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|}<ref name="pmid34447992">{{cite journal |vauthors=McDonagh TA, Metra M, Adamo M, Gardner RS, Baumbach A, Böhm M, Burri H, Butler J, Čelutkienė J, Chioncel O, Cleland JGF, Coats AJS, Crespo-Leiro MG, Farmakis D, Gilard M, Heymans S, Hoes AW, Jaarsma T, Jankowska EA, Lainscak M, Lam CSP, Lyon AR, McMurray JJV, Mebazaa A, Mindham R, Muneretto C, Francesco Piepoli M, Price S, Rosano GMC, Ruschitzka F, Kathrine Skibelund A |title=2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure |journal=Eur Heart J |volume=42 |issue=36 |pages=3599–3726 |date=September 2021 |pmid=34447992 |doi=10.1093/eurheartj/ehab368 |url=}}</ref>
|}<ref name="pmid34447992">{{cite journal |vauthors=McDonagh TA, Metra M, Adamo M, Gardner RS, Baumbach A, Böhm M, Burri H, Butler J, Čelutkienė J, Chioncel O, Cleland JGF, Coats AJS, Crespo-Leiro MG, Farmakis D, Gilard M, Heymans S, Hoes AW, Jaarsma T, Jankowska EA, Lainscak M, Lam CSP, Lyon AR, McMurray JJV, Mebazaa A, Mindham R, Muneretto C, Francesco Piepoli M, Price S, Rosano GMC, Ruschitzka F, Kathrine Skibelund A |title=2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure |journal=Eur Heart J |volume=42 |issue=36 |pages=3599–3726 |date=September 2021 |pmid=34447992 |doi=10.1093/eurheartj/ehab368 |url=}}</ref>
In the pre-hospital setting, AHF patients should benefit from non�invasive monitoring, including pulse oximetry, BP, heart rate respira�tory rate, and a continuous ECG, instituted within minutes of patient
contact and in the ambulance if possible.305 Oxygen therapy may be
given based on clinical judgment unless oxygen saturation is <90% in
which case it should be administered. In patients with respiratory dis�tress, respiratory rate >25 breaths/min, oxygen saturation <90%,
non-invasive ventilation should be initiated.444,448 Although therapeu�tic tools may be available in the prehospital setting, whether more
effective pre-hospital care would alter the clinical outcome remains
to be proven in randomized clinical trials.455 Furthermore, pre�hospital management should not delay the rapid transfer of AHF
patients to the most appropriate medical setting.455,456
In-hospital management
Diagnostic workup and appropriate pharmacological and non�pharmacological treatment must be started promptly and in parallel
(Figure 12). AHF patients are triaged to the appropriate level of care
according to the degree of haemodynamic instability and severity of
the critical illness. Disposition decisions are important components
of the initial phase of management (see Supplementary text 11.2 and
Supplementary Tables 17�19).
The type and intensity of in-hospital monitoring depends on clinical
severity, settings of care and in-hospital course (see Supplementary
text 11.3). As AHF is a heterogeneous condition, management may
differ according to the main clinical presentation. Management starts
with the search for specific causes of AHF.1,305,430 These includeACS, a hypertensive emergency, rapid arrhythmias or severe brady�cardia/conduction disturbance, acute mechanical causes such as acute
valve regurgitation or acute pulmonary embolism, infection, including
myocarditis, and tamponade (CHAMPIT) (Figure 12). After exclusion
of these conditions, which need to be treated/corrected urgently,
management of AHF differs according to the clinical presentations
(Figures 7�10).
Pre-discharge phase
Details on this phase are shown in section 11.3.11.
11.3.2 Oxygen therapy and/or ventilatory support
In AHF, oxygen should not be used routinely in non-hypoxaemic
patients, as it causes vasoconstriction and a reduction in cardiac out�put.457 Oxygen therapy is recommended in patients with AHFSpO2 <90% or PaO2 <60 mmHg to correct hypoxaemia. In chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hyper-oxygenation may
increase ventilation�perfusion mismatch, suppress ventilation and
lead to hypercapnia. During oxygen therapy, acid-base balance and
SpO2 should be monitored.
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, either continuous posi�tive airway pressure and pressure support, improves respiratory fail�ure, increases oxygenation and pH, and decreases the partial
pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and work of breathing. Although
a large randomized trial had neutral results, meta-analyses suggest it
may improve dyspnoea and reduce the need for intubation and
mortality, compared with traditional oxygen therapy.1,458,459 Non�invasive positive pressure ventilation should be started as soon as
possible in patients with respiratory distress (respiratory rate >25
breaths/min, SpO2 <90%) to improve gas exchange and reduce the
rate of endotracheal intubation.448,459 The fraction of inspired oxygen
(FiO2) should be increased up to 100%, if necessary, according to
oxygen saturation level.
Blood pressure should be monitored regularly during non-invasive
positive pressure ventilation. The increase in intrathoracic pressure
with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation decreases venous
return and right and left ventricular preload. It may also decrease car�diac output and BP and should therefore be used with caution in
patients with reduced preload reserve and hypotension. The increase
in pulmonary vascular resistance and RV afterload may also be detri�mental in RV dysfunction.448
Intubation is recommended for progressive respiratory failure
in spite of oxygen administration or non-invasive ventilation
(Supplementary Table 20).448
11.3.3 Diuretics
Intravenous diuretics are the cornerstone of AHF treatment. They
increase renal excretion of salt and water and are indicated for the
treatment of fluid overload and congestion in the vast majority of
AHF patientsLoop diuretics are commonly used due to their rapid onset of
action and efficacy. Data defining their optimal dosing, timing, and
method of administration are limited. No difference in the primary
efficacy outcome of patients’ symptoms global assessment was
shown with a high-dose regimen, compared with a low-dose regi�men, in the DOSE trial. However, there was a greater relief of dysp�noea, change in weight and net fluid loss (with no prognostic role for
increases in serum creatinine) in the higher-dose regimen.460�462
High diuretic doses may cause greater neurohormonal activation and
electrolyte abnormalities and are often associated with poorer out�comes, although a cause and effect relation cannot be proven by
these retrospective analyses.463�466 Based on these observations, it
may be appropriate, when starting i.v. diuretic treatment, to use low
doses, to assess the diuretic response and increase the dose when
that is insufficient.
Diuretic treatment should be started with an initial i.v. dose of
furosemide, or equivalent dose of bumetanide or torasemide,
corresponding to 1�2 times the daily oral dose taken by the patient
before admission. If the patient was not on oral diuretics, a starting
dose of 20�40 mg of furosemide, or a bolus of 10�20 mg i.v. torase�mide, can be used.145,467 Furosemide can be given as 2�3 daily
boluses or as a continuous infusion. Daily single bolus administrations
are discouraged because of the possibility of post-dosing sodium
retention.145,461 With continuous infusion, a loading dose may be
used to achieve steady state earlier. Diuretic response should be
evaluated shortly after start of diuretic therapy and may be assessed
by performing a spot urine sodium content measurement after 2 or
6 h and/or by measuring the hourly urine output. A satisfactory diu�retic response can be defined as a urine sodium content
>50�70 mEq/L at 2 h and/or by a urine output >100�150 mL/h dur�ing the first 6 h.145,468 If there is an insufficient diuretic response, the
loop diuretic i.v. dose can be doubled, with a further assessment of
diuretic response.145 If the diuretic response remains inadequate, e.g.
<100 mL hourly diuresis despite doubling loop diuretic doseconcomitant administration of other diuretics acting at different sites,
namely thiazides or metolazone or acetazolamide, may be consid�ered. However, this combination requires careful monitoring of
serum electrolytes and renal function (Figure 13).145,469,470 This strat�egy, based on early and frequent assessment of diuretic response,
allows starting treatment with relatively low doses of loop diuretics,
with frequent dose adjustments that may be less likely to cause dehy�dration and increase in serum creatinine. The loop diuretic dose
should be progressively decreased when a significant negative fluid
balance has been obtained. However, it should be pointed out that
this algorithm is entirely based on expert opinion, to date.145,461
Transition to oral treatment should be commenced when the
patient’s clinical condition is stable. It is recommended that, after
achievement of congestion relief, oral loop diuretics are continued at
the lowest dose possible to avoid congestion.463,471 Care must also
be taken to avoid patients being discharged from hospital with persis�tent congestion, as this is a major predictor of increased deaths and
rehospitalizations.462,472 Hence, care should be taken to achieve
adequate decongestion and establish an appropriate long-term diu�retic dose before discharge.427,473
11.3.4 Vasodilators
Intravenous vasodilators, namely nitrates or nitroprusside (Supple�mentary Table 21), dilate venous and arterial vessels leading to a
reduction in venous return to the heart, less congestion, lower after�load, increased stroke volume and consequent relief of symptoms.
Nitrates act mainly on peripheral veins whereas nitroprusside is
more a balanced arterial and venous dilator.474,475 Because of their
mechanisms of action, i.v. vasodilators may be more effective than
diuretics in those patients whose acute pulmonary oedema is caused
by increased afterload and fluid redistribution to the lungs in the
absence or with minimal fluid accumulation.427,476�478 However,
two recent randomized trials comparing usual care with early inten�sive and sustained vasodilation failed to show a beneficial effect of i.v.
vasodilators vs. high-dose diuretics.479,480 No recommendation
favouring a regimen based on vasodilator treatment vs. usual care can
thus be given, to date.
Intravenous vasodilators may be considered to relieve AHF symp�toms when SBP is >110 mmHg. They may be started at low doses
and uptitrated to achieve clinical improvement and BP control.
Nitrates are generally administered with an initial bolus followed bInotropes
Inotropes are still needed for treatment of patients with low cardiac
output and hypotension (Table 22). They should be reserved for
patients with LV systolic dysfunction, low cardiac output and low SBP
(e.g. <90 mmHg) resulting in poor vital organ perfusion. However,
they must be used with caution starting at low doses and uptitrating
them with close monitoring.387,388
Inotropes, especially those with adrenergic mechanisms, can cause
sinus tachycardia, increase ventricular rate in patients with AF,
may induce myocardial ischaemia and arrhythmias, and increase mor�tality.387,388,430,478 Levosimendan or type-3-phosphodiesterase
inhibitors may be preferred over dobutamine for patients on
beta-blockers as they act through independent mechanisms.482,483
Excessive peripheral vasodilation and hypotension can be major limi�tations of type-3-phosphodiestaerase inhibitors or levosimendan,
especially when administered at high doses and/orVasopressors
Vasopressors used for the treatment of AHF are reported in Table 22.
Among drugs with a prominent peripheral arterial vasoconstrictor
action, norepinephrine may be preferred in patients with severe
hypotension. The aim is to increase perfusion to the vital organs.
However, this is at the expense of an increase in LV afterload.
Therefore, a combination of norepinephrine and inotropic agents
may be considered, especially in patients with advanced HF and car�diogenic shock.
Some studies, though with limitations, support the use of norepi�nephrine as first choice, compared with dopamine or epinephrine.
Dopamine was compared with norepinephrine as a first-line vaso�pressor therapy in patients with shock and was assocarrhythmic events and with a greater mortality in patients with car�diogenic shock but not in those with hypovolaemic or septic shock.
Although the trial included 1679 patients, significance was seen only
in a subgroup analysis of the 280 patients with cardiogenic shock and
<10% of the patients had MI. As there were no data regarding revas�cularization, this limits the generalizability of the results.485 In another
prospective randomized trial epinephrine was compared with nore�pinephrine in patients with cardiogenic shock due to acute MI.486 The
trial was stopped prematurely due to a higher incidence of refractory
shock with epinephrine. Epinephrine was also associated with higher
heart rate and lactic acidosis. Despite limitations related to its rela�tively small sample size, short time of follow-up and lack of data
regarding the maximum reached dose, the study suggests superior
efficacy and safety with norepinephrine. These data are consistent
with a meta-analysis including 2583 patients with cardiogenic shock
showing a three-fold increase in the risk of death with epinephrine,
compared with norepinephrine, in patients with cardiogenic
shock.487 However, the lack of information about dose, duration oftreatment, and aetiology, makes these results partially explorativ
Opiates relieve dyspnoea and anxiety. They may be used as sedative
agents during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation to improve
patient adaptation. Dose-dependent side effects include nausea,
hypotension, bradycardia, and respiratory depression. Retroanalyses suggest that morphine administration is associated with a
greater frequency of mechanical ventilation, prolonged hospitalization,
more intensive care unit admissions, and increased mortality.488�491
Thus, routine use of opiates in AHF is not recommended although
they may be considered in selected patients, particularly in case of
severe/intractable pain or anxiety or in the setting of palliation.
11.3.8 Digoxin
Digoxin should be considered in patients with AF with a rapid ven�tricular rate (>110 b.p.m.) despite beta-blockers (see also section
12.1.1).151,492,493 It can be given in boluses of 0.25�0.5 mg i.v., if not
used previously. However, in patients with comorbidities (i.e. CKD)
or other factors affecting digoxin metabolism (including other drugs)
and/or the elderly, the maintenance dose may be difficult to estimate
theoretically and measurements of serum digoxin concentrations
should be performed. Digitoxin is a potential alternative to digoxin
and is currently being evaluated in a randomized placebo-controlled
trial ( Identifier: NCT0 Thromboembolism prophylaxis
Thromboembolism prophylaxis with heparin (e.g. low-molecular�weight heparin) or another anticoagulant is recommended, unless
contraindicated or unnecessary (because of existing treatment with
oral anticoagulants).494,49

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Revision as of 15:27, 21 February 2022

Congestive Heart Failure Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective



Systolic Dysfunction
Diastolic Dysfunction


Differentiating Congestive heart failure from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Clinical Assessment

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


Chest X Ray

Cardiac MRI


Exercise Stress Test

Myocardial Viability Studies

Cardiac Catheterization

Other Imaging Studies

Other Diagnostic Studies


Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring

Medical Therapy:

Acute Pharmacotherapy
Chronic Pharmacotherapy in HFpEF
Chronic Pharmacotherapy in HFrEF
ACE Inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Aldosterone Antagonists
Beta Blockers
Ca Channel Blockers
Positive Inotropics
Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibitor
Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Nutritional Supplements
Hormonal Therapies
Drugs to Avoid
Drug Interactions
Treatment of underlying causes
Associated conditions

Exercise Training

Surgical Therapy:

Biventricular Pacing or Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)
Implantation of Intracardiac Defibrillator
Cardiac Surgery
Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVADs)
Cardiac Transplantation

ACC/AHA Guideline Recommendations

Initial and Serial Evaluation of the HF Patient
Hospitalized Patient
Patients With a Prior MI
Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention
Surgical/Percutaneous/Transcather Interventional Treatments of HF
Patients at high risk for developing heart failure (Stage A)
Patients with cardiac structural abnormalities or remodeling who have not developed heart failure symptoms (Stage B)
Patients with current or prior symptoms of heart failure (Stage C)
Patients with refractory end-stage heart failure (Stage D)
Coordinating Care for Patients With Chronic HF
Quality Metrics/Performance Measures

Implementation of Practice Guidelines

Congestive heart failure end-of-life considerations

Specific Groups:

Special Populations
Patients who have concomitant disorders
Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the Patient with CHF
NSTEMI with Heart Failure and Cardiogenic Shock

Congestive heart failure acute pharmacotherapy On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Congestive heart failure acute pharmacotherapy

CDC on Congestive heart failure acute pharmacotherapy

Congestive heart failure acute pharmacotherapy in the news

Blogs on Congestive heart failure acute pharmacotherapy

Directions to Hospitals Treating Congestive heart failure acute pharmacotherapy

Risk calculators and risk factors for Congestive heart failure acute pharmacotherapy

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Synonyms and keywords: Acute decompensated heart failure; ADHF; flash pulmonary edema


Acute heart failure can occur in the setting of a new onset heart failure or worsening of an existing chronic heart failure (also known as acute decompensated heart failure, flash pulmonary edema, ADHF). ADHF presents with acute shortness of breath due to the development of pulmonary edema (the rapid accumulation of fluid in the lung). Other signs and symptoms of ADHF include hypotension with impaired and organ perfusion manifested by worsening renal function, altered mentation and cold clammy extremities. ADHF associated with a poor prognosis if not treated aggressively. Like chronic heart failure therapy, the goal is to improve symptoms but unlike chronic therapy the other goals are to improve oxygenation and hemodynamic stability. The mainstays of the acute medical treatment in acute decompensated congestive heart failure include oxygen to improve hypoxia, diuresis to reduce both preload and intravascular volume and vasodilators to reduce afterload. Some of the mainstays of chronic heart failure therapy are not initiated acutely (ACE inhibtors,beta blockers and digoxin).

2021 ESC Guideline for management of acute heart failure

Abbreviations: AHF: Acute heart failure; LMWH: Low-molecular-weight heparin; PaO2: Partial pressure of oxygen ; SBP: Systolic blood pressure; SpO2: Transcutaneous oxygen saturation;

Recommendations for initial treatment of acute heart failure
Oxygen, ventilation support (Class I, Level of Evidence C):

Oxygen is recommended in hypoxic patients with SpO2<90% or PaO2 <60 mmHg
Intubation is recommended in the presence of progressive respiratory failure in spite of oxygen administration or non-invasive ventilation

Oxygen, ventilation support (Class IIa, Level of Evidence B):

❑ In patients with respiratory distress (respiratory rate >25 breaths/min, SpO2<90%), non-invasive positive pressure ventilation is recommended to decrease respiratory distress and reduce the rate of mechanical endotracheal intubation

Diuretics :(Class I, Level of Evidence C) :

❑ Intravenous loop diuretics are considered for all admitted patients with acute heart failure presented with signs, symptoms of fluid overload

Diuretics : (Class IIa, Level of Evidence B)

❑ In patients with resistant edema who do not respond to an increase in loop diuretic doses, combination of a loop diuretic with thiazide type diuretic should be considered

Vasodilators: (Class IIb, Level of Evidence B)

❑ In order to improve symptoms and reduce congestion in patients with AHF and SBP >110 mmHg, vasodilators may be considered as initial therapy

Inotropic agents : (Class 2b, Level of Evidence C)

Inotropic agents may be considered in patients with SBP <90 mmHg and evidence of hypoperfusion without response to fluid challenge, to improve peripheral perfusion and maintain end-organ function

Inotropic agents (Class III, Level of Evidence C):

❑ Routinely administration of inotropic agents are not recommended , due to safety concerns, unless the patient has symptomatic hypotension and evidence of hypoperfusion

Vasopressors: (ClassIIb, Level of Evidence B)

❑ In patients with cardiogenic shock, a vasopressor, preferably norepinephrine, may be indicated to increase blood pressure and vital organ perfusion

Anticoagulant therapy: (ClassI, Level of Evidence A)

Thromboembolism prophylaxis such as LMWH is recommended in patients not already anticoagulated and no contraindication to anticoagulation, to prevent the risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

Opiates: (ClassIII, Level of Evidence C)

Opiates is not routinely recommended, unless in selected patients with severe, intractable pain or anxiety

The above table adopted from 2021 ESC Guideline


In the pre-hospital setting, AHF patients should benefit from non�invasive monitoring, including pulse oximetry, BP, heart rate respira�tory rate, and a continuous ECG, instituted within minutes of patient contact and in the ambulance if possible.305 Oxygen therapy may be given based on clinical judgment unless oxygen saturation is <90% in which case it should be administered. In patients with respiratory dis�tress, respiratory rate >25 breaths/min, oxygen saturation <90%, non-invasive ventilation should be initiated.444,448 Although therapeu�tic tools may be available in the prehospital setting, whether more effective pre-hospital care would alter the clinical outcome remains to be proven in randomized clinical trials.455 Furthermore, pre�hospital management should not delay the rapid transfer of AHF patients to the most appropriate medical setting.455,456 In-hospital management Diagnostic workup and appropriate pharmacological and non�pharmacological treatment must be started promptly and in parallel (Figure 12). AHF patients are triaged to the appropriate level of care according to the degree of haemodynamic instability and severity of the critical illness. Disposition decisions are important components of the initial phase of management (see Supplementary text 11.2 and Supplementary Tables 17�19). The type and intensity of in-hospital monitoring depends on clinical severity, settings of care and in-hospital course (see Supplementary text 11.3). As AHF is a heterogeneous condition, management may differ according to the main clinical presentation. Management starts with the search for specific causes of AHF.1,305,430 These includeACS, a hypertensive emergency, rapid arrhythmias or severe brady�cardia/conduction disturbance, acute mechanical causes such as acute valve regurgitation or acute pulmonary embolism, infection, including myocarditis, and tamponade (CHAMPIT) (Figure 12). After exclusion of these conditions, which need to be treated/corrected urgently, management of AHF differs according to the clinical presentations (Figures 7�10). Pre-discharge phase Details on this phase are shown in section 11.3.11. 11.3.2 Oxygen therapy and/or ventilatory support In AHF, oxygen should not be used routinely in non-hypoxaemic patients, as it causes vasoconstriction and a reduction in cardiac out�put.457 Oxygen therapy is recommended in patients with AHFSpO2 <90% or PaO2 <60 mmHg to correct hypoxaemia. In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hyper-oxygenation may increase ventilation�perfusion mismatch, suppress ventilation and lead to hypercapnia. During oxygen therapy, acid-base balance and SpO2 should be monitored. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, either continuous posi�tive airway pressure and pressure support, improves respiratory fail�ure, increases oxygenation and pH, and decreases the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and work of breathing. Although a large randomized trial had neutral results, meta-analyses suggest it may improve dyspnoea and reduce the need for intubation and mortality, compared with traditional oxygen therapy.1,458,459 Non�invasive positive pressure ventilation should be started as soon as possible in patients with respiratory distress (respiratory rate >25 breaths/min, SpO2 <90%) to improve gas exchange and reduce the rate of endotracheal intubation.448,459 The fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) should be increased up to 100%, if necessary, according to oxygen saturation level. Blood pressure should be monitored regularly during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. The increase in intrathoracic pressure with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation decreases venous return and right and left ventricular preload. It may also decrease car�diac output and BP and should therefore be used with caution in patients with reduced preload reserve and hypotension. The increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and RV afterload may also be detri�mental in RV dysfunction.448 Intubation is recommended for progressive respiratory failure in spite of oxygen administration or non-invasive ventilation (Supplementary Table 20).448 11.3.3 Diuretics Intravenous diuretics are the cornerstone of AHF treatment. They increase renal excretion of salt and water and are indicated for the treatment of fluid overload and congestion in the vast majority of AHF patientsLoop diuretics are commonly used due to their rapid onset of action and efficacy. Data defining their optimal dosing, timing, and method of administration are limited. No difference in the primary efficacy outcome of patients’ symptoms global assessment was shown with a high-dose regimen, compared with a low-dose regi�men, in the DOSE trial. However, there was a greater relief of dysp�noea, change in weight and net fluid loss (with no prognostic role for increases in serum creatinine) in the higher-dose regimen.460�462 High diuretic doses may cause greater neurohormonal activation and electrolyte abnormalities and are often associated with poorer out�comes, although a cause and effect relation cannot be proven by these retrospective analyses.463�466 Based on these observations, it may be appropriate, when starting i.v. diuretic treatment, to use low doses, to assess the diuretic response and increase the dose when that is insufficient. Diuretic treatment should be started with an initial i.v. dose of furosemide, or equivalent dose of bumetanide or torasemide, corresponding to 1�2 times the daily oral dose taken by the patient before admission. If the patient was not on oral diuretics, a starting dose of 20�40 mg of furosemide, or a bolus of 10�20 mg i.v. torase�mide, can be used.145,467 Furosemide can be given as 2�3 daily boluses or as a continuous infusion. Daily single bolus administrations are discouraged because of the possibility of post-dosing sodium retention.145,461 With continuous infusion, a loading dose may be used to achieve steady state earlier. Diuretic response should be evaluated shortly after start of diuretic therapy and may be assessed by performing a spot urine sodium content measurement after 2 or 6 h and/or by measuring the hourly urine output. A satisfactory diu�retic response can be defined as a urine sodium content >50�70 mEq/L at 2 h and/or by a urine output >100�150 mL/h dur�ing the first 6 h.145,468 If there is an insufficient diuretic response, the loop diuretic i.v. dose can be doubled, with a further assessment of diuretic response.145 If the diuretic response remains inadequate, e.g. <100 mL hourly diuresis despite doubling loop diuretic doseconcomitant administration of other diuretics acting at different sites, namely thiazides or metolazone or acetazolamide, may be consid�ered. However, this combination requires careful monitoring of serum electrolytes and renal function (Figure 13).145,469,470 This strat�egy, based on early and frequent assessment of diuretic response, allows starting treatment with relatively low doses of loop diuretics, with frequent dose adjustments that may be less likely to cause dehy�dration and increase in serum creatinine. The loop diuretic dose should be progressively decreased when a significant negative fluid balance has been obtained. However, it should be pointed out that this algorithm is entirely based on expert opinion, to date.145,461 Transition to oral treatment should be commenced when the patient’s clinical condition is stable. It is recommended that, after achievement of congestion relief, oral loop diuretics are continued at the lowest dose possible to avoid congestion.463,471 Care must also be taken to avoid patients being discharged from hospital with persis�tent congestion, as this is a major predictor of increased deaths and rehospitalizations.462,472 Hence, care should be taken to achieve adequate decongestion and establish an appropriate long-term diu�retic dose before discharge.427,473 11.3.4 Vasodilators Intravenous vasodilators, namely nitrates or nitroprusside (Supple�mentary Table 21), dilate venous and arterial vessels leading to a reduction in venous return to the heart, less congestion, lower after�load, increased stroke volume and consequent relief of symptoms. Nitrates act mainly on peripheral veins whereas nitroprusside is more a balanced arterial and venous dilator.474,475 Because of their mechanisms of action, i.v. vasodilators may be more effective than diuretics in those patients whose acute pulmonary oedema is caused by increased afterload and fluid redistribution to the lungs in the absence or with minimal fluid accumulation.427,476�478 However, two recent randomized trials comparing usual care with early inten�sive and sustained vasodilation failed to show a beneficial effect of i.v. vasodilators vs. high-dose diuretics.479,480 No recommendation favouring a regimen based on vasodilator treatment vs. usual care can thus be given, to date. Intravenous vasodilators may be considered to relieve AHF symp�toms when SBP is >110 mmHg. They may be started at low doses and uptitrated to achieve clinical improvement and BP control. Nitrates are generally administered with an initial bolus followed bInotropes Inotropes are still needed for treatment of patients with low cardiac output and hypotension (Table 22). They should be reserved for patients with LV systolic dysfunction, low cardiac output and low SBP (e.g. <90 mmHg) resulting in poor vital organ perfusion. However, they must be used with caution starting at low doses and uptitrating them with close monitoring.387,388 Inotropes, especially those with adrenergic mechanisms, can cause sinus tachycardia, increase ventricular rate in patients with AF, may induce myocardial ischaemia and arrhythmias, and increase mor�tality.387,388,430,478 Levosimendan or type-3-phosphodiesterase inhibitors may be preferred over dobutamine for patients on beta-blockers as they act through independent mechanisms.482,483 Excessive peripheral vasodilation and hypotension can be major limi�tations of type-3-phosphodiestaerase inhibitors or levosimendan, especially when administered at high doses and/orVasopressors Vasopressors used for the treatment of AHF are reported in Table 22. Among drugs with a prominent peripheral arterial vasoconstrictor action, norepinephrine may be preferred in patients with severe hypotension. The aim is to increase perfusion to the vital organs. However, this is at the expense of an increase in LV afterload. Therefore, a combination of norepinephrine and inotropic agents may be considered, especially in patients with advanced HF and car�diogenic shock. Some studies, though with limitations, support the use of norepi�nephrine as first choice, compared with dopamine or epinephrine. Dopamine was compared with norepinephrine as a first-line vaso�pressor therapy in patients with shock and was assocarrhythmic events and with a greater mortality in patients with car�diogenic shock but not in those with hypovolaemic or septic shock. Although the trial included 1679 patients, significance was seen only in a subgroup analysis of the 280 patients with cardiogenic shock and <10% of the patients had MI. As there were no data regarding revas�cularization, this limits the generalizability of the results.485 In another prospective randomized trial epinephrine was compared with nore�pinephrine in patients with cardiogenic shock due to acute MI.486 The trial was stopped prematurely due to a higher incidence of refractory shock with epinephrine. Epinephrine was also associated with higher heart rate and lactic acidosis. Despite limitations related to its rela�tively small sample size, short time of follow-up and lack of data regarding the maximum reached dose, the study suggests superior efficacy and safety with norepinephrine. These data are consistent with a meta-analysis including 2583 patients with cardiogenic shock showing a three-fold increase in the risk of death with epinephrine, compared with norepinephrine, in patients with cardiogenic shock.487 However, the lack of information about dose, duration oftreatment, and aetiology, makes these results partially explorativ Opiates Opiates relieve dyspnoea and anxiety. They may be used as sedative agents during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation to improve patient adaptation. Dose-dependent side effects include nausea, hypotension, bradycardia, and respiratory depression. Retroanalyses suggest that morphine administration is associated with a greater frequency of mechanical ventilation, prolonged hospitalization, more intensive care unit admissions, and increased mortality.488�491 Thus, routine use of opiates in AHF is not recommended although they may be considered in selected patients, particularly in case of severe/intractable pain or anxiety or in the setting of palliation. 11.3.8 Digoxin Digoxin should be considered in patients with AF with a rapid ven�tricular rate (>110 b.p.m.) despite beta-blockers (see also section 12.1.1).151,492,493 It can be given in boluses of 0.25�0.5 mg i.v., if not used previously. However, in patients with comorbidities (i.e. CKD) or other factors affecting digoxin metabolism (including other drugs) and/or the elderly, the maintenance dose may be difficult to estimate theoretically and measurements of serum digoxin concentrations should be performed. Digitoxin is a potential alternative to digoxin and is currently being evaluated in a randomized placebo-controlled trial ( Identifier: NCT0 Thromboembolism prophylaxis Thromboembolism prophylaxis with heparin (e.g. low-molecular�weight heparin) or another anticoagulant is recommended, unless contraindicated or unnecessary (because of existing treatment with oral anticoagulants).494,49

Management of acute heart failure
Cardiogenic shock, respiratory failure
Identifying acute causes
Pharmacologic therapy
Acute Coronary syndrome
Immediate initiation of specific treatment
Further treatment
The above algorithm adopted from 2021 ESC Guideline


2021 ESC Guideline for management of pulmonary edema

Management of patients with pulmonary edema
Oxygen (Class I) or ventilatory support (Class IIa)
Systolic blood pressure ≥110 mmHg
Loop diuretics (Class I) and/or vasodilators (Class IIb)
Signs of hypoperfusion
Loop diuretics (Class I) and inotropes/vasopressors(Class IIb)
Loop diuretics (Class I)
Congestion relief
Optimized medical therapy
Renal replacement therapy
The above algorithm adopted from 2021 ESC Guideline

2021 ESC Guideline for management of cardiogenic shock

Management of patients with cardiogenic shock
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS), mechanical complications
Emergency PCI or surgical treatment
Identifying and treatment of other specific causes
Oxygen therapy (Class I) or ventilatory support (Class IIa)
Improvement of hypoperfusion and organ dysfunction
Weaning from inotropes/vasopressors and/or mechanical circulatory support
  • Treatment of underlying etiology and medical therapy optimization (Class I )
Mechanical circulatory support(Class IIa)
  • Renal replacement therapy (Class IIa)
  • Palliative care
    The above algorithm adopted from 2021 ESC Guideline


    Hospitalization is required for the management of the patient with ADHF with the following signs, symptoms and laboratory abnormalities: [2]

    Telemetry and Monitoring

    The patient should be admitted to a level of care that allows for constant electrocardiographic monitoring given the risk of arrhythmias and frequent vital signs.

    • The heart rhythm and oxygen saturation should be monitored continuously.
    • Is and Os (intake and output) should be monitored carefully. A daily target should be established (for example the patient should be one liter negative for the day) and diuretic dosing should be adjusted to achieve this target.
    • Daily weights should be obtained using the same scale at the same time of the day, usually before the patient has eaten, and after they have first voided in the morning. Often times Is and Os measurements will underestimate insensible losses that occur through the lungs.
    • The BUN and creatinine, serum sodium (to detect hyponatremia which carries a poor prognosis), chloride, bicarbonate (to detect contraction alkalosis) and serum potassium (to detect hypokalemia as a result of diuresis and which can precipitate arrhythmias) should be monitored daily. Potassium and magnesium should be repeated as needed following diuresis.
    • If the patient is hyponatremic this does not suggest an inadequate intake of salt, but excess free water ingestion and retention. In these patients, access to free water should be restricted to <2 li/day if the Na is < 130 meq/li, and < 1 li/day or more if the Na is < 125 meq/li. It should be borne in mind that juices are essentially free water with sugar. In the hyponatremia patient, drips should not be in D5W. Patients with congestive heart failure should be on a <2 g per day sodium diet.


    Oxygen improves the patient's status if hypoxemia is present, and the goal is to keep the oxygen saturation above 90%. Continuous positive airway pressure may be applied using a face mask; this has been shown to improve symptoms more quickly than oxygen therapy alone,[3] and has been shown to reduce the risk of death.[4][5] Severe respiratory failure requires treatment with endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.

    Management Considerations

    The patient's therapy must be tailored to:

    • Whether the patient has acute diastolic or systolic heart failure
    • The patient's intravascular volume status
    • The patient's hemodynamic status
    • The precipitant of the decompensation

    Systolic Versus Diastolic Heart Failure

    The management of the patient with acute decompensated heart failure depends upon whether the patient has acute decompensated systolic heart failure or acute decompensated diastolic heart failure. Both forms of acute decompensated heart failure are treated with oxygen and vasodilator therapy and diuresis. Importantly, inotropic agents that increase contractility are not indicated in the patient with acute decompensated diastolic heart failure while they are important for the patient with acute decompensated systolic heart failure. While beta blocker initiation is relatively contraindicated in acute decompensated systolic heart failure, control of tachycardia is very useful in the patient with diastolic heart failure to prolong left ventricular filling time. While the initiation of ACE inhibitors may not be recommended in acute decompensated systolic heart failure, ACE inhibition may be of benefit in acute decompensated diastolic heart failure.

    Intravascular Volume Status

    The aggressiveness of diuresis depends upon the patient's volume status. If the patient is total body and intravascular volume overloaded in normotensive, then diuresis alone should be undertaken. If the patient is volume overloaded but hypotensive, then inotropes must be administered in addition to diuretics. Vasodilators cannot be administered to these patients.

    Identification of and Treatment of Underlying Cause of Decompensation

    Identification of and treatment of precipitants of acute decompensation is a mainstay of therapy. Please see the accompanying chapters for detailed management strategies.

    • Hypertension: Vasodilators should be administered
    • Acute coronary syndrome: Antiplatelets, antithrombin, vasodilators, PCI, intra-aortic balloon pump placement should be used to reverse myocardial ischemia
    • Valvular heart disease: For mitral regurgitation vasodilator therapy should be administered, for mitral stenosis heart rate slowed to prolonged left ventricular filling, for aortic stenosis either balloon vavlotomy, TAVR or valve replacement may be necessary
    • Atrial fibrillation can cause acute decompensation of heart failure due to an increase in heart rate and oxygen demands, and conversely acute decompensation of heart failure can precipitate atrial fibrillation due to left atrial dilation and increased wall stress. Thus, atrial fibrillation and acute decompensated heart failure are often intimately related, and the successful management of atrial fibrillation is often critical to the success of reversing the acute decompensation.
    In the patient with acute decompensated heart failure, rate control of atrial fibrillation is the mainstay of arrhythmia therapy. Obviously agents that have a negative inotropic effect such as beta blockers and non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers are relatively contraindicated in the management of acute decompensated systolic heart failure. Intravenous diltiazem does not have a negative inotropic effect and is often used for rate control. Short acting esmolol is sometimes used. Digoxin has a very narrow therapeutic/toxic window, it's onset of action is relatively delayed, and it is often not used.
    If a patient is in cardiogenic shock, then cardioversion can be considered in the patient with atrial fibrillation, however in the absence of severe hemodynamic compromise it should be noted that atrial fibrillation will often recur in this setting. Thus, cardioversion is not particularly helpful in the absence of profound hemodynamic compromise. Cardioversion can also be undertaken if new onset atrial fibrillation is the clear precipitant of the hemodynamic decompensation. If the patient is going to be cardioverted, unfractionated heparin should be administered.
    • Ventricular Arrhythmias: The development of either ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation are life-threatening complications and must be treated promptly with the cardioversion. Many antiarrhythmic's can be pro-arrhythmic in the patient with heart failure and are contraindicated. Amiodarone is the antiarrhythmic of choice for the management of ventricular arrhythmias in the patient with heart failure. Underlying precipitants of ventricular arrhythmias such as hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia should be corrected. It should also be noted that inotropic agents can be proarrhythmic, and for this reason as low a dose as possible should be used, and they should be tapered as soon as possible.

    Specific Therapies


    • Usually, but not always, patients with decompensated systolic heart failure are total body and intravascular volume overload and intravenous diuretics are often required in the acute setting. Even in the absence of volume overload (decompensation due to hypertension or valvular heart disease) diuresis may help the symptoms of congestive heart failure because "dry lungs work better than wet lungs". These drugs also cause venodilation in the lung vasculature that also relieves shortness of breath. While contractility of the heart increases with increasing volumes, this relationship is not preserved past a certain volume. By reducing volume overload, these drugs optimize the heart's contractility (they keep the patient from falling off the end of the Starling curve). Reducing the heart's volume also reduces functional mitral regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation.
    • Diuretics reduce preload and reduce intravascular volume.
    • Intravenous preparations are preferred because of more predictable absorption. When a patient is extremely fluid overloaded, they can develop intestinal edema as well, which can affect enteral absorption of medications.
    • The traditional starting dose of Lasix or furosemide is 40 mg intravenously. If this does not work, the dose is doubled. There is insufficient data to suggest a Lasix drip is superior to boluses of Lasix.[6] A useful rule of thumb is that the IV dose should be 2.5 times the usual oral dose based upon the trend for superiority of high doses over low doses in the DOSE trial [7]. Usually an effect is seen in 30 minutes.
    • Torsemide is another alternative and it's dose is 10 to 20 mg intravenously.
    • If high doses of furosemide are inadequate, boluses or continuous infusions of bumetanide (1 mg intravenously) may be preferred.
    • These loop diuretics may be combined with thiazide diuretics such as oral metolazone, hydrochlorothiazide (25 to 50 mg twice daily) or intravenous chlorothiazide (500 to 1000 mg/day) for a synergistic effect.
    • Hypotension may result from diuresis if mobilization of fluid from the extra vascular space does not keep pace with fluid leaving the intravascular space through diuresis. Patients with diastolic dysfunction and restrictive physiology are also prone to hypotension due to reductions in preload.
    • Typically the BUN and Cr will rise during diuresis (hopefully the Cr only slightly). If the rise in creatinine is minimal, and the patient remains fluid overloaded, then diuresis can continue with careful attention to the renal function. If the creatinine rises significantly before the patient is euvolemic, this suggests that there is reduced perfusion to the kidney, and this is associated with a poorer prognosis. If the creatinine rises significantly, other nephrotoxic drugs should be discontinued, and the dosing of the diuretic may need to be reduced. Despite a rise in the creatinine, continued diuresis is sometimes required if severe pulmonary edema persists and consideration should be given to the addition of an inotropic agent.
    • If further efforts to induce diuresis are failing and the patient remains volume overloaded, then ultrafiltration or dialysis should be considered.
    • In patients who have sustained a myocardial infarction and have heart failure, an aldosterone antagonist such as spironolactone or eplerenone can be added instead of a thiazide diuretic. Given the risk of hyperkalemia these agent should only be added if the renal function and serum potassium can be carefully monitored.

    Vasodilator Therapy

    In the absence of hypotension, the intravenous administration of vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, nitroprusside and nesiritide can reduce both preload and afterload and can rapidly improve symptoms. These benefits are observed when the drugs are administered in addition to diuretics or when there is a poor response to diuretics.


    • Nitroglycerine reduces afterload and reduces preload. Nitroglycerine is helpful in improving symptoms of dyspnea. At higher doses, nitroglycerin also reduces afterload.
    • Unfortunately tolerance or tachyphylaxis can develop within hours of continuous administration of high-dose nitroglycerin.
    • The initial dose of intravenous nitroglycerin is 5 to 10 µg per minute and this dose is increased every 3-5 minutes in 5 to 10 µg increments to a maximum dose of 10 to to 200 µg per minute.


    Inotropic Therapy

    • Ionotropes may be administered if the cardiac output and the systolic blood pressure are low, if there is evidence of end organ hypoperfusion (e.g. a rising creatinine), and if there is evidence of elevated filling pressures (an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure or an elevated jugular venous pressure) which limit diuresis and/or vasodilator therapy.
    • Milrinone increases contractility and reduces afterload
    • Dobutamine increases contractility in reduces afterload
    • Dopamine increases blood pressure and increases renal perfusion at low doses
    • There is ongoing concern that inotropes, by increasing heart rate and contractility, may damage hibernating but viable myocardium. These agents are also proarrhythmic. Consistent with these concerns, the randomized OPTIME-CHF trial demonstrated that randomization to Milrinone versus placebo was associated with an increased incidence of hypotension, atrial arrhythmias as well as a non-significant increase in mortality.
    • In so far as Milrinone does not exert its effects through beta receptors, it may be more effective in those patients on a beta blocker.
    • The starting dose of dobutamine is 2.5 µg/kg/min and the dosing can be gradually titrated up to 15 µg/kg/min.
    • The loading dose of Milrinone is 50 µg/kg over 10 minutes. The initial maintenance dose is 0.375 µg/kg/min and the maximum dose is 0.750 µg/kg/min.

    Vasopressor Support

    Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism

    In the absence of contraindications, either low-dose unfractionated heparin, fondaparinux or a low molecular weight heparin are recommended as DVT prophylaxis in the patient with acute decompensated heart failure.

    ACE Inhibition

    Continuation of Chronic ACE Inhibition

    Initiation of Acute ACE Inhibition

    Beta Blockers

    • While beta blockers may play a role in the management of chronic heart failure, beta blockade should not be initiated dring acute decompensated heart failure.
    • If the patient is chronically administered a beta blocker, the beta blocker can be continued in the absence of hypotension. Withdrawal of beta blockers in the setting of acute decompensated heart failure can be associated with higher mortality.[9] If the patient becomes hemodynamically unstable, the beta blocker dosing can be reduced.
    • If inotropic agents are required, then the beta blocker should be discontinued.

    Aldosterone Antagonism

    • If the patient is chronically being administered an aldosterone antagonist prior to the episode of decompensated congestive heart failure, the agent may be continued in the absence of hypotension, hyperkalemia, and impaired renal function.
    • If the patient meets the criteria for initiation of an aldosterone antagonist for the management of chronic heart failure, this can be initiated prior to hospital discharge.


    • Morphine reduces preload, reduces catecholamines, and reduces the stimulation by stretch receptors in the lung thereby improving symptoms of dyspnea.
    • Nonrandomized observational studies have demonstrated that in the setting of acute decompensated heart failure morphine is associated with an increase in-hospital mortality, increased mechanical ventilation and longer hospital admissions despite adjustment of covariates in multivariate models.
    • Given the potential hazard identified in these non-randomized observational studies, morphine administration is generally not recommended in the setting of acute decompensated heart failure.

    Contraindicated medications

    Congestive heart failure is considered an absolute contraindication to the use of the following medications:


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