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| | ''For acronyms of clinical trial names, click [[Clinical trial names|here]]'' |
| | <font><small>[[4S]]</small></font>
| | |
| | <small><font>'''S'''candinavian '''s'''imvastatin ''' s'''urvival '''s'''tudy; </font></small>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>6C trial</small></font>
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| | <small><font>'''c'''ooperative '''c'''olorectal '''c'''ancer '''c'''ombination '''c'''hemotherapy '''c'''linical; </font></small>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>AAASPS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''A'''frican-'''A'''merican '''a'''ntiplatelet '''s'''troke '''p'''revention '''s'''tudy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>AASK</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''A'''frican-'''A'''merican '''s'''tudy of '''k'''idney disease and hypertension</small></font>
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| | <font><small>ABC study</small></font>
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| | <small><font>'''A'''ssociation of '''B'''lack '''C'''ardiologists study of hypertension; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ABCD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''lternans '''b'''efore '''c'''ardioverter-'''d'''efibrillator<br /> '''a'''ppropriate '''b'''lood pressure '''c'''ontrol in '''d'''iabetes</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>AbESTT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ab'''ciximab in '''e'''mergent '''s'''troke '''t'''reatment '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACADEMIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''zithromycin in '''c'''oronary ''' a'''rtery '''d'''isease: '''e'''limination of '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfection with '''c'''hlamydia</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACAS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''symptomatic '''c'''arotid '''a'''therosclerosis '''s'''tudy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ACCENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A C'''rohn's disease '''c'''linical trial '''e'''valuating infliximab in a '''n'''ew long-term '''t'''reatment regimen</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACCESS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''cute '''c'''andesartan '''c'''ilexetil '''e'''valuation in '''s'''troke '''s'''urvivors<br /> '''a c'''ase '''c'''ontrol '''e'''tiological '''s'''tudy of '''s'''arcoidosis</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACCORD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ction to '''c'''ontrol '''c'''ardi'''o'''vascular '''r'''isk in '''d'''iabetes</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ACES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> '''c'''linical '''e'''xperience '''s'''tudy<br /> '''a'''zithromycin and '''c'''oronary '''e'''vents '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACME</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ngioplasty '''c'''ompared to ''' me'''dicine</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ACIP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''symptomatic '''c'''ardiac '''i'''schemia '''p'''ilot study</small></font>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>ACRE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ppropriateness of '''c'''oronary '''re'''vascularization</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''symptomatic '''c'''arotid '''s'''urgery '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ngioplasty '''c'''ompliance '''t'''rial<br /> '''a'''ttacking '''c'''laudication with '''t'''iclopidine</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ACTION</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a c'''linical '''t'''rial '''i'''n '''o'''vert '''n'''ephropathy; <br /> '''act'''inomycin eluting stent '''i'''mproves '''o'''utcomes by reducing '''n'''eointimal hyperplasia<br /> '''a c'''oronary disease '''t'''rial '''i'''nvestigating '''o'''utcome with '''n'''ifedipine GITS</font></small>
| |
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| |
| | <font><small>ACUTE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''nalysis of '''c'''oronary '''u'''ltrasound '''t'''hrombolysis '''e'''ndpoints in acute myocardial infarction; <br /> '''a'''ssessment of '''c'''ardioversion '''u'''tilizing '''t'''ransesophageal '''e'''chocardiography; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ADAM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''msterdam '''d'''uration of '''a'''ntiretroviral '''m'''edication study<br /> '''a'''neurysm '''d'''etection '''a'''nd '''m'''anagement study</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ADAPT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''A'''lzheimer's '''d'''isease '''a'''nti-inflammatory '''p'''revention '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ADCS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''lzheimer's '''d'''isease '''c'''ooperative '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ADEMEX</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ade'''quacy of peritoneal dialysis in '''Mex'''ico; sponsor: [http://www.baxter.com/ Baxter Healthcare Corporation]</small></font>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>ADEPT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''dvanced '''e'''lements of '''p'''acing '''t'''rial; sponsor: [http://www.medtronic.com/ Medtronic]</small></font>
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| | <font><small>ADMIRAL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''bciximab before '''d'''irect angioplasty and stenting in '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction '''r'''egarding '''a'''cute and '''l'''ong-term followup</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ADMIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''rterial '''d'''isease '''m'''ultiple '''i'''ntervention '''t'''rial </small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ADONIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''spirin '''d'''ose '''o'''ptimized in '''n'''oncardioembolic '''i'''schemic '''s'''troke </small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ADOPT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a d'''iabetes '''o'''utcome ''' p'''rogression '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ADOPT-A</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''trial '''d'''ynamic '''o'''verdrive '''p'''acing '''t'''rial-'''A'''</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ADVANCE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a d'''osing evaluation of a ''' v'''asopressin '''an'''tagonist in '''C'''HF patients undergoing '''e'''xercise</small></font>
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| | <font><small>AEGIS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''lternativ'''e g'''raft ''' i'''nvestigational '''s'''tudy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>AFCAPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''ir '''F'''orce '''c'''oronary ''' a'''therosclerosis '''p'''revention '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>AFFIRM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''trial '''f'''ibrilation '''f'''ollowup: '''i'''nvestigation of '''r'''hythm '''m'''anagement</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>AFIB</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''trial '''f'''ibrillation '''i'''nvestigation with '''b'''idisomide</small></font>
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| | <font><small>AGENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ngiogenic '''gen'''e '''t'''herapy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>AGIS</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''a'''dvanced '''g'''laucoma '''i'''ntervention '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>A-HeFT</small></font>
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| | <small><font>'''A'''frican-American '''he'''art '''f'''ailure '''t'''rial; </font></small>
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| | <font><small>AIR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''erosolized '''i'''loprost '''r'''andomized placebo-controlled study; sponsor: Schering AG</small></font>
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| | <font><small>AIST-ASH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''cute '''i'''schemic '''s'''troke '''t'''rial: oral '''as'''pirin vs intravenous '''h'''eparin on stroke progression</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ALERT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''djunctive '''L'''amictal®] in ''' e'''pilepsy and '''r'''esponse to '''t'''reatment<br /> '''a'''ssessment of '''Le'''scol® in '''r'''enal '''t'''ransplantation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ALIVE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''denosine '''l'''idocaine '''i'''nfarct zone '''v'''iability '''e'''nhancement<br /> '''a'''miodarone versus '''l'''idocaine '''i'''n prehospital '''v'''entricular fibrillation '''e'''valuation; sponsor: [http://www.wyeth.com/ Wyeth Pharmaceuticals]<br /> '''a'''zimi'''l'''ide post'''i'''nfarct sur'''v'''ival '''e'''valuation; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ALLHAT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''ntihypertensive and '''l'''ipid-'''l'''owering treatment to prevent '''h'''eart '''a'''ttack '''t'''rial; </font> </small>
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| | <font><small>ALLIANCE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ggressive '''l'''ipid '''l'''ower'''i'''ng to '''a'''lleviate '''n'''ew '''c'''ardiovascular '''e'''ndpoints</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ALTS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''SCUS/'''L'''SIL '''t'''riage ''' s'''tudy <br /> [ASCUS - atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; LSIL - low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion]</small></font>
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| | <font><small>AMAZE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a m'''ulticenter trial using-Zestril®* versus to evaluate the '''e'''ffects on lowering blood pressure [*Atacand as add-on therapy with Zestril]</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>AMIGO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''C2993: diabetes '''m'''anagement for '''i'''mproving '''g'''lucose '''o'''utcomes; sponsor: [http://www.amylin.com/ Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.]</small></font>
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| | <font><small>AMISTAD</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''cute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction '''st'''udy of '''ad'''enosine; </font></small>
| |
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| | <font><small>APASS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''nti'''p'''hospholipid '''a'''ntibody '''s'''troke '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>APC</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''denoma '''p'''revention with '''c'''elecoxib; </font></small>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>APOCARD</small></font>
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| | <font><small> imaging in '''card'''iac transplant patients</small></font>
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| | <font><small>APRES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ngiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition '''p'''ost '''re'''vascularization '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>ARCH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''miodarone '''r'''eduction in '''c'''oronary '''h'''eart</small></font>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>ARCHeR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> for '''r'''evascularization of '''c'''arotids in '''h'''igh-'''r'''isk patients</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>AREDS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ge-'''r'''elated '''e'''ye '''d'''isease '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ARIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''therosclerosis '''r'''isk '''i'''n '''c'''ommunities</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ARMS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''PSAC '''r'''eocclusion '''m'''ulticenter '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ARREST</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''A'''ngioRad™ '''r'''adiation for ''' rest'''enosis; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ARTISTIC</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''A'''ngioRad™ '''r'''adiation '''t'''herapy for '''i'''n-'''st'''ent restenosis '''i'''ntra'''c'''oronary; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ASAP</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''zimilide '''s'''upraventricular '''a'''rrhythmia '''p'''rogram; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ASCENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''CS '''s'''tent '''c'''linical ''' e'''quivalence in de '''n'''ovo lesions '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ASCOT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''A'''nglo-'''S'''candinavian '''c'''ardiac '''o'''utcome '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ASPECT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''nticoagulants in the '''s'''econdary '''p'''revention of '''e'''vents in '''c'''oronary '''t'''hrombosis; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ASPEN</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''torvastatin '''s'''tudy for the '''p'''revention of '''e'''ndpoints for patients with '''N'''IDDM</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ASSENT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''as'''sessment of the '''s'''afety and '''e'''fficacy of a '''n'''ew '''t'''hrombolytic [[http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#TNKase TNKase™]]; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ASTIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''utologous '''s'''tem cell '''t'''ransplantation '''i'''nternational '''s'''cleroderma trial</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ASTRID</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''trial '''s'''ensing '''tr'''ial to prevent '''i'''nappropriate '''d'''etections</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ASTRONAUT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''cid '''s'''uppression '''t'''rial: '''r'''anitidine [Zantac®] versus '''o'''meprazole [[http://mtdesk.com/p.shtml#Prilosec Prilosec®]] for '''N'''SAID-'''a'''ssociated '''u'''lcer '''t'''reatment</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ATAC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Arimidex '''A'''rimidex (anastrozole)], '''t'''amoxifen '''a'''nd '''c'''ombination therapy<br /> [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Arimidex '''A'''rimidex (anastrozole)] and '''t'''amoxifen '''a'''lone or in '''c'''ombination</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ATBAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''nticoagulant '''t'''herapy with '''b'''ivalirudin [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Angiomax Angiomax™]] to '''a'''ssist in PCI 1st inning '''t'''rial (PCI in HIT/HITTS)</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>ATICH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ntifibrinolytic '''t'''herapy in acute '''i'''ntra'''c'''erebral '''h'''emorrhage</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ATLAS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''A'''colysis during '''t'''reatment of '''l'''esions '''a'''ffecting '''s'''aphenous vein bypass grafts; [http://www.angiosonics.com/ProductInfo/acolysis_descriptionv1-1.htm Angiosonics' Acolysis System™]<br /> '''a'''ssessment of '''t'''reatment with '''l'''isinopril '''a'''nd '''s'''urvival; </font></small>
| |
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| |
| | <font><small>ATLANTIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ngina '''t'''reatments – '''l'''asers '''a'''nd '''n'''ormal '''t'''herapies '''i'''n '''c'''omparison<br /> </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ATLANTIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''lteplase '''t'''hrombo'''l'''ysis for '''a'''cute '''n'''oninterventional '''t'''herapy in '''i'''schemic '''s'''troke</small></font>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>AT LAST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ntiretroviral '''t'''rial '''l'''ooking '''a'''t '''s'''ex and '''t'''reatment</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>AtoZ</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Aggrastat '''A'''ggrastat®] to [http://mtdesk.com/z.shtml#Zocor '''Z'''ocor®] study; sponsor: Merck</small></font>
| |
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| | <font><small>ATRIA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''n'''t'''icoagulation and '''r'''isk factors '''i'''n '''a'''trial fibrillation </small></font>
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| | <font><small>ATS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''mblyopia '''t'''reatment '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>ATTRACT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''a'''nti-'''T'''NF '''t'''rial in ''' r'''heumatoid '''a'''rthritis with '''c'''A2 '''t'''reatment; <br /> '''a'''nti-'''T'''NF '''t'''rial in '''r'''heumatoid '''a'''rthritis with '''c'''oncomitant '''t'''herapy</font></small>
| |
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| | <font><small>AVASIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''spirin '''v'''ersus '''a'''nticoagulants in '''s'''ymptomatic '''i'''ntracranial '''s'''tenosis</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>AVERT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''rtificial '''v'''alve '''e'''ndocarditis '''r'''eduction '''t'''rial<br /> '''a'''torvastatin '''ve'''rsus '''r'''evascularization '''t'''reatments</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>AVID</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ntiarrhythmics '''v'''ersus '''i'''mplantable '''d'''efibrillators</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>AWESOME</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ngina '''w'''ith '''e'''xtremely '''s'''erious '''o'''perative '''m'''ortality '''e'''valuation</small></font>
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| | <font><small>AZACS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''az'''ithromycin in '''a'''cute '''c'''oronary '''s'''yndromes</small></font>
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| | <font><small>BARI<br /> BARI 2D</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''b'''ypass '''a'''ngioplasty '''r'''evascularization '''i'''nvestigation<br /> '''b'''ypass '''a'''ngioplasty '''r'''evascularization '''i'''nvestigation '''2 d'''iabetes; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>BARS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''B'''eaumont '''a'''lcohol '''r'''estenosis '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BASC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''lood pressure in '''a'''cute '''s'''troke '''c'''ollaboration</small></font>
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| | <font><small>BATMAN</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>Bio''divYsio® 'bat'''i'''m'''astat SV stent versus balloon '''an'''gioplasty for the reduction of restenosis in small coronary arteries; </font></small>
| |
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| | <font><small>BCPT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''reast '''c'''ancer '''p'''revention '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BEAT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''b'''ucindolol '''e'''valuation in ''' a'''cute myocardial infarction '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>BECAIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''be'''zafibrate '''c'''oronary '''a'''therosclerosis '''i'''ntervention '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>BELLES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''eyond '''e'''ndorsed '''l'''ipid '''l'''owering with [http://mtdesk.com/e.shtml#EBCT '''E'''BCT] '''s'''cannings</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>BENEFIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Be'''taferon® [[http://www.mtdesk.com/b.shtml#Betaseron Betaseron®] in U.S.] in '''n'''ewly '''e'''merging MS '''f'''or '''i'''nitial ''' t'''reatment; [http://www.schering.de/ewww/owa/pre_detailenglisch?such_pressenr=3241 information]</small></font>
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| |-
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| | <font><small>BENESTENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Be'''lgium '''Ne'''therlands '''stent'''</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>BERT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''b'''eta '''e'''nergy '''r'''estenosis '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BESMART</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/b.shtml#beStent '''be'''Stent™] in '''sm'''all '''art'''eries</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>BEST</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''b'''eta-blocker '''e'''valuation of '''s'''urvival '''t'''rial; </font></small>
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| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BEST-ICD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''eta-blocker '''e'''valuation of '''s'''urvival '''t'''rial plus '''ICD'''</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BETTER</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''be'''ta radiation '''t'''rial '''t'''o '''e'''liminate '''r'''estenosis; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BHACAS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''eating '''h'''eart '''a'''gainst '''c'''ardioplegic '''a'''rrest '''s'''tudies</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BIP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''ezafibrate '''i'''nfarction '''p'''revention</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BLIND-DATE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''blind'''ed withdrawal of deprenyl in the '''DAT'''ATOP '''e'''xtension trial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BLOSS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''eta blocker '''l'''ength '''o'''f '''s'''tay '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BPAV</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''alloon '''p'''rophylaxis of '''a'''neurysmal '''v'''asospasm</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BRAINS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''B'''ayer '''r'''andomized '''a'''cute '''i'''schemia '''n'''europrotectant '''s'''tudy<br /> '''b'''iochemical '''r'''esearch '''a'''nd '''in'''formation '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BRAVO</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''b'''eta '''r'''adiation for treatment of '''a'''rterio'''v'''enous graft '''o'''utflow; sponsor: [http://www.novoste.com/ Novoste Corporation] [Corona™ system] <br /> '''b'''lockade of the GP IIb/IIIa '''r'''eceptor to '''a'''void '''v'''ascular '''o'''cclusion; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BREATHE-1</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''b'''osentan [[http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#Tracleer Tracleer™]]: '''r'''andomized trial of '''e'''ndothelin receptor '''a'''ntagonist '''the'''rapy for pulmonary hypertension</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BRILLIANT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''b'''atimastat (BB-94) anti'''r'''estenosis tr'''i'''a'''l''' uti'''l'''iz'''i'''ng the Bio''divYsio''® loc'''a'''l drug delivery PC ste'''nt'''; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>BRITE<br /> BRITE-SVG</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>beta radiation to reduce in-stent restenosis; <br /> beta radiation to reduce in-stent restenosis for '''s'''aphenous '''v'''ein bypass '''g'''rafts</font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CABERNET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''arotid '''a'''rtery revascularization using the '''B'''oston Scientific '''E'''PI [http://mtdesk.com/f.shtml#FilterWireEX Filte'''r'''Wire EX] and the EndoTex [http://mtdesk.com/n.shtml#NexStentCarotidStent '''Ne'''xSten'''t''']</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CACHET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''omparison of '''a'''bciximab '''c'''omplications with '''H'''irulog® [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Angiomax Angiomax™] as of 1999] ischemic '''e'''vents '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CADILLAC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ontrolled '''a'''bciximab [[http://mtdesk.com/r.shtml#ReoPro ReoPro™]] and '''d'''evice '''i'''nvestigation to '''l'''ower '''l'''ate '''a'''ngioplasty '''c'''omplications</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAESAR</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''C'''anada, '''A'''ustralia, '''E'''urope, '''S'''outh '''A'''f'''r'''ica AIDS study; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CALM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Atacand '''c'''andesartan] '''a'''nd [http://mtdesk.com/z.shtml#Zestril '''l'''isinopril] '''m'''icroalbuminuria study</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CALM-PD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''omparison of the '''a'''gonist pramipexole vs. '''l'''evodopa on '''m'''otor complications in Parkinson '''d'''isease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CALYPSO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ylexin as an '''a'''djunct to ''' ly'''tic therapy to '''p'''revent '''s'''uper'''o'''xide reflow injury</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAMELOT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''omparison of '''a'''mlodipine versus '''e'''nalapril [Lipitor®] to '''l'''imit '''o'''ccurrences of '''t'''hrombosis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAMEO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''erebral '''a'''neurysm '''m'''ulticenter '''E'''uropean [http://mtdesk.com/o.shtml#Onyx '''O'''nyx™]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CANDLE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''cand'''esartan versus '''l'''osartan '''e'''fficacy comparison; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPARES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''oronary '''a'''ngio'''p'''lasty '''a'''mlodipine '''re'''stenosis '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPRICORN</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Coreg '''ca'''rvedilol] '''p'''ost infa'''r'''ction surv'''i'''val ''' co'''nt'''r'''ol in left ventricular dysfunctio'''n'''</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPRIE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''c'''lopidogrel versus '''a'''spirin in '''p'''atients at '''r'''isk of '''i'''schemic '''e'''vents; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''omplications of '''A'''MD [age-related macular degeneration] '''p'''revention '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPTEN</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>captopril after thrombolysis trial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPTIM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''omparison of '''a'''ngioplasty and '''p'''rehospital '''t'''hrombolysis '''i'''n acute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPTIN </small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''capt'''opril before reperfusion in acute myocardial '''in'''farction<br /> '''cap'''topril plus '''t'''issue plasminogen activator following acute myocardial '''in'''farction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAPTURE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''7E3 '''a'''nti'''p'''latelet ''' t'''herapy in '''u'''nstable '''r'''efractory '''a'''ngina</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CARDIA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''oronary '''a'''rtery '''r'''isk '''d'''evelopment '''i'''n young '''a'''dults</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CARDS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ollaborative '''a'''to'''r'''vastatin [[http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#Lipitor Lipitor™]]and '''d'''iabetes '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CARE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''c'''alcium '''a'''ntagonist in '''re'''perfusion; <br /> '''c'''holesterol '''a'''nd '''r'''ecurrent '''e'''vents; <br /> '''c'''arvedilol '''a'''therectomy '''re'''stenosis; </font> </small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CARE-HD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''oenzyme Q<sub>10</sub> '''a'''nd '''r'''emacemide: '''e'''valuation in '''H'''untington '''d'''isease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CARE-HF</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ca'''rdiac '''re'''synchronization - '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure; European complement to U.S./Canada MIRACLE study</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CARISA</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''c'''ombination '''a'''ssessment of ''' r'''anolazine '''i'''n '''s'''table '''a'''ngina; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CARMEN</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''arvedilol '''A'''CE inhibitors ''' r'''emodelling '''m'''ild heart failure '''e'''valuatio'''n'''</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CART</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''C'''anadian '''a'''ntioxidant '''r'''estenosis '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CASES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''C'''anadian '''a'''ctivase for '''s'''troke '''e'''ffectiveness '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CASH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ardiac '''a'''rrest '''s'''tudy-'''H'''amburg</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAST</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''c'''ardiac '''a'''rrhythmia '''s'''uppression '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CASTLE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''andesartan '''a'''mlodipine '''s'''tudy of '''t'''olerabi'''l'''ity and '''e'''fficacy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''C'''hinese '''A'''CE inhibitor in acute myocardial infarction '''t'''rial<br /> '''ca'''rdiomyopathy '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CATAPULT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''isplatin '''a'''nd '''t'''irapazamine in subjects with '''a'''dvanced '''p'''reviously '''u'''ntreated non–small cell '''l'''ung '''t'''umors</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CATIE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''linical '''a'''ntipsychotic '''t'''rials of '''i'''ntervention '''e'''ffectiveness; see [http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct/gui/c/w2r/screen/OpeningScreen/action/SearchAction?JServSessionIdzone_ct=psmdbu46q1&Term=CATIE trial information]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CATS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''C'''anadian '''A'''merican '''t'''iclopidine '''s'''tudy<br /> '''c'''aptopril '''a'''nd '''t'''hrombolysis '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CAVATAS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ca'''rotid and '''v'''ertebral '''a'''rtery '''t'''ransluminal '''a'''ngioplasty '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CBT-CD</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''c'''ognitive '''b'''ehavior '''t'''herapy for the '''c'''hronic '''d'''epressions; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CEDARS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''omprehensive '''e'''valuation of '''d'''efibrillators '''a'''nd '''r'''esuscitative '''s'''hock</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CEOS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ongenital '''e'''sotropia '''o'''bservational '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHAMP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''hildren's '''H'''IV and '''A'''IDS '''m'''odel '''p'''rogram<br /> '''c'''ombination c'''h'''emotherapy '''a'''nd '''m'''ortality '''p'''revention</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHAMPIONS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ontrolled '''h'''igh-risk subjects [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avonex '''A'''vonex™] '''M'''S '''p'''revention '''i'''n '''o'''ngoing '''n'''eurologic '''s'''urveillance</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHAMPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ontrolled '''h'''igh-risk subjects [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avonex '''A'''vonex™] '''M'''S '''p'''revention '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHARM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''andesartan cilexitil [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Atacand Atacand™]] in '''h'''eart failure '''a'''ssessment of '''r'''eduction '''m'''ortality and morbidity</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHEESE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''c'''omparative trial of '''H'''IV-infected patients '''e'''valuating '''e'''fficacy and '''s'''afety of saquinavir-'''e'''nhanced oral formulation and indinavir given as part of a triple drug therapy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHF-STAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ongestive '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure '''s'''urvival '''t'''rial of '''a'''ntiarrhythmic '''t'''herapy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHRISTMAS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''arvedilol '''h'''ibernation '''r'''eversible '''i'''schemia '''t'''rial; '''ma'''rker of '''s'''uccess</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CHS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ardiovascular '''h'''ealth '''s'''tudy<br /> '''C'''harleston '''h'''eart '''s'''tudy<br /> '''c'''ommunity '''h'''ealth '''s'''tudy<br /> '''C'''ongenital '''H'''eart '''S'''urgeons Society study<br /> '''c'''oronary '''h'''eart '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CIBIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ardiac '''i'''nsufficiency '''bi'''soprolol '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CIDS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''C'''anadian '''i'''mplantable '''d'''efibrillator '''s'''tudy; sponsor: [http://www.medtronic.com/ Medtronic]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CIGTS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ollaborative '''i'''nitial '''g'''laucoma '''t'''reatment '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CLASS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''elecoxib [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Celebrex Celebrex®]] '''l'''ong-term '''a'''rthritis '''s'''afety '''s'''tudy<br /> '''cl'''omethiazole '''a'''cute '''s'''troke '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CLASSICS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''cl'''opidogrel [[http://mtdesk.com/p.shtml#Plavix Plavix™]] '''as'''pirin '''s'''tent '''i'''nternational '''c'''ooperative '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CLASS-IHT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''cl'''omethiazole '''a'''cute '''s'''troke '''s'''tudy in '''i'''schemic, '''h'''emorrhagic, and '''t'''PA treated stroke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CLEERE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ollaborative '''l'''ongitudinal '''e'''valuation of '''e'''thnicity and '''r'''efractive '''e'''rror</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COAST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>heparin-'''coa'''ted '''st'''ents in small coronary arteries</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COCAD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ognitive '''o'''utcomes in '''c'''oronary '''a'''rtery '''d'''isease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COLA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Coreg '''c'''arvedilol] '''o'''pen '''l'''abel '''a'''ssessment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COMBINE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''co'''mbining '''m'''edications and ''' b'''ehavorial '''in'''t'''e'''rventions; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COMET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''arvedilol '''o'''r '''m'''etoprolol '''E'''uropean '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COMMA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''com'''pliment inhibition in '''m'''yocardial infarction treated with percutaneous transluminal coronary '''a'''ngioplasty [evaluation of IV dosing regimens of h5G1.1-scFv]; sponsors: Procter & Gamble and Alexion Pharmaceuticals </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COMPANION</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''co'''mparison of '''m'''edical therapy, '''p'''acing '''an'''d defibrillat'''ion''' in chronic heart failure; [http://www.guidant.com/news/2000/0207a.htm Guidant Corporation]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COMPLY</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''comp'''liment inhibition in myocardial infarction treated with thrombo'''ly'''tics [evaluation of IV dosing regimens of h5G1.1-scFv]; sponsors: Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals and Alexion Pharmaceuticals </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COMS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ollaborative '''o'''cular '''m'''elanoma '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CONVINCE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ontrolled '''on'''set '''v'''erapamil '''in'''vestigation of '''c'''ardiovascular '''e'''ndpoints</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COOL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ardiovascular thrombolytic to '''o'''pen '''o'''ccluded '''l'''ines [[http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#TPA t-PA]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COOL AID</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''cool'''ing for '''a'''cute '''i'''schemic brain '''d'''amage; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COOL MI</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''cool'''ing as an adjunctive therapy to percutaneous intervention in patients with acute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COPERNICUS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''arvedil'''o'''l [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Coreg Coreg®]] '''p'''rosp'''e'''ctive '''r'''a'''n'''dom'''i'''zed '''cu'''mulative '''s'''urvival</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COPPA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''linical '''o'''utcomes from the '''p'''revention of '''p'''ostoperative '''a'''rrhythmia</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CORE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''ontinuing '''o'''utcomes '''r'''elevant to '''E'''vista™</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COSS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''arotid '''o'''cclusion '''s'''urgery '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COURAGE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''c'''linical '''o'''utcomes '''u'''tilizing '''r'''evascularization and '''ag'''gressive drug '''e'''valuation; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>COURT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>a randomized trial of '''co'''ntrast media '''u'''tilization in high '''r'''isk P'''T'''CA</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CRASH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''orticosteroid '''r'''andomization '''a'''fter '''s'''ignificant '''h'''ead injury</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CREDO </small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''lopidogrel [[http://mtdesk.com/p.shtml#Plavix Plavix™]] for '''r'''eduction of '''e'''vents '''d'''uring '''o'''bservation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CREST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''arotid '''r'''evascularization ''' e'''ndarterectomy vs '''s'''tenting '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CRUISE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''an '''r'''outine '''u'''ltrasound '''i'''nfluence '''s'''tent '''e'''xpansion</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>CURE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''lopidogrel in '''u'''nstable angina to prevent '''r'''ecurrent ischemic '''e'''vents</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DAIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''iabetes '''a'''therosclerosis ''' i'''ntervention '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DAISY</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''iabetes '''a'''uto'''i'''mmunity '''s'''tudy in the '''y'''oung</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DATATOP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''eprenyl '''a'''nd '''t'''ocopherol '''a'''ntioxidative '''t'''herapy of '''p'''arkinsonism</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DAVID</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''d'''ual-chamber '''a'''nd '''V'''VI '''i'''mplantable '''d'''efibrillator; see </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DEBATE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''D'''oppler '''e'''ndpoints '''b'''alloon '''a'''ngioplasty '''t'''rial '''E'''urope; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DECOPI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>la '''de'''sobstruction '''co'''ronaire en '''p'''ost-'''i'''nfarctus </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DEFINITE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''def'''ibrillators '''i'''n '''n'''on'''i'''schemic cardiomyopathy '''t'''reatment '''e'''valuation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DEFUSE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''d'''iffusion-weighted imaging '''e'''valuation '''f'''or '''u'''nderstanding '''s'''troke '''e'''valuation; </font> </small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DESTINI-CFR</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''D'''oppler '''e'''ndpoints '''st'''enting '''in'''ternational '''i'''nvestigation - '''c'''oronary '''f'''low reserve; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DIADS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''epression '''i'''n '''A'''lzheimer '''d'''isease '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DIAGNOSIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''iffusion-weighted '''i'''maging '''a'''ssessment of the '''g'''enuine '''n'''eed for '''o'''ther ''' s'''tudies in '''i'''schemic '''s'''troke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DIAMOND</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''istensibility '''i'''mprovement with '''A'''LT-711 re'''mo'''deli'''n'''g in '''d'''iastolic heart failure; sponsor: [http://www.alteon.com/ Alteon Inc.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DIAMOND CHF</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''D'''anish investigators of '''a'''rrhythmia and '''m'''ortality '''on d'''ofetilde '''c'''ongestive '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DIGAMI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''iabetes '''m'''ellitus '''i'''nsulin-'''g'''lucose infusion in '''a'''cute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DMIST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''igital '''m'''ammographic '''i'''maging '''s'''creening '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DINAMIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''efibrillation '''in a'''cute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DIRECT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''di'''abetic '''re'''tinopathy '''c'''andesartan '''t'''rial; candesartan cilexetil ([http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Atacand Atacand®])</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DIRECTOR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''direct''' stenting study with '''Or'''bus R stent™; sponsor: [http://www.orbusmt.com/ Orbus Medical Technologies]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DISC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''isability '''i'''n '''s'''trategies for '''c'''are</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DISTINCT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/b.shtml#BiodivYsio Bio'''di'''vYsio™ '''st'''ent] '''in c'''ontrolled '''t'''rial</small> </font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DPT-1</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''d'''iabetes '''p'''revention '''t'''rial '''-''' type '''1'''; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DREAM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''d'''iabetes '''re'''duction '''a'''pproaches with [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Altace ramipril] and [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avandia rosiglitazone] '''m'''edications</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>DYSBOT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''Dys'''port and '''Bot'''ox study; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EAGAR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''strogen '''a'''nd '''g'''raft ''' a'''therosclerosis '''r'''esearch trial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EARS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''E'''uropean '''a'''therosclerosis ''' r'''esearch '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ECCO 2000</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''e'''ffects of '''c'''iticoline (CerAxon™) on '''c'''linical '''o'''utcome - '''2000''' mg; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EDGE™</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of '''d'''aptomycin [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Cidecin Cidecin™]] in '''g'''ram-positive '''e'''ntities</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EDGE<sup>CAP</sup></small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of '''d'''aptomycin [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Cidecin Cidecin™]] in '''g'''ram-positive '''e'''ntities in the treatment of '''c'''ommunity-'''a'''cquired '''p'''neumonia</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EDGE<sup>SST</sup></small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of '''d'''aptomycin [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Cidecin Cidecin™]] in '''g'''ram-positive '''e'''ntities in the treatment of complicated '''s'''kin and '''s'''oft '''t'''issue infections</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EDGE<sup>UTI</sup></small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of '''d'''aptomycin [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Cidecin Cidecin™]] in '''g'''ram-positive '''e'''ntities in the treatment of complicated '''u'''rinary '''t'''ract '''i'''nfection</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ED-IMPACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''mergency '''d'''epartment '''imp'''edance '''c'''ardiography-aided '''a'''ssessment '''c'''hanges '''t'''herapy; sponsor: [http://www.cdic.com/ CardioDynamics International]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EFICAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''jection '''f'''raction '''i'''n '''ca'''rdiac '''t'''ransplant patients</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EGASIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''arly '''G'''ABA-ergic '''a'''ctivation '''si'''n troke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ELECT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''e'''va'''l'''uating '''e'''noxaparin [[http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#Lovenox Lovenox®]] '''c'''lotting '''t'''imes; see </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ELITE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of '''l'''osartan '''i'''n '''t'''he '''e'''lderly</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ELLDOPA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''arlier versus '''l'''ater '''l'''evo'''dopa''' in Parkinson disease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ENABLE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''en'''dothelin '''a'''ntagonist [http://mtdesk.com/b.shtml#bosentan '''b'''osentan] for ''' l'''owering cardiac '''e'''vents in heart failure</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ENCORE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of '''n'''ifedipine and '''c'''erivastatin '''o'''n the '''r'''ecovery of '''e'''ndothelial function; [http://www.encore-study.com/ web site]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ENRICHD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''en'''hancing '''r'''ecovery '''i'''n '''c'''oronary '''h'''eart '''d'''isease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ENTIRE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''en'''oxaparin and '''T'''NK-tPA with or without GP IIb/IIIa '''i'''nhibitor as '''re'''perfusion strategy in ST elevation MI [TIMI-23]; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EPHESUS </small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''ep'''lerenone neuro'''h'''ormonal ''' e'''fficacy and '''su'''rvival '''s'''tudy; <br /> '''e'''plerenone '''p'''ost-AMI '''h'''eart failure '''e'''fficacy and '''su'''rvival '''s'''tudy </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EPIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of c7E3 for '''p'''revention of '''i'''schemic '''c'''omplications</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EPILOG</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''e'''valuation in '''P'''TCA to '''i'''mprove '''l'''ong-term '''o'''utcome with abciximab '''G'''P IIb/IIIa blockade; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EPISTENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of '''p'''latelet IIb/IIIa '''i'''nhibitor for '''stent'''ing trial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ERA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''arly '''r'''heumatoid '''a'''rthritis (RA) study<br /> '''e'''noxaparin '''r'''estenosis after '''a'''ngioplasty study<br /> '''e'''strogen '''r'''eplacement and '''a'''therosclerosis study</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ERASE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''mergency '''r'''oom '''a'''ssessment of '''s'''estamibi for '''e'''valuation of chest pain</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ERGO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/e.shtml#etomoxir '''e'''tomoxir] for the '''r'''ecovery of '''g'''lucose '''o'''xidation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ER-TIMI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''arly [http://mtdesk.com/r.shtml#Retavase '''R'''etavase™] - '''t'''hrombolysis '''i'''n '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ESCAPE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation '''s'''tudy of '''c'''ongestive heart failure '''a'''nd '''p'''ulmonary artery catheterization '''e'''ffectiveness</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ESPRIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''nhanced '''s'''uppression of the '''p'''latelet IIb/IIIa '''r'''eceptor with '''I'''ntegrilin™ '''t'''herapy<br /> '''E'''uropean '''s'''tudy of the '''p'''revention of '''r'''eocclusion after '''i'''nitial '''t'''hrombolysis<br /> '''e'''valuation of '''s'''ubcutaneous '''p'''roleukin in a '''r'''andomized '''i'''nternational '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ESPS2</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''E'''uropean '''s'''troke '''p'''revention '''s'''tudy 2</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ESSENCE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''e'''fficacy and '''s'''afety of '''s'''ubcutaneous '''e'''noxaparin in '''n'''on–Q-wave '''c'''oronary '''e'''vents; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ESSENTIAL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>th'''e s'''tudie'''s''' of oral '''en'''oximone '''t'''herapy '''i'''n '''a'''dvanced heart fai'''l'''ure; sponsor: [http://www.myogen.com/ Myogen, Inc.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ETHECC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''valuation of [http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#Thymitaq '''T'''hymitaq™] in ''' he'''patocellular '''c'''ar'''c'''inoma; sponsor: [http://www.eximiaspharm.com/ Eximas Pharmaceutical Corporation]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ETROP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''arly '''t'''reatment of '''r'''etinopathy '''o'''f '''p'''rematurity</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>Euro-SPAH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Euro'''pean-'''s'''onotherapy '''p'''revention of '''a'''rterial '''h'''yperplasia; sponsor: [http://www.pharmasonics.com/ PharmaSonics, Inc.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EVIDENCE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ev'''idence for '''i'''nterferon '''d'''ose-effect: '''E'''uropean-'''N'''orth American '''c'''omparative '''e'''fficacy study [[http://www.mtdesk.com/r.shtml#Rebif Rebif®] v. [http://www.mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avonex Avonex™] in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS)]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EVIDENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''ndo'''v'''ascular '''i'''nvestigation '''d'''etermining the safety of a new tacrolimus-'''e'''luting ste'''nt''' graft; sponsor: [http://www.jomed.com/ JOMED N.V.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EXCITE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''e'''valuation of oral '''x'''emilofiban in '''c'''ontrolling '''t'''hrombotic '''e'''vents; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EXCITe</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ex'''tremity '''c'''onstraint-'''i'''nduced '''t'''herapy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>EXCLAIM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''e'''xtended '''cl'''inical prophylaxis in '''a'''cutely '''i'''ll '''m'''edical patients [[http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#Lovenox Lovenox™ (enoxaparin)] postmarketing (phase IV) trial]; sponsor: [http://www.aventispharma-us.com/ Aventis]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FACET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''f'''osinopril versus '''a'''mlodipine '''c'''ardiovascular '''e'''vents randomized '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FAME</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''f'''luvastatin [[http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#Lescol Lescol®]] '''a'''ssessment of '''m'''orbi-mortality in the '''e'''lderly</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FASTER</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''f'''ibrinolytic and '''A'''ggrastat® '''ST e'''levation '''r'''esolution; <br /> '''f'''irst '''a'''barelix depot '''s'''tudy for '''t'''reating '''e'''ndometriosis '''r'''apidly<br /> '''f'''irst '''a'''nd '''s'''econd '''t'''rimester '''e'''valuation of '''r'''isk; see [http://www.firsttrimester.org/about_the_study.shtml study information]</font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FAST-MAG</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''f'''ield '''a'''dministration of '''s'''troke '''t'''herapy - '''mag'''nesium</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FIELD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''f'''enofibrate [[http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#TriCor TriCor®]] '''i'''ntervention and '''e'''vent '''l'''owering in '''d'''iabetes</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FIRST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''F'''lolan (dobutamine) '''i'''nternational '''r'''andomized '''s'''urvival '''t'''rial<br /> '''f'''irst trimester '''i'''ntegrated '''r'''isk '''s'''creening for '''t'''risomy [[http://obg.med.wayne.edu/department/divisions/Genetics/FIRST.htm information]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FLARE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''fl'''uvastatin [[http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#Lescol Lescol®]] '''a'''ngiographic '''re'''stenosis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FOOD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''f'''eed '''o'''r '''o'''rdinary '''d'''iet</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FOSIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/f.shtml#Fosamax '''Fos'''amax®] '''i'''nternational '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FRAXIS / FRAX.I.S.</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Frax'''iparine® in '''i'''schemic ''' s'''yndromes</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FRIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/f.shtml#Fragmin '''Fr'''agmin®] '''i'''n unstable '''c'''oronary artery disease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FRISC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''f'''ast '''r'''evascularization during '''i'''n'''s'''tability in '''c'''oronary artery disease<br /> [http://mtdesk.com/f.shtml#Fragmin '''Fr'''agmin®] during '''i'''n'''s'''tability in '''c'''oronary artery disease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FROSTY</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/f.shtml#Freezor '''Fr'''eezor™] trial ''' o'''f '''s'''upraventricular '''t'''ach'''y'''cardia</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>FUSION</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''f'''ractional flow reserve and '''u'''ltra'''s'''ound '''i'''ndices for '''o'''bjective '''n'''arrowing assessment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>GART study</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''g'''enotypic '''a'''ntiretroviral ''' r'''esistance '''t'''esting</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>GEMS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''G'''''inkgo biloba 'e'''valuation '''m'''emory '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>GISEN</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''g'''ruppo '''I'''taliano di '''s'''tudi '''e'''pidemiologici in '''n'''efrologia</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>GUSTO</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''g'''lobal '''u'''tilization of '''s'''treptokinase and '''t'''PA for '''o'''ccluded arteries; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>GUSTO-SPEED</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''g'''lobal '''u'''tilization of '''s'''treptokinase and '''t'''PA for '''o'''ccluded arteries–'''s'''trategies for '''p'''atency '''e'''nhancement in the '''e'''mergency '''d'''epartment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HALT-C</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''h'''epatitis C '''a'''ntiviral '''l'''ong-term '''t'''reatment to prevent '''c'''irrhosis; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HANDLS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''ealth '''a'''ging in '''n'''ationally '''d'''iverse '''l'''ongitudinal '''s'''amples</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HARDBALL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''eart '''a'''llograft '''r'''ejection: '''d'''etection with '''b'''reath '''a'''lkanes in '''l'''ow '''l'''evels</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HeADDFIRST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''he'''micraniectomy '''a'''nd '''d'''urotomy for '''d'''eterioration '''f'''rom '''i'''nfarction '''r'''elating '''s'''welling '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HEART</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''ealing and '''e'''arly '''a'''fterload '''r'''educing '''t'''herapy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HEAT 2</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''ypertension '''e'''ndothelin '''a'''ntagonist '''t'''reatment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HEME</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''emorrhage '''e'''arly '''M'''RI '''e'''valuation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HERO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''H'''irulog® '''e'''arly '''r'''eperfusion/'''o'''cclusion trial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HERS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''eart and '''e'''strogen/progestin '''r'''eplacement '''s'''tudy<br /> '''H'''IV '''e'''pidemiology '''r'''esearch '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HESTIA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''ome '''e'''valuation of '''st'''roke '''i'''nduced '''a'''id</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HIPS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''h'''eparin '''i'''nfusion '''p'''rior to '''s'''tenting; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''H'''DL-cholesterol '''i'''ntervention '''t'''rial<br /> '''h'''irudin for the '''i'''mprovement of '''t'''hrombolysis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HOPE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''h'''eart '''o'''utcomes '''p'''revention '''e'''valuation; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HOPE-TOO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''eart '''o'''utcomes '''p'''revention '''e'''valuation - '''t'''he '''o'''ngoing '''o'''utcomes </small> </font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HORIZON</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''ealth '''o'''utcomes and '''r'''educed '''i'''ncidence with [http://mtdesk.com/z.shtml#Zometa '''z'''oledronic] '''on'''ce yearly</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HOT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''ypertension '''o'''ptimum '''t'''reatment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''eart '''p'''rotection '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HRS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''h'''ealth and '''r'''etirement '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>HYVET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''hy'''pertension in the '''v'''ery ''' e'''lderly '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ICE-IT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ntravascular '''c'''ooling adjunctiv'''e''' to primary coronary '''i'''n'''t'''ervention</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ICSS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''nternational '''c'''arotid '''s'''tenting '''s'''tudy (CAVATAS-2)</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IDEAL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ncremental '''d'''ecrease in '''e'''ndpoints through '''a'''ggressive '''l'''ipid lowering<br /> [http://mtdesk.com/i.shtml#Iressa '''I'''ressa®] '''d'''ose '''e'''valuation in '''a'''dvanced '''l'''ung cancer</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IDNT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''rbesartan [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avapro Avapro®]] in '''d'''iabetic '''n'''ephropathy '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IHAST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ntraoperative '''h'''ypothermia for '''a'''neurysm '''s'''urgery '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IMAGES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ntravenous '''mag'''nesium '''e'''fficacy in '''s'''troke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IMAGINE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''schemic '''m'''anagement with ''' A'''ccupril™ post bypass '''g'''raft via '''i'''nhibition of co'''n'''verting '''e'''nzyme</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IMPACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''I'''ntegrilin™ to '''m'''anage '''p'''latelet '''a'''ggregation to prevent '''c'''oronary '''t'''hrombosis<br /> '''i'''nternational '''m'''exiletine or '''p'''lacebo '''a'''ntiarrhythmic '''c'''oronary '''t'''rial;<br /> '''i'''nternational '''m'''ultiple sclerosis secondary progressive [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avonex '''A'''vonex™] '''c'''ontrolled '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IMPRESS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''i'''nhibition of '''m'''etallo'''p'''rotease by BMS-186716 in a '''r'''andomized '''e'''xercise and '''s'''ymptoms '''s'''tudy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IMS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''nterventional '''m'''anagement of '''s'''troke study</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>INCOMIN</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''in'''dependent '''com'''parison of ''' in'''terferon [[http://www.mtdesk.com/b.shtml#Betaseron Betaseron®] v. [http://www.mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avonex Avonex™] in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS)]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>InDDEx</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''in'''vestigation into '''d'''elay to '''d'''iagnosis of Alzheimer disease with [http://mtdesk.com/e.shtml#Exelon '''Ex'''elon™]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>INHIBIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''in'''timal '''h'''yperplasia '''i'''nhibition with '''b'''eta '''i'''n-stent '''t'''rial; [http://www.guidant.com/news/2000/0207b.htm Guidant Corporation]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>INSIGHT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''nternational '''n'''ifedipine once-daily '''s'''tudy – '''i'''ntervention as a '''g'''oal in '''h'''ypertension '''t'''reatment; [http://www.insight-study.com/ web site]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>INTACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/i.shtml#Iressa '''I'''ressa®] '''n'''on–small cell lung cancer '''t'''rial '''a'''ssessing '''c'''ombination '''t'''reatment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>INTEGRITI</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''Integri'''lin® and '''t'''enecteplase [[http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#TNKase TNKase™]] in acute myocardial '''i'''nfarction; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>InTIME</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''i'''ntravenous '''n'''PA for '''t'''reatment of '''i'''nfarcting '''m'''yocardium '''e'''arly; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>INTrEPID</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''i'''nvestigation of '''n'''on–'''tr'''ansplant-'''e'''ligible '''p'''atients who are '''i'''notrope '''d'''ependent; see </font> </small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>INTRO-AMI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Int'''egrilin® and '''r'''educed dose '''o'''f thrombolytic in '''a'''cute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IONA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''mpact '''o'''f '''n'''icorandil in '''a'''ngina</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IONDT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''schemic '''o'''ptic '''n'''europathy '''d'''ecompression '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IRAS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''nsulin '''r'''esistance '''a'''therosclerosis '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IRMA 2</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ir'''besartan [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Avapro Avapro®]] '''m'''icro'''a'''lbuminuria type '''2'''</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IRIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''I'''sostent for '''r'''estenosis '''i'''ntervention '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ISAAC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''nternational '''s'''tudy of '''a'''sthma and '''a'''llergies in '''c'''hildhood</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ISAR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ntracoronary '''s'''tenting and '''a'''ntithrombotic '''r'''egimen</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ISAR-STEREO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ntracoronary '''s'''tenting and '''a'''ngiographic '''r'''esults - '''s'''trut '''t'''hickness '''e'''ffect on '''re'''stenosis '''o'''utcome</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ISAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''nternational '''s'''ubarachnoid '''a'''neurysm '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ISTICH </small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''nternational '''s'''urgical '''t'''rial in ''i''ntra'''c'''erebral '''h'''emorrhage</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ITT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ntraventricular '''t'''hrombolysis '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>IVAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''i'''ntermediate sized '''v'''essel ''' a'''therectomy '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>L-CAD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''ipid-'''c'''oronary '''a'''rtery '''d'''isease [pravastatin]; sponsor, [http://www.bms.com/ Bristol-Myers Squibb]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LACI</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''l'''aser '''a'''ngioplasty for '''c'''ritical '''i'''schemia; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LAMP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''ocally '''a'''dvanced '''m'''ultimodality '''p'''rotocol; [http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#LAMPstudies]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LARS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''aser '''a'''ngioplasty in '''r'''estenosed '''s'''tents</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LaSRS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''la'''te '''s'''teroid '''r'''escue '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LATE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''l'''ate '''a'''ssessment of '''t'''hrombolytic '''e'''fficacy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LEADER</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''ower '''e'''xtremity '''a'''rterial '''d'''isease '''e'''vent '''r'''eduction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LIDO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''evosimendan [[http://mtdesk.com/s.shtml#Simdax Simdax™]] '''i'''nfusion versus '''do'''butamine in low output heart failure</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LIDS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''umbar '''i'''nvertebrae '''d'''isk '''s'''tudy [device trial]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LIFE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''osartan '''i'''ntervention '''f'''or '''e'''ndpoint reduction in hypertension</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LIMB</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>ultrasound '''l'''ysing '''i'''n lower extremities to '''m'''inimize '''b'''lood clots; [http://www.angiosonics.com/ Angiosonics]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LIMIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''ong lesion '''i'''ntracoronary radiation to '''m'''inimize '''i'''ntimal hyperplasia '''t'''rial; sponsor: [http://www.guidant.com/ Guidant Corp.] [[http://mtdesk.com/g.shtml#Galileo%20IRS Galileo™ intravascular radiotherapy system]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LIPID</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''l'''ong-term '''i'''ntervention with '''p'''ravastatin in '''i'''schemic '''d'''isease; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LONG WRIST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''W'''ashington '''r'''adiation for ''' i'''n-'''s'''tent restenosis '''t'''rial for '''long''' lesions</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>Look AHEAD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''a'''ction for '''hea'''lth in '''d'''iabetes [[http://mtdesk.com/x.shtml#Xenical Xenical]; long-term study of effects of weight loss in type 2 diabetics]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>L-TAP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''ipid '''t'''reatment '''a'''ssessment '''p'''roject</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>LV3P-CHF</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''l'''eft '''v'''entricular '''p'''acing in '''p'''acemaker '''p'''atients with '''c'''ongestive '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure (CHF); sponsored by [http://www.sjm.com/ St. Jude Medical]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MADIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ulticenter '''a'''utomatic '''d'''efibrillator '''i'''mplantation '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MAGIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''mag'''nesium '''i'''n '''c'''oronay arteries</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MARISA</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''m'''onotherapy '''a'''ssessment of ''' r'''anolazine '''i'''n '''s'''table '''a'''ngina; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MARRVEL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ma'''gnetic '''r'''esonance '''r'''adionuclide '''v'''entriculography and '''e'''chocardiography in '''l'''eft ventricular function</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MARVAL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''icro'''a'''lbuminuria '''r'''eduction with '''val'''sartan [[http://mtdesk.com/d.shtml#Diovan Diovan®]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MASH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''agnesium and '''a'''cetylsalicylic acid in '''s'''ubarachnoid '''h'''emorrhage</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MATCH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''anagement of '''a'''thero'''t'''hrombosis with '''c'''lopidogrel [[http://mtdesk.com/p.shtml#Plavix Plavix™]] in '''h'''igh-risk patients with recent transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MDC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''etoprolol in '''d'''ilated '''c'''ardiomyopathy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MDPIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ulticenter '''d'''iltiazem '''p'''ost '''i'''nfarction '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MEDENOX</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>prophylaxis in '''med'''ical patients with '''enox'''aparin [[http://mtdesk.com/l.lovenox Lovenox®]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MERIT-HF</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''me'''toprolol CR/XL (controlled release) '''r'''andomized''' i'''ntervention '''t'''rial in '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MIAMI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''M'''ulti-Link® Duet™ coronary stent ''' i'''n '''a'''cute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MICRO-HOPE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''mi'''croalbuminuria, '''c'''ardiovascular, and '''r'''enal '''o'''utcomes (HOPE ['''h'''eart '''o'''utcomes ''' p'''revention '''e'''valuation] substudy)</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MIRA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''inocycline '''i'''n '''r'''heumatoid '''a'''rthritis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MIRACL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''yocardial '''i'''schemia '''r'''eduction with '''a'''ggressive '''c'''holesterol '''l'''owering</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MIRACLE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ulticenter [http://mtdesk.com/i.shtml#InSync '''I'''nSync™] '''ra'''ndomized '''cl'''inical '''e'''valuation (North America)</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MIRACLE ICD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ulticenter [http://mtdesk.com/i.shtml#InSync '''I'''nSync™] '''ra'''ndomized '''cl'''inical '''e'''valuation '''i'''mplantable '''c'''ardioverter '''d'''efibrillator</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MIRAGE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ulti-'''i'''nstitutional '''r'''esearch in '''A'''lzheimer '''g'''enetic '''e'''pidemiology</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MMAIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''alignant '''m'''elanoma '''a'''ctive '''i'''mmunotherapy '''t'''rials; [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Canvaxin Canvaxin™]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MMSS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''M'''yoVive™ '''m'''arketing '''s'''urveillance '''s'''tudy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MOBILE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''mo'''re '''p'''atency with '''b'''eta for '''i'''n-stent restenosis in the '''l'''ower '''e'''xtremity; sponsor: [http://www.novoste.com/ Novoste Corporation] [Corona™ system]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MOCHA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ulticenter '''o'''ral '''c'''arvedilol [[http://mtdesk.com/c.shtml#Coreg Coreg®]] '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure '''a'''ssessment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MONICA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''moni'''toring trends and determinants '''i'''n '''ca'''rdiovascular disease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MORE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ultiple '''o'''utcomes of '''r'''aloxifene '''e'''valuation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MOST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''mo'''de '''s'''election '''t'''rial in sinus node dysfunction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MOXCON</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''mox'''onidine '''con'''gestive heart failure trial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MRFIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ultiple '''r'''isk '''f'''actor '''i'''ntervention '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MR IMAGES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''agnetic '''r'''esonance in '''i'''ntravenous '''mag'''nesium '''e'''fficacy in '''s'''troke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MSMI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''m'''ulticenter '''s'''tudy of '''m'''yocardial '''i'''schemia </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MUST</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''m'''edication '''u'''se '''st'''udies; <br /> '''mu'''lticenter '''st'''ent study; <br /> '''mu'''lticenter '''s'''tents '''t'''iclopidine; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MUST EECP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''mu'''lticenter '''st'''udy of '''e'''nhanced '''e'''xternal '''c'''ounter'''p'''ulsation [[http://mtdesk.com/e.shtml#EECP EECP®]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MUSTIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''mu'''ltisite '''st'''imulation '''i'''n '''c'''ardiomyopathy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>MUSTT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''m'''ulticenter '''u'''n'''s'''table '''t'''achycardia '''t'''rial; <br /> '''m'''ulticenter '''u'''n'''s'''ustained '''t'''achycardia '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NAFT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''N'''orth '''A'''merican [http://mtdesk.com/f.shtml#Fragmin '''F'''ragmin®] '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NASCET</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''N'''orth '''A'''merican '''s'''ymptomatic '''c'''arotid '''e'''ndarterectomy '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NAVIGATOR</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''n'''ateglinide '''a'''nd '''v'''alsartan in '''i'''mpaired '''g'''lucose '''t'''olerance '''o'''utcomes '''r'''esearch; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NETT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''n'''ational '''e'''mphysema '''t'''reatment '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NETWORK</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Network''' of general practitioners and hospital physicians involved in the study of low versus high doses of enalapril in patients with heart failure trial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NICE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/n.shtml#Novacor '''N'''ovacor®] '''i'''nflow '''c'''onduit '''e'''valuation; sponsor: [http://www.worldheart.com/ World Heart Corporation]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NICE 3</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''n'''ational '''i'''nvestigators '''c'''ollaborating on '''e'''noxaparin [[http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#Lovenox Lovenox®]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>NOCIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''n'''ew '''o'''nset '''C'''rohn's ''' i'''ntervention '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OASIS / OASIS-2</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''rganization to '''a'''ssess '''s'''trategies for '''i'''schemic '''s'''yndromes </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''pen '''a'''rtery '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OBJECT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''veractive '''b'''ladder: '''j'''udging '''e'''ffective '''c'''ontrol and '''t'''reatment [[http://mtdesk.com/d.shtml#http://www.mtdesk.com/d.shtml#DitropanXL Ditropan XL] v. [http://mtdesk.com/d.shtml#Detrol Detrol]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OCBAS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''ptimal '''c'''oronary '''b'''alloon '''a'''ngioplasty versus '''s'''tent</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OCTAVE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''mapatrilat [[http://mtdesk.com/v.shtml#Vanlev Vanlev™]] '''c'''ardiovascular '''t'''reatment '''a'''ssessment '''v'''ersus '''e'''nalapril</small></font>
| |
| |-
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| | <font><small>OHTS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''cular '''h'''ypertension '''t'''reatment '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OMNIUM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''meprazole [[http://mtdesk.com/p.shtml#Prilosec Prilosec®]] versus '''m'''isoprostol [Cytotec®] for '''N'''SAID-'''i'''nduced ''' u'''lcer '''m'''anagement</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ONTARGET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''on'''going '''t'''elmisartan [[http://mtdesk.com/m.shtml#Micardis Micardis®]] '''a'''lone and in combination with '''r'''amipril [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Altace Altace®]] '''g'''lobal '''e'''ndpoint '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OPERA</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''o'''mapatrilat [Vanlev™] in '''p'''ersons with '''e'''nhanced '''r'''isk of '''a'''therosclerotic events; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OPTIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''ptimal '''p'''harmacological '''t'''herapy in '''i'''mplantable '''c'''ardioverter defibrillator patients; sponsor: [http://www.sjm.com/ St. Jude Medical]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OPTIMAAL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''op'''timal '''t'''rial '''i'''n '''m'''yocardial infarction with the '''a'''ngiotensin II '''a'''ntagonist '''l'''osartan</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OPTIME-CHF</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''utcomes of a '''p'''rospective ''' t'''rial of '''i'''ntravenous '''m'''ilrinone for '''e'''xacerbations of '''c'''hronic '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OPUS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''o'''rbofiban in '''p'''atients with '''u'''nstable coronary '''s'''yndromes</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ORBIT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''o'''ral glycoprotein IIb/IIIa '''r'''eceptor '''b'''lockade to '''i'''nhibit '''t'''hrombosis; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>OVERTURE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''o'''mapatrilat '''v'''ersus '''e'''nalapril '''r'''andomized '''t'''rial of '''u'''tility in '''r'''educing '''e'''vents; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PAC-A-TACH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pac'''ing in '''a'''trial fibrillation and '''tach'''ycardia</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PACIFIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''otential '''a'''ngina '''c'''lass '''i'''mprovement '''f'''or '''i'''ntramyocardial '''c'''hannels</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''P'''hiladelphia '''A'''ssociation of '''C'''linical '''T'''rials study<br /> '''p'''lasminogen activator '''a'''ngioplasty '''c'''ompatibility ''' t'''rial<br /> '''p'''rehospital '''a'''pplication of '''c'''oronary '''t'''hrombolysis<br /> '''p'''rourokinase in '''a'''cute '''c'''oronary '''t'''hrombosis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PAMI</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''p'''rimary '''a'''ngioplasty in acute '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PARADIGM</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''p'''ramlintide for '''a'''mylin '''r'''eplacement '''a'''djunct for '''d'''iabetes '''i'''n '''g'''lycemic '''m'''anagement; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PARAGON</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''latelet IIb/IIIa '''a'''ntagonism for the '''r'''eduction of '''a'''cute coronary syndrome events in the '''g'''lobal '''o'''rganization '''n'''etwork</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PARIS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''eripheral '''a'''rtery '''r'''adiation '''i'''nvestigational '''s'''tudy [study of the [http://www.nucletron.com/ Nucletron®] Paris® leg artery radiation catheter]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PASS II</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''iracetam '''a'''cute '''s'''troke '''s'''tudy II <font color="#cccccc">search help: piracetam</font></small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PATH-CHF</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pa'''cing '''th'''erapies for '''c'''ongestive '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PAVE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''ost '''AV''' node ablation '''e'''valuation; sponsored by [http://www.sjm.com/ St. Jude Medical]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PCDD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''revention of '''c'''ardiovascular '''d'''isease in '''d'''iabetes </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PCI-CURE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''c'''lopidogrel [[http://www.mtdesk.com/p.shtml#Plavix Plavix®]] in '''u'''nstable angina to prevent '''r'''ecurrent ischemic '''e'''vents in patients undergoing '''p'''ercutaneous '''c'''oronary '''i'''ntervention; companion to CURE study</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PCPT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rostate '''c'''ancer '''p'''revention '''t'''rial; [http://www.swogstat.org/PCPThome.htm information]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PDQUALIF</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''P'''arkinson('s) disease '''qua'''lity of '''lif'''e</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PEACE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''revention of '''e'''vents with ''' a'''ngiotensin '''c'''onverting '''e'''nzyme [ACE] inhibitor therapy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PEECH™</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rospective '''e'''valuation of [http://mtdesk.com/e.shtml#EECP '''E'''ECP®] in '''c'''ongestive '''h'''eart failure; sponsor, [http://www.vasomedical.com/ Vasomedical, Inc.] </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PENTALYSE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>synthetic '''pent'''asaccharide as an ''' a'''djunct to fibrino'''ly'''sis in '''S'''T-'''e'''levation acute myocardial infarction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PENTUA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''entasaccharide in '''u'''nstable '''a'''ngina</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PEPI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''ostmenopausal '''e'''strogen/'''p'''rogestin '''i'''nterventions study</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PETHEMA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rograma para el '''e'''studio y '''t'''ratamiento de las '''he'''mopatías '''ma'''lignas<br /> [program for the study and treatment of malignant hemopathies]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PHADE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''p'''neumatic '''H'''eartMate® '''a'''ssist as '''d'''estination '''e'''valuation; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PHAROS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''ilot '''H'''untington '''a'''t '''r'''isk '''o'''bservational '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PIE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rotease '''i'''nhibitor '''e'''xperienced [study of [http://mtdesk.com/f.shtml#Fortovase Fortovase™] with [http://mtdesk.com/k.shtml#Kaletra Kaletra™]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PIVOT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rostate cancer '''i'''ntervention '''v'''ersus '''o'''bservation '''t'''rial </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PLESS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''P'''roscar® '''l'''ong-term '''e'''fficacy and '''s'''afety '''s'''tudy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PLUS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''ropentofylline '''l'''ong-term ''' u'''se '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>POEM</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''p'''atency, '''o'''utcomes and '''e'''conomics of '''M'''IDCAB; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>POLAR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''ilot study '''o'''f '''l'''ow-temperature '''a'''ngiogenic '''r'''evascularization; sponsor: [http://www.cryocath.com/HOME.htm CryoCath Technologies, Inc.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>POST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''po'''sterior '''s'''troke '''t'''rial<br /> '''p'''otassium-channel '''o'''pening '''s'''troke '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>POWER</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''P'''TH for '''o'''steoporotic '''w'''omen on '''e'''strogen '''r'''eplacement [ALX1-11, a recombinant parathyroid hormone (PTH) formulation]; sponsor: [http://www.npsp.com/ NPS Pharmaceuticals]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRAGUE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pr'''imary '''a'''ngioplasty in patients transferred from '''g'''eneral community hospitals to specialized PTCA '''u'''nits with or without '''e'''mergency thrombolysis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRAISE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rospective '''r'''andomized '''a'''mlod'''i'''pine '''s'''urvival '''e'''valuation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRECEDENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rospective '''r'''andomized '''ec'''topy '''e'''valuation on '''d'''obutamin'''e''' or [http://mtdesk.com/n.shtml#Natrecor '''N'''atrecor® (nesiritide)] '''t'''herapy; [http://www.sciosinc.com/ Scios Inc.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PREDICT-HD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>neurobiologic '''predict'''ors of '''H'''untington '''d'''isease onset</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PREFER</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''prefer'''ence study of [http://mtdesk.com/g.shtml#Gengraf Gengraf™] compared to [http://mtdesk.com/n.shtml#Neoral Neoral™] in stable solid organ transplant subjects</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PREPARE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pre'''vent '''p'''ostmenopausal '''A'''lzheimer’s with '''r'''eplacement '''e'''strogens (a.k.a. Alzheimer('s) disease prevention trial)</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRESENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pre'''liminary '''s'''afety '''e'''valuation of '''n'''anoporous '''t'''acrolimus-eluting stents; sponsor: [http://www.jomed.com/ JOMED N.V.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRESTO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''P'''arkinson('s) '''r'''asagiline: ''' e'''fficacy & '''s'''afety in the '''t'''reatment of "'''O'''FF"<br /> '''p'''revention of '''res'''tenosis with '''t'''ranilast and its ''' o'''utcomes </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PREVENT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''revention of '''re'''current ''' ven'''ous '''t'''hromboembolism<br /> '''pr'''ogram in '''e'''x vivo '''v'''ein graft '''en'''gineering via '''t'''ransfection<br /> '''p'''roliferation '''re'''duction with '''v'''ascular '''en'''ergy '''t'''rial; sponsor: [http://www.guidant.com/ Guidant Corp.]<br /> '''p'''rospective '''r'''andomized '''e'''valuation of the '''v'''ascular '''e'''ffects of '''N'''orvasc® '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRIDE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''pr'''otection during saphenous vein graft '''i'''ntervention to prevent '''d'''istal '''e'''mbolization); </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRIME</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pr'''amipexole '''i'''n '''m'''inority persons with Parkinson('s) disease: '''e'''fficacy<br /> '''pr'''ogram for '''i'''rbesartan '''m'''ortality and morbidity '''e'''valuations [consists of two studies: [http://mtdesk.com/IRMA%202 IRMA 2] and [http://mtdesk.com/IDNT IDNT]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRIMO-CABG</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/p.shtml#pexelizumab '''p'''exelizumab] for '''r'''eduction in '''i'''nfarction and '''mo'''rtality in '''c'''oronary '''a'''rtery '''b'''ypass '''g'''raft surgery</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRINCE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pr'''avastatin '''in'''flammation/'''C'''RP '''e'''valuation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRINCESS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''revention of '''r'''e'''in'''farction with early treatment by '''c'''erivastatin '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PRISM-PLUS</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''p'''latelet '''r'''eceptor '''i'''nhibition for ischemic '''s'''yndrome '''m'''anagement in '''p'''atients '''l'''imited to very '''u'''nstable '''s'''igns and symptoms; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pro'''lyse in '''a'''cute '''c'''erebral '''t'''hromboembolism </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROACTION</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''p'''rospective '''r'''andomized '''o'''utcomes study of '''a'''cutely decompensated '''c'''ongestive heart failure ''' t'''reated '''i'''nitially in '''o'''utpatients with [http://mtdesk.com/n.shtml#Natrecor '''N'''atrecor®]; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROBE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Pr'''imacor (milrinone lactate) for ''' o'''ptimization of '''b'''eta-blocker '''e'''fficacy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROBE evaluation </small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''p'''rospective, '''r'''andomized, ''' o'''pen, '''b'''linded '''e'''ndpoint; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROBIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pr'''omotion '''o'''f '''b'''reastfeeding '''i'''ntervention '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROGENI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''P'''arkinson('s) '''r'''esearch: the '''o'''rganized '''gen'''etics '''i'''nitiative</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROGRESS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''erindopril [[http://www.solvaypharmaceuticals-us.com/Products/Cardiology/ACEON/ACEON%20Physician%20PI%202E%20Rev%20799.pdf Aceon®]] p'''ro'''tection a'''g'''ainst '''re'''current '''s'''troke '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROMPT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rofiling [http://mtdesk.com/r.shtml#Remicade '''R'''emicade] '''o'''nset with '''m'''ethotrexate in a '''p'''rospective '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROSPER</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''pro'''spective '''s'''tudy of '''p'''ravastatin in the '''e'''lderly at '''r'''isk</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROTEKT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rospective '''r'''esistant '''o'''rganism '''t'''racking for th'''e k'''etolide '''t'''elithromycin [[http://mtdesk.com/k.sthml#Ketek Ketek™]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROVE IT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''pr'''avastatin '''o'''r ator'''v'''astatin '''e'''valuation and '''i'''nfection '''t'''herapy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PROWESS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>recombinant human activated '''pro'''tein C [[http://mtdesk.com/x.shtml#Xigris Xigris™]] '''w'''orldwide '''e'''valuation in '''s'''evere '''s'''epsis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PSYCLOPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''psy'''chosis and '''clo'''zapine in '''P'''arkinson''''s''' disease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PTAMD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''rophylactic '''t'''reatment of ''' AMD''' [age-related macular degeneration]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>PURSUIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''p'''latelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in '''u'''nstable angina: '''r'''eceptor '''s'''uppression '''u'''sing '''I'''ntegrilin™ '''t'''herapy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>QoLITY</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''q'''uality '''o'''f '''li'''fe '''t'''rial h'''y'''pertension; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>QUIET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''qu'''inapril [Accupril™] '''i'''schemic '''e'''vent '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RACECAR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''estenosis '''a'''nd '''c'''linical '''e'''valuation in '''c'''oronary '''ar'''teries; sponsor: [http://www.medtronic.com/ Medtronic]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RALES</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''r'''andomized '''Al'''dactone® (spironolactone) '''e'''valuation '''s'''tudy for congestive heart failure; </font> </small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RAPID</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''adiation '''a'''fter '''P'''TA '''i'''s '''d'''one; sponsor: [http://www.radiance.net/ Radiance Medical Systems] [[http://mtdesk.com/RDXcatheter RDX™ coronary radiation delivery catheter]]<br /> '''r'''apid-'''a'''cting '''P'''ark'''i'''nson('s) '''d'''rug</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RAPPORT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''R'''eoPro® '''a'''nd '''p'''rimary '''P'''TCA '''o'''rganization and '''r'''amdomized '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RAVEL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ra'''ndomized study with the sirolimus-eluting Bx '''Vel'''ocity™ balloon-expandable stent [Cypher™]; sponsor: [http://www.cordis.com/Mainframe.cfm Cordis]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REACH</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''re'''habilitation '''a'''mong women with '''c'''oronary '''h'''eart disease<br /> '''r'''esearch on '''e'''ndothelin '''a'''ntagonism in '''c'''hronic '''h'''eart failure; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''apid '''e'''arly '''a'''ction for '''c'''oronary '''t'''reatment; [http://www.epi.umn.edu/react/welcome.html University of Minnesota] and [http://jama.ama-assn.org/issues/v283n24/abs/joc00166.html JAMA 2000;283:3223-3229 [July 5, 2000]]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ReALIZe</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''re'''search to '''a'''ssess the '''l'''ong-term '''i'''mpact of [http://mtdesk.com/z.shtml#Zomaril '''Z'''omaril™]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RECIFE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''re'''duction of '''c'''holesterol in '''i'''schemia and '''f'''unction of the '''e'''ndothelium</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REDHOT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''apid '''e'''mergency '''d'''epartment '''h'''eart failure '''o'''utpatient '''t'''rial<br /> [Trial to evaluate clinical utility of the [http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#Triage%20BNP Triage® BNP test] in assessing effectiveness of therapy in the management of CHF.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REGRESS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''re'''gression '''gr'''owth '''e'''valuation '''s'''tatin '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REIN</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Altace '''r'''amipril] '''e'''fficacy '''i'''n '''n'''ephropathy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REMATCH</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''r'''andomized '''e'''valuation of ''' m'''echanical '''a'''ssistance '''t'''herapy as an alternative in ''' c'''ongestive '''h'''eart failure; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RENAAL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''eduction in '''e'''ndpoints in patients with '''n'''on–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with the ''' a'''ngiotensin II '''a'''ntagonist '''l'''osartan</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RENAISSANCE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''andomized '''E'''nbrel® '''N'''orth '''A'''mer'''i'''can '''s'''trategy to '''s'''tudy '''an'''tagonism of '''c'''ytokin'''e'''s</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RESPECT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''r'''isk '''e'''valuation and '''s'''troke '''p'''revention in the '''e'''lderly - '''c'''erivastatin '''t'''rial; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RESTOR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''R''' stent™ '''e'''fficacy and '''s'''afety '''t'''rial '''Or'''bus; sponsor: [http://www.orbusmt.com/ Orbus Medical Technologies]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RESTORE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''r'''andomized '''e'''fficacy '''s'''tudy of '''t'''irofiban for '''o'''utcomes and '''re'''stenosis; </font> </small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REVERSAL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''revers'''al of '''a'''therosclerosis with [http://mtdesk.com/l.shtml#Lipitor '''L'''ipitor™]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>REVERT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''re'''versal of '''ve'''ntricular '''r'''emodeling with [http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#ToprolXL '''T'''oprol-XL®]; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RHYTHM</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''esynchronization for '''h'''emod'''y'''namic '''t'''reatment for '''h'''eart failure '''m'''anagement; sponsor: [http://www.sjm.com/ St. Jude Medical] [[http://mtdesk.com/e.shtml#Epic%20HF Epic™ HF] ]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RID-HD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''ri'''luzole '''d'''osing in '''H'''untington '''d'''isease</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RITZ-2</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''andomized '''i'''ntravenous [http://mtdesk.com/v.shtml#Veletri '''t'''e'''z'''osentan]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>ROSTER</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''r'''otational atherectomy versus ball'''o'''on angioplasty for diffuse in-'''ste'''nt '''r'''estenosis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>RUTH</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''r'''aloxifene '''u'''se for '''t'''he '''h'''eart; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SADHAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''ertraline (Zoloft®) '''a'''nti'''d'''epressant '''h'''eart '''a'''ttack '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SADHART</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/z.shtml#Zoloft '''s'''ertraline] '''a'''nti'''d'''epressant '''h'''eart '''a'''ttack '''r'''andomized '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SAFE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''afety '''a'''fter '''f'''ifty ''' e'''valuation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SAFER</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''aphenous vein graft '''a'''ngioplasty '''f'''ree of '''e'''mboli '''r'''andomized trial; [http://www.mtdesk.com/p.shtml#PercuSurge entry]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SAFE-T</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''otalol and '''a'''miodarone atrial '''f'''ibrillation '''e'''ffectiveness '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SAGE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy '''a'''ssessing '''g'''oals in the '''e'''lderly </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SAPPHIRE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''ystolic '''a'''nd '''p'''ulse ''' p'''ressure '''h'''emodynamic '''i'''mprovement by '''r'''estoring '''e'''lasticity; sponsor: [http://www.alteonpharma.com/ Alteon Inc.] [ALT-711]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SARECCO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tent or '''a'''ngioplasty after '''re'''canalization of '''c'''hronic '''c'''oronary '''o'''cclusions</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>S.A.V.S.</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/s.shtml#Synercid '''S'''ynercid®] as an '''a'''lternative to '''v'''ancomycin in '''s'''taph[ylococcal infections] <font color="#cccccc">SAVS</font></small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SCD-HeFT or SCDHeFT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''udden '''c'''ardiac '''d'''eath/'''h'''eart '''f'''ailure '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SCRIP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy of '''c'''ardiovascular '''r'''isk '''i'''ntervention by '''p'''harmacists</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SCRIPPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''S'''cripps '''c'''oronary '''r'''adiation to '''i'''nhibit '''p'''roliferation '''p'''ost '''s'''tenting</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SEAL</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''imple and '''e'''ffective '''a'''rterial c'''l'''osure study; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SEARCH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy of '''e'''ffectiveness of ''' a'''dditional '''r'''eductions of '''c'''holesterol and '''h'''omocysteine</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SECURE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy to '''e'''valuate '''c'''arotid '''u'''ltrasound changes in patients treated with '''r'''amipril [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Altace Altace®]] and vitamin '''E'''</small></font>
| |
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| |
| | <font><small>SELECT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''sel'''enium and vitamin '''E c'''ancer prevention '''t'''rial; [http://www.crab.org/select/ description]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SELENA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''afety of '''e'''strogens in '''l'''upus '''e'''rythematosus '''n'''ational '''a'''ssessment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SHARP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''ubcutaneous '''h'''eparin and ''' a'''ngioplasty '''r'''estenosis '''p'''revention</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SHELTER</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''tenting of '''h'''igh risk patients '''e'''xtracranial '''l'''esions '''t'''rial with '''e'''mboli '''r'''emoval; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SHEP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''ystolic '''h'''ypertension in the '''e'''lderly '''p'''rogram</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SHIPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy of a '''h'''ome '''i'''ntervention '''p'''ost '''s'''troke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SHOCK</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''sh'''ould we emergently revascularize '''o'''ccluded '''c'''oronaries for cardiogenic shoc'''k'''</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SHOW</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy of '''h'''ealth '''o'''utcomes in '''w'''eight loss</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SICCO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tenting '''i'''n '''c'''hronic '''c'''oronary '''o'''cclusion</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SIESTA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''nooze-'''i'''nduced '''e'''xcitation of '''s'''ympathetic '''t'''riggered '''a'''ctivity</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SILCAAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy of '''i'''nterleukin-2 (IL-2) in people with '''l'''ow '''C'''D4+ T-cell counts on '''a'''ctive '''a'''nti-HIV '''t'''herapy; [http://www.silcaat.com/ Chiron Corporation]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SILENT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''onotherapy for '''i'''n-'''l'''esion '''e'''limination of '''n'''eointimal '''t'''issue; sponsor: [http://www.pharmasonics.com/ PharmaSonics Inc.]; also see </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SILVER</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''ystolic hypertension '''i'''nteraction with '''l'''eft '''ve'''ntricular '''r'''emodeling; sponsor: [http://www.alteon.com/ Alteon Inc.] [ALT-711]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SIRIUS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>a multicenter randomized double-blind study of the '''sir'''ol'''i'''m'''us'''-coated [http://www.mtdesk.com/b.shtml#Bx%20Velocity%20stent Bx Velocity™] stent [referred to as Cypher™ sirolimus-eluting stent] in the treatment of patients with de novo coronary artery lesions; sponsor: [http://www.cordis.com/Mainframe.cfm Cordis] <font color="#cccccc">search help: s/l "serious"</font></small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SIROCCO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''siro'''limus-'''c'''oated '''C'''ordis S.M.A.R.T™ nitinol self-expanding stent in the treatment of '''o'''bstructive superficial femoral artery disease</small></font>
| |
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| |
| | <font><small>SMART</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''econd '''m'''anifestations of ''' art'''erial disease<br /> '''s'''erum '''m'''arkers '''a'''cute myocardial infarction and '''r'''apid '''t'''reatment<br /> '''s'''trategies for the '''m'''anagement of '''a'''nti'''r'''etroviral '''t'''herapy<br /> '''s'''tudy of '''m'''edicine versus '''a'''ngioplasty '''r'''eperfusion '''t'''rial<br /> '''s'''tudy of '''M'''icrostent's '''a'''bility to limit '''r'''estenosis '''t'''rial<br /> '''s'''tudy of '''m'''onoclonal '''a'''ntibody '''r'''adioimmuno'''t'''herapy; <br /> '''S'''ynercid® '''m'''icrobiological '''a'''ssessment of '''r'''esistance '''t'''rends; <br /> </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SMILE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''urvival of '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction '''l'''ong-term '''e'''valuation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SNAP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy of '''n'''itroglycerin '''a'''nd chest '''p'''ain</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SPAF</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''troke '''p'''revention in '''a'''trial '''f'''ibrillation</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SPEED</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''trategies for '''p'''atency '''e'''nhancement in the '''e'''mergency '''d'''epartment</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SPORT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''pine '''p'''atient '''o'''outcomes '''r'''esearch '''t'''rial<br /> '''s'''tent implantation '''po'''st '''r'''otational atherectomy '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
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| |
| | <font><small>SPORTIF-V</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''troke '''p'''revention using ''' or'''al '''t'''hrombin '''i'''nhibition in atrial '''f'''ibrillation - V [5th series of SPORTIF trials]; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SOLVD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudies '''o'''f '''l'''eft '''v'''entricular '''d'''ysfunction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SONIA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''troke '''o'''utcomes and '''n'''euroimaging of '''i'''ntracranial '''a'''therosclerosis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SONORA </small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''afety '''o'''f '''N'''eoral '''o'''utcomes in '''r'''heumatoid '''a'''rthritis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>S.O.N.O.R.A.<sup><font>SM</font></sup></small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tudy of '''n'''ew '''o'''nset ''' r'''heumatoid '''a'''rthritis; sponsor: [http://www.basf.com/knoll/index2.html Knoll Pharmaceutical Company]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SoS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tent '''o'''r '''s'''urgery</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SPARCL</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''troke '''p'''revention by '''a'''ggressive '''r'''eduction in '''c'''holesterol '''l'''evels</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SPICE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''tudy of '''p'''rotease '''i'''nhibitor '''c'''ombination in '''E'''urope; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SPLASH</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''onotherapy '''p'''revention of ''' l'''ate arterial in-'''s'''tent '''h'''yperplasia; sponsor: [http://www.pharmasonics.com/ PharmaSonics, Inc.]; also see </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SPS3</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''troke '''p'''revention of '''s'''mall '''s'''ubcortical '''s'''trokes</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SSITT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''S'''wiss-'''S'''panish '''i'''n'''t'''ermittent '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SSYLVIA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tenting in '''sy'''mptomatic atherosclerotic '''l'''esions of '''v'''ertebral and '''i'''ntracranial '''a'''rteries</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STAR</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''tudy of '''t'''amoxifen '''a'''nd '''r'''aloxifene; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STARS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''tandard '''t'''reatment with '''a'''ctivase to '''r'''everse '''s'''troke</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>START</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''aruplase and '''t'''aprostene ''' a'''cute '''r'''eocclusion '''t'''rial<br /> '''S'''t. '''T'''homas' '''a'''therosclerosis '''r'''egression '''t'''rial<br /> '''s'''tudy of '''t'''hrombolytic therapy with '''a'''dditional '''r'''esponse following '''t'''aprostene<br /> '''st'''ent versus '''a'''ngioplasty '''r'''estenosis '''t'''rial<br /> '''st'''ent versus directional coronary '''a'''therectomy '''r'''andomized '''t'''rial<br /> '''st'''ents '''a'''nd '''r'''adiation '''t'''herapy; <br /> '''s'''election of '''t'''hymidine '''a'''nalog '''r'''egimen '''t'''herapy; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''troke '''t'''reatment with '''a'''ncrod '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>Stent PAMI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''stent p'''rimary '''a'''ngioplasty for '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STEP-BD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''ystematic '''t'''reatment '''e'''nhancement '''p'''rogram for '''b'''ipolar '''d'''isorder; [http://www.nimh.nih.gov/studies/stepbd.cfm study description]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STICH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''urgical '''t'''reatment for '''i'''ntra'''c'''erebral '''h'''emorrhage</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STOP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''onotherapy for the '''t'''reatment '''o'''f '''p'''eripheral vascular disease; sponsor: [http://www.pharmasonics.com/ PharmaSonics, Inc.]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STOP-DUB</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''urgical '''t'''reatments '''o'''utcomes '''p'''roject for '''d'''ysfunctional '''u'''terine '''b'''leeding</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STOP-Hypertension</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''S'''wedish '''t'''rial in '''o'''ld '''p'''atients with hypertension; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STRATAS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''st'''udy to determine '''R'''otablator® '''a'''nd '''t'''ransluminal '''a'''ngioplasty '''s'''trategy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STRENGTH<br /> STRENGTH II</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''st'''atin '''r'''esponse '''e'''xami'''n'''ed by '''g'''ene'''t'''ic [http://www.genaissance.com/research_corner/glossary.html '''H'''AP™ markers]; sponsor: [http://www.genaissance.com/ Genaissance Pharmaceuticals]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STRESS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''st'''ent '''res'''tenosis '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STRETCH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''ymptom, '''t'''olerability, '''r'''esponse to '''e'''xercise '''t'''rial of '''c'''andesartan cilexetil [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Atacand Atacand™]] in '''h'''eart failure</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>STRIDE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/s.shtml#sitaxsentan '''s'''itaxsentan] '''t'''o '''r'''elieve '''i'''mpaire'''d e'''xercise in pulmonary hypertension</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SUDEP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''udden '''u'''nexpected '''d'''eath in '''e'''pile'''p'''sy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SWEDIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Swe'''den '''di'''astolic '''c'''arvedilol</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SWIFT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''hould '''w'''e '''i'''ntervene '''f'''ollowing '''t'''hrombolysis</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SWING</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''ound '''w'''aves '''i'''nhibit '''n'''eointimal '''g'''rowth; sponsor: [http://www.pharmasonics.com/ PharmaSonics Inc.]; also see </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SWISS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''iblings '''w'''ith '''i'''schemic '''s'''troke '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SWOG</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>[http://www.swog.org/ '''S'''outh'''w'''est '''O'''ncology '''G'''roup] [an adult cancer clinical trials organization]; [http://www.swog.org/Protocol.html SWOG protocols by indication]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SYMPHONY</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''s'''ibrafiban versus aspirin to '''y'''ield '''m'''aximum '''p'''rotection from ischemic '''h'''eart events post-acute c'''o'''ro'''n'''ar'''y''' syndromes; </font></small>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>SYNERGY</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''s'''uperior '''y'''ield of the '''n'''ew strategy of '''e'''noxaparin, '''r'''evascularization, and '''g'''l'''y'''coprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TACT </small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''rial to '''a'''ssess '''c'''helation '''t'''herapy [EDTA chelation therapy for coronary artery disease]; sponsor: [http://nccam.nih.gov/news/2002/chelation/q-and-a.htm National Institutes of Health (NIH)]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TACTICS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''hrombolysis '''a'''nd '''c'''ounterpulsation '''t'''o '''i'''mprove '''c'''ardiogenic shock '''s'''urvival<br /> '''t'''reat angina with [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Aggrastat '''A'''ggrastat®] and determine '''c'''osts of '''t'''herapy with '''i'''nvasive or '''c'''onservative '''s'''trategies [TIMI-18]<br /> </small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TAIST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''inzaparin in '''a'''cute '''i'''schemic '''s'''troke '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TARGET</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>do '''t'''irofiban [[http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Aggrastat Aggrastat®]] '''a'''nd [http://mtdesk.com/r.shtml#ReoPro '''R'''eoPro] '''g'''ive similar '''e'''fficacy outcomes '''t'''rial</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TCAS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''emperature '''c'''ontrol during '''a'''neurysm '''s'''urgery</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TexCAPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Tex'''as '''c'''oronary '''a'''therosclerosis '''p'''revention '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TeqCES</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/t.shtml#Tequin '''Teq'''uin®] '''c'''linical '''e'''xperience '''s'''tudy</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TheraP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''Thera'''Source™ '''P'''d-103 for prevention of restenosis; sponsor: [http://www.theragenics.com/ Theragenics Corporation] [TheraSource™ intravascular brachytherapy system]</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TIGER-PA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Aggrastat '''ti'''rofiban] '''g'''iven in the '''e'''mergency '''r'''oom before '''p'''rimary '''a'''ngioplasty</small></font>
| |
| |-
| |
| | <font><small>TIME</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''rial of '''i'''nvasive vs. '''m'''edical therapy in '''e'''lderly patients with chronic CAD</small></font>
| |
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| |
| | <font><small>TIMI</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''t'''hrombolysis '''i'''n '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction; <br /> '''t'''hrombin '''i'''nhibition in '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</font></small>
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| | <font><small>TNT</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''t'''reating to '''n'''ew '''t'''argets</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TOAT</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''t'''he '''o'''pen '''a'''rtery '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TONE</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''t'''rial '''o'''f '''n'''onpharmacologic interventions in the '''e'''lderly</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TOP</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''reatment of '''o'''steoporosis with '''P'''TH [ALX1-11, a recombinant parathyroid hormone (PTH) formulation]; sponsor: [http://www.npsp.com/ NPS Pharmaceuticals]</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TOPIC</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''t'''obramycin '''o'''nce-daily '''p'''rescribing '''i'''n '''c'''ystic fibrosis</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TRACE</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''tra'''ndolapril '''c'''ardiac '''e'''valuation study<br /> '''tr'''ial of genetic '''a'''ssessment in breast '''c'''anc'''e'''r</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TRAFFIC</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''he'''r'''apeutic '''a'''ngiogenesis with '''F'''G'''F'''-2 (fibroblast growth factor) for '''i'''ntermittent '''c'''laudication; sponsor: [http://www.chiron.com/siteMap/index.html Chiron Corporation]</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TRANSCEND</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''elmisartan [[http://mtdesk.com/m.shtml#Micardis Micardis®]] '''r'''andomized '''a'''ssessme'''n'''t '''s'''tudy in a'''ce''' i'''n'''tolerant subjects with cardiovascular '''d'''isease</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TREAT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''ranilast '''re'''stenosis following '''a'''ngioplasty '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TREND</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''rial on '''r'''eversing '''en'''dothelial '''d'''ysfunction</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TROPHY</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''tr'''ial f'''o'''r '''p'''reventing '''hy'''pertension; </font></small>
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| | <font><small>TRUST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''T'''enax® for the prevention of '''r'''estenosis and acute thrombotic complications. A '''u'''seful '''s'''tent '''t'''rial [Tenax-XR, a silicon carbide-coated stent]; sponsor: [http://www.biotronik.com/ Biotronik, Inc.]</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TTT4CNV</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''ranspupillary '''t'''hermo'''t'''herapy '''for c'''horoidal '''n'''eo'''v'''ascularization</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TURBO</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''t'''he '''u'''ltrasound '''r'''emoval of '''b'''lood cl'''o'''ts in vein grafts; [http://www.angiosonics.com/ Angiosonics]</small></font>
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| | <font><small>TUSS</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''t'''uberculosis '''u'''ltraviolet ''' s'''helter '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>UK-HEART</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''U'''nited '''K'''ingdom '''h'''eart failure '''e'''valuation and '''a'''ssessment of '''r'''isk '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>UKPDS</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''U'''nited '''K'''ingdom '''p'''erspective '''d'''iabetes '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>UNAIDS PETRA</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''U'''nited '''N'''ations programme on HIV/'''AIDS pe'''rinatal '''tra'''nsmission trial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VA-HIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''V'''eterans '''A'''dministration '''H'''DL '''i'''ntervention '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>Val-HeFT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''val'''sartan '''he'''art '''f'''ailure '''t'''rial; </font></small>
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| | <font><small>VALIANT</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''val'''sartan '''i'''n '''a'''cute myocardial i'''n'''farction '''t'''rial; <br /> '''V'''ascular '''A'''rchitects femoropop'''l'''iteal subopt'''i'''mal '''a'''ngioplasty [http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#aSpire aSpire™] ste'''n'''t '''t'''rial; sponsor: [http://www.vasculararchitects.com/ Vascular Architects]</font></small>
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| | <font><small>VALUE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''va'''lsartan antihypertensive '''l'''ong-term '''u'''se '''e'''valuation; </font></small>
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| | <font><small>VANILA</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''v'''entricular '''a'''rrhythmia '''n'''eeding '''i'''ntravenous '''l'''idocaine/'''a'''miodarone</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VANQWISH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''V'''eterans '''A'''ffairs '''n'''on–'''Q'''-'''w'''ave '''i'''nfarction '''s'''trategies in '''h'''ospital</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VERT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''v'''ertebral '''e'''fficacy with '''r'''isedronate '''t'''herapy; risedronate ([http://mtdesk.com/a.shtml#Actonel Actonel®])</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VICTORY</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>electi'''v'''e and acute stent'''i'''ng of '''c'''oronary ar'''t'''eries '''o'''n [http://mtdesk.com/e.shtml#Express%20stent Exp'''r'''ess™ [coronary stent] s'''y'''stem]; sponsor: Boston Scientific </small></font>
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| | <font><small>VIGOR</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>[http://mtdesk.com/v.shtml#Vioxx '''Vi'''oxx®] '''g'''astrointestinal '''o'''utcomes '''r'''esearch</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VINTAGE MI</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''v'''ascular '''int'''eraction with ''' age''' in '''m'''yocardial '''i'''nfarction</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VISION</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''v'''ascular '''i'''ntervention '''s'''tudy with '''ion'''izing radiation; sponsor: [http://www.guidant.com/ Guidant Corp.] [[http://mtdesk.com/g.shtml#Galileo%20IRS Galileo™ intravascular radiotherapy system]]</small></font> | |
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| | <font><small>VISP </small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''v'''itamin '''i'''ntervention for ''' s'''troke '''p'''revention</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VITATOPS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''vita'''mins '''to p'''revent '''s'''troke</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VIVA</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''V'''EGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) in '''i'''schemia for '''v'''ascular '''a'''ngiogenesis</small></font>
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| | <font><small>VMAC</small></font>
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| | <small><font>'''v'''asodilation in the '''m'''anagement of '''a'''cute '''c'''ongestive heart failure; </font></small>
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| | <font><small>WARCEF</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''w'''arfarin-'''a'''spirin '''r'''educed '''c'''ardiac '''e'''jection '''f'''raction</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WARIS-II </small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''w'''arfarin-'''a'''spirin '''r'''e'''i'''nfarction '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WARSS</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''w'''arfarin '''a'''spirin '''r'''ecurrent '''s'''troke '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WASID</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''w'''arfarin-asprin '''s'''ymptomatic '''i'''ntracranial '''d'''isease study</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WATCH</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''w'''arfarin & '''a'''ntiplatelet '''t'''herapy in '''c'''hronic C'''H'''F <br /> '''w'''omen '''a'''torvastatin '''t'''rial on '''ch'''olesterol</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WAVE</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''w'''omen's '''a'''ngiographic '''v'''itamins and '''e'''strogen trial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WEARIT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''w'''earable '''c'''ardioverter-'''d'''efibrillator '''i'''nvestigational '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WIHS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''w'''omen's '''i'''nteragency '''H'''IV '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WINS</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''w'''omen’s '''i'''ntervention '''n'''utrition '''s'''tudy</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WISE</small></font>
| |
| | <small><font>'''w'''omen's '''i'''schemia '''s'''yndrome '''e'''valuation; </font></small>
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| | <font><small>WIZARD</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''w'''eekly '''i'''ntervention with ''' Z'''ithromax® against '''a'''therosclerosis and '''r'''elated '''d'''isorders</small></font>
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| | <font><small>Women's HOPE</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>Women's '''h'''ealth, '''o'''steoporosis, '''p'''rogestin, and '''e'''strogen study</small></font>
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| | <font><small>WRIST</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small>'''W'''ashington '''r'''adiation for ''' i'''n-'''s'''tent restenosis '''t'''rial</small></font>
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| | <font><small>XISHF</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''x'''amoterol '''i'''n '''s'''evere '''h'''eart '''f'''ailure</small></font>
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| | <font><small>X-TRACT</small></font>
| |
| | <font><small> [http://mtdesk.com/x.shtml#X-Sizer '''X'''-Sizer™] for ''' tr'''eatment of thrombus and '''a'''therosclerosis in '''c'''oronary interventions '''t'''rial <font color="#cccccc">X-Sizer</font></small></font>
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| | <font><small>ZEUS</small></font>
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| | <small><font>'''Z'''omaril™ '''e'''fficacy/'''u'''tility and '''s'''afety; </font></small>
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| | <font><small>ZIPP</small></font>
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| | <font><small>'''Z'''oladex® (goserelin acetate implant) '''i'''n '''p'''remenopausal '''p'''atients</small></font>
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| |}
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| [[Category:Clinical trials]] | | [[Category:Clinical trials]] |