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'''March 20, 2009: FDA Panel Votes 15-2 in Favor of Rivaroxaban, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - The FDA's Cardiovascular and Renal Advisory committee voted 15-2 in favor of rivaroxaban. At least two Wall Street analysts have suggested, however, that the FDA may delay approval until it receives more data, pushing final approval into next year. CardioBrief received detailed comments on the meeting from two panel members. Darren McGuire and Sanjay Kaul. Click here to read their comments, as well as the Johnson & Johnson press release.]
'''March 20, 2009: Meta-Analysis: CABG Beats PCI in Diabetics and Elderly, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Overall, CABG and PCI have similar death rates in patients with multivessel disease, but the results heavily favor CABG when it comes to diabetics and elderly patients, according to a new meta-analysis led by Mark Hlatky published in ''The Lancet''. The reasons for CABG's better outcome are unclear, but "intuitively such mechanisms are most likely to reflect more advanced coronary disease," notes David Taggart in an accompanying editorial. Extrapolating from the analysis, as well as the recent COURAGE and SYNTAX trials, Taggart concludes:]
:* [http://cardiobrief.org For less severe coronary disease (mainly one-vessel or two-vessel disease and normal left ventricular function), there is little prognostic benefit from any intervention over optimum medical therapy. In such patients who do require intervention, perhaps for symptomatic reasons, there is no obvious survival advantage for either PCI or CABG (at least in patients who are not diabetic), but there is a significantly higher risk of repeat revascularisation with PCI. In patients with more severe coronary artery disease, and especially those with diabetes, CABG is superior in terms of survival and freedom from reintervention. (''The Lancet'')]
'''March 20, 2009: Cardiovascular Research: Does Pharma See a Future?, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Pfizer's decision to abandon research in cardiovascular drugs is the occasion for a perspective by Alan Garber in the ''New England Journal of Medicine''. Garber asks: "Did the decision reflect only the strengths and weaknesses of Pfizer's pipeline, or have the commercial prospects soured so much that we can expect an industrywide decline in innovation in cardiovascular drugs?" Generics and safety concerns with new drugs are big obstacles to successful research, he notes. "Pfizer's decision is a reminder that pharmaceutical innovation is vulnerable to market forces, changes in medical practice, and regulatory requirements." (''New England Journal of Medicine'')]
'''March 20, 2009: Young Blacks More Likely to Develop Heart Failure, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Blacks young than 30 years old are 20 times more likely to develop heart failure over the next 20 years than whites, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Hypertension, obesity, and systolic dysfunction were significant predictors of heart failure. The study, write Clyde Yancy and Eric Peterson in an accompanying perspective, "raises the possibility that a proactive approach to diet, lifestyle, and weight management might avert the development of hypertension; and more complete control of hypertension, once it is present, might reduce the downstream disparity in the incidence of heart failure. Such an opportunity should not be missed." (''New England Journal of Medicine'')]
'''March 18, 2009: Have the results of the AURORA study been leaked?, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Although the AURORA study, which is comparing rosuvastatin to placebo in hemodialysis patients, is not scheduled to be presented until March 30 at the ACC scientific sessions in Orlando, at least one analyst is claiming he “understands” that the results are negative, according to a Reuters story by Ben Hirschler. Here is what Hirschler writes: “Our understanding is that AURORA may have failed to show a benefit,” Tim Anderson of Sanford Bernstein said in a research note.]
'''March 17, 2009: Rivaroxaban May Face Tough Questions About Bleeding Risk, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - The bleeding risk of rivaroxaban may be a significant focus of the FDA’s Cardiovascular and Renal Advisory Committee when it meets on Thursday. Briefing documents for the meeting posted this morning on the FDA website indicate that the FDA has significant safety concerns about the bleeding risk of rivaroxaban.]
'''March 17, 2009: Normal ABI Isn’t Really Normal, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Patients who have borderline or low normal ankle-brachial index (ABI) ratios are at elevated risk for functional decline and disability, according to a new study appearing online in ''JACC''. The 5-year prospective, observational study found that patients with ABI values between 0.90 and 1.09 “appear to be at significantly greater risk of functional declines, including losing the ability to walk up a flight of stairs or walk a quarter of a mile without assistance, compared to people who have no evidence of PAD based on ABI values between 1.10 and 1.30,” said study author Mary McDermott, in a ''JACC'' press release.]
'''March 17, 2009: Exercise: Don’t Stop or You Just Might Drop, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - A new study published online in ''Circulation'' provides further evidence that exercise after MI is benefical, improving endothelial function as measured by flow mediated dilation, but also shows that the benefits drop rapidly after exercise is stopped. The results were the same whether patients took up aerobic training, resistance training , or a combination regimen. “This should be an additional reason to encourage patients to carry out several types of physical activity to avoid exercise boredom and promote better long-term adherence to exercise programs,” said Margherita Vona, lead author of the study and a cardiologist and director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center, Clinique Valmont-Genolier in Glion sur Montreux, Switzerland, in an AHA press release.]
'''March 16, 2009: FDA Reviewers Give Green Light for Dronedarone, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Ahead of Wednesday's meeting of the Cardiovascular and Renal Advisory Committee meeting, FDA reviewers have recommended approval of Sanofi's dronedarone to delay recurrence of and hospitalization for atrial fibrillation. FDA observers will be pleased to learn that Sanjay Kaul is listed on the roster as a committee member. CardioBrief is willing to bet that Sanjay Kaul will in fact appear as scheduled at this meeting...]
*[http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cdrh09.html#circulatory Also, on Wednesday the Circulatory System Devices Panel will meet to discuss the PMA for the TherOx Aqueous Oxygen System for use in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients, who have undergone successful revascularization. Click here for the FDA briefing documents, etc.]
'''March 16, 2009: Statins May Help Fight Severe Asthma Attacks, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - A retrospective analysis of more than 12 million people in an insurance database has provided evidence that the anti-inflammatory effects of statins may help reduce the severity of asthma attacks, according to a new study presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI).]
*[http://aaaai.org/members/annual_meeting/am2009/ You can find the abstract by going to the AAAAI meeting website, clicking on "Itinerary Planner" and searching for "statins."]
'''March 13, 2009: Demolition Derby: ''JAMA'', ''BMJ'', and ''Wall Street Journal'' Health Blog, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2009/03/13/jama-editor-calls-critic-a-nobody-and-a-nothing/ (CardioBrief) - It's not a cardiology issue, but we can't help being amazed at some of the "frank" talk and raw emotions on display in a new post by David Armstrong in the ''Wall Street Journal'' health blog. Armstrong recounts what happens when he spoke to ''JAMA'' editors about a letter that appeared on the ''British Medical Journal'' website criticizing a ''JAMA'' study on the antidepressant Lexapro. We won't go into details here, but strongly recommend you read Armstrong's account in which ''JAMA'' editor Catherine DeAngelis tells Armstrong that the ''BMJ'' letter writer is a "nobody and a nothing." This demolition derby is far from being over, we predict. Click here to see the post & read comments on the ''WSJ's'' Health Blog.]
'''March 13, 2009: New Diabetes Drugs Juggled by FDA, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - The FDA's Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee will review BMS's saxagliptin tablet and Novo Nordisk's liraglutide injectionon April 1-2. Saxagliptin is a DPP-4 inhibitor, liraglutide is a long-acting form of GLP-1. Noticeably absent from the advisory committee meeting is Takeda's alogliptin, another DPP-4 inhibitor. According to Takeda, the company was informed by the FDA that alogliptin will be subject to guidelines issued after Takeda had already filed its NDA, and that the drug's existing clinical data will not be sufficient for approval.]
'''March 13, 2009: BIDMC Head Avoiding Layoffs, by BRIAN BLANK'''
*[http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2009/03/12/a_head_with_a_heart/?p1=Well_MostPop_Emailed1 (Wiki''Doc'') - The President and CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston seems to be doing everything possible to avoid job cuts. In what was the most popular story on the ''Boston Globe's'' website Friday night, columnist Kevin Cullen profiles BIDMC chief Paul Levy and his efforts to forego layoffs. Levy has asked higher wage earners to make sacrifices for the greater good of the entire hospital. Click here to check out the column.]
'''March 13, 2009: Europe Losing Battle Against Heart Disease, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Europe is losing the battle against heart disease, according to the latest report from EUROSPIRE III published in ''The Lancet''. Among patients with heart disease, there has been no improvement in rates of smoking, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, although patients are receiving more drugs. Real progress will require lifestyle programs and comprehensive, multidisciplinary approaches, write the authors. (''The Lancet'')]
'''March 13, 2009: ABSORB This: Bioabsorbable Stent Remains Promising at 2 Years, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Two year results from the ABSORB trial continue to show promising results for bioabsorbable polymer drug-eluting stents (BVS), according to a new paper published in ''The Lancet''. Results are hard to interpret given that only 30 patients were enrolled in the trial, but the researchers, led by Patrick Serruys, were encouraged by the fact that only one patient had a non-Q wave MI at two years. (''The Lancet'')]
'''March 13, 2009: Elective PCI for Stable Angina: No Impact on Mortality or MI, No Surprise, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - To no one's surprise except all the patients who are convinced that their cardiologists saved their lives, elective PCI over the last 20 years has had no discernible effect on mortality or MI when compared to medical therapy, according to a new network meta-analysis by Thomas Trikalinos and colleagues in ''The Lancet''. (The beneficial effects of PCI in the setting of ACS are commonly accepted.) (''The Lancet'')]
'''March 13, 2009: Phase 2 Data on Schering's TRA Published in ''Lancet'', by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Two years after its initial presentation at the ACC in 2007, the promising phase 2 results on Schering's novel thrombin receptor antagonist (TRA) in the setting of elective PCI have been published in ''The Lancet''. The results were promising enough - good efficacy and low rate of bleeding events - to generate a lot of buzz in 2007. (''The Lancet'')]
'''March 12, 2009: New Test Can Diagnose ARVC, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - A new diagnostic test may represent a substantial advance in the otherwise difficult to diagnose arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), according to a new study published in the ''New England Journal of Medicine''. ARVC may be caused by mutations in desmosomal proteins; the new study found lower levels of the desmosomal protein plakoglobin on immunochemistry of autopsy or biopsy-obtained myocardium. (''New England Journal of Medicine'')]
'''March 11, 2009: Statins Reduce Energy and Interest in Activty, New Study Suggests, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Although some people think statins should be put in the water, others have voiced caution about extrapolating the benefits of statins to an ever-wider population. A new study, presented today at the American Heart Association’s Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism Conference in Palm Harbor, Florida, provides some evidence for being cautious, and may well engender some controversy. Beatrice Golomb (UC San Diego) and colleagues randomized patients to pravastatin or simvastatin for six months and measured energy and interest in activity before and after treatment. Both statins resulted in unfavorable changes, but the results were significant only with simvastatin, a more potent and lipophilic statin.]
'''March 10, 2009: Dronedarone, Rivaroxaban, Post-MI Hyperoxygenation System, Face FDA Panels Next Week, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - The FDA’s Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee and Circulatory System Devices Panel are each set to meet next week, when they will evaluate the drugs rivaroxaban and dronedarone and the TherOx Aqueous Oxygen System for infarct size reduction. On Wednesday, March 18 the cardiorenal committee will discuss Johnson & Johnson’s rivaroxaban oral tablets (10 milligrams) for the proposed indication for use in prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing hip replacement surgery or knee replacement surgery. On Thursday, March 19, the cardiorenal committee will discuss Sanofi’s new drug application for dronedarone in patients with a history of, or current atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, for the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular hospitalization or death. On Wednesday, March 18 the circulatory panel will discuss the premarket approval application, sponsored by TherOx, Inc., for the TherOx Aqueous Oxygen System (AO System).]
'''March 10, 2009: Appending Thrombus on Ulceration of the Ascending Aorta: A Rare Cause of Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction, by BRIAN BLANK'''
*[http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/extract/119/9/e227 (Wiki''Doc'') - ''Circulation's'' "Images in Cardiovascular Medicine" has rare video of a moving pediculated thrombus attached to a patient's aorta just above the right coronary artery ostium. An urgent operation was ordered to remove the segment of the aorta with the mass and the patient ended up making an uneventful recovery. (video and pictures require subscription to ''Circulation'')]
'''March 9, 2009: JUPITER, USA: 6.5 Million Adults Could Benefit from Statins, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Using data from NHANES and extrapolating from JUPITER, Eric Michos and Roger Blumenthal have calculated that 6.5 million additional adults could be candidates for statin therapy. The paper appears online in the ''Journal of the American College of Cardiology''. By treating people with elevated hsCRP who are otherwise considered low risk, “this strategy could potentially prevent 260,000 events at 5 years.” (''Journal of the American College of Cardiology'')]
'''March 9, 2009: Depression - and Antidepressants - Tied to Cardiac Events, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Women enrolled in the Nurses Health Study with severe depression were more than twice as likely as other women to experience sudden cardiac death or fatal coronary disease, according to a new study published online today in the ''Journal of the American College of Cardiology''. The authors were surprised to find that antidepressant use was even more strongly tied to cardiac events, raising the possibility of a proarrhythmic effect of antiarrhythmic drugs, though they believe that the proven benefits of antiarrhythmics still outweigh any possible risks.(''Journal of the American College of Cardiology'')]
'''March 9, 2009: Angry Men and Bad Hearts, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - A new meta-analysis has found a strong association for both primary and secondary coronary events and anger and hostility. The harmful effects of anger and hostility were stronger in men, according to the study published online today in the ''Journal of the American College of Cardiology''. Johan Donellet, in an accompanying editorial, makes the case for overcoming skepticism that “psychological factors do matter in CHD.” Further, “although we might be far from having all of the answers, the risk associated with psychological factors is similar to that of other clinical risk indicators.” (''Journal of the American College of Cardiology'')]
'''March 6, 2009: Treating Flu with Oseltamivir Reduces CV Events, Military Study Finds, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - The association between influenza infection and cardiovascular events has been noted for many years, and flu vaccines have become an accepted part of clinical practice for high-risk patients. A new retrospective study of 37,000 cardiovascular patients with flu, published online in ''Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes'', has found that treatment with oseltamivir significantly reduced the rate of recurrent cardiovascular events.]
'''March 6, 2009: Generic Simvastatin Cost Effective in Wider Population than Current Guidelines Indicate, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Generic simvastatin is cost effective in a much wider population than indicated in current guidelines, according to a new cost-effectiveness study published online in ''Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes''. The Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group combined data from the 20,000 patient HPS study with cost data from the US to estimate the effectiveness of simvastatin for people at different levels of risk. They concluded that generic simvastatin "appears to be very cost-effective for individuals (independent of their age) with annual risks of major coronary and other vascular events well below the levels currently required by national guidelines. As a consequence, existing guidelines should be modified to extend statin treatment to a much wider population."]
'''March 5, 2009: Philip Poole-Wilson, Leading British Cardiologist, Dies Suddenly, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
'''March 5, 2009: Philip Poole-Wilson, Leading British Cardiologist, Dies Suddenly, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Leading British cardiologist Professor Philip Poole-Wilson died yesterday on his way to work, according to published reports in Heart''wire'' and on the European Society of Cardiology website. Poole-Wilson was a major figure in British, European, and international cardiology circles. He was the British Heart Foundation Simon Marks Professor of Cardiology, Head of Cardiac Medicine at the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, and Honorary Consultant Physician at the Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, according to a biography of Poole-Wilson on the website of the Imperial College London. Poole-Wilson also served as President of the European Society of Cardiology and President of the World Heart Federation.]
*[http://cardiobrief.org (CardioBrief) - Leading British cardiologist Professor Philip Poole-Wilson died yesterday on his way to work, according to published reports in Heart''wire'' and on the European Society of Cardiology website. Poole-Wilson was a major figure in British, European, and international cardiology circles. He was the British Heart Foundation Simon Marks Professor of Cardiology, Head of Cardiac Medicine at the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, and Honorary Consultant Physician at the Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, according to a biography of Poole-Wilson on the website of the Imperial College London. Poole-Wilson also served as President of the European Society of Cardiology and President of the World Heart Federation.]
'''March 5, 2009: MTWA May Help Low-Risk Patients Avoid ICD Implantation, by LARRY HUSTEN'''
'''March 5, 2009: Obama: Time to Reform Health Care, by BRIAN BLANK'''
*[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123627593496542123.html (Wiki''Doc'') - President Barack Obama kicked off a White House summit on health care Thursday with a stark warning: "Those who seek to block any reform at any cost will not prevail this time around." The President then turned the forum over to about 150 lawmakers, administration officials, and special interest representatives in an effort to broaden the debate over reform and get it moving. A White House blueprint released last week set aside $635 billion over the next decade to enact reform, which the President hopes will not only help the health care industry but also stabilize the national economy. ]
*[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123627593496542123.html (Wiki''Doc'') - President Barack Obama kicked off a White House summit on health care Thursday with a stark warning: "Those who seek to block any reform at any cost will not prevail this time around." The President then turned the forum over to about 150 lawmakers, administration officials, and special interest representatives in an effort to kick start the reform debate.]
*[http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aB4axwgbnT2E&refer=home A White House blueprint released last week set aside $635 billion over the next decade for changes to health care. ]
'''March 4, 2009: Supreme Court: Drugmakers Can be Sued, by BRIAN BLANK'''
'''March 4, 2009: Supreme Court: Drugmakers Can be Sued, by BRIAN BLANK'''
Latest revision as of 13:19, 20 March 2009
March 20, 2009: FDA Panel Votes 15-2 in Favor of Rivaroxaban, by LARRY HUSTEN
February 9, 2009: Increased Mortality and Cardiovascular Morbidity Associated with the Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Chronic Heart Failure by Dr. Michael W. Tempelhof