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[{{urlencode:{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}|parkinsonism}}}}&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=65.008093,112.148438&ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=91.690419,149.414063&z=2&source=embed Directions to Hospitals Treating parkinsonism]
[{{urlencode:{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}|parkinsonism}}}}&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=65.008093,112.148438&ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=91.690419,149.414063&z=2&source=embed Directions to Hospitals Treating parkinsonism]

==Prevention of parkinsonism==
==Prevention of Parkinsonism==
Prevention of Parkinsonism depends on the underlying cause.
:*Keep a healthy life-style
:*Avoid to contact with toxins
:*[[Vaccines]] to prevent
:*Avoid of medications overdose

==What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?==
==What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?==

Revision as of 15:02, 25 March 2010

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Jinhui Wu, MD

Please Join in Editing This Page and Apply to be an Editor-In-Chief for this topic: There can be one or more than one Editor-In-Chief. You may also apply to be an Associate Editor-In-Chief of one of the subtopics below. Please mail us [2] to indicate your interest in serving either as an Editor-In-Chief of the entire topic or as an Associate Editor-In-Chief for a subtopic. Please be sure to attach your CV and or biographical sketch.

What is parkinsonism?

How do I know if I have parkinsonism and what are the symptoms of parkinsonism?

Parkinsonism refers to any condition that causes Parkinson's-type abnormal movements. Symptoms caused by Parkinsonism are the same as Parkinson's disease.

  • Tremor: Tremor is one of the most common signs. It often affects in a hand, arm, or leg. It occurs when the person is awake and sitting or standing still, and subsides when the person moves the affected body part.
  • Rigidity: Muscle stiffness often occurs in the limbs and neck. Later, the patient can not move an arm or leg normally and feel pain in the limb.
  • Decrease in facial expressions: This appearance is cause by loss of movement in the muscles in the face. Patients with Parkinsonism may feel it difficult to speak and swallow.
  • Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement and impaired balance occur in the later in the patients with Parkinsonism. They are likely to take small steps and shuffle with the feet close together. They also have trouble in turning around and keeping balance. These abnormities may result in frequent falls.
  • Some types of paralysis
  • Dementia: Patients may appear progressively memory loss, losing interest in things they previously enjoyed, difficulty communicating, reading or writing, difficulty with performing tasks. With time goes on, more signs such as withdrawing from social contact, personality changes and inappropriate behavior may be observed.

Who is at risk for parkinsonism?

How to know you have parkinsonism?

Tests are not usually specific for parkinsonism. However, the goal of the tests is to confirm or rule out other diseases that can cause similar symptoms.

When to seek urgent medical care?

Treatment options

Diseases with similar symptoms

Where to find medical care for parkinsonism?

Directions to Hospitals Treating parkinsonism

Prevention of Parkinsonism

Prevention of Parkinsonism depends on the underlying cause.

  • Keep a healthy life-style
  • Avoid to contact with toxins
  • Vaccines to prevent
  • Avoid of medications overdose

What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)?

Prognosis of Parkinsonism depends on the underlying cause. Outcomes of Parkinsonism caused by brain tumors are poorer than other causes. If the disorder is caused by medications, it may be reversible.

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