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[[Intraventricular conduction delay]] involves a variety of disturbances of the His-Purkinje/ventricular conduction system that affects the [[electrocardiogram]] (ECG) in distinctive ways and lead to a [[wide QRS]] complex and/or axis deviation.
[[Intraventricular conduction delay]] involves a variety of disturbances of the His-Purkinje/ventricular conduction system that affects the [[electrocardiogram]] (ECG) in distinctive ways and may or may not lead to a [[wide QRS]] complex and/or axis deviation.

===Intraventricular Conduction System Anatomy===
The conduction system of the heart consists of specialized cells designed to conduct electrical impulse faster than the surrounding myocardial cells.  The intraventricular conduction system originates from AV node as bundle of His, branches and ends as the Purkinje system.
* The [[bundle of His divides]] at the junction of the fibrous and muscular boundaries of the [[intraventricular septum]] into the right bundle and left bundle.
* The left bundle branch penetrates the membranous portion of the interventricular septum under the aortic ring and divides into several smaller branches.  Parts of the left bundle branch include a pre-divisional segment, anterior fascicle/hemibundle and posterior fascicle/hemibundle.  Rarely a median fascicle is present in some hearts.
** The left anterior fascicle (LAF) supplies the [[papillary muscle|anterior papillary muscle]] and the Purkinje network of the antero-lateral surface of the left ventricle.
** The left posterior fascicle (LPF) supplies the [[papillary muscle|posterior papillary muscle]] and the Purkinje network of the postero-inferior surface of the [[left ventricle]].
** The left median fascicle (LMF) runs to the interventricular septum.  In most cases it arises from the LPF, less frequently from the LAF, or from both, and in a few cases it has an independent origin from the central part of the main left bundle at the site of its bifurcation.
* The right bundle is an anatomically compact unit that travels as the extension of the HB after the origin of the left bundle. The right bundle branch courses down the right side of interventricular septum near the endocardium in its upper third, deeper in the muscular portion of the septum in the middle third, and then again near the endocardium in its lower third.
**The right bundle branch is a long, thin, discrete structure.
**It does not divide throughout most of its course, and it begins to ramify as it approaches the base of the right [[anterior papillary muscle]], with fascicles going to the septal and free walls of the [[right ventricle]].
* The [[Purkinje fibers]] connect the ends of the bundle branches to the ventricular myocardium.  Purkinje fibers form interweaving networks on the endocardial surface of both ventricles and penetrate only the inner third of the endocardium, and they tend to be less concentrated at the base of the ventricle and at the papillary muscle tips.

[[Image:AV node.png|left|thumb|500px|Structure of the heart's conduction system]]<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
===Phase 3 Block===
Phase 3 block occurs when an impulse arrive in tissues during phase 3 of the action potential even before full recovery where the cell membrane is at less negative potential and a portion of Na+ channels remains refractory and unavailable for activation. Consequently, the Na+ current and phase 0 of the next action potential are reduced, and conduction is then slower.

===Normal Ventricular Conduction===
* Aberration caused by premature exitation : This happens due to premature impulses encroaching on the refractory period of the bundle branch prior to full recovery of the action potentialAt normal heart rates, the effective refractory period (ERP) of the right bundle branch (RB) exceeds the ERP of the bundle of His and left bundle branchWhen [[heart rate]] increases the right bundle ERP shortens to a greater degree than left bundle ERP making it longer than that of the right.  Hence transient conduction delay (aberration) is in the form of RBBB when premature excitation occurs during normal heart rates and in the form of LBBB when heart rate increases.
* First Phase : Normally the first part of the ventricles to be depolarized is the interventricular septumThe left side of the septum is stimulated first by a branch of the left bundle.  On the normal ECG, this septal depolarization produces a small septal r wave in lead V1 and a small septal q wave in lead V6.
* Second Phase : Next phase is the simultaneous depolarization of the left and right ventriclesThe activation of the left ventricle begins almost simultaneously at the insertion points of the fascicles of the left bundle branch.  

Conduction velocity depends on the rate of rise of phase 0 of the action potential (dV/dt) and the height to which it rises (Vmax).  These factors, in turn, depend on the membrane potential at the time of stimulationThe more negative the membrane potential is, the more sodium (Na+) channels are available for activation, the greater the influx of Na+ into the cell during phase 0, and the greater the conduction velocityPurkinje cells are specialized to conduct rapidly, at 1 to 3 m/sec, because phase 0 of the action potential is dependent on the rapid inward Na+ current (INa).  This characteristic results in almost simultaneous depolarization of the terminal HPS and propagation of the cardiac impulse to the entire RV and LV endocardium
* [[Ashman phenomenon]] : This is related to the physiological changes of the conduction system refractory periods associated with the [[R-R interval]].  Normally, the [[refractory period]] of the His-Purkinje system lengthens as the heart rate slows and shortens as the heart rate increases, even when heart rate changes are abrupt.  This aberrant conduction can result when a short cycle follows a long R-R interval.  The QRS complex that ends the long pause is conducted normally but creates a prolonged ERP of the bundle branches as a result the next QRS complex occurring after a short coupling interval is conducted aberrantly and cause conduction delay.  This aberration can be present for one beat and have a morphology resembling a [[premature ventricular complex]] (PVC), or it can involve several sequential complexes, a finding suggesting [[ventricular tachycardia]] (VT).
* Acceleration-dependent aberration : Acceleration-dependent blocks is a result of failure of the action potential of the bundle branches to shorten or paradoxical lengthening of [[action potential]] lengthens in response to acceleration of the [[heart rate]].  After a gradual rather than abrupt acceleration of the heart rate and R-R shortening by less than 5 milliseconds for several cycles, a relatively slow heart rates may display LBBB.  The normalization of this aberration due time dependent shortening of the ERP or ERP shortening greater than [[AV node]] is called restitution.
[[File:LBBB due to phase 3 and phase 4 aberration.png|center|600px]]Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,
===Phase 4 Block===
Phase 4 block occurs when conduction of an impulse is blocked in tissues well after their normal refractory periods have ended.  Enhanced phase 4 depolarization within the bundle branches can be caused by enhanced [[automaticity]] or partial depolarization of injured myocardial tissue that results in the maximum diastolic potential immediately following [[repolarization]], from which point the [[membrane potentia]]l is steadily reduced.  This reduction, in turn, results in inactivation of some Na+ channels.  An [[action potential]] initiated early in the cycle (immediately after repolarization) would have a steeper and higher phase 0 and consequently better conduction than that in later cycle where membrane potential is reduced and conduction is slower.  Phase 4 block may occur if there is :
* a decrease in excitability so that, in [[bradycardia]] sufficient time elapses before the impulse arrives, thus enabling the bundle branch fibers to reach a potential (a shift in threshold potential toward zero) at which conduction is impaired.
* a deterioration in membrane responsiveness so that significant conduction impairment develops at more negative membrane potential itself.
===Concealed Transseptal Conduction===
*During tachycardia, when a [[PVC]] originating from the ventricle retrogradely activate the bundle branch on its side early, with transseptal conduction to opposite bundle later,  it causes a conduction delay (BBB) on the opposite side bundle with the next supra ventricular impulse as the same side bundle ERP expires in time for the next supra ventricular impulse but the opposite side bundle remains refractory because its actual cycle began laterBy this time, the distal part of opposite bundle has recovered, allowing for retrograde penetration by the supra ventricular impulse propagating transseptally, thereby rendering the opposite side bundle refractory to each subsequent impulse.  This process is repeated, and the BBB pattern continues until another well-timed PVC preexcites the opposite bundle, so that the next impulse from above finds the that bundle fully recovered.
*Acceleration-dependent BBB develops at a critical rate faster than the rate at which it disappears.  This paradox is due to concealed conduction from the contralateral conducting bundle branch across the septum with delayed activation of the blocked bundle.  Such concealed transseptal activation results in a bundle branch–to–bundle branch (RB-RB or LB-LB) interval shorter than the manifest R-R cycle.
*In atrial bigeminal rhythm, the ERP of both bundles starts simultaneously following the normally conducted PAC, and is relatively short because of the preceding short cycle.  After the pause, followed by normal sinus beat conduction, the ERP of both bundle branches starts simultaneously but is relatively long because of the preceding long cycleHowever, because right bundle ERP is relatively longer than the left bundle, the next impulse conducts with an RBBB pattern.  This impulse is conducted down the left bundle and by concealed transseptal conduction activates the right bundle retrogradely after some delay so that the RB-RB interval (during the following pause) and the RB ERP become shorter.  As a result, by the time the next impulse reaches the right bundle, it is fully recovered because of its short ERP and normal conduction occurs.  The same phenomenon (concealed transseptal conduction) explains alternating RBBB and LBBB during bigeminal rhythms.
[[File:Retrograde concealed conduction.png|center|300px]]Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,
===Left Bundle Branch Block===
* First phase : Activation of the interventricular septum is by the right bundle instead of the left with activation traveling from right to left and from apex to base and to the RV apex and free wall ( loss of septal r and q waves with initiation of slurred R waves V1,V6,aVL ).
* Second phase :
** Right ventricular activation : RV activation is typically completed within the first 45 milliseconds into QRS, however the septum being a larger muscle is electronically predominant producing negative QRS or QS in V1.
** Left ventricular activation : LV activation starts as late as 44 to 58 milliseconds into the QRS.  The slow conduction is by the working muscle fibres and not through the conduction system producing wide and produces slurred R waves in the leftward leads ( lead I, aVL, and V6 ), with delayed R wave peak time in the left precordial leads.  The notched R waves is caused by slow transseptal conduction.  LBBB also lead to ventricular repolarization abnormalities.
[[File:Fixed LBBB.png|center|300px]]Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,
===Right Bundle Branch Block===
* First phase : Activation of the interventricular septum occurs normally by a branch of the left bundle.
* Second phase :
** Left ventricular activation : This happens normally with left bundle branch and is completed with 40-60 milliseconds of the QRS.
** Right ventricular activation : This activation happens slowly by conduction through working muscle fibers after activation of the LV has completed around 80 milliseconds of the QRS.  This late, unopposed RV free wall activation results in a terminal rightward and anterior positive deflection that can be small (r′) or large (R′) in the anterior precordial leads and S waves in the leftward leadsRBBB also results in an abnormality of right ventricular repolarization producing secondary ST segment and T wave changes in the right precordial leads.  RBBB prolong R wave peak time in right precordial leads.
===Fascicular Block===
* Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB) : In LAFB, the anterosuperior portion of the left ventricle that is activated by left anterior fascicle gets activated later than normal, resulting in unbalanced inferior and posterior forces from left posterior fascicle to occur early during QRS and unopposed anterosuperior forces to occur later during the QRS complex producing frontal plane axis more than –45 or –60 degree.
* Left posterior fascicular block (LPFB) : In LPFB, the early unopposed activation of the anterolateral wall of the LV by the normally conducting LAF and LMF causes the initial forces to be oriented superiorly and to the left.  The late unopposed activation by LPF causes the main and terminal forces of the QRS to be directed posteriorly, inferiorly, and to the right with a wide-open clockwise-rotated loop.  This is responsible for the characteristic rightward frontal plane axis of +120 to +180 degrees.
* Bi and tri fascicular block : Ventricular activation starts at the insertion site of the fastest conducting fascicle, with subsequent spread of activation from that site to the remainder of the ventricles.
[[Category:Up-To-Date cardiology]]

Latest revision as of 03:29, 11 September 2013

Intraventricular conduction delay Microchapters



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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Mugilan Poongkunran M.B.B.S [2]


Intraventricular conduction delay involves a variety of disturbances of the His-Purkinje/ventricular conduction system that affects the electrocardiogram (ECG) in distinctive ways and may or may not lead to a wide QRS complex and/or axis deviation.


Phase 3 Block

Phase 3 block occurs when an impulse arrive in tissues during phase 3 of the action potential even before full recovery where the cell membrane is at less negative potential and a portion of Na+ channels remains refractory and unavailable for activation. Consequently, the Na+ current and phase 0 of the next action potential are reduced, and conduction is then slower.

  • Aberration caused by premature exitation : This happens due to premature impulses encroaching on the refractory period of the bundle branch prior to full recovery of the action potential. At normal heart rates, the effective refractory period (ERP) of the right bundle branch (RB) exceeds the ERP of the bundle of His and left bundle branch. When heart rate increases the right bundle ERP shortens to a greater degree than left bundle ERP making it longer than that of the right. Hence transient conduction delay (aberration) is in the form of RBBB when premature excitation occurs during normal heart rates and in the form of LBBB when heart rate increases.
  • Ashman phenomenon : This is related to the physiological changes of the conduction system refractory periods associated with the R-R interval. Normally, the refractory period of the His-Purkinje system lengthens as the heart rate slows and shortens as the heart rate increases, even when heart rate changes are abrupt. This aberrant conduction can result when a short cycle follows a long R-R interval. The QRS complex that ends the long pause is conducted normally but creates a prolonged ERP of the bundle branches as a result the next QRS complex occurring after a short coupling interval is conducted aberrantly and cause conduction delay. This aberration can be present for one beat and have a morphology resembling a premature ventricular complex (PVC), or it can involve several sequential complexes, a finding suggesting ventricular tachycardia (VT).
  • Acceleration-dependent aberration : Acceleration-dependent blocks is a result of failure of the action potential of the bundle branches to shorten or paradoxical lengthening of action potential lengthens in response to acceleration of the heart rate. After a gradual rather than abrupt acceleration of the heart rate and R-R shortening by less than 5 milliseconds for several cycles, a relatively slow heart rates may display LBBB. The normalization of this aberration due time dependent shortening of the ERP or ERP shortening greater than AV node is called restitution.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,

Phase 4 Block

Phase 4 block occurs when conduction of an impulse is blocked in tissues well after their normal refractory periods have ended. Enhanced phase 4 depolarization within the bundle branches can be caused by enhanced automaticity or partial depolarization of injured myocardial tissue that results in the maximum diastolic potential immediately following repolarization, from which point the membrane potential is steadily reduced. This reduction, in turn, results in inactivation of some Na+ channels. An action potential initiated early in the cycle (immediately after repolarization) would have a steeper and higher phase 0 and consequently better conduction than that in later cycle where membrane potential is reduced and conduction is slower. Phase 4 block may occur if there is :

  • a decrease in excitability so that, in bradycardia sufficient time elapses before the impulse arrives, thus enabling the bundle branch fibers to reach a potential (a shift in threshold potential toward zero) at which conduction is impaired.
  • a deterioration in membrane responsiveness so that significant conduction impairment develops at more negative membrane potential itself.

Concealed Transseptal Conduction

  • During tachycardia, when a PVC originating from the ventricle retrogradely activate the bundle branch on its side early, with transseptal conduction to opposite bundle later, it causes a conduction delay (BBB) on the opposite side bundle with the next supra ventricular impulse as the same side bundle ERP expires in time for the next supra ventricular impulse but the opposite side bundle remains refractory because its actual cycle began later. By this time, the distal part of opposite bundle has recovered, allowing for retrograde penetration by the supra ventricular impulse propagating transseptally, thereby rendering the opposite side bundle refractory to each subsequent impulse. This process is repeated, and the BBB pattern continues until another well-timed PVC preexcites the opposite bundle, so that the next impulse from above finds the that bundle fully recovered.
  • Acceleration-dependent BBB develops at a critical rate faster than the rate at which it disappears. This paradox is due to concealed conduction from the contralateral conducting bundle branch across the septum with delayed activation of the blocked bundle. Such concealed transseptal activation results in a bundle branch–to–bundle branch (RB-RB or LB-LB) interval shorter than the manifest R-R cycle.
  • In atrial bigeminal rhythm, the ERP of both bundles starts simultaneously following the normally conducted PAC, and is relatively short because of the preceding short cycle. After the pause, followed by normal sinus beat conduction, the ERP of both bundle branches starts simultaneously but is relatively long because of the preceding long cycle. However, because right bundle ERP is relatively longer than the left bundle, the next impulse conducts with an RBBB pattern. This impulse is conducted down the left bundle and by concealed transseptal conduction activates the right bundle retrogradely after some delay so that the RB-RB interval (during the following pause) and the RB ERP become shorter. As a result, by the time the next impulse reaches the right bundle, it is fully recovered because of its short ERP and normal conduction occurs. The same phenomenon (concealed transseptal conduction) explains alternating RBBB and LBBB during bigeminal rhythms.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,

Left Bundle Branch Block

  • First phase : Activation of the interventricular septum is by the right bundle instead of the left with activation traveling from right to left and from apex to base and to the RV apex and free wall ( loss of septal r and q waves with initiation of slurred R waves V1,V6,aVL ).
  • Second phase :
    • Right ventricular activation : RV activation is typically completed within the first 45 milliseconds into QRS, however the septum being a larger muscle is electronically predominant producing negative QRS or QS in V1.
    • Left ventricular activation : LV activation starts as late as 44 to 58 milliseconds into the QRS. The slow conduction is by the working muscle fibres and not through the conduction system producing wide and produces slurred R waves in the leftward leads ( lead I, aVL, and V6 ), with delayed R wave peak time in the left precordial leads. The notched R waves is caused by slow transseptal conduction. LBBB also lead to ventricular repolarization abnormalities.

Copyleft image obtained courtesy of ECGpedia,

Right Bundle Branch Block

  • First phase : Activation of the interventricular septum occurs normally by a branch of the left bundle.
  • Second phase :
    • Left ventricular activation : This happens normally with left bundle branch and is completed with 40-60 milliseconds of the QRS.
    • Right ventricular activation : This activation happens slowly by conduction through working muscle fibers after activation of the LV has completed around 80 milliseconds of the QRS. This late, unopposed RV free wall activation results in a terminal rightward and anterior positive deflection that can be small (r′) or large (R′) in the anterior precordial leads and S waves in the leftward leads. RBBB also results in an abnormality of right ventricular repolarization producing secondary ST segment and T wave changes in the right precordial leads. RBBB prolong R wave peak time in right precordial leads.

Fascicular Block

  • Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB) : In LAFB, the anterosuperior portion of the left ventricle that is activated by left anterior fascicle gets activated later than normal, resulting in unbalanced inferior and posterior forces from left posterior fascicle to occur early during QRS and unopposed anterosuperior forces to occur later during the QRS complex producing frontal plane axis more than –45 or –60 degree.
  • Left posterior fascicular block (LPFB) : In LPFB, the early unopposed activation of the anterolateral wall of the LV by the normally conducting LAF and LMF causes the initial forces to be oriented superiorly and to the left. The late unopposed activation by LPF causes the main and terminal forces of the QRS to be directed posteriorly, inferiorly, and to the right with a wide-open clockwise-rotated loop. This is responsible for the characteristic rightward frontal plane axis of +120 to +180 degrees.
  • Bi and tri fascicular block : Ventricular activation starts at the insertion site of the fastest conducting fascicle, with subsequent spread of activation from that site to the remainder of the ventricles.


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