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Hyperaldosteronism Main page

Patient Information



1- Primary hyperaldosteronism
2- Secondary hyperaldosteronism
3- Pseudohyperaldosteronism causes (low renin)

Differentiating diagonsis

History and symptoms

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Mehrian Jafarizade, M.D [2]

This page contains general information about Hyperaldosteronism. For more information on specific types, please visit the pages on Primary hyperaldosteronism, and Secondary hyperaldosteronism.

Synonyms and keywords: Aldosteronism



Aldosteronism and mineralocorticoid excess may be classified into two types, primary hyperaldosteronism (conn's syndrome) and secondary hyperaldosteronism. The different types of aldosteronism described in the below table:

Primary hyperaldosteronism (conn's syndrome)

Primary hyperaldosteronism Category Diseases
Adrenal causes Aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma
Idiopathic hyperaldosteronism
Extra-adrenal causes Ectopic secretion of aldosterone
Familial hyperaldosteronism Familial hyperaldosteronism type I
  • Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism [GRA]
Familial hyperaldosteronism II
Familial hyperaldosteronism type III
  • Associated with the germline mutation in the KCNJ5 potassium channel)
Other Pure aldosterone-producing adrenocortical carcinomas
Unilateral adrenal hyperplasia

Secondary hyperaldosteronism

Category Diseases
Secondary hyperaldosteronism Genetic mutation Bartter and Gitelman syndromes (hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, the source of renin in the kidney)
Endocrine causes Cushing syndrome
  • The main pathogenetic mechanism is linked to the excess

of cortisol which saturates 11-HSD2 activity,

Ectopic ACTH production (Secondary to carcinomas such as lung cancer)
Renovascular Kidney transplant
Renin-secreting juxtaglomerular cell tumors
Scleroderma renal crisis
Malignant hypertension
Tumors Reninoma
Intravascular hypovolemia
  • Heart failure
  • Hepatic cirrhosis
  • Nephrotic syndrome

Pseudohyperaldosteronism causes (low renin):

Pseudohyperaldosteronism causes Disease Etiology Clinical features Labratory
Elevated mineralocorticoid Renin Aldosterone Other Treatment
Endogenous causes 17 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency Mutations in the CYP17A1 gene Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) Cortisol Corticosteroids
11β-hydroxylase deficiency Mutations in the CYP11B1 gene Cortisol
Apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome (AME) Genetic or acquired defect of 11-HSD gene Cortisol has mineralocorticoid effects Urinary free cortisone ↓↓ Dexamethasone and/or mineralocorticoid blockers
Liddle’s syndrome (Pseudohyperaldosteronism type 1) Mutation of the epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) gene in the distal renal tubules No extra mineralocorticoid presents, and mutations in Na channels mimic aldosterone mechanism Cortisol Amiloride or triamterene
Cushing’s syndrome
  • The main pathogenetic mechanism is linked to the excess

of cortisol which saturates 11-HSD2 activity,

Rapid weight gain, particularly of the trunk and face with limbs sparing (central obesity) Cortisol has mineralocorticoid effects
  • ↓ if excess cortisol saturates 11-HSD2 enzyme activity
Urinary free cortisol markedly ↑↑
  • Adrenalectomy
Insensitivity to glucocorticoids (Chrousos syndrome) Mutations in glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) Cortisol Dexamethasone
Cortisol-secreting adrenocortical carcinoma Multifactorial

Rapid weight gain, particularly of the trunk and face with limbs sparing (central obesity)

Cortisol has mineralocorticoid effects
  • ↓ if excess cortisol saturates 11-HSD2 enzyme activity
Urinary free cortisol markedly ↑↑ Surgery
Geller’s syndrome Mutation of mineralocorticoid (MR) receptor that alters its specificity and allows progesterone to bind MR Severe hypertension particularly during pregnancy Progesterone has mineralocorticoid effects - mineralocorticoid blockers
Gordon’s syndrome (Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 2) Mutations of at least four genes have been identified, including WNK1 and WNK4
  • Normal renal function
No excess mineralocorticoid; an increased activity of the thiazide-sensitive Na–Cl co-transporter in the distal tubule Normal Hyperkalemia thiazide diuretics and/or dietary sodium restriction
Exogenous causes Corticosteroids with mineralocorticoid activity Fludrocortisone or fluoroprednisolone can mimic the action of aldosterone, Medications such as fludrocortisone - Change the treatment
Licorice ingestion Glycyrrhetinic acid that binds mineralocorticoid receptor and blocks 11-HSD2 at the level of classical target tissues of aldosterone - Urinary free cortisol Moderate ↑ Discontinue licorice
Grapefruit High assumption of naringenin, a component of grapefruit, can also block 11-HSD - - Discontinue grapefruit
Estrogens Estrogens can retain sodium and water by different mechanisms, causing:
  • Increased blood pressure values and suppressing the renin aldosterone system, on the other side inducing secondary hyperaldosteronism due to the stimulation of the synthesis of angiotensinogen
- - Discontinue estrogens

Other less common causes of pseudohyperaldosteronism are:

Differentiating Diagnosis

Hyperaldosteronism should be differentiated from other diseases causing hypertension and hypokalemia for example:

Hypertension and Hypokalemia
Plasma renin activity
Normal or High (Plasma Renin/Aldosterone ratio <10
Suppressed (Plasma Renin/Aldosterone ratio >20
*Renin-secreting tumors
*Diuretic use
*Renovascular hypertension
*Coarctation of aorta
*Malignant phase hypertension
Urinary aldosterone
Conn's syndrome (Primary aldosteronism)
Profound K+ depletion
• 17 alpha hydroxylase deficiency
• 11 beta hydroxylase deficiency
• Liddle's syndrome
• Licorice ingestion
• Deoxycortisone producing tumor
Add Mineralocrticoid antagonist for 8 weeks
BP response
No BP response
• Deoxycorticosterone excess( Tumor, 17 alpha hydroxylase and 11 beta hydroxylase deficiency)
• Licorice ingestion
•Glucocorticoid resistance
Liddle's syndrome)

History and symptoms


Hyperaldosteronism may be suspected in the following scenarios:

Patients with profound hypokalemia report fatigue, muscle weakness, cramping, headaches, and palpitations. They can also have polydipsia and polyuria from hypokalemia-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Long-standing HTN may lead to cardiac, retinal, renal, and neurologic problems, with all the associated symptoms and signs. Patients with primary hyperaldosteronism may have subclinical systolic dysfunction, more bradycardia, higher blood pressure and vascular resistance values than those with the secondary hyperaldosteronism. Plasma renin activity has been found to be lower in primary than in secondary hyperaldosteronism.

Common Symptoms

Common symptoms of Hyperaldosteronism include:[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Hypertension related symptoms

Hypokalemia related symptoms

Less Common Symptoms

Less common symptoms of hyperaldosteronism include:[7][8]


  1. Rubidge CJ, O'Dowd PB, Powell SJ (1973). "Difetarsone in the treatment of Trichuris trichiura infections". S. Afr. Med. J. 47 (23): 991–2. PMID 4714286.
  2. Mattsson C, Young WF (2006). "Primary aldosteronism: diagnostic and treatment strategies". Nat Clin Pract Nephrol. 2 (4): 198–208, quiz, 1 p following 230. doi:10.1038/ncpneph0151. PMID 16932426.
  3. Di Tullio M, Alli C, Avanzini F, Bettelli G, Colombo F, Devoto MA, Marchioli R, Mariotti G, Radice M, Taioli E (1988). "Prevalence of symptoms generally attributed to hypertension or its treatment: study on blood pressure in elderly outpatients (SPAA)". J Hypertens Suppl. 6 (1): S87–90. PMID 3216243.
  4. Unwin RJ, Luft FC, Shirley DG (2011). "Pathophysiology and management of hypokalemia: a clinical perspective". Nat Rev Nephrol. 7 (2): 75–84. doi:10.1038/nrneph.2010.175. PMID 21278718.
  5. Bautista J, Gil-Neciga E, Gil-Peralta A (1979). "Hypokalemic periodic paralysis in primary hyperaldosteronism. Subclinical myopathy with atrophy of the type 2A muscle fibers". Eur. Neurol. 18 (6): 415–20. PMID 546663.
  6. Bortolotto LA, Cesena FH, Jatene FB, Silva HB (2003). "Malignant hypertension and hypertensive encephalopathy in primary aldosteronism caused by adrenal adenoma". Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 81 (1): 97–100, 93–6. PMID 12908077.
  7. Moeller J, Muniz B (1967). "[Hypokalemic ileus and aldosteronism]". Med Klin (in German). 62 (52): 2019–24. PMID 5596496.
  8. Failor RA, Capell PT (2003). "Hyperaldosteronism and pheochromocytoma: new tricks and tests". Prim. Care. 30 (4): 801–20, viii. PMID 15024897.

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