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{{Otitis externa}}
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The goal of treatment is to cure the [[infection]] and to return the ear canal skin to a healthy condition. When external otitis is very mild, in its initial stages, simply refraining from swimming or washing hair for a few days, and keeping all implements out of the ear, usually results in cure. For this reason, external otitis is called a self-limiting condition. However, if the infection is moderate to severe, or if the climate is humid enough that the skin of the ear remains moist, spontaneous improvement may not occur.
The mainstay of therapy for acute otitis externa (AOE) includes cleaning of the [[external auditory meatus]] and treating the infection. Topical therapy is recommended as the initial therapy for diffuse uncomplicated acute otitis externa.  Systemic antimicrobials should be reserved for infections extending outside the external ear canal or patients with specific risk factors. Analgesics such as [[acetaminophen]] or [[nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs]] are administered either alone or in combination with an [[opioid]].

==Medical Therapy==
==Medical Therapy==
Topical therapy is recommended as initial therapy for diffuse uncomplicated AOE.  A non-ototoxic topical preparation should be used when the patient has a known or suspected perforation of the [[tympanic membrane]].  Systemic antimicrobials may be administered if there is extension outside the external ear canal or in the presence of the following risk factors that would indicate a need for systemic therapy:<ref>{{Cite journal| doi = 10.1177/0194599813517083| issn = 1097-6817| volume = 150| issue = 1 Suppl| pages = –1-S24| last1 = Rosenfeld| first1 = Richard M.| last2 = Schwartz| first2 = Seth R.| last3 = Cannon| first3 = C. Ron| last4 = Roland| first4 = Peter S.| last5 = Simon| first5 = Geoffrey R.| last6 = Kumar| first6 = Kaparaboyna Ashok| last7 = Huang| first7 = William W.| last8 = Haskell| first8 = Helen W.| last9 = Robertson| first9 = Peter J.| title = Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa| journal = Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery: Official Journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery| date = 2014-02| pmid = 24491310}}</ref>
Topical solutions or suspensions in the form of ear drops are the mainstays of treatment for external otitis. Some contain [[antibiotic]]s, either antibacterial or antifungal, and others are simply designed to mildly acidify the ear canal environment to discourage bacterial growth. Some prescription drops also contain anti-inflammatory [[steroid]]s, which help to resolve [[swelling]] and [[itching]]. Although there is evidence that [[steroid]]s are effective at reducing the length of treatment time required, fungal otitis externa (also called [[otomycosis]]) may be caused or aggravated by overly prolonged use of steroid-containing drops. In addition to topical antibiotics, oral anti-pseudomonal antibiotics can be used in case of severe soft tissue swelling extending into the face and neck and may hasten recovery.
* [[Diabetes]]
* [[HIV infection]] or [[AIDS]]
* Other [[immunocompromised]] states, such as patients with [[malignancies]] receiving [[chemotherapy]]
* History of [[radiotherapy]]
* Presence of [[tympanostomy tube]] or perforated [[tympanic membrane]]

Removal of debris (wax, shed skin, and pus) from the ear canal promotes direct contact of the prescribed medication with the infected skin and shortens recovery time. This is best accomplished using a binocular microscope. When canal swelling has progressed to the point where the ear canal is blocked, topical drops may not penetrate far enough into the ear canal to be effective. The physician may need to carefully insert a wick of cotton or other commercially available, pre-fashioned, absorbent material called an ear wick and then saturate that with the medication. The wick is kept saturated with medication until the canal opens enough that the drops will penetrate the canal without it. Removal of the wick does not require a health professional. [[Antibiotic]] ear drops should be dosed in a quantity that allows coating of most of the ear canal and used for no more than 4 to 7 days. The ear should be left open. Do note that it is imperative that there is visualization of an intact [[tympanic membrane]]. Use of certain medications with a ruptured tympanic membrane can cause [[tinnitus]], [[vertigo]], [[dizziness]], and [[hearing loss]] in some cases.
===Otitis externa===
*'''1. Otitis externa, acute''' <ref name="pmid24492208">{{cite journal| author=Rosenfeld RM, Schwartz SR, Cannon CR, Roland PS, Simon GR, Kumar KA et al.| title=Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa executive summary. | journal=Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | year= 2014 | volume= 150 | issue= 2 | pages= 161-8 | pmid=24492208 | doi=10.1177/0194599813517659 | pmc= | url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&tool=sumsearch.org/cite&retmode=ref&cmd=prlinks&id=24492208  }} </ref>
:*'''1.1 Causative pathogens'''
::*Pseudomonas aeruginosa
::*Candida spp.
::*Proteus spp.
::*Staphylococcus aureus
:*'''1.2 Empiric antimicrobial therapy'''
::*Preferred regimen (1): [[Acetic acid]] 2.0% TOP tid for 7-10 days
::*Preferred regimen (2): [[Acetic acid]] 2.0%, [[Hydrocortisone]] 1.0% TOP tid for 7-10 days
::*Preferred regimen (3): [[Ciprofloxacin]] 0.2%, [[Hydrocortisone]] 1.0% TOP tid for 7-10 days
::*Preferred regimen (4): [[Ciprofloxacin]] 0.3%, [[Dexamethasone]] 0.1% TOP tid for 7-10 days
::*Preferred regimen (5): [[Neomycin]], [[Polymyxin B]], [[Hydrocortisone]] TOP tid for 7-10 days
::*Preferred regimen (6): [[Ofloxacin]] 0.3% TOP tid for 7-10 days
:*'''1.3 Pathogen-directed therapy'''
::*'''1.3.1 Fungal otitis externa'''<ref name="pmid24492208">{{cite journal| author=Rosenfeld RM, Schwartz SR, Cannon CR, Roland PS, Simon GR, Kumar KA et al.| title=Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa executive summary. | journal=Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | year= 2014 | volume= 150 | issue= 2 | pages= 161-8 | pmid=24492208 | doi=10.1177/0194599813517659 | pmc= | url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&tool=sumsearch.org/cite&retmode=ref&cmd=prlinks&id=24492208  }} </ref>
:::*Preferred regimen: [[Fluconazole]] 200 mg PO once <u>'''THEN'''</u> [[Fluconazole]] 100 mg PO q24h for 3–5 days
::*'''1.3.2 Malignant otitis media, Pseudomonas aeruginosa'''<ref name="pmid24492208">{{cite journal| author=Rosenfeld RM, Schwartz SR, Cannon CR, Roland PS, Simon GR, Kumar KA et al.| title=Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa executive summary. | journal=Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | year= 2014 | volume= 150 | issue= 2 | pages= 161-8 | pmid=24492208 | doi=10.1177/0194599813517659 | pmc= | url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&tool=sumsearch.org/cite&retmode=ref&cmd=prlinks&id=24492208  }} </ref>
:::*Preferred regimen: [[Imipenem]] 0.5 g IV q6h {{or}} [[Meropenem]] 1 g IV q8h {{or}} [[Ciprofloxacin]] 400 mg IV q8h {{or}} [[Ceftazidime]] 2 g IV q8h {{or}} [[Cefepime]] 2 g IV q12h {{or}} ([[Piperacillin-Tazobactam]] 4-6g IV q4h {{and}} [[Tobramycin]] 3–5 mg/kg/day IV q8h)
:::*Note: Oral [[Ciprofloxacin]] may be used by only in patients with very early disease

Although the acute external otitis generally resolves in a few days with topical washes and [[antibiotic]]s, complete return of hearing and [[cerumen]] gland function may take a few more days. Once healed completely, the ear canal is again self-cleaning. Until it recovers fully, it may be more prone to repeat infection from further physical or chemical insult.
*'''2. Otitis externa, chronic'''<ref name="pmid24492208">{{cite journal| author=Rosenfeld RM, Schwartz SR, Cannon CR, Roland PS, Simon GR, Kumar KA et al.| title=Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa executive summary. | journal=Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | year= 2014 | volume= 150 | issue= 2 | pages= 161-8 | pmid=24492208 | doi=10.1177/0194599813517659 | pmc= | url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&tool=sumsearch.org/cite&retmode=ref&cmd=prlinks&id=24492208  }} </ref>
:*'''2.1 Empiric antimicrobial therapy'''
::*Preferred regimen: [[Neomycin]], [[Polymyxin B]], [[Hydrocortisone]] TOP q6-8h {{and}} [[Selenium Sulfide]] Shampoo
::*Note: Selenium sulfide shampoo is recommended as the disease is usually secondary to seborrhea.

Effective medications include [[ear drop]]s containing [[antibiotic]]s to fight infection, and [[corticosteroid]]s to reduce [[itching]] and [[inflammation]]. In painful cases a topical solution of [[antibiotic]]s such as [[aminoglycoside]], [[polymyxin]], or [[fluoroquinolone]] is usually prescribed. Antifungal solutions are used in the case of fungal infections. External otitis is almost always predominantly [[bacterial]] or predominantly [[fungal]], so that only one type of medication is necessary and indicated.
==Pain Management==
Analgesia should be administered based on the severity of pain. Mild to moderate pain is usually managed with [[acetaminophen]] or [[nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs]] given alone or in combination with an [[opioid]]. [[Fentanyl]], [[morphine]], and [[hydromorphone]] are indicated for procedure-related and moderate to severe pain.

The pain of acute otitis externa is often severe enough to interfere with sleep. Topical [[analgesic]] drops often prescribed by primary care providers for pain relief are almost never adequate and should not be relied upon. A brief course of oral narcotic pain medication is often necessary to maintain comfort while the antibiotic drops are working. Improvement with appropriate initial treatment (cleaning of the canal, wick insertion if necessary, and [[antibiotic]] drops in adequate amount) is fairly rapid, with pain improvement occurring within one day and resolution within 2-4 days. Heat application using a heating pad, can also aid in pain relief.
==Algorithm for the Approach to Acute Otitis Externa==
<span style="font-size: 85%;">
AOE, acute otitis externa;
TM, tympanic membrane.
(Adapted from ''Clinical Practice Guideline: Acute Otitis Externa'')<ref>{{Cite journal| doi = 10.1177/0194599813517083| issn = 1097-6817| volume = 150| issue = 1 Suppl| pages = –1-S24| last1 = Rosenfeld| first1 = Richard M.| last2 = Schwartz| first2 = Seth R.| last3 = Cannon| first3 = C. Ron| last4 = Roland| first4 = Peter S.| last5 = Simon| first5 = Geoffrey R.| last6 = Kumar| first6 = Kaparaboyna Ashok| last7 = Huang| first7 = William W.| last8 = Haskell| first8 = Helen W.| last9 = Robertson| first9 = Peter J.| title = Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa| journal = Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery: Official Journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery| date = 2014-02| pmid = 24491310}}</ref>

====Acute Diffuse Otitis Externa====
<div style="font-size: 70%;">
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | X01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X01={{F1|Diffuse AOE}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | A01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |A01={{F2|Analgesic based on severity}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | B01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |B01={{F1|Extension beyond ear canal or ⊕ factors requiring systemic Rx?}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| |,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| C01 | | | | | | C02 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |C01={{F1|YES}}|C02={{F1|NO}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| D01 | | | | | | D02 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |D01={{F2|Abx against ''P. aeruginosa'' and ''S. aureus''}}|D02={{F1|Perforated TM?}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | E01 | | | | | | E02 | | | | | | | | | | | | |E01={{F1|YES}}|E02={{F1|NO}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | F01 | | | | | | F02 | | | | | | | | | | | | |F01={{F2|Non-otoxic topical agent}}|F02={{F2|Topical agent}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |`|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|'| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | | | | | G01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |G01={{F1|Obstructed ear canal?}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | H01 | | | | | | H02 | | | | | | | | | | | | |H01={{F1|YES}}|H02={{F1|NO}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | I01 | | | | | | I02 | | | | | | | | | | | | |I01={{F2|Aural toilet or wick placement}}|I02={{F2|Educate pt on how to use ear drops}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |`|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|'| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | | | | | J01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |J01={{F1|Clinically improve in 3 days?}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | K01 | | | | | | K02 | | | | | | | | | | | | |K01={{F1|YES}}|K02={{F1|NO}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | L01 | | | | | | L02 | | | | | | | | | | | | |L01={{F2|Complete Rx course}}|L02={{F1|Illness other than AOE?}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | | | | | M01 | | | | | | M02 | | | | | | | | |M01={{F1|YES}}|M02={{F1|NO}}}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | |}}
{{Familytree|boxstyle=border: 0;| | | | | | | | | N01 | | | | | | N02 | | | | | | | | |N01={{F2|Treat accordingly}}|N02={{F2|Assess Rx adherence/delivery}}}}

'''Gentle cleansing to remove debris using:'''
*Irrigation with hypertonic saline (3%)
*Cleansing with mixtures of alcohol (70% to 95%) and acetic acid, should be used initially.
*Hydrophilic solutions such as 50% Burrow’s solution may be used for 1 to 2 days to reduce inflammation.

'''Antibiotics use:'''
:[[Fluoroquinolone]] otic solution such as [[ofloxacin]], [[ciprofloxacin]]-[[dexamethasone]] otic, or [[neomycin]] ear drops alone or with [[polymyxin]] combined with [[hydrocortisone]] are effective in reducing local inflammation and infection.
====Chronic Otitis Externa====
===Non-Prescription Remedies===
Provided it is not too severe, recurrent otitis externa can often be successfully treated by non-prescription means, at low cost. When symptoms recur in an individual who has had a previous diagnosis made, the use of non-prescription drops along with precautions to keep water out of the ear is generally effective. Self-treatment with non-prescription remedies is dangerous in individuals who have not been previously evaluated for the condition, because the [[tympanic membrane]] may not be intact, and because the true condition may be [[otitis media]] with drainage. Drops and water precautions may actually resolve otitis media with drainage for a period of time, while allowing an undiagnosed [[cholesteatoma]] to progress, or complications of otitis media to develop.
Effective solutions for the ear canal include acidifying and drying agents, used either singly or in combination. When the ear canal skin is inflamed from the acute otitis externa, the use of dilute [[acetic acid]] may be painful.

[[Burow's solution]] is an effective remedy against both bacterial and fungal external otitis. This is a buffered mixture of [[aluminum sulfate]] and [[acetic acid]], and is available without prescription in the United States.<ref>Kashiwamura M. Chida E. Matsumura M. Nakamaru Y. Suda N. Terayama Y. Fukuda S. The efficacy of Burow's solution as an ear preparation for the treatment of chronic ear infections. [Clinical Trial. Journal Article] Otology & Neurotology. 25(1):9-13, 2004 </ref>
[[Category:Primary care]]
[[Category:Emergency mdicine]]
[[Category:Infectious disease]]
[[Category:Infectious disease]]

Latest revision as of 23:29, 29 July 2020

Otitis externa Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Otitis Externa from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors

Natural History, Complications, and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings




Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Otitis externa medical therapy On the Web

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CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Otitis externa medical therapy

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical Trials.gov

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA onOtitis externa medical therapy

CDC on Otitis externa medical therapy

externa medical therapy in the news

on Otitis externa medical therapy

Directions to Hospitals Treating Otitis externa

Risk calculators and risk factors for Otitis externa medical therapy

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Template:Chi; Maliha Shakil, M.D. [2]; Suveenkrishna Pothuru, M.B,B.S. [3]; Luke Rusowicz-Orazem, B.S.; Tarek Nafee, M.D. [4]


The mainstay of therapy for acute otitis externa (AOE) includes cleaning of the external auditory meatus and treating the infection. Topical therapy is recommended as the initial therapy for diffuse uncomplicated acute otitis externa. Systemic antimicrobials should be reserved for infections extending outside the external ear canal or patients with specific risk factors. Analgesics such as acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are administered either alone or in combination with an opioid.

Medical Therapy

Topical therapy is recommended as initial therapy for diffuse uncomplicated AOE. A non-ototoxic topical preparation should be used when the patient has a known or suspected perforation of the tympanic membrane. Systemic antimicrobials may be administered if there is extension outside the external ear canal or in the presence of the following risk factors that would indicate a need for systemic therapy:[1]

Otitis externa

  • 1. Otitis externa, acute [2]
  • 1.1 Causative pathogens
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Candida spp.
  • Enterobacteriaceae
  • Proteus spp.
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • 1.2 Empiric antimicrobial therapy
  • 1.3 Pathogen-directed therapy
  • 1.3.1 Fungal otitis externa[2]
  • 1.3.2 Malignant otitis media, Pseudomonas aeruginosa[2]
  • 2. Otitis externa, chronic[2]
  • 2.1 Empiric antimicrobial therapy

Pain Management

Analgesia should be administered based on the severity of pain. Mild to moderate pain is usually managed with acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs given alone or in combination with an opioid. Fentanyl, morphine, and hydromorphone are indicated for procedure-related and moderate to severe pain.

Algorithm for the Approach to Acute Otitis Externa

Abbreviations: AOE, acute otitis externa; TM, tympanic membrane. (Adapted from Clinical Practice Guideline: Acute Otitis Externa)[3]

Diffuse AOE
Analgesic based on severity
Extension beyond ear canal or ⊕ factors requiring systemic Rx?
Abx against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus
Perforated TM?
Non-otoxic topical agent
Topical agent
Obstructed ear canal?
Aural toilet or wick placement
Educate pt on how to use ear drops
Clinically improve in 3 days?
Complete Rx course
Illness other than AOE?
Treat accordingly
Assess Rx adherence/delivery


  1. Rosenfeld, Richard M.; Schwartz, Seth R.; Cannon, C. Ron; Roland, Peter S.; Simon, Geoffrey R.; Kumar, Kaparaboyna Ashok; Huang, William W.; Haskell, Helen W.; Robertson, Peter J. (2014-02). "Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa". Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery: Official Journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 150 (1 Suppl): –1-S24. doi:10.1177/0194599813517083. ISSN 1097-6817. PMID 24491310. Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Rosenfeld RM, Schwartz SR, Cannon CR, Roland PS, Simon GR, Kumar KA; et al. (2014). "Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa executive summary". Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 150 (2): 161–8. doi:10.1177/0194599813517659. PMID 24492208.
  3. Rosenfeld, Richard M.; Schwartz, Seth R.; Cannon, C. Ron; Roland, Peter S.; Simon, Geoffrey R.; Kumar, Kaparaboyna Ashok; Huang, William W.; Haskell, Helen W.; Robertson, Peter J. (2014-02). "Clinical practice guideline: acute otitis externa". Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery: Official Journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 150 (1 Suppl): –1-S24. doi:10.1177/0194599813517083. ISSN 1097-6817. PMID 24491310. Check date values in: |date= (help)

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