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==Contact Information==
==Contact Information==
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Revision as of 20:44, 1 December 2012

Rim Halaby is a fourth year medical student at the Lebanese American University L. A.U. in Beirut, Lebanon.

File:Rim Halaby.jpeg


  • Lebanese American University LAU (2009- 2013)
    • LAU School of medicine- UMCRH medical center
  • University of Balamand (2006- 2009)
    • Faculty of Sciences- Major: B.S. in Biology
    • Graduation with distinction
  • College des Soeurs des Saints- Coeurs 1992- 2006

Work Experience

  • Rim is currently doing her med 4 rotations at UMC-RH lebanon, Beirut
  • Elective clinical rotation in the departement of Infectious Disease at Hopkins Bayview Hospital ( September 2012)
  • Student research exchange program with University of Iowa (July and August, 2009)
    • This is an exchange program with the University of Iowa. Rim worked at Dr. Jeff Murray laboratory for two months in a research concerning patent ductus arteriosis
  • Shadowing Dr. Jeff Murray in the pediatrics department, University of Iowa hospital (July 2009)
  • GNK foundation- active member (2009 till present)
    • This is a non- profit non governmental organization that organizes awareness campaign regarding health related issues, organizes activities for children with cancer and plans fund raising events. In addition GNK promotes health safety and adolescent education
    • Rim is member of the following:
      • GNK research team
      • GNK media team
      • GNK “White Clinic” team: The “White Clinic” is a mobile fully equipped clinic that travels throughout the different regions of Lebanon and throughout universities to offer free blood pressure and blood glucose level management, BMI measurement along with nutrition counseling in addition to blood sampling for screening for hemoglobin disorders
  • NOOTDT- active member (2009 till present)
    • NOOTDT: national organization for organ and tissue donation and transplantation
  • Medical student association MSA- active member (2011 till present)
  • Health awareness campaigns at BLOM bank, Beirut
    • Public health awareness
  • Lemsic- active member (2011 till present)
  • Science meets art SMA- University of Balamand (Treasurer of the club in 2009)

Research Experience

  • Student research exchange program with University of Iowa
    • This was a two months research-training program at Dr. Jeff Murray lab regarding sequencing genes involved in patent ductus arteriosis. It was a great experience at the academic, personal and cultural levels
  • National newborn screening for inherited hemoglobinopathies
    • Rim was the national coordinator of the campaign “Save a life with a drop of blood” in 2011 and 2012. The aim of this screening is the early detection and early treatment of patients with hemoglobin diseases mainly sickle cell disease. In addition the prevalence of the inherited hemoglobinopathies in Lebanon will be calculated and genetic studies are being conducted on the babies with abnormal hemoglobin tests
    • The abstract was published in the Abstract book of the 17th Congress of EHA
  • Renal function decline in recipients and donors of kidney grafts: role of aortic stiffness. Corresponding author: Dr. Michel Safar. (It will be published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases)


  • Arabic: Fluent in speaking and writing
  • English: Fluent in speaking and writing
  • French: Fluent in speaking and writing

Contact Information

E-mail address: