Chronic liver disease: Difference between revisions

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* [[Zellweger syndrome]]
* [[Zellweger syndrome]]
*[[Autoimmune chronic hepatitis]]
*[[Autoimmune chronic hepatitis]]
*[[Cytomegalovirus (CMV)]]
*[[Cytomegalovirus]] (CMV)
*[[Epstein barr virus]] (EBV)
*[[Epstein Barr virus]] (EBV)

Revision as of 20:00, 26 July 2012

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Chronic liver disease is a liver disease of slow process and persisting over a long period of time, resulting in a progressive destruction of the liver.


Common Causes

Causes in Alphabetical Order

Risk Factors

  • Certain prescription medications
  • Having high levels of fat in the blood
  • Sharing infected needle and syringes
  • Having unprotected sex and multiple sex partners
  • Working with toxic chemicals without wearing safety clothes

Natural History, Complications, Prognosis



Prognosis is assessed by


Physical examination








  • Metabolic Flap/Asterixis



The treatment of chronic liver disease depends on the cause. While some conditions may be treated with medications, others may require surgery or a transplant. Transplant is required when the liver fails and there is no other alternative [1]. Because many chronic liver disorders have no cure, many people have been turning to alternative health care. Herbal supplements are widely used by many people with chronic liver disease[citation needed]. None of these herbs have ever been tested in randomized clinical trials and no one knows whether they work. Some common herbs known to be potentially harmful in liver disease include black cohosh, ma huang, chaparral, comfrey, germander, greater celandine, kava, mistletoe, pennyroyal, skull cap and valerian.


Some chronic liver diseases cannot be prevented but one can reduce the risk by adopting the following measures:

  • Do not drink excessive alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease in North America.
  • Avoid high risk behaviour. If you do use intravenous drugs, do not share needles or syringes. Never have sex without a condom with a stranger and avoid multiple sex partners. If you plan to have tattoos or have your body pierced, choose a place which has a reputation for cleanliness and safety.
  • Get vaccinated against epatitis A and B. it is highly recommended that one get vaccinated against hepatitis B. This chronic infection is highly contagious and one of the complications is liver cancer.
  • Do not use multiple medications or illicit drugs unwisely. Never mix alcohol with medications. Always talk to your physician about your medications and get your liver enzymes checked to make sure that the liver is functioning fine.
  • If you have any member of the family of friend who is sick, avoid contact with blood or bodily fluids. Many infections can be transferred through body fluids include HIV, hepatitis and even herpes. Do not make it a habit of sharing personal care products with anyone, even household members.
  • If you work in an environment where there are chemicals, wear a mask. Take protective measures when spraying weed killers, insecticides or using other toxic chemicals. If you work with hazardous chemicals, change clothes before you go home. If you work in the garden and use chemicals, wear long sleeve shirts, gloves and a hat.
  • Eat healthy exercise and keep your weight down. Obesity is a well known cause of chronic fatty liver disease [2].

See Also



  1. Liver Disease - 27/01/2007/
  2. The Progression of Liver Disease American Liver Foundation - 27/01/2007/