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{{Taxobox | color = lightgrey
| name = ''Listeria monocytogenes''
| image = Listeria monocytogenes PHIL 2287 lores.jpg
| color = lightgrey <!-- Please read [[WP:Taxobox usage#Color]] before making any changes to the taxobox color. -->
| name = ''Listeria''
| image =Listeria monocytogenes PHIL 2287 lores.jpg
| image_width = 240px
| image_width = 240px
| regnum = [[Bacteria]]
| image_caption = [[Scanning electron microscope|Scanning electron micrograph]] of ''Listeria monocytogenes''.
| regnum = [[Bacterium|Bacteria]]
| divisio = [[Firmicutes]]
| divisio = [[Firmicutes]]
| classis = [[Bacilli]]
| classis = [[Bacilli]]
| ordo = [[Bacillales]]
| ordo = [[Bacillales]]
| familia = [[Listeriaceae]]
| familia = [[Listeriaceae]]
| genus = ''[[Listeria]]''
| genus = ''Listeria''
| species = '''''L. monocytogenes'''''
| genus_authority = [[Harvey Pirie|Pirie]] 1940
| binomial = ''Listeria monocytogenes''
| subdivision_ranks = Species
| binomial_authority = Murray ''et al.'' (1926)
| subdivision =
''[[Listeria fleischmannii|L. fleischmannii]]''<br />
''[[Listeria grayi|L. grayi]]''<br />
''[[Listeria innocua|L. innocua]]''<br />
''[[Listeria ivanovii|L. ivanovii]]''<br />
''[[Listeria marthii|L. marthii]]''<br />
''[[Listeria monocytogenes|L. monocytogenes]]''<br />
''[[Listeria rocourtiae|L. rocourtiae]]''<br />
''[[Listeria seeligeri|L. seeligeri]]''<br />
''[[Listeria weihenstephanensis|L. weihenstephanensis]]''<br />
''[[Listeria welshimeri|L. welshimeri]]''
{{CMG}}; {{AE}} {{JS}}

Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium ''Listeria monocytogenes'', a flagellated, [[catalase-positive]], facultative [[intracellular]], [[anaerobe|anaerobic]], [[spore|nonsporulating]], [[Gram-positive]] [[bacillus]]. ''Listeria'' is commonly found in soil, water, vegetation and fecal material.<ref name=WHO>{{cite web | title = Risk assessment of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods | url = }}</ref>

'''''Listeria monocytogenes''''' is a [[Gram-positive]] [[bacterium]], in the division [[Firmicutes]], named for [[Joseph Lister]]. [[Motility|Motile]] via [[flagella]], ''L. monocytogenes'' can move within [[Eukaryote|eukaryotic]] cells by explosive [[polymerization]] of [[actin]] filaments (known as ''[[comet tails]]'' or ''[[actin rockets]]'').
*Listeriosis is  caused by the bacterium ''Listeria spp''.
*''Listeria monocytogenes'' is the most common species associated with development of listeriosis.
*The genus ''Listeria'' contains ten species:
:*''L. fleischmannii''
:*''L. grayi''
:*''L. innocua''
:*''L. ivanovii''
:*''L. marthii''
:*''L. monocytogenes''
:*''L. rocourtiae''
:*''L. seeligeri''
:*''L. weihenstephanensis''
:*''L. welshimeri''

Studies suggest that up to 10% of human [[gastrointestinal tract]]s may be colonized by ''L. monocytogenes''.
*Of note, ''Listeria dinitrificans'' was previously thought to be part of the ''Listeria'' genus, but it has been reclassified into the new genus ''[[Jonesia]]''.<ref name=collins>M. D. Collins, S. Wallbanks, D. J. Lane, J. Shah, R. Nietupskin, J. Smida, M. Dorsch and E. Stackebrandt. Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus ''Listeria'' Based on Reverse Transcriptase Sequencing of 16S rRNA. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. April 1991 vol. 41 no. 2 240–246</ref>

==Clinical Manifestations==
[[Bacteria]]; [[Firmicutes]]; [[Bacilli]]; [[Bacillales]]; [[Listeriaceae]]; [[Listeria]]; [[Listeria monocytogenes]].

===Febrile Gastroenteritis===
==Microbiological Characteristics==
*''Listeria monocytogenes'' is a flagellated, [[catalase-positive]], facultative [[intracellular]], [[anaerobe|anaerobic]], [[spore|nonsporulating]], [[Gram-positive]] [[bacillus]].

===Infection in Pregnancy===
==Natural Reservoir==
*In the environment, ''Listeria monocytogenes'' is commonly found in soil, water, vegetation and fecal material.
*Animals may be asymptomatic carriers of ''Listeria''.<ref name=WHO>{{cite web | title = Risk assessment of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods | url = }}</ref>
*''L. monocytogenes'' has been associated with foods such as raw [[milk]], pasteurized fluid milk, [[cheese]]s (particularly soft-ripened varieties), [[ice cream]], raw [[vegetables]], fermented raw-meat sausages, raw and cooked [[poultry]], raw meats, and raw and smoked [[fish]].<ref name=Fleming_1985>Fleming, D. W., S. L. Cochi, K. L. MacDonald, J. Brondum, P. S. Hayes, B. D. Plikaytis, M. B. Holmes, A. Audurier, C. V. Broome, and A. L. Reingold. 1985. Pasteurized milk as a vehicle of infection in an outbreak of listeriosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 312:404-407.</ref>
*''Listeria'' has the ability to grow at temperatures as low as 0°C, allows its multiplication in refrigerated foods. At refrigerated temperature such as 4°C, the amount of ferric iron in the environment promotes the growth of ''L. monocytogenes''.<ref name=Dworaczek_Kubo_Dykes_2002>Dykes, G. A., Dworaczek (Kubo), M. 2002. Influence of interactions between temperature, ferric ammonium citrate and glycine betaine on the growth of ''Listeria monocytogenes'' in a defined medium. Lett Appl Microbiol. 35(6):538-42.</ref>

===Sepsis of Unknown Origin===
[[Image:Listeria2.jpg|thumb|none| Electron micrograph of a Listeria bacterium in tissue.<SMALL><SMALL>''[ Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]''<ref name="PHIL">{{Cite web | title = Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | url =}}</ref></SMALL></SMALL>]]
===CNS Infection===
===Focal infections===
[[Infection]] by ''L. monocytogenes'' causes the disease [[listeriosis]].  The manifestations of listeriosis include [[septicemia]]<ref name=Gray_1966>Gray, M. L., and A. H. Killinger. 1966. Listeria monocytogenes and listeric infection. Bacteriol. Rev. 30:309-382.</ref>, [[meningitis]] (or [[meningoencephalitis]])<ref name=Gray_1966/>, [[encephalitis]]<ref name=Armstrong1993>Armstrong, R. W., and P. C. Fung. 1993. Brainstem encephalitis (Rhombencephalitis) due to Listeria monocytogenes: case report and review. Clin. Infect. Dis. 16:689-702.</ref>, corneal ulcer<ref name=Holland_1987>Holland, S., E. Alfonso, H. Gelender, D. Heidemann, A. Mendelsohn, S. Ullman, and D. Miller. 1987. Corneal ulcer due to Listeria monocytogenes. Cornea 6:144-146.</ref>, Pneumonia<ref name=whitelock_1989>Whitelock-Jones, L., J. Carswell, and K. C. Rassmussen. 1989. Listeria pneumonia. A case report. South African Medical Journal 75:188-189.</ref>, and [[uterus|intrauterine]] or [[cervix|cervical]] infections in pregnant women, which may result in [[miscarriage|spontaneous abortion]] (2nd/3rd trimester) or [[stillbirth]]. Surviving neonates of Fetomaternal Listeriosis may suffer granulomatosis infantiseptica - [[pyogenic]] [[granulomas]] distributed over the whole body, and may suffer from physical retardation. [[Influenza]]-like symptoms, including persistent fever, usually precede the onset of the aforementioned disorders. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and [[diarrhea]] may precede more serious forms of listeriosis or may be the only symptoms expressed. Gastrointestinal symptoms were epidemiologically associated with use of [[antacid]]s or [[cimetidine]]. The onset time to serious forms of listeriosis is unknown but may range from a few days to three weeks. The onset time to gastrointestinal symptoms is unknown but probably exceeds 12 hours.  An early study suggeseted that ''L. monocytogenes'' was unique among [[Gram-positive]] bacteria in that it possessed [[lipopolysaccharide]]<ref name=Wexler_1979>Wexler, H., and J. D. Oppenheim. 1979. Isolation, characterization, and biological properties of an endotoxin-like material from the gram-positive organism Listeria monocytogenes. Infect. Immun. 23:845-857.</ref>, which served as an [[endotoxin]].  A later study did not support these findings<ref name=Maitra_1986> SHYAMAL K. MAITRA,RONALD NACHUM, AND FREDERICK C. PEARSON. 1986. Establishment of Beta-Hydroxy Fatty Acids as Chemical Marker Molecules for Bacterial Endotoxin by Gas Chromatography-Mass
Spectrometry. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Sept. 1986, p. 510-514</ref>.
The infective dose of ''L. monocytogenes'' varies with the strain and with the susceptibility of the victim. From cases contracted through raw or supposedly pasteurized milk, one may safely assume that in susceptible persons, fewer than 1,000 total organisms may cause disease. ''L. monocytogenes'' may invade the gastrointestinal epithelium. Once the bacterium enters the host's [[monocyte]]s, [[macrophage]]s, or [[polymorphonuclear leukocyte]]s, it becomes blood-borne (septicemic) and can grow. Its presence intracellularly in [[phagocytosis|phagocytic]] cells also permits access to the brain and probably transplacental migration to the fetus in pregnant women. The pathogenesis of ''L. monocytogenes'' centers on its ability to survive and multiply in phagocytic host cells.
== Treatment ==
When listeric meningitis occurs, the overall [[death|mortality]] may reach 70%; from septicemia 50%, from perinatal/neonatal infections greater than 80%. In infections during pregnancy, the mother usually survives. Reports of successful treatment with parenteral [[penicillin]] or [[ampicillin]] exist. [[Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole]]  has been shown effective in patients allergic to penicillin.
Bacteriophage treatments have been developed by several companies. EBI Food Safety and Intralytix both have products suitable for treatment of the bacteria. The [[FDA]] of the United States  approved a cocktail of six [[bacteriophage]]s from Intralytix, and a one type phage product from EBI Food Safety designed to kill the bacteria ''L. monocytogenes''. Uses would potentially include spraying it on fruits and ready-to-eat meat such as sliced ham and turkey.
=== Gene Therapy ===
''L. monocytogenes'' has been used in studies to deliver genes in vitro.  However transfection efficiency remains poor.
[[Image:LSA.jpg|left|thumb|200px|Colonies of typical ''Listeria monocytogenes'' as they appear when grown on Listeria selective [[agar]]]]
The methods for analysis of food are complex and time-consuming. The present [[Food and Drug Administration]] (FDA) method, revised in September, [[1990]], requires 24 and 48 hours of enrichment, followed by a variety of other tests. Total time to identification takes from 5 to 7 days, but the announcement of specific nonradiolabled [[DNA probes]] should soon allow a simpler and faster confirmation of suspect isolates.
Recombinant DNA technology may even permit 2-to-3 day positive analysis in the future. Currently, the FDA is collaborating in adapting its methodology to quantitate very low numbers of the organisms in foods.
Bio-Rad Laboratories ( have come up with media called Rapid'L.Mono Medium which cut short time to 48 hours
Researchers have found ''L. monocytogenes'' in at least 37 [[mammal|mammalian species]], both domesticated and feral, as well as in at least 17 species of [[birds]] and possibly in some species of [[fish]] and [[shellfish]]. Laboratories can isolate ''L. monocytogenes'' from [[soil]], [[silage]], and other environmental sources. ''L. monocytogenes'' is quite hardy and resists the deleterious effects of freezing, drying, and heat remarkably well for a bacterium that does not form spores. Most ''L. monocytogenes'' are pathogenic to some degree.
==Routes of infection==
''L. monocytogenes'' has been associated with such foods as raw [[milk]], pasteurized fluid milk<ref name=Fleming_1985>Fleming, D. W., S. L. Cochi, K. L. MacDonald, J. Brondum, P. S. Hayes, B. D. Plikaytis, M. B. Holmes, A. Audurier, C. V. Broome, and A. L. Reingold. 1985. Pasteurized milk as a vehicle of infection in an outbreak of listeriosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 312:404-407.</ref>, [[cheese]]s (particularly soft-ripened varieties), [[ice cream]], raw [[vegetables]], fermented raw-meat [[sausage]]s, raw and cooked [[poultry]], raw meats (of all types), and raw and smoked [[fish]]. Its ability to grow at temperatures as low as 0°C permits multiplication in refrigerated foods.  In refrigeration temperature such as 4°C the amount of ferric iron promotes the growth of ''L. monocytogenes''.<ref name=Dworaczek_Kubo_Dykes_2002>Dykes, G. A., Dworaczek (Kubo), M. 2002. Influence of interactions between temperature, ferric ammonium citrate and glycine betaine on the growth of ''Listeria monocytogenes'' in a defined medium. Lett Appl Microbiol. 35(6):538-42.</ref>
== Infectious Cycle ==
<!-- Image with unknown copyright status removed: [[Image:LifeCyclePortnoy02.gif|frame|Infectious Life Cycle]] -->
The primary site of infection is the intestinal epithelium where the bacteria invade non-phagocytic cells via the "zipper" mechanism. Uptake is stimulated by the binding of listerial internalins (Inl) to host cell adhesion factors such as E-[[cadherin]] or Met. This binding activates certain Rho-GTPases which subsequently bind and stabilize [[Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein]] (WASp). WASp can then bind the [[Arp2/3 complex]] and serve as an [[actin]] nucleation point. Subsequent actin polymerization extends the cell membrane around the bacterium, eventually engulfing it. The net effect of internalin binding is to exploit the junction forming-apparatus of the host into internalizing the bacterium. Note that ''L. monocytogenes'' can also invade phagocytic cells (e.g. [[macrophages]]) but only requires internalins for invasion of non-phagocytic cells.
Following internalisation, the bacterium must escape from the vacuole/phagosome before fusion with a [[lysosome]] can occur. Two main virulence factors which allow the bacterium to escape are [[listeriolysin O]] (LLO - encoded by ''hly'') and [[phospholipase C]] B (''plc''B). Secretion of LLO and PlcB disrupts the vacuolar membrane and allows the bacterium to escape into the cytoplasm where it may proliferate.
Once in the cytoplasm, ''L. monocytogenes'' exploits host [[actin]] for the second time. ActA proteins associated with the old bacterial cell pole (being a bacilli, ''L. monocytogenes'' septates in the middle of the cell and thus has one new pole and one old pole) are capable of binding the [[Arp2/3 complex]] and thus induce actin nucleation at a specific area of the bacterial cell surface. Actin polymerization then propels the bacterium unidirectionally into the host cell membrane. The protrusion which is formed may then be internalised by a neighbouring cell, forming a double-membrane vacuole from which the bacterium must escape using LLO and PlcB.

[[Image:Listeria3.jpg|thumb|none| Electron micrograph of a Listeria bacterium in tissue.<SMALL><SMALL>''[  Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]''<ref name="PHIL">{{Cite web | title = Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | url =}}</ref></SMALL></SMALL>]]
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==External links==
* [ U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook:  Listeria monocytogenes]
[[Category:Foodborne illnesses]]
[[cs:Listeria monocytogenes]]
[[de:Listeria monocytogenes]]
[[es:Listeria monocytogenes]]
[[fr:Listeria monocytogenes]]
[[nl:Listeria monocytogenes]]
[[pt:Listeria monocytogenes]]

Latest revision as of 17:11, 25 January 2016

Listeriosis Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Listeriosis from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors

Natural History, Complications and Prognosis



History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Listeria monocytogenes On the Web

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Most cited articles

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CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Listeria monocytogenes

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Listeria monocytogenes

CDC on Listeria monocytogenes

Listeria monocytogenes in the news

Blogs on Listeria monocytogenes

Directions to Hospitals Treating Listeriosis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Listeria monocytogenes

Scanning electron micrograph of Listeria monocytogenes.
Scanning electron micrograph of Listeria monocytogenes.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Division: Firmicutes
Class: Bacilli
Order: Bacillales
Family: Listeriaceae
Genus: Listeria
Pirie 1940

L. fleischmannii
L. grayi
L. innocua
L. ivanovii
L. marthii
L. monocytogenes
L. rocourtiae
L. seeligeri
L. weihenstephanensis
L. welshimeri

This page is about microbiologic aspects of the organism(s).  For clinical aspects of the disease, see Listeriosis.

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: João André Alves Silva, M.D. [2]


Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, a flagellated, catalase-positive, facultative intracellular, anaerobic, nonsporulating, Gram-positive bacillus. Listeria is commonly found in soil, water, vegetation and fecal material.[1]


  • Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria spp.
  • Listeria monocytogenes is the most common species associated with development of listeriosis.
  • The genus Listeria contains ten species:
  • L. fleischmannii
  • L. grayi
  • L. innocua
  • L. ivanovii
  • L. marthii
  • L. monocytogenes
  • L. rocourtiae
  • L. seeligeri
  • L. weihenstephanensis
  • L. welshimeri
  • Of note, Listeria dinitrificans was previously thought to be part of the Listeria genus, but it has been reclassified into the new genus Jonesia.[2]


Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Listeriaceae; Listeria; Listeria monocytogenes.

Microbiological Characteristics

Natural Reservoir

  • In the environment, Listeria monocytogenes is commonly found in soil, water, vegetation and fecal material.
  • Animals may be asymptomatic carriers of Listeria.[1]
  • L. monocytogenes has been associated with foods such as raw milk, pasteurized fluid milk, cheeses (particularly soft-ripened varieties), ice cream, raw vegetables, fermented raw-meat sausages, raw and cooked poultry, raw meats, and raw and smoked fish.[3]
  • Listeria has the ability to grow at temperatures as low as 0°C, allows its multiplication in refrigerated foods. At refrigerated temperature such as 4°C, the amount of ferric iron in the environment promotes the growth of L. monocytogenes.[4]


Electron micrograph of a Listeria bacterium in tissue.Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[5]
Electron micrograph of a Listeria bacterium in tissue.Adapted from Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Risk assessment of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods" (PDF).
  2. M. D. Collins, S. Wallbanks, D. J. Lane, J. Shah, R. Nietupskin, J. Smida, M. Dorsch and E. Stackebrandt. Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Listeria Based on Reverse Transcriptase Sequencing of 16S rRNA. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. April 1991 vol. 41 no. 2 240–246
  3. Fleming, D. W., S. L. Cochi, K. L. MacDonald, J. Brondum, P. S. Hayes, B. D. Plikaytis, M. B. Holmes, A. Audurier, C. V. Broome, and A. L. Reingold. 1985. Pasteurized milk as a vehicle of infection in an outbreak of listeriosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 312:404-407.
  4. Dykes, G. A., Dworaczek (Kubo), M. 2002. Influence of interactions between temperature, ferric ammonium citrate and glycine betaine on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in a defined medium. Lett Appl Microbiol. 35(6):538-42.
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Public Health Image Library (PHIL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention".