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{{CMG}} '''Assosciate Editor(s)-In-Chief:''' [[User: Prashanthsaddala|Prashanth Saddala M.B.B.S]]
{{CMG}} '''Assosciate Editor(s)-In-Chief:''' [[User: Prashanthsaddala|Prashanth Saddala M.B.B.S]]

Nguyen syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by low blood [[cholesterol]], [[mental retardation]] and various congenital anomalies.
Nguyen syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by [[Hypocholesterolemia|low blood cholesterol]], [[mental retardation]] and various congenital anomalies.

* [[Obesity]]
* Severe [[growth retardation]]
===Physical Examination===
===Physical Examination===
* [[Small head]]
* [[Facial anomalies]]
* [[Epicanthal folds]]
* [[Short nose]]
* [[Low nose bridge]]
* [[Anteverted nostrils]]
* [[High arched palate]]
* Underdeveloped frontal brain lobes
* Severe [[cognitive impairment]]
* [[Behavioral problems]]
* [[Mental retardation]]
* Poor infant [[muscle tone]]
* [[Camptodactyly]] of 4th and 5th fingers
* [[Partial webbing of 2nd and 3rd toes]]
* [[Undescended testes]]
* [[Underdeveloped infant scrotum]]
===Laboratory Findings===
===Laboratory Findings===
* Low blood [[cholesterol]]
* [[Hypocholesterolemia|Low blood cholesterol]]
* Low blood [[betalipoprotein]] level
* Low blood [[betalipoprotein]] level
* Poor infant [[muscle tone]]
* [[Obesity]]
* Severe growth retardation
* Small head
* Underdeveloped frontal brain lobes
* Severe cognitive impairment
* Behavioral problems
* Facial anomalies
* Epicanthal folds
* Short nose
* Low nose bridge
* Anteverted nostrils
* High arched palate
* Camptodactyly of 4th and 5th fingers
* Partial webbing of 2nd and 3rd toes
* Undescended testes
* Underdeveloped infant scrotum
* [[Mental retardation]]



Latest revision as of 01:59, 30 July 2012

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Assosciate Editor(s)-In-Chief: Prashanth Saddala M.B.B.S


Nguyen syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by low blood cholesterol, mental retardation and various congenital anomalies.



Physical Examination





Laboratory Findings


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