Flank pain resident survival guide: Difference between revisions

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{{familytree | L01 | | | | | | L02 | | | | | | L03 |L01=Physical Examination|L02=Physical examination|L03=Physical Examination}}
{{familytree | L01 | | | | | | L02 | | | | | | L03 |L01=Physical Examination|L02=Physical examination|L03=Physical Examination}}
{{familytree | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | }}
{{familytree | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | }}
{{familytree | M01 | | | | | | M02 | | | | | | M03 |M01=D01|M02=K02|M03=D03}}
{{familytree | M01 | | | | | | M02 | | | | | | M03 |M01=Tachypnea,hypoxia or pulmonary findings|M02=Costovertebral or suprapubic tenderness|M03=Perform ultrasonography of abdomen,if non diagnostic consider nephrolithiasis}}
{{familytree | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{familytree | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{familytree | N01 | | | | | | N02 | | | | | | | | |N01=D01|N02=N=02}}
{{familytree | N01 | | | | | | N02 | | | | | | | | |N01=Chest radiography,if non diagnostic, helical CT or D dimer to evaluate for pulmonary embolish|N02=Perform Urinalysis}}
{{familytree | | | | | |,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.| }}
{{familytree | | | | | |,|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|.| }}
{{familytree | | | | | C01 | | | | | | C02 | | |C01= |C02= }}
{{familytree | | | | | C01 | | | | | | C02 | | |C01=Pyuria |C02= Hematuria}}
{{familytree | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| }}
{{familytree | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| }}
{{familytree | | | | | D01 | | | | | | D02 |D01= |D02=}}
{{familytree | | | | | D01 | | | | | | D02 |D01=Consider uninary tract infection or pyelonephritis |D02=Consider nephrolithiasis}}
{{familytree | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | }}
{{familytree | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | }}
{{familytree | | | | | | | | | | | | | E01| |E01= }}
{{familytree | | | | | | | | | | | | | E01| |E01= Spiral CT scan of abdomen}}

Revision as of 00:40, 26 August 2020

Flank pain
Resident Survival Guide

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Qasim Khurshid, M.B.B.S.


Flank pain refers to the discomfort in the upper abdomen or back and sides. It develops in the area above the pelvis and below the ribs. This is a common symptom and usually, pain is worse on one side of the body. Most frequently the cause is benign and/or self-limiting, but more serious causes may require urgent intervention. Treatment of the flank pain depends on the cause, urgent surgical intervention may be required if the pain is caused by ruptured aortic aneurysm and some conditions can be treated with NSAIDS.


Life Threatening Causes

Life-threatening causes include conditions that may result in death or permanent disability within 24 hours if left untreated.

Common Causes

Common causes of flank pian include:


Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the diagnosis of flank pain.


Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the treatment of [[disease name]] according the the [...] guidelines.

{{{ Patient History}}}
Pulmonary Symptoms
Urinary Symptoms
Considor PE or pneumonia
Consider UTI or nephrolithiasis
Consider hepatobiliary cause or nephrolithiasis
Physical Examination
Physical examination
Physical Examination
Tachypnea,hypoxia or pulmonary findings
Costovertebral or suprapubic tenderness
Perform ultrasonography of abdomen,if non diagnostic consider nephrolithiasis
Chest radiography,if non diagnostic, helical CT or D dimer to evaluate for pulmonary embolish
Perform Urinalysis
Consider uninary tract infection or pyelonephritis
Consider nephrolithiasis
Spiral CT scan of abdomen


