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Revision as of 17:25, 20 August 2012

Von Meyenburg complex

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Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Von Meyenburg complex at Clinical Trials.gov

Trial results on Von Meyenburg complex

Clinical Trials on Von Meyenburg complex at Google

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US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Von Meyenburg complex

NICE Guidance on Von Meyenburg complex


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CDC on Von Meyenburg complex


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Causes & Risk Factors for Von Meyenburg complex

Diagnostic studies for Von Meyenburg complex

Treatment of Von Meyenburg complex

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Von Meyenburg complex


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List of terms related to Von Meyenburg complex

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Synonyms and keywords: Biliary hamartomas; biliary microhamartomas


The Von Meyenburg complex is a form of hepatic hamartoma. They are found in the periportal zone.[1]

Historical Perspective

It is named for Hans von Meyenburg.[2][3]


The Imaging findings are

  • Biliary hamartomas are typically multiple round or irregular focal lesions of nearly uniform size (up to 15 mm) scattered throughout the liver.
  • CT:Biliary hamartomas are hypoattenuating at CT
  • MRI:Biliary hamartomas are hypointense at T1-weighted MR imaging and hyperintense at T2-weighted imaging. If the echo time is increased at T2-weighted imaging, the signal intensity of these lesions increases further and approaches that of cerebrospinal fluid. Biliary hamartomas do not usually show contrast enhancement, although a peripheral enhancing rim has been described. This has been hypothesized as related to compressed surrounding normal liver parenchyma


  1. "develop".
  2. Template:WhoNamedIt
  3. H. von Meyenburg. Über die Zyztenleber. Beiträge zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Pathologie, Jena, 1918, 64: 477-532.

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