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:*The usual effective doses of carisoprodol for acute musculoskeletal conditions is 250 to 350 milligrams three times daily and at bedtime
:*The usual effective doses of carisoprodol for acute musculoskeletal conditions is 250 to 350 milligrams three times daily and at bedtime
|offLabelAdultGuideSupport=There is limited information regarding <i>Off-Label Guideline-Supported Use</i> of Carisoprodol in adult patients.
|offLabelAdultNoGuideSupport=There is limited information regarding <i>Off-Label Non–Guideline-Supported Use</i> of Carisoprodol in adult patients.
|fdaLIADPed======Disorder of musculoskeletal system=====
|fdaLIADPed======Disorder of musculoskeletal system=====

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:*Safety and efficacy of carisoprodol in children aged under 16 years have not been established
:*Safety and efficacy of carisoprodol in children aged under 16 years have not been established
|contraindications=* Condition1
|offLabelPedGuideSupport=There is limited information regarding <i>Off-Label Guideline-Supported Use</i> of Carisoprodol in pediatric patients.
|offLabelPedNoGuideSupport=There is limited information regarding <i>Off-Label Non–Guideline-Supported Use</i> of Carisoprodol in pediatric patients.
|contraindications=*Carisoprodol Tablets are contraindicated in patients with a history of acute intermittent porphyria or a hypersensitivity reaction to a carbamate such as meprobamate.
|warnings=5.1 Sedation

Carisoprodol has sedative properties (in the low back pain trials, 13% to 17% of patients who received carisoprodol experienced sedation compared to 6% of patients who received placebo) [see ADVERSE REACTIONS (6.1)] and may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of potentially hazardous tasks such as driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery. There have been post-marketing reports of motor vehicle accidents associated with the use of carisoprodol.
|warnings=* Description

Since the sedative effects of carisoprodol and other CNS depressants (e.g., alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants) may be additive, appropriate caution should be exercised with patients who take more than one of these CNS depressants simultaneously.

* Description
5.2 Abuse, Dependence, and Withdrawal

<!--Adverse Reactions-->
Carisoprodol has been subject to abuse, dependence, withdrawal, misuse, and criminal diversion. [see Drug Abuse and Dependence (9.1, 9.2, 9.3)]. Abuse of carisoprodol poses a risk of overdosage which may lead to death, CNS and respiratory depression, hypotension, seizures, and other disorders [see Overdosage (10)].

<!--Clinical Trials Experience-->
Post-marketing experience cases of carisoprodol abuse and dependence have been reported in patients with prolonged use and a history of drug abuse. Although most of these patients took other drugs of abuse, some patients solely abused carisoprodol. Withdrawal symptoms have been reported following abrupt cessation of carisoprodol after prolonged use. Reported withdrawal symptoms included insomnia, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, tremors, muscle twitching, ataxia, hallucinations, and psychosis. One of carisoprodol’s metabolites, meprobamate (a controlled substance), may also cause dependence [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].
|clinicalTrials=There is limited information regarding <i>Clinical Trial Experience</i> of {{PAGENAME}} in the drug label.

=====Body as a Whole=====
To reduce the risk of carisoprodol abuse, assess the risk of abuse prior to prescribing. After prescribing, limit the length of treatment to three weeks for the relief of acute musculoskeletal discomfort, keep careful prescription records, monitor for signs of abuse and overdose, and educate patients and their families about abuse and on proper storage and disposal.

5.3 Seizures

There have been postmarketing reports of seizures in patients who received carisoprodol. Most of these cases have occurred in the setting of multiple drug overdoses (including drugs of abuse, illegal drugs, and alcohol) [see Overdosage (10)].

|clinicalTrials=6.1 Clinical Studies Experience

Because clinical studies are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in clinical studies of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical studies of another drug and may not reflect rates observed in practice.

The data described below are based on 1387 patients pooled from two double blind, randomized, multicenter, placebo controlled, one-week trials in adult patients with acute, mechanical, lower back pain [see Clinical Studies (14)]. In these studies, patients were treated with 250 mg of carisoprodol, 350 mg of carisoprodol, or placebo three times a day and at bedtime for seven days. The mean age was about 41 years old with 54% females and 46% males and 74% Caucasian, 16% Black, 9% Asian, and 2% other.

There were no deaths and there were no serious adverse reactions in these two trials. In these two studies, 2.7%, 2%, and 5.4% of patients treated with placebo, 250 mg of carisoprodol, and 350 mg of carisoprodol, respectively, discontinued due to adverse events; and 0.5%, 0.5%, and 1.8% of patients treated with placebo, 250 mg of carisoprodol, and 350 mg of carisoprodol, respectively, discontinued due to central nervous system adverse reactions.

Table 1 displays adverse reactions reported with frequencies greater than 2% and more frequently than placebo in patients treated with carisoprodol in the two trials described above.

[[File:Carisoprodol table 1.png|600px|thumbnail|left]]

6.2 Postmarketing Experience

The following events have been reported during postapproval use of carisoprodol. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.

Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, postural hypotension, and facial flushing [see Overdosage (10)].

Central Nervous System: Drowsiness, dizziness, vertigo, ataxia, tremor, agitation, irritability, headache, depressive reactions, syncope, insomnia, and seizures [see Overdosage (10)].

Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, and epigastric discomfort.

Hematologic: Leukopenia, pancytopenia.

|drugInteractions=7.1 CNS Depressants

=====Hematologic and Lymphatic=====
The sedative effects of carisoprodol and other CNS depressants (e.g., alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants) may be additive. Therefore, caution should be exercised with patients who take more than one of these CNS depressants simultaneously. Concomitant use of carisoprodol and meprobamate, a metabolite of carisoprodol, is not recommended [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)].

7.2 CYP2C19 Inhibitors and Inducers

Carisoprodol is metabolized in the liver by CYP2C19 to form meprobamate [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)]. Co-administration of CYP2C19 inhibitors, such as omeprazole or fluvoxamine, with carisoprodol could result in increased exposure of carisoprodol and decreased exposure of meprobamate. Co-administration of CYP2C19 inducers, such as rifampin or St. John's Wort, with carisoprodol could result in decreased exposure of carisoprodol and increased exposure of meprobamate. Low dose aspirin also showed an induction effect on CYP2C19. The full pharmacological impact of these potential alterations of exposures in terms of either efficacy or safety of carisoprodol is unknown.

|useInPregnancyFDA=8.1 Pregnancy:

=====Metabolic and Nutritional=====
Pregnancy Category C. There are no data on the use of carisoprodol during human pregnancy. Animal studies indicate that carisoprodol crosses the placenta and results in adverse effects on fetal growth and postnatal survival. The primary metabolite of carisoprodol, meprobamate, is an approved anxiolytic. Retrospective, post-marketing studies do not show a consistent association between maternal use of meprobamate and an increased risk for particular congenital malformations.

Teratogenic effects: Animal studies have not adequately evaluated the teratogenic effects of carisoprodol. There was no increase in the incidence of congenital malformations noted in reproductive studies in rats, rabbits, and mice treated with meprobamate. Retrospective, post-marketing studies of meprobamate during human pregnancy were equivocal for demonstrating an increased risk of congenital malformations following first trimester exposure. Across studies that indicated an increased risk, the types of malformations were inconsistent.

Nonteratogenic effects: In animal studies, carisoprodol reduced fetal weights, postnatal weight gain, and postnatal survival at maternal doses equivalent to 1 to 1.5 times the human dose (based on a body surface area comparison). Rats exposed to meprobamate in-utero showed behavioral alterations that persisted into adulthood. For children exposed to meprobamate in-utero, one study found no adverse effects on mental or motor development or IQ scores. Carisoprodol should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the risk to the fetus.
|useInPregnancyAUS=* '''Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) Pregnancy Category'''

There is no Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) guidance on usage of {{PAGENAME}} in women who are pregnant.
|useInLaborDelivery=8.2 Labor and Delivery

There is no information about the effects of carisoprodol on the mother and the fetus during labor and delivery.
|useInNursing=8.3 Nursing Mothers

Very limited data in humans show that carisoprodol is present in breast milk and may reach concentrations two to four times the maternal plasma concentrations. In one case report, a breast-fed infant received about 4 to 6% of the maternal daily dose through breast milk and experienced no adverse effects. However, milk production was inadequate and the baby was supplemented with formula. In lactation studies in mice, female pup survival and pup weight at weaning were decreased. This information suggests that maternal use of carisoprodol may lead to reduced or less effective infant feeding (due to sedation) and/or decreased milk production. Caution should be exercised when carisoprodol is administered to a nursing woman.
|useInPed=The efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in pediatric patients less than 16 years of age have not been established.
|useInGeri=The efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in patients over 65 years old have not been established.
=====Skin and Hypersensitivy Reactions=====
=====Special Senses=====
<!--Postmarketing Experience-->
|postmarketing=There is limited information regarding <i>Postmarketing Experience</i> of {{PAGENAME}} in the drug label.
=====Body as a Whole=====
=====Hematologic and Lymphatic=====
=====Metabolic and Nutritional=====
=====Skin and Hypersensitivy Reactions=====
=====Special Senses=====
<!--Drug Interactions-->
|drugInteractions=* Drug
:* Description
<!--Use in Specific Populations-->
|useInPregnancyFDA=* '''Pregnancy Category'''
|useInPregnancyAUS=* '''Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) Pregnancy Category'''
There is no Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) guidance on usage of {{PAGENAME}} in women who are pregnant.
|useInLaborDelivery=There is no FDA guidance on use of {{PAGENAME}} during labor and delivery.
|useInNursing=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} with respect to nursing mothers.
|useInPed=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} with respect to pediatric patients.
|useInGeri=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} with respect to geriatric patients.
|useInGender=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} with respect to specific gender populations.
|useInGender=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} with respect to specific gender populations.
|useInRace=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} with respect to specific racial populations.
|useInRace=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} with respect to specific racial populations.
|useInRenalImpair=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} in patients with renal impairment.
|useInRenalImpair=The safety and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in patients with renal impairment have not been evaluated. Since carisoprodol is excreted by the kidney, caution should be exercised if carisoprodol is administered to patients with impaired renal function. Carisoprodol is dialyzable by hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
|useInHepaticImpair=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} in patients with hepatic impairment.
|useInHepaticImpair=The safety and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in patients with hepatic impairment have not been evaluated. Since carisoprodol is metabolized in the liver, caution should be exercised if carisoprodol is administered to patients with impaired hepatic function.
|useInReproPotential=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} in women of reproductive potentials and males.
|useInReproPotential=There is no FDA guidance on the use of {{PAGENAME}} in women of reproductive potentials and males.
|useInImmunocomp=There is no FDA guidance one the use of {{PAGENAME}} in patients who are immunocompromised.
|useInImmunocomp=There is no FDA guidance one the use of {{PAGENAME}} in patients who are immunocompromised.

<!--Administration and Monitoring-->
<!--Administration and Monitoring-->
|useInOthers=8.8 Patients with Reduced CYP2C19 Activity
Patients with reduced CYP2C19 activity have higher exposure to carisoprodol. Therefore, caution should be exercised in administration of carisoprodol to these patients [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].
|administration=* Oral
|administration=* Oral

Revision as of 16:26, 21 September 2014

Adult Indications & Dosage
Pediatric Indications & Dosage
Warnings & Precautions
Adverse Reactions
Drug Interactions
Use in Specific Populations
Administration & Monitoring
Clinical Studies
How Supplied
Patient Counseling Information
Precautions with Alcohol
Brand Names
Look-Alike Names

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Deepika Beereddy, MBBS [2]


WikiDoc MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY. WikiDoc is not a professional health care provider, nor is it a suitable replacement for a licensed healthcare provider. WikiDoc is intended to be an educational tool, not a tool for any form of healthcare delivery. The educational content on WikiDoc drug pages is based upon the FDA package insert, National Library of Medicine content and practice guidelines / consensus statements. WikiDoc does not promote the administration of any medication or device that is not consistent with its labeling. Please read our full disclaimer here.


Carisoprodol is a central nervous system agent that is FDA approved for the treatment of discomfort associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions in adults. Common adverse reactions include dizziness, somnolence, headache.

Adult Indications and Dosage

FDA-Labeled Indications and Dosage (Adult)

Disorder of musculoskeletal system
  • Dosing Information
  • The usual effective doses of carisoprodol for acute musculoskeletal conditions is 250 to 350 milligrams three times daily and at bedtime

Off-Label Use and Dosage (Adult)

Guideline-Supported Use

There is limited information regarding Off-Label Guideline-Supported Use of Carisoprodol in adult patients.

Non–Guideline-Supported Use

There is limited information regarding Off-Label Non–Guideline-Supported Use of Carisoprodol in adult patients.

Pediatric Indications and Dosage

FDA-Labeled Indications and Dosage (Pediatric)

Disorder of musculoskeletal system
  • Dosing Information
  • In children 16 years and older, the recommended dose is carisoprodol 250 to 350 milligrams 3 times daily and at bedtime.
  • Safety and efficacy of carisoprodol in children aged under 16 years have not been established

Off-Label Use and Dosage (Pediatric)

Guideline-Supported Use

There is limited information regarding Off-Label Guideline-Supported Use of Carisoprodol in pediatric patients.

Non–Guideline-Supported Use

There is limited information regarding Off-Label Non–Guideline-Supported Use of Carisoprodol in pediatric patients.


  • Carisoprodol Tablets are contraindicated in patients with a history of acute intermittent porphyria or a hypersensitivity reaction to a carbamate such as meprobamate.


5.1 Sedation

Carisoprodol has sedative properties (in the low back pain trials, 13% to 17% of patients who received carisoprodol experienced sedation compared to 6% of patients who received placebo) [see ADVERSE REACTIONS (6.1)] and may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of potentially hazardous tasks such as driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery. There have been post-marketing reports of motor vehicle accidents associated with the use of carisoprodol.

Since the sedative effects of carisoprodol and other CNS depressants (e.g., alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants) may be additive, appropriate caution should be exercised with patients who take more than one of these CNS depressants simultaneously.

5.2 Abuse, Dependence, and Withdrawal

Carisoprodol has been subject to abuse, dependence, withdrawal, misuse, and criminal diversion. [see Drug Abuse and Dependence (9.1, 9.2, 9.3)]. Abuse of carisoprodol poses a risk of overdosage which may lead to death, CNS and respiratory depression, hypotension, seizures, and other disorders [see Overdosage (10)].

Post-marketing experience cases of carisoprodol abuse and dependence have been reported in patients with prolonged use and a history of drug abuse. Although most of these patients took other drugs of abuse, some patients solely abused carisoprodol. Withdrawal symptoms have been reported following abrupt cessation of carisoprodol after prolonged use. Reported withdrawal symptoms included insomnia, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, tremors, muscle twitching, ataxia, hallucinations, and psychosis. One of carisoprodol’s metabolites, meprobamate (a controlled substance), may also cause dependence [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].

To reduce the risk of carisoprodol abuse, assess the risk of abuse prior to prescribing. After prescribing, limit the length of treatment to three weeks for the relief of acute musculoskeletal discomfort, keep careful prescription records, monitor for signs of abuse and overdose, and educate patients and their families about abuse and on proper storage and disposal.

5.3 Seizures

There have been postmarketing reports of seizures in patients who received carisoprodol. Most of these cases have occurred in the setting of multiple drug overdoses (including drugs of abuse, illegal drugs, and alcohol) [see Overdosage (10)].

Adverse Reactions

Clinical Trials Experience

6.1 Clinical Studies Experience

Because clinical studies are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in clinical studies of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical studies of another drug and may not reflect rates observed in practice.

The data described below are based on 1387 patients pooled from two double blind, randomized, multicenter, placebo controlled, one-week trials in adult patients with acute, mechanical, lower back pain [see Clinical Studies (14)]. In these studies, patients were treated with 250 mg of carisoprodol, 350 mg of carisoprodol, or placebo three times a day and at bedtime for seven days. The mean age was about 41 years old with 54% females and 46% males and 74% Caucasian, 16% Black, 9% Asian, and 2% other.

There were no deaths and there were no serious adverse reactions in these two trials. In these two studies, 2.7%, 2%, and 5.4% of patients treated with placebo, 250 mg of carisoprodol, and 350 mg of carisoprodol, respectively, discontinued due to adverse events; and 0.5%, 0.5%, and 1.8% of patients treated with placebo, 250 mg of carisoprodol, and 350 mg of carisoprodol, respectively, discontinued due to central nervous system adverse reactions.

Table 1 displays adverse reactions reported with frequencies greater than 2% and more frequently than placebo in patients treated with carisoprodol in the two trials described above.

6.2 Postmarketing Experience

The following events have been reported during postapproval use of carisoprodol. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.

Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, postural hypotension, and facial flushing [see Overdosage (10)].

Central Nervous System: Drowsiness, dizziness, vertigo, ataxia, tremor, agitation, irritability, headache, depressive reactions, syncope, insomnia, and seizures [see Overdosage (10)].

Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, and epigastric discomfort.

Hematologic: Leukopenia, pancytopenia.

Postmarketing Experience

There is limited information regarding Carisoprodol Postmarketing Experience in the drug label.

Drug Interactions

7.1 CNS Depressants

The sedative effects of carisoprodol and other CNS depressants (e.g., alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants) may be additive. Therefore, caution should be exercised with patients who take more than one of these CNS depressants simultaneously. Concomitant use of carisoprodol and meprobamate, a metabolite of carisoprodol, is not recommended [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)].

7.2 CYP2C19 Inhibitors and Inducers

Carisoprodol is metabolized in the liver by CYP2C19 to form meprobamate [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)]. Co-administration of CYP2C19 inhibitors, such as omeprazole or fluvoxamine, with carisoprodol could result in increased exposure of carisoprodol and decreased exposure of meprobamate. Co-administration of CYP2C19 inducers, such as rifampin or St. John's Wort, with carisoprodol could result in decreased exposure of carisoprodol and increased exposure of meprobamate. Low dose aspirin also showed an induction effect on CYP2C19. The full pharmacological impact of these potential alterations of exposures in terms of either efficacy or safety of carisoprodol is unknown.

Use in Specific Populations


Pregnancy Category (FDA): 8.1 Pregnancy:

Pregnancy Category C. There are no data on the use of carisoprodol during human pregnancy. Animal studies indicate that carisoprodol crosses the placenta and results in adverse effects on fetal growth and postnatal survival. The primary metabolite of carisoprodol, meprobamate, is an approved anxiolytic. Retrospective, post-marketing studies do not show a consistent association between maternal use of meprobamate and an increased risk for particular congenital malformations.

Teratogenic effects: Animal studies have not adequately evaluated the teratogenic effects of carisoprodol. There was no increase in the incidence of congenital malformations noted in reproductive studies in rats, rabbits, and mice treated with meprobamate. Retrospective, post-marketing studies of meprobamate during human pregnancy were equivocal for demonstrating an increased risk of congenital malformations following first trimester exposure. Across studies that indicated an increased risk, the types of malformations were inconsistent.

Nonteratogenic effects: In animal studies, carisoprodol reduced fetal weights, postnatal weight gain, and postnatal survival at maternal doses equivalent to 1 to 1.5 times the human dose (based on a body surface area comparison). Rats exposed to meprobamate in-utero showed behavioral alterations that persisted into adulthood. For children exposed to meprobamate in-utero, one study found no adverse effects on mental or motor development or IQ scores. Carisoprodol should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the risk to the fetus.
Pregnancy Category (AUS):

  • Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) Pregnancy Category

There is no Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) guidance on usage of Carisoprodol in women who are pregnant.

Labor and Delivery

8.2 Labor and Delivery

There is no information about the effects of carisoprodol on the mother and the fetus during labor and delivery.

Nursing Mothers

8.3 Nursing Mothers

Very limited data in humans show that carisoprodol is present in breast milk and may reach concentrations two to four times the maternal plasma concentrations. In one case report, a breast-fed infant received about 4 to 6% of the maternal daily dose through breast milk and experienced no adverse effects. However, milk production was inadequate and the baby was supplemented with formula. In lactation studies in mice, female pup survival and pup weight at weaning were decreased. This information suggests that maternal use of carisoprodol may lead to reduced or less effective infant feeding (due to sedation) and/or decreased milk production. Caution should be exercised when carisoprodol is administered to a nursing woman.

Pediatric Use

The efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in pediatric patients less than 16 years of age have not been established.

Geriatic Use

The efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in patients over 65 years old have not been established.


There is no FDA guidance on the use of Carisoprodol with respect to specific gender populations.


There is no FDA guidance on the use of Carisoprodol with respect to specific racial populations.

Renal Impairment

The safety and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in patients with renal impairment have not been evaluated. Since carisoprodol is excreted by the kidney, caution should be exercised if carisoprodol is administered to patients with impaired renal function. Carisoprodol is dialyzable by hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Hepatic Impairment

The safety and pharmacokinetics of carisoprodol in patients with hepatic impairment have not been evaluated. Since carisoprodol is metabolized in the liver, caution should be exercised if carisoprodol is administered to patients with impaired hepatic function.

Females of Reproductive Potential and Males

There is no FDA guidance on the use of Carisoprodol in women of reproductive potentials and males.

Immunocompromised Patients

There is no FDA guidance one the use of Carisoprodol in patients who are immunocompromised.

Administration and Monitoring


  • Oral
  • Intravenous


There is limited information regarding Monitoring of Carisoprodol in the drug label.

  • Description

IV Compatibility

There is limited information regarding IV Compatibility of Carisoprodol in the drug label.


Acute Overdose

Signs and Symptoms

  • Description


  • Description

Chronic Overdose

There is limited information regarding Chronic Overdose of Carisoprodol in the drug label.


There is limited information regarding Carisoprodol Pharmacology in the drug label.

Mechanism of Action


This image is provided by the National Library of Medicine.


There is limited information regarding Pharmacodynamics of Carisoprodol in the drug label.


There is limited information regarding Pharmacokinetics of Carisoprodol in the drug label.

Nonclinical Toxicology

There is limited information regarding Nonclinical Toxicology of Carisoprodol in the drug label.

Clinical Studies

There is limited information regarding Clinical Studies of Carisoprodol in the drug label.

How Supplied


There is limited information regarding Carisoprodol Storage in the drug label.


Drug Images

{{#ask: Page Name::Carisoprodol |?Pill Name |?Drug Name |?Pill Ingred |?Pill Imprint |?Pill Dosage |?Pill Color |?Pill Shape |?Pill Size (mm) |?Pill Scoring |?NDC |?Drug Author |format=template |template=DrugPageImages |mainlabel=- |sort=Pill Name }}

Package and Label Display Panel

{{#ask: Label Page::Carisoprodol |?Label Name |format=template |template=DrugLabelImages |mainlabel=- |sort=Label Page }}

Patient Counseling Information

There is limited information regarding Patient Counseling Information of Carisoprodol in the drug label.

Precautions with Alcohol

  • Alcohol-Carisoprodol interaction has not been established. Talk to your doctor about the effects of taking alcohol with this medication.

Brand Names

Soma, Vanadom.

Look-Alike Drug Names

There is limited information regarding Carisoprodol Look-Alike Drug Names in the drug label.

Drug Shortage Status



The contents of this FDA label are provided by the National Library of Medicine.


 |Page Name=Carisoprodol
 |Pill Name=No image.jpg
 |Drug Name=
 |Pill Ingred=|+sep=;
 |Pill Imprint=
 |Pill Dosage={{{dosageValue}}} {{{dosageUnit}}}
 |Pill Color=|+sep=;
 |Pill Shape=
 |Pill Size (mm)=
 |Pill Scoring=
 |Pill Image=
 |Drug Author=



 |Label Page=Carisoprodol
 |Label Name=Carisoprodol11.png



 |Label Page=Carisoprodol
 |Label Name=Carisoprodol11.png
