke Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management. 3. Vol. 34 Churchill Livingston; New York, NY </ref> <ref> Cipolla MJ. Stroke and the Blood-Brain Interface. In: Spray D, Dermietzel R, editors. Blood-brain Barrier Interfaces. Wiley Press; 2006 </ref>
*'''Cerebrovascular autoregulation failure''': <ref name="pmid17200432">{{cite journal| author=Euser AG, Cipolla MJ| title=Cerebral blood flow autoregulation and edema formation during pregnancy in anesthetized rats. | journal=Hypertension | year= 2007 | volume= 49 | issue= 2 | pages= 334-40 | pmid=17200432 | doi=10.1161/01.HYP.0000255791.54655.29 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid1580719">{{cite journal| author=Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP| title=Hypertension and the brain. The National High Blood Pressure Education Program. | journal=Arch Intern Med | year= 1992 | volume= 152 | issue= 5 | pages= 938-45 | pmid=1580719 | doi= | pmc= | url=  }} </ref><ref> Heistad DD, Kontos HA. The Cardiovascular System III. In: Berne RM, Sperelakis N, editors. Handbook of Physiology. Vol. 5. American Physiological Society; Bethesda, MD: 1979. pp. 137–182. </ref> In a normotensive adult, if cerebral perfusion pressure is in the range of 60 to 150 mmHg, the Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) is maintained at nearly 50 mL per 100 g of brain tissue per minute. Above 150 mmHg and below 60 mmHg, the autoregulation of blood flow is lost and a linear relationship between Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) begins. Above the autoregulation limit, the myogenic vasoconstriction  of the blood vessels is overpowered by the increased intravascular pressure, resulting in forceful cerebral vessel dilation. This results in excessive cerebral blood flow, significant Blood-Brain Barrier destruction and vasogenic edema formation which contributes to eclampsia. <ref name="pmid6441228">{{cite journal| author=Busija DW, Heistad DD| title=Factors involved in the physiological regulation of the cerebral circulation. | journal=Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol | year= 1984 | volume= 101 | issue= | pages= 161-211 | pmid=6441228 | doi=10.1007/BFb0027696 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid645875">{{cite journal| author=Kontos HA, Wei EP, Navari RM, Levasseur JE, Rosenblum WI, Patterson JL| title=Responses of cerebral arteries and arterioles to acute hypotension and hypertension. | journal=Am J Physiol | year= 1978 | volume= 234 | issue= 4 | pages= H371-83 | pmid=645875 | doi=10.1152/ajpheart.1978.234.4.H371 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> <ref name="pmid7223903">{{cite journal| author=Kontos HA, Wei EP, Dietrich WD, Navari RM, Povlishock JT, Ghatak NR | display-authors=etal| title=Mechanism of cerebral arteriolar abnormalities after acute hypertension. | journal=Am J Physiol | year= 1981 | volume= 240 | issue= 4 | pages= H511-27 | pmid=7223903 | doi=10.1152/ajpheart.1981.240.4.H511 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
*'''Cerebral anoxia'''
*'''Cerebral dysrhythmia''': The numerous inflammatory cytokines and vasoconstrictor elements released as a result of uteroplacental ischemia can cause the stimulation of excitatory neuronal receptors and result in neuronal excitability and convulsions. <ref name="pmid18840393">{{cite journal| author=Wasseff S| title=Mechanisms of convulsions in eclampsia. | journal=Med Hypotheses | year= 2009 | volume= 72 | issue= 1 | pages= 49-51 | pmid=18840393 | doi=10.1016/j.mehy.2008.08.017 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
*'''Excitatory neurotransmitters''': <ref name="pmid21709815">{{cite journal| author=Cipolla MJ, Kraig RP| title=Seizures in Women with Preeclampsia: Mechanisms and Management. | journal=Fetal Matern Med Rev | year= 2011 | volume= 22 | issue= 2 | pages= 91-108 | pmid=21709815 | doi=10.1017/S0965539511000040 | pmc=3119563 | url=  }} </ref> Preeclampsia is associated with the upregulation of a large number of proinflammatory cytokines in the blood, most notably tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Dissimilar to most cytokines, which do not easily traverse into the brain, circulating TNF-α can cross the Blood-Brain Barrier via receptor-mediated endocytosis. TNF-α then upregulates the expression of endothelial cell adhesion molecules such as E-selectin, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 which facilitate the passage of White Blood cells into the brain. Leukocyte infiltration can trigger the microglia, which can then produce more TNF-α. TNF-α production in the brain can both decreases the seizure threshold and induce seizure itself via impacts on AMPA and GABA receptors.


Latest revision as of 14:00, 19 August 2021


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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Eclampsia is severe form of pre-eclampsia and all the changes that happen in pre-eclampsia are further intensified. It is associated with abnormal or defective spiral artery remodelling, that is, high-resistance, low-flow blood vessels are unable to convert to low-resistance, high-flow blood vessels, hypoperfusion of the fetoplacental unit, and chronic placental ischemia which result in oxidative stress and formation of reactive oxygen species. There is an imbalance between vasodilator agents such as prostaglandins and nitric oxide and vasoconstrictor agents such as thromboxane-II (TXA-2) amd angiotensin II. Also there is increased production of endothelin-1 which also acts as a vasoconstrictor. Enhanced expression of antiangiogenic factors like sFlt-1 and soluble endoglin (sEng) are also responsible for deranged cell signalling and inhibition of VEGF and TGF-beta. The oxidative stress results in various organ system damages and can ultimately lead to cerebral edema, cerebral anoxia, cerebral autoregulation failure and excess of excitatory neurotransmitters, which can result in convulsions.


Anatomy and Physiology of placenta

The formation of the placenta commences with the development of trophoblast. After the fertilization of the ovum in the fallopian tubes, it travels towards the uterus and by the time it reaches the uterus it has already become a morula. The morula is still surrounded by the zona pellucida which prevents it from sticking to the walls of the tube. The zona pellucida disappears soon after the blastocyst reaches the uterine cavity. Now the cells lining the blastocyst constitute the trophoblast whose function is to invade the surrounding uterine tissues to provide nutrition to the developing blastocyst. When the trophoblast attaches to the endometrium, it is known as implantation, which begins on the sixth day after fertilization in humans. This process is additionally enhanced by the proteolytic enzymes produced by the trophoblast and the interaction between the receptors present uterine epithelium and L-selectin and integrins produced by the trophoblast cells. Hence, implantation is a result of mutual exchange between the endometrium of the uterine cavity and the trophoblastic cells surrounding the blastocyst.


After the implantation, the uterine endometrium is termed the Decidua. Once the implantation has occurred the stromal cells undergo a decidual reaction which consists of enlargement of the cells, vacuolisation and storage of glycogen and lipids.

Decidua basalis
  • The area of the endometrium or decidua that is deep to the blastocyst, where the placenta is to be formed is inferred as decidua basalis. It consists of the terminally differentiated large stromal cells which encompass largely lipids and glycogen that acts as a source of nutrition for the embryo. It also comprises of maternal vascular cells and maternal blood cells inside and outside those vessels.
  • This area is also known as the decidual plate and it is firmly united to the chorion.
  • The stromal cells also produce a variety of humoral proteins such as insulin-like growth factor binding proteins and prolactin and its family proteins.

Chorionic villi

These consist of the fetal portion of the placenta. They are offshoots or very small finger-like processes, hence called the villi, from the surface of the trophoblast cells. Within the substance of these villi are fetal blood capillaries and fetal blood cells which arise from the extra-embryonic mesoderm. Since the trophoblast and the extra-embryonic mesoderm constitutes the chorion, these villi are also known as chorionic villi.

Chorion fundosum

Originally the villi are formed all over the trophoblast and commence invading the surrounding decidua. Nevertheless gradually the villi related to the decidua capsularis degenerate and in contrast, those associated with the decidua basalis undergo further differentiation and substantial growth and helps form the placenta. This part is known as chorion fundosum. During the differentiation process, the trophoblast which is originally a single layer of cells multiplies into two distinct layers. The cells in the superficial layer, that is the layer which is in proximity with the decidua, lose their cell boundaries and mould into one consecutive layer of cytoplasm and several nuclei, known as the syncytiotrophoblast. The second layer cells, which rest on extra-embryonic mesoderm, however retain their cell walls and are known as the cytotrophoblast.


  • The tissues of desidua basalis and chorion fundosum jointly form a disc-shaped structure called the placenta.
  • Various septa start growing into the intervillous space from the maternal side and subdivide the placenta into 15-20 lobes known as the maternal cotyledons.
  • Each lobe homes several anchoring villi and their branches. One such villus along with its branches constitute a fetal cotyledon.
  • The maternal vessels empty into the intervillous space and the maternal blood circulates through the intervillous space and the fetal blood travels through the fetal blood vessels in the villi. At any given time, the maternal and fetal blood do not mix and all exchanges take place via the placental membrane or the placental barrier.
  • The layers of the placental membrane(from the fetal side):
    1. The endothelium and the basement membrane of the fetal blood vessels
    2. Surrounding connective tissue(mesoderm)
    3. Cytotrophoblast
    4. Syncytiotrophoblast
  • The functions of the placenta include:
    • The transport of water, electrolytes, oxygen, and nutrition from mother to the baby
    • Excretion of waste products such as carbon dioxide, urea, etcetera produced by the fetus into the maternal blood
    • Passage for the maternal IgG to reach the fetus and give immunity against some infections
    • A barrier against many bacteria, certain viruses, and harmful substances
    • Synthesis of several hormones such as oestrogen(estriol), progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), somatomammotropin (hCS)

Spiral artery remodelling

  • Spiral artery remodelling of the maternal blood vessels, one of the physiological changes of pregnancy, is a process that begins in the first few weeks of pregnancy and modifies the low-flow, high-resistant arteries to high-flow, low-resistance blood vessels which are capable of meeting the demands of the growing fetus.
  • Spiral arteries develop from the radial arteries at the endometrial/myometrial border, and progressively remodel during the first 22 weeks of gestation. It correlates with extravillous trophoblast (EVT) invasion, which ultimately replaces the vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells.
  • It is also accompanied by fibrinoid deposition and loss of responsiveness to vasoconstrictors.
  • The fetal trophoblast cells also synthesize a plethora of cytokines.
  • All these changes result in increased blood flow to the intervillous spaces which ensures a proper supply of nutrition and oxygen for the growth of the fetus.
  • Failure to properly remodel is a common feature seen in preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome.
  • Mechanisms responsible for the loss of vascular cells:
    • Decidua-associated remodelling: Changes in the spiral artery structure before the arrival of the trophoblasts; may include, endothelial basophilia, vacuolation, and vessel dilation.
    • The vascular effects of oestrogen: Stimulate nitric oxide synthesis, increase vessel permeability and endothelial cell proliferation via increased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) release.
    • Influence of progesterone: Enhanced recruitment of immune cells such as lymphocytes, macrophages and uterine natural killer cells to the endometrium, ability to up-regulate stromal cell chemokine expression.
    • Trophoblast-dependent transformation: Cytotrophoblast stem cells differentiate along two pathways, Villous trophoblasts and Extravillous trophoblasts. Extravillous trophoblasts are responsible for spiral artery remodelling via various processes which could include: adherence, migration, dedifferentiation, medial necrosis and fibrinoid deposition, phagocytosis/autophagy and apoptosis. Although, the research on human spiral artery remodelling is insufficient due to unavailability of material at all phases of pregnancy it is known that spiral artery remodelling plays a central role in establishing and maintaining a normal pregnancy and failure for this remodelling to occur normally may result in preeclampsia among other pregnancy disorders.[1]


  • In pre-eclampsia there is an abnormal or defective invasion of the spiral arteries by trophoblast cells resulting in abnormal modelling of the fetal-maternal interface and hypoperfusion of the fetoplacental unit which in turn leads to chronic placental ischemia and oxidative stress.
  • In normal pregnancy, following the remodelling and displacement of endothelial cells, the vascular system becomes refractory to the pressor agents such as Angiotensin-ΙΙ and there is increased production of vasodilator agents such as prostaglandin-12(PG12), nitric oxide(NO) but in preeclampsia, there is an imbalance of the components of prostaglandins. There is a deficiency of PG12 and increased synthesis of thromboxane-A2 (TXA2), a potent vasoconstrictor from the platelets.
  • In normal pregnancy, Angiotensin-ΙΙ is destroyed by angiotensinase produced by the placenta, but in preeclampsia, the angiotensinase activity is decreased following its excretion in urine via proteinuria.
  • There is a deficiency of nitric oxide, a significant vasodilator, which is normally synthesised from L-arginine in the vascular endothelium and syncytiotrophoblast. It normally relaxes smooth muscles, inhibits platelet aggregation, and prevents inter-villous thrombi formation; but its deficiency leads to the development of hypertension.
  • Increased synthesis of Endothelin-Ι, a potent vasoconstrictor, from endothelial cells also contribute to hypertension.
  • Increased production of inflammatory mediators such as tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), among others, from activated WBCs further cause endothelial injury.
  • Placental hypoventilation and decreased oxygen leads to abnormal lipid metabolism, which further results in oxidative stress. It leads to the production of superoxide radicals such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxides, superoxide anion radicals, which further enhance endothelial dysfunction.
  • Oxidative stress induces the release of substances such as free radicals, oxidized lipids, cytokines, and serum soluble vascular endothelial growth factor-1 (VEGF1) into the maternal circulation.
  • These abnormalities are responsible for endothelial dysfunction with vascular hyperpermeability, thrombophilia, and hypertension, to compensate for the decreased flow in the uterine arteries due to peripheral vasoconstriction.
  • Role of Angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors: Several studies have suggested the role of increased expression of Anti-angiogenic factors, such as sFlt1 and soluble Endoglin in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and eclampsia. [2] [3]
    • sFlt1(Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1): sFlt1 is produced as a result of deranged splicing of Flt1(fms-like tyrosine kinase-1) protein. SFlt1 differs from Flt1 protein in way that it retains the extracellular ligand binding domain but looses of transmembrane as well as intracellular signalling domain. Flt1 is an endothelial receptor for VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) and PlGF (Placental Growth Factor), and is essential for intracellular angiogenic signals. With the increased production of sFlt1 it binds to and antagonizes VEGF and PlGF [4].
    • Soluble Endoglin (sEng): Endoglin (CD150), a transmembrane glycoprotein in vascular endothelium, is a cell surface receptor for transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and plays a key role in angiogenesis. Soluble Endoglin is a deranged and truncated form of endoglin and when it binds to TGF-β, it antagonising its action and alters the cell signalling pathway.
    • Hence, the secretion of Sflt1 and sEng antagonises VEGF and TGF-β1 signalling. Under normal circumstances, VEGF/PlGF and TFG-β1 are accountable for protecting endothelial health via their interaction with various receptors. But their inhibition ultimately results in endothelial cell dysfunction, declined NO production, reduced prostacyclin generation, and heightened procoagulant elements. [5] All these elements contribute to the various symptoms of preeclampsia and eclampsia.

Various mechanisms behind the convulsions in eclampsia

Several factors that cause cerebral irritation can provoke cerebral convulsion, and include:

  • Cerebral edema: [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Cerebral edema is a key characteristic of eclampsia, as numerous clinical measures such as CT findings, MRI findings, post-mortem etc have exhibited varying extents of edema and vasculopathy. Although both cytotoxic and vasogenic causes have been suggested, the reversibility of neurological symptoms and radiological lesions within few days to weeks postpartum points towards vasogenic edema. The increase in the extracellular space as a consequence of oedema takes up room within the closed cavity of the skull and results in progressive brain compression and the symptoms of eclampsia such as nausea, vomiting, headache, cortical blindness, and seizures. [13] [14]
  • Cerebrovascular autoregulation failure: [15] [16][17] In a normotensive adult, if cerebral perfusion pressure is in the range of 60 to 150 mmHg, the Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) is maintained at nearly 50 mL per 100 g of brain tissue per minute. Above 150 mmHg and below 60 mmHg, the autoregulation of blood flow is lost and a linear relationship between Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) begins. Above the autoregulation limit, the myogenic vasoconstriction of the blood vessels is overpowered by the increased intravascular pressure, resulting in forceful cerebral vessel dilation. This results in excessive cerebral blood flow, significant Blood-Brain Barrier destruction and vasogenic edema formation which contributes to eclampsia. [18] [19] [20]
  • Cerebral anoxia
  • Cerebral dysrhythmia: The numerous inflammatory cytokines and vasoconstrictor elements released as a result of uteroplacental ischemia can cause the stimulation of excitatory neuronal receptors and result in neuronal excitability and convulsions. [21]
  • Excitatory neurotransmitters: [22] Preeclampsia is associated with the upregulation of a large number of proinflammatory cytokines in the blood, most notably tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Dissimilar to most cytokines, which do not easily traverse into the brain, circulating TNF-α can cross the Blood-Brain Barrier via receptor-mediated endocytosis. TNF-α then upregulates the expression of endothelial cell adhesion molecules such as E-selectin, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 which facilitate the passage of White Blood cells into the brain. Leukocyte infiltration can trigger the microglia, which can then produce more TNF-α. TNF-α production in the brain can both decreases the seizure threshold and induce seizure itself via impacts on AMPA and GABA receptors.




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