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(Removed patient image per patient's request. (I actually took the original photographs myself.) I have previously successfully petitioned to have this image removed from Wikipedia and Wikipedia Commons. Thanks)
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   ICD9          = {{ICD9|755.2}}-{{ICD9|755.4}} |
   ICD9          = {{ICD9|755.2}}-{{ICD9|755.4}} |
   ICDO          = |
   ICDO          = |
  Image          = Phocomelia.jpg |
  Caption        = A 20-year-old woman with left-sided phocomelia. |
   OMIM          = |
   OMIM          = |
   MedlinePlus    = |
   MedlinePlus    = |

Latest revision as of 04:13, 9 March 2015

Template:DiseaseDisorder infobox

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Phocomelia (from Greek φoko = "seal" plus μέλος (plural μέλεα) = "limb") is a congenital disorder involving the limbs (dysmelia). An individual exhibiting phocomelia may be referred to as a phocomelus.


It presents at birth very short or absent long bones and flipper-like appearance of hands and sometimes feet. Amphibian deformities often take the form of phocomelia, in which the limbs are shortened due to lack or malformation of long bones, as opposed to other forms of dysmelia such as amelia, which is characterized by the complete lack of a limb, or polymelia, the presence of extra limbs, which are often fused together.


The condition may be inherited or occurs sporadically. It is also connected with prenatal exposure to the anti-nausea drug thalidomide.

Notable cases

Famous phocomelic people include Stanley Berent, also known as "Sealo The Seal Boy" (who made his living from performing / being exhibited in "freak shows") and, more currently, actor Mat Fraser, opera singer Thomas Quasthoff, guitarist Rick Renstrom and artist Alison Lapper. Marc Quinn's 15-foot-high nude sculpture of Alison Lapper Pregnant is shown on the formerly-vacant fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square. Hee Ah Lee is a renowned pianist with only two fingers on each hand.

External links


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