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Image: Fravre-Racouchat syndrome_01.png|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>
Image: Fravre_Racouchot syndrome_01.png|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>

Image: Fravre-Racouchat syndrome_02.jpeg|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>
Image: Fravre_Racouchot syndrome_02.jpeg|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>

Image: Fravre-Racouchat syndrome_03.png|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>
Image: Fravre_Racouchot syndrome_03.png|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>

Image: Fravre-Racouchat syndrome_04.png|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>
Image: Fravre_Racouchot syndrome_04.png|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>

Image: Fravre-Racouchat syndrome_05.jpeg|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>
Image: Fravre_Racouchot syndrome_05.jpeg|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>

Image: Fravre-Racouchat syndrome_06.jpeg|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>
Image: Fravre_Racouchot syndrome_06.jpeg|Favre-Racouchot syndrome. <SMALL><SMALL>''[http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=12  With permission from Dermatology Atlas.]''<ref name="www.atlasdermatologico.com.br">{{Cite web | title = Dermatology Atlas | url = http://www.atlasdermatologico.com.br/disease.jsf?diseaseId=146>


Revision as of 19:03, 25 August 2014

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Jesus Rosario Hernandez, M.D. [2].

Synonyms and keywords:: Favre–Racouchot disease; nodular cutaneous elastosis.


Favre–Racouchot syndrome (also known as "Favre–Racouchot disease,"[1] and "Nodular cutaneous elastosis with cysts and comedones"[1]) is a disorder consisting of multiple open comedones that occurs in skin damaged by sunlight, especially under and lateral of the eyes. The comedones are widened openings for hair follicles and sebaceous glands filled with horny material.[1]


Favre–Racouchot syndrome is named after the French dermatologist Maurice Favre and his pupil Jean Racouchot (1908-1994). It was described in 1932 by Favre and then reviewed in details by Favre and Racouchot in 1951.[2]


Chronic exposure to UV light can result in skin thickening as well as elastic destruction of the skin. At least in one instance, the occupational exposure can sun to UVA light (UVB is blocked by many car windows) resulted in the skin destruction on one side of the face.[3]

Physical examination




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Rapini, Ronald P.; Bolognia, Jean L.; Jorizzo, Joseph L. (2007). Dermatology: 2-Volume Set. St. Louis: Mosby. p. 1847. ISBN 1-4160-2999-0.
  2. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/3196.html
  3. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMicm1104059