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'''For Overdosage Contact Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222'''
'''For Overdosage Contact Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222'''

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Search for [http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/Interaction/ChooseDrugs/ drug-drug interactions].
Search for [http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/Interaction/ChooseDrugs/ drug-drug interactions].
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Information for Patients

'''Editor-In-Chief:''' William J. Gibson, MIT
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==Diseases/Disease States==
[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Congenital_disorders_patient_information Congenital Disorders]
'''Cancer''' | [[Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Patient Information|Acute lymphoblastic leukemia]] | [[Acute myeloid leukemia Patient Information|Acute myeloid leukemia]] | [[Adenoma]] | [[Adrenal tumor]] | [[Astrocytoma]] | [[Anal cancer]] | [[Angioma]] | [[Appendix cancer (patient information)|Appendix cancer]] | [[Astrocytoma]] | [[ATRT|Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor]] | [[B-cell leukemia]] | [[B-cell lymphoma]] | [[Osteosarcoma|Bone cancer]] | [[Linitis plastica|Brinton's disease]] | [[Cholangiocarcinoma|Bile duct]] | [[Bladder Cancer]] | [[Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome]] | [[Brain tumor]] | [[Breast Cancer]] | [[Burkitt's lymphoma]] | [[Cervical cancer]] | [[Chordoma]] | [[Choroid plexus papilloma|Choroid plexus tumor]] | [[Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia]] | [[Chronic monocytic leukemia]] | [[Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia ]] | [[Chronic neutrophilic leukemia]] | [[Colorectal cancer]] | [[Craniopharyngioma]] | [[Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour]] | [[Endometrial Cancer]] | [[Ependymoma]] | [[Carcinoma|Epithelial cell cancer]] | [[Esophageal carcinoma]] | [[Ewing's Sarcoma]] | [[Extramammary Paget's disease]] | [[Fibroma]] | [[Follicular carcinoma of the Thyroid]] | [[Gallbladder cancer]] |
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[[Ganglioneuroma]] | [[Gastric Cancer]] | [[Gastrinoma|Gastrin secreting tumor]] | [[Germ cell tumor]] | [[Glioblastoma]] | [[Glioma]] | [[Gliomatosis cerebri]] | [[Glucagonoma]] | [[Granulosa cell tumour]] | [[Hairy Cell Leukemia]] | [[Head and Neck Cancer]] | [[Hemangioma]] | [[Hepatocellular Carcinoma]] | [[Hodgkin's lymphoma]] | [[Hurthle cell|Hurthle cell tumor]] | [[Incidentaloma]] | [[Insulinoma]] | [[Kaposi Sarcoma]] |
[[Wilms' tumor|Kidney cancer]] | [[Laryngeal cancer]] | [[Leiomyosarcoma ]] | [[Lipoma]] | [[Lung cancer]] | [[Lymphoma]] | [[Mediastinal tumor]] | [[Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid]] | [[Medulloblastoma]] | [[Melanoma]] | [[Meningioma]] | [[Mesothelioma]] | [[Multiple myeloma]] | [[Nasopharyngeal carcinoma]] | [[Neuroma|Nerve tumor]] | [[Neuroblastoma]] | [[Neurofibroma]] | [[Nevus]]
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[[Non-Hodgkin lymphoma]] | [[Oat cell carcinoma of the lung]] | [[Oligodendroglioma]] | [[Oncocytoma]] | [[Oral cancer|Mouth cancer]] | [[Ovarian cancer]] | [[Paget's disease of the breast]] | [[Pancreatic Cancer]] | [[Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid]] | [[Acinic cell carcinoma|Parotid gland tumor]] | [[Pituitary adenoma]] | [[Prostate Cancer]] | [[Papilloma]] | [[Paraganglioma]] | [[Penile cancer]] | [[Phyllodes tumor]] | [[Pinealoma|Pineal gland tumor]] | [[Polycythemia vera]] | [[Prolactinoma]] | [[Renal Cell Carcinoma]] | [[Retinoblastoma|Retina cancer]] | [[Sacrococcygeal teratoma]] | [[Warthin's tumor|Salivary gland tumor]] | [[Schwannoma|Schwann cell tumor]] | [[Basal cell carcinoma|Skin cancer]] | [[Small cell carcinoma]] | [[Small intestine cancer]] | [[Soft tissue sarcoma]] | [[Squamous cell carcinoma]] | [[Stomach cancer]] | [[T-cell lymphoma]] | [[Teratoma]] | [[Testicular Cancer]] | [[Thecoma]] | [[Thymoma]] | [[Thyroid cancer]] | [[Uterine cancer]] | [[Vaginal cancer]] | [[Vulvar Cancer]]
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'''Gastrointestinal Disease''' | [[Abdominal angina]] | [[Accessory pancreas]] | [[Achalasia]] | [[Achlorhydria]] | [[Acute liver failure]] | [[Acute pancreatitis]] | [[Alagille syndrome]] | [[Alcoholic liver disease]] | [[Anal abscess]] | [[Anal fissure]] | [[Anal fistula]] | [[Ankyloglossia]] | [[Annular pancreas]] | [[Appendicitis]] | [[Ascending cholangitis]] | [[Barrett's esophagus]] | [[Biliary fistula]] | [[Biliary tree]] | [[Blind loop syndrome]] | [[Boerhaave syndrome]] | [[Bowel obstruction]] | [[Celiac disease]] | [[Cholangitis]] | [[Cholecystitis]] | [[Choledochal cysts]] | [[Choledocholithiasis]] | [[Cholestasis]] | [[Cholesterolosis of gallbladder|Cholesterolosis]] | [[Chronic pancreatitis]] | [[Cirrhosis]] | [[Cleft lip and palate]] | [[Constipation]] | [[Crohn's]] | [[Congenital diaphragmatic hernia|Diaphragmatic hernia]] | [[Diarrhea]] | [[Direct inguinal hernia]] | [[Diverticulitis]] | [[Diverticulosis]] | [[Duodenitis]] | [[Dyspepsia]] | [[Esophageal atresia]] | [[Esophageal web]] | [[Fatty liver]] | [[Femoral hernia]] | [[Gallbladder]] | [[Gallstones]] | [[Gastric dumping syndrome]] | [[Gastritis]] | [[Gastrointestinal bleeding]] | [[Gastroparesis]] | [[Gastroptosis]] | [[GERD]] | [[Hematemesis]] | [[Hepatorenal syndrome]] | [[Hereditary pancreatitis]] | [[Hiatus hernia]] | [[Hirschsprung's disease]] | [[IBD]] | [[IBS]] | [[Imperforate anus]] | [[Incisional hernia]] | [[Indirect inguinal hernia]] | [[Intestinal atresia]] | [[Intestinal malrotation]] | [[Intussusception]] | [[Liver failure]] | [[Lower gastrointestinal bleeding]] | [[Macroglossia]] | [[Malabsorption]] | [[Mallory-Weiss syndrome]] | [[Meckel's diverticulum]] | [[Megacolon]] | [[Melena]] | [[Mirizzi's syndrome]] | [[NASH]] | [[Pancreas]] | [[Pancreas divisum]] | [[Pancreatic pseudocyst]] | [[Peliosis hepatis]] | [[Peptic ulcer]] | [[Peritonitis]] | [[Persistent cloaca]] | [[Pharyngeal pouch]] | [[Portal hypertension]] | [[Postcholecystectomy syndrome]] | [[Primary sclerosing cholangitis]] | [[Proctalgia fugax]] | [[Proctitis]] | [[Pyloric stenosis]] | [[Pyloric stenosis]] | [[Radiation proctitis]] | [[Rectal prolapse]] | [[Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses]] | [[Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis]] | [[Toxic megacolon]] | [[Tracheoesophageal fistula]] | [[Tropical sprue]] | [[Ulcerative colitis]] | [[Umbilical hernia]] | [[Upper gastrointestinal bleeding]] | [[Van der Woude syndrome]] | [[Volvulus]] | [[Whipple's disease]] | [[Zenker's diverticulum]]  
[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Endocrinology_patient_information Endocrine Diseases]
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[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Gynecology_patient_information Gynecologic Diseases]
[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Cardiology_patient_information Heart Diseases]
[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Hematology_patient_information Hematologic or Blood Diseases]
[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Infectious_disease_patient_information Infections]
[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Metabolic_disorders_patient_information Metabolic Disorders]
[http://wikidoc.org/index.php/Category:Nephrology_patient_information Kidney Diseases]
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'''Ear, Nose & Throat'''  | [[Bell's palsy]] | [[Canker sore]] | [[Ear infection]] | [[Earache]] | [[Halitosis]] | [[Head and neck cancer]] | [[Hearing Loss]] | [[Hoarseness]] | [[Hypertrophic Gums]] | [[Meniere's Disease]] | [[Otitis media|Middle ear infection]] | [[Oral cancer]] | [[Otitis externa|Outer ear infection]] | [[Perforated eardrum]] | [[Catarrh|Runny nose]] | [[Sinusitis|Sinus Infection]] | [[Snoring]] | [[Pharyngitis| Sore Throat]] | [[Thyroglossal cyst]] | [[Vertigo]] | [[Zenker's diverticulum]]
'''Heart Disease'''  '''|'''
[[Heart Attack]]  '''|'''  [[Angina]]  '''|'''  [[Aortic insufficiency|Leaking Aortic Valve]]  '''|'''  [[Aortic stenosis|Blocked Aortic Valve]]  '''|'''  [[Mitral regurgitation|Leaking Mitral Valve]]  '''|'''  [[Mitral stenosis|Blocked Mitral Valve]]  '''|'''  [[Atrial fibrillation|Atrial Fibrillation (Irregular Heart Beat)]]  '''|'''  [[Sudden death|Sudden Death/Defibrillator]]  '''|'''  [[Bradycardia|Pacemaker / Slow Heart Beat]]  '''|''' [[Heart Failure]]  '''|'''  [[Pericardial Disease]]  '''|''' [[Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy]]</small>
'''Congenital Heart Disease'''  '''|'''
[[Transposition of the great vessels]] |  [[Ventricular septal defect]] | [[Atrial septal defect]] | [[Tetralogy of Fallot]] | [[Eisenmenger's syndrome]] | [[Ebstein's anomaly]] | [[Dextrocardia]] | [[Levocardia]] | [[Cor triatriatum]] | [[Patent ductus arteriosus]] | [[Aortic coarctation]] | [[Interrupted aortic arch]] | [[Overriding aorta]] | [[Aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva]] | [[Vascular ring]]) | [[Pulmonary atresia]] | [[Persistent left superior vena cava]] | [[Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection]] </small>
'''Endocrine Disease''' | [[5-alpha-reductase deficiency]] | [[Acromegaly]] | [[Addison's disease]] | [[Adrenal insufficiency]] | [[Androgen insensitivity syndrome]] | [[Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome]] | [[Bartter syndrome]] | [[Carcinoid syndrome]] | [[Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency]] | [[Congenital adrenal hyperplasia]] | [[Congenital hypothyroidism]] | [[Cretinism]] | [[Cushing's syndrome]] | [[Delayed puberty]] | [[Diabetes insipidus]] | [[Diabetes mellitus type 1]] | [[Diabetes mellitus type 2]] | [[Diabetic coma]] | [[Diabetic ketoacidosis]]| [[Diabetic nephropathy]] | [[Diabetic neuropathy]] | [[Diabetic retinopathy]] | [[Goitre]] | [[Graves disease]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency]] | [[Hashimoto's thyroiditis]] | [[Hyperaldosteronism]] | [[Hyperinsulinism]] | [[Hyperparathyroidism]] | [[Hyperpituitarism]] | [[Hyperprolactinaemia]] | [[Hyperthyroidism]] | [[Hypoglycemia]] | [[Hypogonadism]] | [[Hypoparathyroidism]] | [[Hypopituitarism]] | [[Hypothyroidism]] | [[Iodine deficiency]] | [[Kallmann syndrome]] | [[Laron syndrome]] | [[Multiple endocrine neoplasia]] | [[Polycystic ovary syndrome]] | [[Precocious puberty]] | [[Premature ovarian failure]] | [[Primary hyperparathyroidism]] | [[Progeria]] | [[Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome]] | [[Pseudohypoparathyroidism]] | [[Psychogenic dwarfism]] | [[Secondary hyperparathyroidism]] | [[Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone]] | [[Teratoma]] | [[Zollinger-Ellison syndrome]]
'''Metabolic Disease''' | [[Adrenoleukodystrophy]] | [[Albinism]] | [[Alkaptonuria]] | [[Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency]] | [[Amyloidosis]] | [[Carnitine]] | [[Citrullinemia]] | [[Crigler-Najjar syndrome]] | [[Cystic fibrosis]] | [[Cystinosis]] | [[Electrolyte disturbance]] | [[Galactosemia]] | [[Gaucher's disease]] | [[Gilbert's syndrome]] | [[Glutaric acidemia type 1]] | [[Glycogen storage disease]] | [[Haemochromatosis]] | [[Homocystinuria]] | [[Hunter syndrome]] | [[Hurler syndrome]] | [[Hypercholesterolemia]] | [[Hyperlipidemia]] | [[Lactose intolerance]] | [[Lesch-Nyhan syndrome]] | [[Maple syrup urine disease]] | [[Mucolipidosis]] | [[Mucopolysaccharidosis]] | [[N-Acetylglutamate synthase deficiency]] | [[Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis]] | [[Niemann-Pick disease]] | [[Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency]] | [[Phenylketonuria]] | [[Propionic acidemia]] | [[Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency]] | [[Sandhoff disease]] | [[Tay-Sachs disease]] | [[Tyrosinemia]] | [[Wilson's disease]]
'''Eye''' | [[Stye]]
'''Hematoligical Disease''' | [[Henoch-Schönlein purpura|Allergic purpura]] | [[Asplenia|Asplenia/hyposplenism|Absence of normal spleen function]] | [[Acquired pure red cell aplasia|Acquired PRCA]] | [[Acute monocytic leukemia]] | [[Agranulocytosis]] | [[Antithrombin III deficiency]] | [[Aplastic anemia]] | [[Diamond-Blackfan anemia]] | [[Disseminated intravascular coagulation|DIC]] | [[Leukocytosis|Elevated WBC count]] | [[Erdheim-Chester disease]] | [[Evans syndrome]] | [[Factor XIII deficiency]] | [[Fanconi anemia]] | [[Glanzmann's thrombasthenia]] | [[Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency|G6PD Deficiency]] | [[Grey platelet syndrome]] | [[Haemochromatosis|Hemochromatosis]] | [[Haemophilia A]] | [[Haemophilia B]] | [[Haemophilia C]] | [[Haemophilia|Hemophilia]] | [[Hemoglobinopathy]] | [[Hemolytic anemia]] | [[Hemolytic disease of the newborn]] | [[Hemolytic-uremic syndrome]] | [[Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis]] | [[Hereditary elliptocytosis]] | [[Hereditary spherocytosis]] | [[Hereditary stomatocytosis]] | [[Histiocytosis]] | [[Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura|Immune thrombocytopenic purpura]] | [[Iron deficiency anemia]] | [[Juvenile xanthogranuloma]] | [[Langerhans cell histiocytosis]] | [[Plummer-Vinson syndrome|Long term iron deficiency anemia]] | [[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura|Moschcowitz disease]] | [[Neutropenia|Low neutrophil count]] | [[Lymphopenia|Low lymphocyte count]] | [[Lymphocytosis]] | [[Malignant histiocytosis]] | [[Megaloblastic anemia]]  | [[Methemoglobinemia]] | [[Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia]] | [[Monocytosis]] | [[Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria]] | [[Pernicious anemia]] | [[Protein C deficiency]] | [[Protein S deficiency]] | [[Purpura]] | [[Anemia|RBC deficiency]] | [[Sickle-cell disease]] | [[Sideroblastic anemia]] | [[Thalassemia]] | [[Von Willebrand disease]] | [[Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia]]

[[WikiPatient: Skin Disorders|Skin Disorders]]
'''Infections''' | [[AIDS]] | [[Amoebiasis]] | [[Anthrax]] | [[Avian influenza]] | [[Babesiosis]] | [[Bornholm disease]] | [[Botulism]] | [[Boutonneuse fever]] | [[Bubonic plague]] | [[Canker sore]] | [[Chagas disease]] | [[Chickenpox]] | [[Chlamydia_infection|Chlamydia]] | [[Cholera]] | [[Clostridium]] | [[Common Cold]] | [[Cytomegalovirus|CMV Human herpesvirus 5]] | [[Coccidia]] | [[Dengue fever]] | [[Ebola]] | [[Foot-and-mouth disease]] | [[Genital wart]] | [[Gonorrhea]] | [[Group B streptococcal infection]] | [[Hepatitis A]] | [[Hepatitis B]] | [[Hepatitis C]] | [[Hepatitis D]] | [[Hepatitis E]] | [[Herpes simplex]] | [[HIV]] | [[Group A streptococcal infection|Impetigo]] | [[Influenza]] | [[Leishmaniasis]] | [[Listeriosis]] | [[Lyme disease]] | [[Malaria]] | [[Measles]] | [[Monkeypox]] | [[Infectious mononucleosis|Mononucleosis]] | [[Mumps]] | [[Paratyphoid fever]] | [[Plantar wart]] | [[Poliomyelitis]] | [[Rabies]] | [[Rat-bite fever]] | [[Relapsing fever]] | [[Rocky Mountain spotted fever]] | [[Rubella]] | [[Salmonella]] | [[Scarlet fever]] | [[Sinusitis|Sinus Infection]] | [[Sleeping sickness]] | [[Smallpox]] | [[Sore throat]] | [[Group A streptococcal infection|Strept throat]] | [[Tetanus]] | [[Toxic shock syndrome]] | [[Toxoplasmosis]] | [[Trench mouth]] | [[Tuberculosis]] | [[Tularemia]] | [[Typhoid fever]] | [[Typhus]] | [[Upper respiratory tract infection]] | [[Viral Gastroenteritis]] | [[Viral pneumonia]] | [[Pertussis|Whooping cough]] | [[Yellow fever]]
'''Skin Disorders'''  '''|''' [[Abrasion]] | [[Abscess#External links|Abscess]] | [[Acne]] | [[Alopecia]] | [[Atopic Dermatitis]] | [[Baldness]] | [[Basal cell carcinoma]] | [[Bechet's syndrome]] | [[Bedsore]] | [[Behçet's disease]] | [[Birthmark]] | [[Blackhead]] | [[Blister]] | [[Blue nevus]] | [[Boil]] | [[Bullous pemphigoid]] | [[Burns]] | [[Cellulite]] | [[Chapped lips]] | [[Cherry angioma]] | [[Contact Dermatitis]] | [[Dandruff]] | [[Dermabrasion]] | [[Dermatomyositis]] | [[Dermoid cyst]] | [[Dysplastic nevus]] | [[Eczema]] |[[Environmental sensitivity]] | [[Erysipelas]] | [[Erythema Nodosum]] | [[Erythromelagia]] | [[Exanthem]] | [[Excoriation]] | [[Flushing]] | [[Folliculitis]] | [[Freckle]] | [[Hand and Foot Rashes]] | [[Hangnail]] | [[Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia]] | [[Herpangina]] | [[Herpes Simplex Virus]] | [[Herpes Zoster]] | [[Hidradenitis suppurativa]] | [[Hirsutism]] | [[Hyperhidrosis]] | [[Hyperkeratinization]] | [[Hypertrichosis]] | [[Ingrown hair]] | [[Insect bites and stings]] | [[Keloid]] | [[Leg Ulcer]] | [[Leprosy]] | [[Lichen planus]] | [[Lichenification]] | [[Livedoid vasculitis]] | [[Liver spot]] | [[Lymphedema]] | [[Maculopapular rash]] | [[Malar rash]] | [[Melasma]] | [[Mycosis fungoides]] | [[Neurofibromatosis]] | [[Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome]] | [[Nevus]] | [[Pallor]] | [[Panniculitis]] | [[Paronychia]] | [[Pemphigoid]] | [[Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome]] | | [[Photosensitivity]] | [[Pityriasis rubra pilaris]] | [[Plantar wart]] | [[Porphyria]] | [[Port-wine stain]] | [[Postherpetic neuralgia]] | [[Pseudofolliculitis barbae]] | [[Psoriatic arthritis]] |[[Purpura]] | [[Pustulosis]] | [[Rash]] | [[Red Face]] | [[Ringworm]] | [[Scar]] | [[Scarlet fever]] [[Seborrheic keratosis]] | [[Shingles]] | [[Squamous cell carcinoma]] | [[Stasis dermatitis]] | [[Stretch marks]] | [[Striae]] | [[Sun tanning]] | [[Swimmer's itch]] | [[Systemic Lupus Erythematosus]] | [[Tattoo]] | [[Telangiectasia]] | [[Toxic epidermal necrolysis]] | [[Ulcer]] | [[Urticaria]] |
[[Urticaria pigmentosa]] | [[Vulvar Pruritus]] | [[Widow's peak]] | [[Windburn]] | [[Wound healing]] | [[Wrinkle]] | [[Xanthoma]] | [[Xeroderma pigmentosum]]

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Latest revision as of 22:14, 29 December 2017