Confusion causes: Difference between revisions

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[[24-Dinitrotoluene  ]]
* [[24-Dinitrotoluene  ]]
[[44-Methylenebis  ]]
* [[44-Methylenebis  ]]
[[4-Aminopyridine  ]]
* [[4-Aminopyridine  ]]
[[Acanthamoeba infection  ]]
* [[Acanthamoeba infection  ]]
[[Aceruloplasminemia  ]]
* [[Aceruloplasminemia  ]]
[[Acetylsalicylic Acid  ]]
* [[Acetylsalicylic Acid  ]]
[[Acid-Base Imbalance    ]]
* [[Acid-Base Imbalance    ]]
[[Acrylamide  ]]
* [[Acrylamide  ]]
[[Actinomycetales infection  ]]
* [[Actinomycetales infection  ]]
[[Acute Bokhoror    ]]
* [[Acute Bokhoror    ]]
[[Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis    ]]
* [[Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis    ]]
[[Acute fatty liver of pregnancy  ]]
* [[Acute fatty liver of pregnancy  ]]
[[Acute liver failure    ]]
* [[Acute liver failure    ]]
[[Acute mountain sickness  ]]
* [[Acute mountain sickness  ]]
[[Acute Pesticide poisoning]]
* [[Acute Pesticide poisoning]]
[[Adiponitrile    ]]
* [[Adiponitrile    ]]
[[Adrenal crisis  ]]
* [[Adrenal crisis  ]]
[[African Sleeping sickness  ]]
* [[African Sleeping sickness  ]]
[[Aging brain syndrome  ]]
* [[Aging brain syndrome  ]]
[[Alcohol drinking  ]]
* [[Alcohol drinking  ]]
[[Alcohol Withdrawal    ]]
* [[Alcohol Withdrawal    ]]
[[Alcoholic Neuropathy  ]]
* [[Alcoholic Neuropathy  ]]
[[Aldicarb  ]]
* [[Aldicarb  ]]
[[Alprazolam overdose  ]]
* [[Alprazolam overdose  ]]
[[Alzheimer disease ]]
* [[Alzheimer disease ]]
[[Aniline  ]]
* [[Aniline  ]]
[[Anoxemia  ]]
* [[Anoxemia  ]]
[[Anticholinergic syndrome    ]]
* [[Anticholinergic syndrome    ]]
[[Antiphospholipid Syndrome  ]]
* [[Antiphospholipid Syndrome  ]]
[[Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula  ]]
* [[Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula  ]]
[[Appian-Plutarch syndrome    ]]
* [[Appian-Plutarch syndrome    ]]
[[Arbovirosis  ]]
* [[Arbovirosis  ]]
[[Argentinean hemorrhagic fever    ]]
* [[Argentinean hemorrhagic fever    ]]
[[Autoimmune Hepatitis    ]]
* [[Autoimmune Hepatitis    ]]
[[Autoimmune limbic encephalitis  ]]
* [[Autoimmune limbic encephalitis  ]]
[[Azinphos-methyl  ]]
* [[Azinphos-methyl  ]]
[[Azotemia familial  ]]
* [[Azotemia familial  ]]
[[Baneberry poisoning  ]]
* [[Baneberry poisoning  ]]
[[Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome  ]]
* [[Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome  ]]
[[Benign astrocytoma  ]]
* [[Benign astrocytoma  ]]
[[Berry aneurysm]]
* [[Berry aneurysm]]
[[Bing-Neel syndrome  ]]
* [[Bing-Neel syndrome  ]]
[[Bolivian hemorrhagic fever    ]]
* [[Bolivian hemorrhagic fever    ]]
[[Boric Acid  ]]
* [[Boric Acid  ]]
[[Box thorn poisoning    ]]
* [[Box thorn poisoning    ]]
[[Brain infection  ]]
* [[Brain infection  ]]
[[Brief Psychotic Disorder  ]]
* [[Brief Psychotic Disorder  ]]
[[Brill-Zinsser disease    ]]
* [[Brill-Zinsser disease    ]]
[[Bristowe's syndrome  ]]
* [[Bristowe's syndrome  ]]
[[Bromethalin  ]]
* [[Bromethalin  ]]
[[Bromide  ]]
* [[Bromide  ]]
[[Bromophos  ]]
* [[Bromophos  ]]
[[Bubonic plague    ]]
* [[Bubonic plague    ]]
[[Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome  ]]
* [[Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome  ]]
[[Butyl Alcohol  ]]
* [[Butyl Alcohol  ]]
[[Camphor  ]]
* [[Camphor  ]]
[[Carbaryl    ]]
* [[Carbaryl    ]]
[[Carbon Tetrachloride    ]]
* [[Carbon Tetrachloride    ]]
[[Carcinomatous meningitis  ]]
* [[Carcinomatous meningitis  ]]
[[Carnitine transporter deficiency  ]]
* [[Carnitine transporter deficiency  ]]
[[Central nervous system infections  ]]
* [[Central nervous system infections  ]]
[[Central nervous system lymphoma primary  ]]
* [[Central nervous system lymphoma primary  ]]
[[Cerebellar abscess  ]]
* [[Cerebellar abscess  ]]
[[Cerebral abscess  ]]
* [[Cerebral abscess  ]]
[[Chicken soup poisoning    ]]
* [[Chicken soup poisoning    ]]
[[Chlordane    ]]
* [[Chlordane    ]]
[[Chloromethane  ]]
* [[Chloromethane  ]]
[[Chlorpyrifos  ]]
* [[Chlorpyrifos  ]]
[[Christmas Cherry poisoning    ]]
* [[Christmas Cherry poisoning    ]]
[[Chronic renal insufficiency  ]]
* [[Chronic renal insufficiency  ]]
[[Cirrhosis of the liver  unresponsiveness]]
* [[Cirrhosis of the liver  unresponsiveness]]
[[Citrullinemia  ]]
* [[Citrullinemia  ]]
[[Classic migraine  ]]
* [[Classic migraine  ]]
[[Cocaine abuse    ]]
* [[Cocaine abuse    ]]
[[Cocaine addiction  ]]
* [[Cocaine addiction  ]]
[[Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency ]]
* [[Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency ]]
[[Colchicine toxicity    ]]
* [[Colchicine toxicity    ]]
[[Concussion    ]]
* [[Concussion    ]]
[[Congenital hepatic porphyria    ]]
* [[Congenital hepatic porphyria    ]]
[[Congenital nonhemolytic jaundice  ]]
* [[Congenital nonhemolytic jaundice  ]]
[[Cope's syndrome  ]]
* [[Cope's syndrome  ]]
[[Corn Lily poisoning  ]]
* [[Corn Lily poisoning  ]]
[[Coumaphos  ]]
* [[Coumaphos  ]]
[[Crack addiction  ]]
* [[Crack addiction  ]]
[[Cresols  ]]
* [[Cresols  ]]
[[Cresylic acid  ]]
* [[Cresylic acid  ]]
[[Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease  ]]
* [[Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease  ]]
[[Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1  ]]
* [[Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1  ]]
[[Cryptococcal Meningitis  ]]
* [[Cryptococcal Meningitis  ]]
[[Cryptococcosis  ]]
* [[Cryptococcosis  ]]
[[Cushing syndrome  ]]
* [[Cushing syndrome  ]]
[[Cyanogenic glycoside    ]]
* [[Cyanogenic glycoside    ]]
[[Cyclohexanone  ]]
* [[Cyclohexanone  ]]
[[Cysticercosis  ]]
* [[Cysticercosis  ]]
[[Daphne poisoning    ]]
* [[Daphne poisoning    ]]
[[Darvocet overdose  ]]
* [[Darvocet overdose  ]]
[[DDD  ]]
* [[DDD  ]]
[[DDT  ]]
* [[DDT  ]]
[[Dehydration  ]]
* [[Dehydration  ]]
[[Demerol overdose  ]]
* [[Demerol overdose  ]]
[[Demeton-S-methyl  ]]
* [[Demeton-S-methyl  ]]
[[Devil's trumpet poisoning    ]]
* [[Devil's trumpet poisoning    ]]
[[Dexedrine overdose  ]]
* [[Dexedrine overdose  ]]
[[Dextromethorphan toxicity  ]]
* [[Dextromethorphan toxicity ]]
* [[Diabetic hypoglycemia  ]]
* [[Diabetic Ketoacidosis  ]]
* [[Diazinon  ]]
* [[Dibromochloromethane  ]]
* [[Dichlorvos  ]]
* [[Dicrotophos  ]]
* [[Dieldrin    ]]
* [[Diethylene Glycol  ]]
* [[Digitalis glycoside]]
* [[Dilaudid overdose  ]]
* [[Dilutional hyponatremia  ]]
* [[Dinitrocresol  ]]
* [[Dioxathion  ]]
* [[Disequilibrium syndrome  ]]
* [[Dissociative Amnesia  ]]
* [[Dissociative disorder  ]]
* [[Dissociative Identity Disorder  ]]
* [[Disulfiram  ]]
* [[Disulfoton  ]]
* [[Dobriner syndrome  ]]
* [[Dysbarism  ]]
* [[Ecstasy addiction  ]]
* [[Ecstasy overdose    ]]
* [[Ehrlichiosis  ]]
* [[End Stage Liver Failure    ]]
* [[Endosulfan  ]]
* [[End-stage renal disease  ]]
* [[Epidemic typhus    ]]
* [[Epidermoid carcinoma  ]]
* [[Ethion  ]]
* [[Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate    ]]
* [[Fensulfothion  ]]
* [[Fentanyl toxicity  ]]
* [[Fenthion  ]]
* [[Flea-borne diseases    ]]
* [[Folate deficiency]]
* [[Foxglove poisoning    ]]
* [[Fungal meningitis  ]]
* [[Gasoline  ]]
* [[Glaze  ]]
* [[Glycol Ether  ]]
* [[Graeck-Imerslund disease  ]]
* [[Grand mal epilepsy  ]]
* [[Grand mal seizures  ]]
* [[Granulomatous amebic encephalitis  ]]
* [[Hashimoto's encephalitis  ]]
* [[Head injury  ]]
* [[Heroin dependence  ]]
* [[High altitude cerebral edema  ]]
* [[High Melting Explosive (HMX)  ]]
* [[HIV/AIDS  ]]
* [[Hydrazine  ]]
* [[Hydrocodone overdose  ]]
* [[Hydroquinone]]
* [[Hydroquinone    ]]
* [[Hyperbaric oxygen]]
* [[Hypercalcemia  ]]
* [[Hyperemesis Gravidarum  ]]
* [[Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome    ]]
* [[Hyperinsulinism]]
* [[Hyperparathyroidism    ]]
* [[Hypervitaminoses A and D  ]]
* [[Hypoglycemia  ]]
* [[Hypomagnesemia primary  ]]
* [[Hyponatremia  ]]
* [[Hypophosphatemia ]]
* [[Hypothermia  ]]
* [[Hypovolemia  ]]
* [[Impramine toxicity  ]]
* [[Inborn urea cycle disorder    ]]
* [[Insulinoma  ]]
* [[Isofenphos    ]]
* [[Jet Fuel-4  ]]
* [[Jet Fuel-5  ]]
* [[Jimsonweed (Daturastramonium)]]
* [[Kentucky coffee tea poisoning  ]]
* [[Kerosene  ]]
* [[Kidney failure  ]]
* [[King Cobra poisoning  ]]
* [[Lead poisoning  ]]
* [[Legionnaires' disease    ]]
* [[Leukemia  ]]
* [[[Leukoencephalopathy  ]]
* [[Limbic encephalitis  ]]
* [[Listeriosis  ]]
* [[Liver failure  ]]
* [[Lobeline]]
* [[Lorazepam overdose  ]]
* [[Lortab overdose  ]]
* [[Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis  ]]
* [[Lysergic Acid Diethylamide    ]]
* [[Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis  ]]
* [[Machupo virus    ]]
* [[Malaria    ]]
* [[Malathion  ]]
* [[Marburg virus    ]]
* [[Marijuana abuse  ]]
* [[Measles Encephalitis  ]]
* [[Melioidosis  ]]
* [[Meningitis  ]]
* [[Meningococcal disease  ]]
* [[Mercury poisoning]]
* [[Metabolic Acidosis    ]]
* [[Metabolic encephalopathy ]]
[[Diabetic hypoglycemia  ]]
* [[Methadone overdose  ]]
[[Diabetic Ketoacidosis  ]]
* [[Methamphetamine overdose  ]]
[[Diazinon  ]]
* [[Methidathion  ]]
[[Dibromochloromethane  ]]
* [[Methiocarb  ]]
[[Dichlorvos  ]]
* [[Methomyl  ]]
[[Dicrotophos  ]]
* [[Metobromuron  ]]
[[Dieldrin    ]]
* [[Milk-Alkali syndrome  ]]
[[Diethylene Glycol  ]]
* [[Monkshood poisoning  ]]
[[Digitalis glycoside]]
* [[Morphine toxicity  ]]
[[Dilaudid overdose  ]]
* [[Multi-Infarct Dementia  ]]
[[Dilutional hyponatremia  ]]
* [[Multiple Myeloma  ]]
[[Dinitrocresol  ]]
* [[Mustard tree poisoning  ]]
[[Dioxathion  ]]
* [[N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency  ]]
[[Disequilibrium syndrome  ]]
* [[Naegleria  ]]
[[Dissociative Amnesia  ]]
* [[Naphthalene  ]]
[[Dissociative disorder  ]]
* [[Narcotic addiction  ]]
[[Dissociative Identity Disorder  ]]
* [[Neurocysticercosis  ]]
[[Disulfiram  ]]
* [[Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome    ]]
[[Disulfoton  ]]
* [[Neurosarcoidosis  ]]
[[Dobriner syndrome  ]]
* [[Neurosyphilis    ]]
[[Dysbarism  ]]
* [[Nickel Carbonyl    ]]
[[Ecstasy addiction  ]]
* [[Nipah virus encephalitis    ]]
[[Ecstasy overdose    ]]
* [[Nitrobenzene  ]]
[[Ehrlichiosis  ]]
* [[Nitroglycerin    ]]
[[End Stage Liver Failure    ]]
* [[Nitrophenol  ]]
[[Endosulfan  ]]
* [[Nitrophenol Urea  ]]
[[End-stage renal disease  ]]
* [[NN-Dimethyl-P-Toluidine  ]]
[[Epidemic typhus    ]]
* [[Nocardiosis  ]]
[[Epidermoid carcinoma  ]]
* [[Nonaffective Psychosis  ]]
[[Ethion  ]]
* [[Nutritional deficiency  ]]
[[Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate    ]]
* [[Oil-based paint  ]]
[[Fensulfothion  ]]
* [[Oleander poisoning    ]]
[[Fentanyl toxicity  ]]
* [[Opioid toxicity  ]]
[[Fenthion  ]]
* [[Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency  ]]
[[Flea-borne diseases    ]]
* [[Oxycodone addiction  ]]
[[Folate deficiency]]
* [[Parathion  ]]
[[Foxglove poisoning    ]]
* [[Paratyphoid fever  ]]
[[Fungal meningitis  ]]
* [[Pediatric AIDS  ]]
[[Gasoline  ]]
* [[Pellagra  ]]
[[Glaze  ]]
* [[Phencyclidine    ]]
[[Glycol Ether  ]]
* [[Phenytoin toxicity    ]]
[[Graeck-Imerslund disease  ]]
* [[Phosdrin  ]]
[[Grand mal epilepsy  ]]
* [[Phosphine  ]]
[[Grand mal seizures  ]]
* [[Plague    ]]
[[Granulomatous amebic encephalitis  ]]
* [[Plasma cell leukemia]]
[[Hashimoto's encephalitis  ]]
* [[Postoperative haemorrhage  ]]
[[Head injury  ]]
* [[Postoperative respiratory failure  ]]
[[Heroin dependence  ]]
* [[Postoperative septicaemia  ]]
[[High altitude cerebral edema  ]]
* [[potato(Solanumtuberosum)]]
[[High Melting Explosive (HMX)  ]]
* [[Primary amebic meningoencephalitis  ]]
[[HIV/AIDS  ]]
* [[Prion diseases  ]]
[[Hydrazine  ]]
* [[Profenofos  ]]
[[Hydrocodone overdose  ]]
* [[Propane  ]]
* [[Propanol    ]]
[[Hydroquinone    ]]
* [[Propoxur  ]]
[[Hyperbaric oxygen]]
* [[Propylene Glycol Dinitrate  ]]
[[Hypercalcemia  ]]
* [[Pyridoxine deficiency  ]]
[[Hyperemesis Gravidarum  ]]
* [[Q fever  ]]
[[Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome    ]]
* [[Rabies    ]]
* [[Respiratory acidosis  ]]
[[Hyperparathyroidism    ]]
* [[Respiratory alkalosis  ]]
[[Hypervitaminoses A and D  ]]
* [[Respiratory depression    ]]
[[Hypoglycemia  ]]
* [[Reye's Syndrome    ]]
[[Hypomagnesemia primary  ]]
* [[Ritalin overdose  ]]
[[Hyponatremia  ]]
* [[Rocky Mountain spotted fever    ]]
[[Hypophosphatemia ]]
* [[Schizoaffective disorder    ]]
[[Hypothermia  ]]
* [[Serotonin Syndrome    ]]
[[Hypovolemia  ]]
* [[Shock  ]]
[[Impramine toxicity  ]]
* [[SIADH  ]]
[[Inborn urea cycle disorder    ]]
* [[Sick sinus syndrome  ]]
[[Insulinoma  ]]
* [[Snake bite  ]]
[[Isofenphos    ]]
* [[Stroke  ]]
[[Jet Fuel-4  ]]
* [[Subdural hematoma  ]]
[[Jet Fuel-5  ]]
* [[Sundown syndrome  ]]
[[Jimsonweed (Daturastramonium)]]
* [[Terbufos  ]]
[[Kentucky coffee tea poisoning  ]]
* [[Tetrachloroethane  ]]
[[Kerosene  ]]
* [[Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate  ]]
[[Kidney failure  ]]
* [[Thallium    ]]
[[King Cobra poisoning  ]]
* [[Thallium poisoning    ]]
[[Lead poisoning  ]]
* [[Thallium Sulfate    ]]
[[Legionnaires' disease    ]]
* [[Thiram  ]]
[[Leukemia  ]]
* [[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura  ]]
[[[Leukoencephalopathy  ]]
* [[Tick-borne encephalitis  ]]
[[Limbic encephalitis  ]]
* [[Tolterodine toxicity    ]]
[[Listeriosis  ]]
* [[Toluene  ]]
[[Liver failure  ]]
* [[Toxemia  ]]
* [[Toxic Shock Syndrome  ]]
[[Lorazepam overdose  ]]
* [[Toxoplasmosis  ]]
[[Lortab overdose  ]]
* [[Tramadol toxicity  ]]
[[Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis  ]]
* [[Transient Ischemic Attack  ]]
[[Lysergic Acid Diethylamide    ]]
* [[Traumatic Brain Injury  ]]
[[Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis  ]]
* [[Trichlorfon  ]]
[[Machupo virus    ]]
* [[Trypanosomiasis  ]]
[[Malaria    ]]
* [[Urea Cycle Disorders    ]]
[[Malathion  ]]
* [[Uremic encephalopathy  ]]
[[Marburg virus    ]]
* [[Vicodin overdose ]]
[[Marijuana abuse  ]]
* [[Water Intoxication  ]]
[[Measles Encephalitis  ]]
* [[Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome  ]]
[[Melioidosis  ]]
* [[WDHA syndrome  ]]
[[Meningitis  ]]
* [[Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome  ]]
[[Meningococcal disease  ]]
* [[Wernicke's encephalopathy  ]]
[[Mercury poisoning]]
* [[Yellow fever    ]]
[[Metabolic Acidosis    ]]
* [[Zolpidem overdose  ]]
[[Metabolic encephalopathy  ]]
* [[Zolpidem withdrawal  ]]
[[Methadone overdose  ]]
[[Methamphetamine overdose  ]]
[[Methidathion  ]]
[[Methiocarb  ]]
[[Methomyl  ]]
[[Metobromuron  ]]
[[Milk-Alkali syndrome  ]]
[[Monkshood poisoning  ]]
[[Morphine toxicity  ]]
[[Multi-Infarct Dementia  ]]
[[Multiple Myeloma  ]]
[[Mustard tree poisoning  ]]
[[N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency  ]]
[[Naegleria  ]]
[[Naphthalene  ]]
[[Narcotic addiction  ]]
[[Neurocysticercosis  ]]
[[Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome    ]]
[[Neurosarcoidosis  ]]
[[Neurosyphilis    ]]
[[Nickel Carbonyl    ]]
[[Nipah virus encephalitis    ]]
[[Nitrobenzene  ]]
[[Nitroglycerin    ]]
[[Nitrophenol  ]]
[[Nitrophenol Urea  ]]
[[NN-Dimethyl-P-Toluidine  ]]
[[Nocardiosis  ]]
[[Nonaffective Psychosis  ]]
[[Nutritional deficiency  ]]
[[Oil-based paint  ]]
[[Oleander poisoning    ]]
[[Opioid toxicity  ]]
[[Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency  ]]
[[Oxycodone addiction  ]]
[[Parathion  ]]
[[Paratyphoid fever  ]]
[[Pediatric AIDS  ]]
[[Pellagra  ]]
[[Phencyclidine    ]]
[[Phenytoin toxicity    ]]
[[Phosdrin  ]]
[[Phosphine  ]]
[[Plague    ]]
[[Plasma cell leukemia]]
[[Postoperative haemorrhage  ]]
[[Postoperative respiratory failure  ]]
[[Postoperative septicaemia  ]]
[[Primary amebic meningoencephalitis  ]]
[[Prion diseases  ]]
[[Profenofos  ]]
[[Propane  ]]
[[Propanol    ]]
[[Propoxur  ]]
[[Propylene Glycol Dinitrate  ]]
[[Pyridoxine deficiency  ]]
[[Q fever  ]]
[[Rabies    ]]
[[Respiratory acidosis  ]]
[[Respiratory alkalosis  ]]
[[Respiratory depression    ]]
[[Reye's Syndrome    ]]
[[Ritalin overdose  ]]
[[Rocky Mountain spotted fever    ]]
[[Schizoaffective disorder    ]]
[[Serotonin Syndrome    ]]
[[Shock  ]]
[[SIADH  ]]
[[Sick sinus syndrome  ]]
[[Snake bite  ]]
[[Stroke  ]]
[[Subdural hematoma  ]]
[[Sundown syndrome  ]]
[[Terbufos  ]]
[[Tetrachloroethane  ]]
[[Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate  ]]
[[Thallium    ]]
[[Thallium poisoning    ]]
[[Thallium Sulfate    ]]
[[Thiram  ]]
[[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura  ]]
[[Tick-borne encephalitis  ]]
[[Tolterodine toxicity    ]]
[[Toluene  ]]
[[Toxemia  ]]
[[Toxic Shock Syndrome  ]]
[[Toxoplasmosis  ]]
[[Tramadol toxicity  ]]
[[Transient Ischemic Attack  ]]
[[Traumatic Brain Injury  ]]
[[Trichlorfon  ]]
[[Trypanosomiasis  ]]
[[Urea Cycle Disorders    ]]
[[Uremic encephalopathy  ]]
[[Vicodin overdose ]]
[[Water Intoxication  ]]
[[Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome  ]]
[[WDHA syndrome  ]]
[[Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome  ]]
[[Wernicke's encephalopathy  ]]
[[Yellow fever    ]]
[[Zolpidem overdose  ]]
[[Zolpidem withdrawal  ]]

Revision as of 19:10, 5 July 2012

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Aditya Govindavarjhulla, M.B.B.S.[2]


List of all conditions which cause confusion.


Common Causes

By organ system

Cardiovascular Aorta-pulmonary artery fistula , Postoperative haemorrhage , Shock , Sick sinus syndrome
Chemical / poisoning 24-Dinitrotoluene , 44-Methylenebis , 4-Aminopyridine , Acetylsalicylic Acid , Acrylamide , Acute Pesticide poisoning, Adiponitrile , Aldicarb , Aniline , Azinphos-methyl , Baneberry poisoning , Boric Acid , Box thorn poisoning , Bromethalin , Bromide , Bromophos , Butyl Alcohol , Camphor , Carbaryl , Carbon Tetrachloride , Chicken soup poisoning , Chlordane , Chloromethane , Chlorpyrifos , Christmas Cherry poisoning , Cocaine abuse , Cocaine addiction , Corn Lily poisoning , Coumaphos , Crack addiction , Cresols , Cresylic acid , Cyanogenic glycoside , Cyclohexanone , Daphne poisoning , DDD , DDT , Demeton-S-methyl , Devil's trumpet poisoning , Diazinon , Dibromochloromethane , Dichlorvos , Dicrotophos , Dieldrin , Diethylene Glycol , Digitalis glycoside, Dinitrocresol , Dioxathion , Disulfiram , Disulfoton , Ecstasy addiction , Endosulfan , Ethion , Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate , Fensulfothion , Fenthion , Foxglove poisoning , Gasoline , Glaze , Glycol Ether , Heroin dependence , High Melting Explosive (HMX) , Hydrazine , Hydroquinone, Hydroquinone , Isofenphos , Jet Fuel-4 , Jet Fuel-5 , Jimsonweed (Daturastramonium), Kentucky coffee tea poisoning , Kerosene , King Cobra poisoning , Lead poisoning , Lobeline, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide , Malathion , Marijuana abuse , Mercury poisoning, Methidathion , Methiocarb , Methomyl , Metobromuron , Monkshood poisoning , Morphine toxicity , Mustard tree poisoning , Naphthalene , Narcotic addiction , Nickel Carbonyl , Nitrobenzene , Nitroglycerin , Nitrophenol , Nitrophenol Urea , NN-Dimethyl-P-Toluidine , Oil-based paint , Oleander poisoning , Opioid toxicity , Oxycodone addiction , Parathion , Phencyclidine , Phosdrin , Phosphine , potato(Solanumtuberosum), Profenofos , Propane , Propoxur , Propylene Glycol Dinitrate , Snake bite , Terbufos , Tetrachloroethane , Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate , Thallium , Thallium poisoning , Thallium Sulfate , Thiram , Toluene , Trichlorfon , Zolpidem withdrawal
Dermatologic No underlying causes
Drug Side Effect Anticholinergic syndrome , Colchicine toxicity , Cope's syndrome , Dextromethorphan toxicity , Fentanyl toxicity , Impramine toxicity , Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome , Phenytoin toxicity , Propanol , Serotonin Syndrome , Tolterodine toxicity , Tramadol toxicity
Ear Nose Throat No underlying causes
Endocrine Adrenal crisis , Cushing syndrome , Hashimoto's encephalitis , Hyperinsulinism, Hyperparathyroidism , Insulinoma , SIADH , WDHA syndrome
Environmental Dysbarism , High altitude cerebral edema
Gastroenterologic Cirrhosis of the liver, Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1 , End Stage Liver Failure , Liver failure
Genetic Congenital hepatic porphyria , Congenital nonhemolytic jaundice
Hematologic Bing-Neel syndrome , Leukemia , Multiple Myeloma , Plasma cell leukemia, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Iatrogenic Hyperbaric oxygen
Infectious Disease Acanthamoeba infection , Actinomycetales infection , Acute Bokhoror , Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis , African Sleeping sickness , Bolivian hemorrhagic fever , Brill-Zinsser disease , Bubonic plague , Cryptococcal Meningitis , Cryptococcosis , Cysticercosis , Ehrlichiosis , Epidemic typhus , Flea-borne diseases , Fungal meningitis , Granulomatous amebic encephalitis , HIV/AIDS , Legionnaires' disease , Listeriosis , Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis , Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis , Machupo virus , Malaria , Marburg virus , Measles Encephalitis , Melioidosis , Meningitis , Meningococcal disease , Naegleria , Neurocysticercosis , Neurosyphilis , Nipah virus encephalitis , Nocardiosis , Paratyphoid fever , Pediatric AIDS , Postoperative septicaemia , Primary amebic meningoencephalitis , Rabies , Rocky Mountain spotted fever , Tick-borne encephalitis , Toxemia , Toxic Shock Syndrome , Toxoplasmosis , Trypanosomiasis , Yellow fever , Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Musculoskeletal / Ortho No underlying causes
Neurologic Acute mountain sickness , Aging brain syndrome , Alzheimer disease , Anoxemia , Arbovirosis , Argentinean hemorrhagic fever , Basilar artery insufficiency syndrome , Benign astrocytoma , Berry aneurysm, Brain infection , Bristowe's syndrome , Central nervous system infections , Central nervous system lymphoma primary , Cerebellar abscess , Cerebral abscess , Classic migraine , Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease , Disequilibrium syndrome , Grand mal epilepsy , Grand mal seizures , Leukoencephalopathy , Limbic encephalitis , Multi-Infarct Dementia , Prion diseases , Stroke , Subdural hematoma , Sundown syndrome , Transient Ischemic Attack , Uremic encephalopathy , Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome , Wernicke's encephalopathy
Nutritional / Metabolic Aceruloplasminemia , Acid-Base Imbalance , Acute liver failure , Alcohol drinking , Alcohol Withdrawal , Alcoholic Neuropathy , Azotemia familial , Burnett's milk drinker's syndrome , Carnitine transporter deficiency , Citrullinemia , Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency , Dehydration , Diabetic hypoglycemia , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Dilutional hyponatremia , Dobriner syndrome , Folate deficiency, Graeck-Imerslund disease , Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome , Hypervitaminoses A and D , Hypoglycemia , Hypothermia , Hypovolemia , Inborn urea cycle disorder , Metabolic Acidosis , Metabolic encephalopathy , Milk-Alkali syndrome , N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency , Nutritional deficiency , Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency , Pellagra , Pyridoxine deficiency , Q fever , Respiratory acidosis , Respiratory alkalosis , Reye's Syndrome , Urea Cycle Disorders , Water Intoxication
Obstetric/Gynecologic Acute fatty liver of pregnancy , Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Oncologic No underlying causes
Opthalmologic No underlying causes
Overdose / Toxicity Alprazolam overdose , Appian-Plutarch syndrome , Darvocet overdose , Demerol overdose , Dexedrine overdose , Dilaudid overdose , Ecstasy overdose , Hydrocodone overdose , Lorazepam overdose , Lortab overdose , Methadone overdose , Methamphetamine overdose , Ritalin overdose , Vicodin overdose , Zolpidem overdose
Psychiatric Brief Psychotic Disorder , Dissociative Amnesia , Dissociative disorder , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Nonaffective Psychosis , Schizoaffective disorder
Pulmonary Postoperative respiratory failure , Respiratory depression
Renal / Electrolyte Chronic renal insufficiency , End-stage renal disease , Hypercalcemia , Hypomagnesemia , Hyponatremia , Hypophosphatemia , Kidney failure
Rheum / Immune / Allergy Antiphospholipid Syndrome , Autoimmune Hepatitis , Autoimmune limbic encephalitis , Neurosarcoidosis
Sexual No underlying causes
Trauma Concussion , Head injury , Traumatic Brain Injury
Urologic No underlying causes
Dental No underlying causes
Miscellaneous No underlying causes

Alphabetical Order


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