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An X-ray is a very important diagnostic tool in pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest X-ray findings include parenchymal infiltrates, hiliar [[adenopathy]], cavitation, [[nodules]] and [[pleural effusion]].  The most common location of a pulmonary tuberculosis lesion is the upper lobes.
==Chest X-Ray==
An antero-posterior chest X-ray is one of the most important tests to be performed in a patient with tuberculosis or suspected tuberculosis.<ref>{{Cite journal
| author = [[Riccardo Piccazzo]], [[Francesco Paparo]] & [[Giacomo Garlaschi]]
| title = Diagnostic accuracy of chest radiography for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) and its role in the detection of latent TB infection: a systematic review
| journal = [[The Journal of rheumatology. Supplement]]
| volume = 91
| pages = 32–40
| year = 2014
| month = May
| doi = 10.3899/jrheum.140100
| pmid = 24788998
===Primary Tuberculosis===
*The 3 main X-ray findings in primary tuberculosis include parenchymal infiltrates, hiliar [[adenopathy]], and [[pleural effusion]]. 
*Primary tuberculosis may appear at any location in the lung.
*Hiliar [[lymphadenopathy]] is commonly seen in children, and may be present in up to 95% of children with active tuberculosis. 
*Less than half of adults with primary tuberculosis present with [[lymphadenopathy]]. <ref name="CardinaleParlatano2014">{{cite journal|last1=Cardinale|first1=L.|last2=Parlatano|first2=D.|last3=Boccuzzi|first3=F.|last4=Onoscuri|first4=M.|last5=Volpicelli|first5=G.|last6=Veltri|first6=A.|title=The imaging spectrum of pulmonary tuberculosis|journal=Acta Radiologica|year=2014|issn=0284-1851|doi=10.1177/0284185114533247}}</ref>
*Tuberculomas, which are opacities similar to a lung mass, may be observed in 5% of patients and can be almost 4 cm in size.<ref name="KimSong2001">{{cite journal|last1=Kim|first1=Hyae Young|last2=Song|first2=Koun-Sik|last3=Goo|first3=Jin Mo|last4=Lee|first4=Jin Seong|last5=Lee|first5=Kyoung Soo|last6=Lim|first6=Tae-Hwan|title=Thoracic Sequelae and Complications of Tuberculosis1|journal=RadioGraphics|volume=21|issue=4|year=2001|pages=839–858|issn=0271-5333|doi=10.1148/radiographics.21.4.g01jl06839}}</ref><ref name="pmid3484866">{{cite journal| author=Woodring JH, Vandiviere HM, Fried AM, Dillon ML, Williams TD, Melvin IG| title=Update: the radiographic features of pulmonary tuberculosis. | journal=AJR Am J Roentgenol | year= 1986 | volume= 146 | issue= 3 | pages= 497-506 | pmid=3484866 | doi=10.2214/ajr.146.3.497 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
* Unilateral [[pleural effusion]] may be observed and it is commonly related to complicated primary tuberculosis.
===Secondary Tuberculosis===
*The most common location of secondary tuberculosis is in the upper lobes, specially in the apical and posterior segments.  However, lesions may appear anywhere in the [[lungs]]. 
*The X-ray findings in secondary or reactivated tuberculosis include:<ref name="CardinaleParlatano2014">{{cite journal|last1=Cardinale|first1=L.|last2=Parlatano|first2=D.|last3=Boccuzzi|first3=F.|last4=Onoscuri|first4=M.|last5=Volpicelli|first5=G.|last6=Veltri|first6=A.|title=The imaging spectrum of pulmonary tuberculosis|journal=Acta Radiologica|year=2014|issn=0284-1851|doi=10.1177/0284185114533247}}</ref>
:*Patchy consolidation that is poorly defined.
:*[[Cavitation]], which is the most important finding in secondary tuberculosis
::*Appears as a lesion with irregular margins and thick walls.
::*It may be observed in almost 50% of patients.
::*It is most commonly seen in the upper lung..
::*Cavities in the lower lung can be found in [[diabetes]] and [[HIV]] infection.<ref name="PatelRami2011">{{cite journal|last1=Patel|first1=AnandK|last2=Rami|first2=KiranC|last3=Ghanchi|first3=FerozD|title=Radiological presentation of patients of pulmonary tuberculosis with diabetes mellitus|journal=Lung India|volume=28|issue=1|year=2011|pages=70|issn=0970-2113|doi=10.4103/0970-2113.76308}}</ref><ref name="PadyanaBhat2012">{{cite journal|last1=Padyana|first1=Mahesha|last2=Bhat|first2=RaghavendraV|last3=Dinesha|first3=M|last4=Nawaz|first4=Alam|title=HIV-Tuberculosis: A Study of Chest X-Ray Patterns in Relation to CD4 Count|journal=North American Journal of Medical Sciences|volume=4|issue=5|year=2012|pages=221|issn=1947-2714|doi=10.4103/1947-2714.95904}}</ref>
::*Although it is rare, cavities may be superinfected and an air-fluid level is seen inside the cavity.
:*[[Pneumothorax]] is rare, but may be seen in 5% of patients.
:*[[Lymphadenopathy]] is also uncommon in secondary tuberculosis.
:*Small [[pleural effusion]] may occur in 18% of patients.
*In the majority of cases the consolidation involves more than one lobe.<ref name="BurrillWilliams2007">{{cite journal|last1=Burrill|first1=Joshua|last2=Williams|first2=Christopher J.|last3=Bain|first3=Gillian|last4=Conder|first4=Gabriel|last5=Hine|first5=Andrew L.|last6=Misra|first6=Rakesh R.|title=Tuberculosis: A Radiologic Review1|journal=RadioGraphics|volume=27|issue=5|year=2007|pages=1255–1273|issn=0271-5333|doi=10.1148/rg.275065176}}</ref>
=====Chest X-Ray Images in Pulmonary Tuberculosis=====
Image:Pulmonary Tuberculosis X-ray.jpg|Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Image:Pulmonary Tuberculosis X-ray2.jpg|Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Image:Pulmonary Tuberculosis X-ray3.jpg|Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Image:Pulmonary Tuberculosis X-ray4.jpg|Bilateral Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Image:TB_CXR.jpg|Pulmonary Tuberculosis
===Common Findings of Miliary Tuberculosis on Chest X-Ray===
* Fine, pin point approximately 1-2mm in size, discrete, uniform distribution, soft mottlings.
* Commonly found throughout both lungs.
{{further|'''[[Miliary tuberculosis chest x ray|Miliary tuberculosis]]'''}}
=====Chest X-Ray Images in Miliary Tuberculosis=====
Image:Miliary Tuberculosis.jpg|Miliary Tuberculosis
Image:Disseminated-TB-001.jpg|Miliary Tuberculosis
Image:Disseminated-TB-002.jpg|Miliary Tuberculosis
==CDC Guidelines for Evaluating Chest X-Ray<small><small><ref name="CDC"> {{cite web| url=| title= CDC Medical Examination of Immigrants and Refugees}}</ref></small></small>==
A medical examination is mandatory for all refugees coming to the U.S. and all applicants outside the U.S. applying for an immigrant visa. The purpose of the medical examination is to identify applicants with inadmissible health-related conditions such as active tuberculosis. Outside the U.S., medical examinations are performed by approximately 400 physicians (panel physicians) selected by United States Department of State consular officials. In the U.S., medical examinations are performed by approximately 3,000 physicians (civil surgeons) designated by district directors of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.  Guidelines were developed by the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]] (CDC).
The [[chest X-ray]] and classification worksheet is designed to group findings into categories based on their likelihood of being related to TB or non-TB conditions needing medical follow-up (either at the time of the [[chest X-ray]] or after resettlement).
===Abnormal Findings===
====Chest X-Ray Findings that Can Suggest Active TB====
This category comprises all findings typically associated with active pulmonary TB. An applicant with any of the following findings must submit [[sputum]] specimens for examination.
{| style="border: 0px; font-size: 90%; margin: 3px; width: 700px" align=center
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 225px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Chest X-ray Findings}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 475px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Description}}
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Infiltrate or consolidation
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" | Opacification of airspaces within the lung parenchyma. Consolidation or infiltrate can be dense or patchy and might have irregular, ill-defined, or hazy borders.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Any cavitary lesion
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" | Lucency (darkened area) within the lung parenchyma, with or without irregular margins that might be surrounded by an area of airspace consolidation or infiltrates, or by nodular or fibrotic (reticular) densities, or both. The walls surrounding the lucent area can be thick or thin. Calcification can exist around a cavity.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Nodule with poorly defined margins
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" | Round density within the lung parenchyma, also called a tuberculoma. Nodules included in this category are those with margins that are indistinct or poorly defined. The surrounding haziness can be either subtle or readily apparent and suggests coexisting airspace consolidation.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Pleural effusion
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" | Presence of a significant amount of fluid within the pleural space. This finding must be distinguished from blunting of the costophrenic angle, which may or may not represent a small amount of fluid within the pleural space (except in children when even minor blunting must be considered a finding that can suggest active TB).
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy ([[bihilar lymphadenopathy]])
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" | Enlargement of lymph nodes in one or both hila or within the [[mediastinum]], with or without associated atelectasis or consolidation.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Linear, interstitial disease (in children only)
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" | Prominence of linear, interstitial (septal) markings.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Other
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" | Any other finding suggestive of active TB, such as [[miliary TB]]. Miliary findings are nodules of millet size (1 to 2 millimeters) distributed throughout the parenchyma.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" colspan=2| <small> Adpated from CDC<ref name="CDC"> {{cite web| url=| title= CDC Medical Examination of Immigrants and Refugees}}</ref> </small>
====Chest X-Ray Findings that Can Suggest Inactive TB====
This category includes findings that are suggestive of prior TB, that is inactive. It must be remembered that assessments of the activity of TB cannot be made accurately on the basis of a single radiograph alone. If there is any question of active TB, sputum smears must be obtained. Furthermore, if the applicant has any signs or symptoms of TB, [[sputum]] smears must be obtained. Obtaining sputum smears is necessary if there is any question of active TB. Therefore, any applicant might have findings grouped in this category, but still have active TB as suggested by:
*The presence of signs or symptoms of TB ([[Tuberculosis classification#CDC TB Classification for Immigrants and Refugees|Class B1]]).
*[[Sputum]] smears positive for AFB ([[Tuberculosis classification#CDC TB Classification for Immigrants and Refugees|Class A]]).
{| style="border: 0px; font-size: 90%; margin: 3px; width: 700px" align=center
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 225px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Chest X-ray Findings}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 475px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Description}}
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Discrete fibrotic scar or linear opacity
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Discrete linear or reticular densities within the lung. The edges of these densities should be distinct and there should be no suggestion of airspace opacification or haziness between or surrounding these densities. Calcification can be present within the lesion and then the lesion is called a fibrocalcific scar.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Discrete nodule(s) without calcification
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |One or more nodular densities with distinct borders and without any surrounding airspace opacification. Nodules are generally round or have rounded edges. These features allow them to be distinguished from infiltrates or airspace opacities. To be included here, these nodules must be noncalcified.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Discrete fibrotic scar with volume loss or retraction
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Discrete linear densities with reduction in the space occupied by the upper lobe. Associated signs include upward deviation of the fissure or hilum on the corresponding side with asymmetry of the volumes of the two thoracic cavities.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Discrete nodule(s) with volume loss or retraction
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |One or more nodular densities with distinct borders and no surrounding airspace opacification with reduction in the space occupied by the upper lobe. Nodules are generally round or have rounded edges.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Other
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Any other finding suggestive of prior TB, such as upper lobe bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is bronchial dilation with bronchial wall thickening.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;"  colspan=2 | <small> Adpated from CDC<ref name="CDC"> {{cite web| url=| title= CDC Medical Examination of Immigrants and Refugees}}</ref> </small>
===Other Chest X-Ray Findings===
This category includes findings that suggest the need for a follow-up evaluation for non-TB conditions either at the time of the chest X-ray or after resettlement of the applicant in the United States.
{| style="border: 0px; font-size: 90%; margin: 3px; width: 700px" align=center
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 225px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Chest X-ray Findings}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 475px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Description}}
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Musculoskeletal abnormalities
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |New bony fractures or radiographically apparent bony abnormalities that need follow-up.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Cardiac abnormalities
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Cardiac enlargement or anomalies, vascular abnormalities, or any other radiographically apparent cardiovascular abnormality of significant nature to require follow-up.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Pulmonary abnormalities
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Pulmonary finding of a non-TB nature, such as a mass, that needs follow-up.  
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Other
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Any other finding that the panel physician believes needs follow-up, but is not one of the above.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" colspan=2 | <small> Adpated from CDC<ref name="CDC"> {{cite web| url=| title= CDC Medical Examination of Immigrants and Refugees}}</ref> </small>
====Follow-up Not Required====
This category includes findings that are minor and not suggestive of TB disease. These findings require no follow-up evaluation after resettlement of the applicant.
{| style="border: 0px; font-size: 90%; margin: 3px; width: 700px" align=center
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 225px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Chest X-ray Findings}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 475px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Description}}
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Pleural thickening
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Irregularity or abnormal prominence of the pleural margin, including apical capping (thickening of the pleura in the apical region). Pleural thickening can be calcified.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Diaphragmatic tenting
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |A localized accentuation of the normal convexity of the hemidiaphragm as if 'pulled upwards by a string'.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Blunting of [[costophrenic angle]] (in adults)
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Loss of sharpness of one or both [[costophrenic angle]]s. Blunting can be related to a small amount of fluid in the pleural space or to pleural thickening and, by itself, is a non-specific finding (except in children, when even minor blunting may suggest active TB). In contrast a large pleural effusion, or the presence of a significant amount of fluid in the pleural space, may be a sign of active TB at any age.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Solitary calcified nodules or [[granuloma]]
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |Discrete calcified nodule or [[granuloma]], or calcified [[lymph node]]. The calcified nodule can be within the lung, hilium, or mediastinum. The borders must be sharp, distinct, and well defined. This was considered a [[Tuberculosis classification#CDC TB Classification for Immigrants and Refugees|Class B3]] TB in the past; however, [[Tuberculosis classification#CDC TB Classification for Immigrants and Refugees|Class B3]] has been omitted from the classification scheme because it has not been found to be associated with active TB.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;"  colspan=2 | <small> Adpated from CDC<ref name="CDC"> {{cite web| url=| title= CDC Medical Examination of Immigrants and Refugees}}</ref> </small>
==X-Ray Findings in Complications of Tuberculosis==
{| style="border: 0px; font-size: 90%; margin: 3px; width:700px" align=center
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 150px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|Complication}}
! style="background: #4479BA; width: 250px;" | {{fontcolor|#FFF|X-Ray Findings}}
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" | Cicatrization<ref name="pmid11452057">{{cite journal| author=Kim HY, Song KS, Goo JM, Lee JS, Lee KS, Lim TH| title=Thoracic sequelae and complications of tuberculosis. | journal=Radiographics | year= 2001 | volume= 21 | issue= 4 | pages= 839-58; discussion 859-60 | pmid=11452057 | doi=10.1148/radiographics.21.4.g01jl06839 | pmc= | url= }} </ref>
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |
*Upper lobe [[atelectasis]]
*Compensatory hyperinflation of the lower lobe
*[[Hilar]] retraction
*[[Mediastinal]] shift
*Parenchymal bands
*Fibrotic cavities
*Fibrotic nodules
*Traction [[bronchiectasis]]
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" | Thin-walled cavity
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |
* Present in active and inactive forms of the disease
* May regress with treatment
* Air-filled [[cysts]] may persist<ref>{{cite book | last = Fraser | first = Richard | title = Synopsis of diseases of the chest | publisher = W.B. Saunders | location = Philadelphia | year = 1994 | isbn = 0721636691 }}</ref>
* May be misidentified as an [[Emphysema|emphysematous]] bulla or pneumatocelle.
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" | [[Aspergilloma]]
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |
*Mobile mass ringed by an air shadow.  
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" | Broncholithiasis<ref name="pmid2371439">{{cite journal| author=Galdermans D, Verhaert J, Van Meerbeeck J, de Backer W, Vermeire P| title=Broncholithiasis: present clinical spectrum. | journal=Respir Med | year= 1990 | volume= 84 | issue= 2 | pages= 155-6 | pmid=2371439 | doi= | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |
*Calcified material within the tracheobronchial lumen, originated on a calcified [[lymph node]]
*[[Airway]] obstruction
*[[Air trapping]] on expiration
*Frequent change in position of the calcified material
*Mucoid impaction
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Fibrosing [[mediastinitis]]
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |
*[[Mediastinal]] widening
*Localized mass
*[[Hilar]] or [[mediastinal]] mass
*Pulmonary infiltrates
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |Tuberculous spondylitis ([[Pott's disease]])
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |
*Vertebral end plate irregularities
*Reduction of the intervertebral disk space
*Adjacent bone sclerosis
*In later stages of the disease, [[kyphosis]], due to anterior compression of the [[vertebral bodies]], and paravertebral [[abscess]]es may occur
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #DCDCDC; font-weight: bold" |[[Malignancy]]<ref name="pmid1987602">{{cite journal| author=Minami M, Kawauchi N, Yoshikawa K, Itai Y, Kokubo T, Iguchi M et al.| title=Malignancy associated with chronic empyema: radiologic assessment. | journal=Radiology | year= 1991 | volume= 178 | issue= 2 | pages= 417-23 | pmid=1987602 | doi=10.1148/radiology.178.2.1987602 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref>
| style="padding: 5px 5px; background: #F5F5F5;" |
*Bone destruction around the region of the [[empyema]]
*Increased [[thoracic cavity]] opacity
*Medial deviation of the affected [[pleura]]
*Swelling of the soft-tissue
[[Category:Infectious disease]]
[[Category:Primary care]]
[[Category:Bacterial diseases]]
[[Category:Needs content]]
[[Category:Bacterial diseases]]
[[Category:Infectious disease]]

Revision as of 13:30, 26 September 2014

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings

Chest X Ray



Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis chest x ray On the Web

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American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis chest x ray

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FDA on Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis chest x ray

CDC on Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis chest x ray

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis chest x ray in the news

Blogs on Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis chest x ray

Directions to Hospitals Treating Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis chest x ray

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Alejandro Lemor, M.D. [2]


An X-ray is a very important diagnostic tool in pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest X-ray findings include parenchymal infiltrates, hiliar adenopathy, cavitation, nodules and pleural effusion. The most common location of a pulmonary tuberculosis lesion is the upper lobes.

Chest X-Ray

An antero-posterior chest X-ray is one of the most important tests to be performed in a patient with tuberculosis or suspected tuberculosis.[1]

Primary Tuberculosis

  • The 3 main X-ray findings in primary tuberculosis include parenchymal infiltrates, hiliar adenopathy, and pleural effusion.
  • Primary tuberculosis may appear at any location in the lung.
  • Hiliar lymphadenopathy is commonly seen in children, and may be present in up to 95% of children with active tuberculosis.
  • Less than half of adults with primary tuberculosis present with lymphadenopathy. [2]
  • Tuberculomas, which are opacities similar to a lung mass, may be observed in 5% of patients and can be almost 4 cm in size.[3][4]
  • Unilateral pleural effusion may be observed and it is commonly related to complicated primary tuberculosis.

Secondary Tuberculosis

  • The most common location of secondary tuberculosis is in the upper lobes, specially in the apical and posterior segments. However, lesions may appear anywhere in the lungs.
  • The X-ray findings in secondary or reactivated tuberculosis include:[2]
  • Patchy consolidation that is poorly defined.
  • Cavitation, which is the most important finding in secondary tuberculosis
  • Appears as a lesion with irregular margins and thick walls.
  • It may be observed in almost 50% of patients.
  • It is most commonly seen in the upper lung..
  • Cavities in the lower lung can be found in diabetes and HIV infection.[5][6]
  • Although it is rare, cavities may be superinfected and an air-fluid level is seen inside the cavity.
  • In the majority of cases the consolidation involves more than one lobe.[7]
Chest X-Ray Images in Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Common Findings of Miliary Tuberculosis on Chest X-Ray

  • Fine, pin point approximately 1-2mm in size, discrete, uniform distribution, soft mottlings.
  • Commonly found throughout both lungs.
Chest X-Ray Images in Miliary Tuberculosis

CDC Guidelines for Evaluating Chest X-Ray[8]

A medical examination is mandatory for all refugees coming to the U.S. and all applicants outside the U.S. applying for an immigrant visa. The purpose of the medical examination is to identify applicants with inadmissible health-related conditions such as active tuberculosis. Outside the U.S., medical examinations are performed by approximately 400 physicians (panel physicians) selected by United States Department of State consular officials. In the U.S., medical examinations are performed by approximately 3,000 physicians (civil surgeons) designated by district directors of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Guidelines were developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The chest X-ray and classification worksheet is designed to group findings into categories based on their likelihood of being related to TB or non-TB conditions needing medical follow-up (either at the time of the chest X-ray or after resettlement).

Abnormal Findings

Chest X-Ray Findings that Can Suggest Active TB

This category comprises all findings typically associated with active pulmonary TB. An applicant with any of the following findings must submit sputum specimens for examination.

Chest X-ray Findings Description
Infiltrate or consolidation Opacification of airspaces within the lung parenchyma. Consolidation or infiltrate can be dense or patchy and might have irregular, ill-defined, or hazy borders.
Any cavitary lesion Lucency (darkened area) within the lung parenchyma, with or without irregular margins that might be surrounded by an area of airspace consolidation or infiltrates, or by nodular or fibrotic (reticular) densities, or both. The walls surrounding the lucent area can be thick or thin. Calcification can exist around a cavity.
Nodule with poorly defined margins Round density within the lung parenchyma, also called a tuberculoma. Nodules included in this category are those with margins that are indistinct or poorly defined. The surrounding haziness can be either subtle or readily apparent and suggests coexisting airspace consolidation.
Pleural effusion Presence of a significant amount of fluid within the pleural space. This finding must be distinguished from blunting of the costophrenic angle, which may or may not represent a small amount of fluid within the pleural space (except in children when even minor blunting must be considered a finding that can suggest active TB).
Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy (bihilar lymphadenopathy) Enlargement of lymph nodes in one or both hila or within the mediastinum, with or without associated atelectasis or consolidation.
Linear, interstitial disease (in children only) Prominence of linear, interstitial (septal) markings.
Other Any other finding suggestive of active TB, such as miliary TB. Miliary findings are nodules of millet size (1 to 2 millimeters) distributed throughout the parenchyma.
Adpated from CDC[8]

Chest X-Ray Findings that Can Suggest Inactive TB

This category includes findings that are suggestive of prior TB, that is inactive. It must be remembered that assessments of the activity of TB cannot be made accurately on the basis of a single radiograph alone. If there is any question of active TB, sputum smears must be obtained. Furthermore, if the applicant has any signs or symptoms of TB, sputum smears must be obtained. Obtaining sputum smears is necessary if there is any question of active TB. Therefore, any applicant might have findings grouped in this category, but still have active TB as suggested by:

Chest X-ray Findings Description
Discrete fibrotic scar or linear opacity Discrete linear or reticular densities within the lung. The edges of these densities should be distinct and there should be no suggestion of airspace opacification or haziness between or surrounding these densities. Calcification can be present within the lesion and then the lesion is called a fibrocalcific scar.
Discrete nodule(s) without calcification One or more nodular densities with distinct borders and without any surrounding airspace opacification. Nodules are generally round or have rounded edges. These features allow them to be distinguished from infiltrates or airspace opacities. To be included here, these nodules must be noncalcified.
Discrete fibrotic scar with volume loss or retraction Discrete linear densities with reduction in the space occupied by the upper lobe. Associated signs include upward deviation of the fissure or hilum on the corresponding side with asymmetry of the volumes of the two thoracic cavities.
Discrete nodule(s) with volume loss or retraction One or more nodular densities with distinct borders and no surrounding airspace opacification with reduction in the space occupied by the upper lobe. Nodules are generally round or have rounded edges.
Other Any other finding suggestive of prior TB, such as upper lobe bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is bronchial dilation with bronchial wall thickening.
Adpated from CDC[8]

Other Chest X-Ray Findings


This category includes findings that suggest the need for a follow-up evaluation for non-TB conditions either at the time of the chest X-ray or after resettlement of the applicant in the United States.

Chest X-ray Findings Description
Musculoskeletal abnormalities New bony fractures or radiographically apparent bony abnormalities that need follow-up.
Cardiac abnormalities Cardiac enlargement or anomalies, vascular abnormalities, or any other radiographically apparent cardiovascular abnormality of significant nature to require follow-up.
Pulmonary abnormalities Pulmonary finding of a non-TB nature, such as a mass, that needs follow-up.
Other Any other finding that the panel physician believes needs follow-up, but is not one of the above.
Adpated from CDC[8]

Follow-up Not Required

This category includes findings that are minor and not suggestive of TB disease. These findings require no follow-up evaluation after resettlement of the applicant.

Chest X-ray Findings Description
Pleural thickening Irregularity or abnormal prominence of the pleural margin, including apical capping (thickening of the pleura in the apical region). Pleural thickening can be calcified.
Diaphragmatic tenting A localized accentuation of the normal convexity of the hemidiaphragm as if 'pulled upwards by a string'.
Blunting of costophrenic angle (in adults) Loss of sharpness of one or both costophrenic angles. Blunting can be related to a small amount of fluid in the pleural space or to pleural thickening and, by itself, is a non-specific finding (except in children, when even minor blunting may suggest active TB). In contrast a large pleural effusion, or the presence of a significant amount of fluid in the pleural space, may be a sign of active TB at any age.
Solitary calcified nodules or granuloma Discrete calcified nodule or granuloma, or calcified lymph node. The calcified nodule can be within the lung, hilium, or mediastinum. The borders must be sharp, distinct, and well defined. This was considered a Class B3 TB in the past; however, Class B3 has been omitted from the classification scheme because it has not been found to be associated with active TB.
Adpated from CDC[8]

X-Ray Findings in Complications of Tuberculosis

Complication X-Ray Findings
Thin-walled cavity
  • Present in active and inactive forms of the disease
  • May regress with treatment
  • Air-filled cysts may persist[10]
  • May be misidentified as an emphysematous bulla or pneumatocelle.
  • Mobile mass ringed by an air shadow.
  • Calcifications
  • Calcified material within the tracheobronchial lumen, originated on a calcified lymph node
  • Airway obstruction
  • Atelectasis
  • Air trapping on expiration
  • Frequent change in position of the calcified material
  • Mucoid impaction
Fibrosing mediastinitis
Tuberculous spondylitis (Pott's disease)
  • Vertebral end plate irregularities
  • Reduction of the intervertebral disk space
  • Adjacent bone sclerosis
  • In later stages of the disease, kyphosis, due to anterior compression of the vertebral bodies, and paravertebral abscesses may occur
  • Bone destruction around the region of the empyema
  • Increased thoracic cavity opacity
  • Medial deviation of the affected pleura
  • Swelling of the soft-tissue


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  6. Padyana, Mahesha; Bhat, RaghavendraV; Dinesha, M; Nawaz, Alam (2012). "HIV-Tuberculosis: A Study of Chest X-Ray Patterns in Relation to CD4 Count". North American Journal of Medical Sciences. 4 (5): 221. doi:10.4103/1947-2714.95904. ISSN 1947-2714.
  7. Burrill, Joshua; Williams, Christopher J.; Bain, Gillian; Conder, Gabriel; Hine, Andrew L.; Misra, Rakesh R. (2007). "Tuberculosis: A Radiologic Review1". RadioGraphics. 27 (5): 1255–1273. doi:10.1148/rg.275065176. ISSN 0271-5333.
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