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{{CMG}}; {{AE}} {{Alonso}}
{{CMG}}; {{AE}} {{Alonso}}; {{Ochuko}}

The most commonly isolated organisms of acute epiglottitis include ''[[Haemophilus influenzae]]'',<ref name="pmid2357085">{{cite journal| author=Trollfors B, Nylén O, Strangert K| title=Acute epiglottitis in children and adults in Sweden 1981-3. | journal=Arch Dis Child | year= 1990 | volume= 65 | issue= 5 | pages= 491-4 | pmid=2357085 | doi= | pmc=PMC1792127 | url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&tool=sumsearch.org/cite&retmode=ref&cmd=prlinks&id=2357085  }} </ref> ''[[Streptococcus pneumoniae]]'', [[streptococci|beta-hemolytic streptococci]], and ''[[staphylococcus aureus]]''. Other pathogens such as ''[[escherichia coli]]'', ''[[candida albicans]]'', or ''[[Kingella|kingella kingae]]'' may be encountered in immunocompromised hosts.
The most commonly isolated organisms of acute epiglottitis include ''[[Haemophilus influenzae]]'',<ref name="pmid2357085">{{cite journal| author=Trollfors B, Nylén O, Strangert K| title=Acute epiglottitis in children and adults in Sweden 1981-3. | journal=Arch Dis Child | year= 1990 | volume= 65 | issue= 5 | pages= 491-4 | pmid=2357085 | doi= | pmc=PMC1792127 | url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&tool=sumsearch.org/cite&retmode=ref&cmd=prlinks&id=2357085  }} </ref> ''[[Streptococcus pneumoniae]]'', [[streptococci|beta-hemolytic streptococci]], and ''[[staphylococcus aureus]]''. Other pathogens such as ''[[escherichia coli]]'', ''[[candida albicans]]'', or ''[[Kingella|kingella kingae]]'' may be encountered in immunocompromised hosts.

===Life-Threatening Causes===
===Life-Threatening Causes===
Life-threatening conditions may result in death or permanent disability within 24 hours if left untreated.  Epiglottitis is a life-threatening condition and must be treated as such irrespective of the causes.
Life-threatening conditions may result in death or permanent disability within 24 hours if left untreated.  Epiglottitis is a life-threatening condition and must be treated as such irrespective of the causes.
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|bgcolor="LightSteelBlue"| '''Chemical/Poisoning'''
|bgcolor="LightSteelBlue"| '''Chemical/Poisoning'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Chloramine|Chloramines in pool water]], [[Recreational drug use|Smoking illicit drugs]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Chloramine|Chloramines in pool water]], [[Recreational drug use|smoking illicit drugs]]
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| '''Hematologic'''
| '''Hematologic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| No underlying causes
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Bone marrow transplantation]]
| '''Iatrogenic'''
| '''Iatrogenic'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Laryngeal mask airway]], [[Tonsillectomy|Tonsillectomy complication]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Laryngeal mask airway]], [[Tonsillectomy|tonsillectomy complication]]
| '''Infectious Disease'''
| '''Infectious Disease'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| ''[[Aeromonas|Aeromonas hydrophilia]]'', ''[[Aspergillus]]'', ''[[Bacteroides|Bacteroides melaninogenicus]]'', [[streptococcus|Beta-hemolytic streptococcus]], ''[[Candida albicans]]'', ''[[Citrobacter|Citrobacter diversus]]'', [[Cytomegalovirus]], ''[[Eikenella|Eikenella corrodens]]'', ''[[Enterobacter cloacae]]'', [[Epstein-Barr virus]], ''[[Escherichia coli]]'', ''[[Fusobacterium]]'', ''[[Haemophilus influenzae]]'', ''[[Haemophilus|Haemophilus parainfluenzae]]'', ''[[Herpes simplex virus]]'', ''[[Kingella|Kingella kingae]]'', ''[[Klebsiella pneumoniae]]'', ''[[Moraxella catarrhalis]]'', ''[[Mycobacterium tuberculosis]]'', ''[[Neisseria meningitidis]]'', ''[[Pasteurella multocida]]'', ''[[Peptostreptococcus]]'', ''[[Propionibacterium]]'', ''[[Pseudomonas aeruginosa]]'', ''[[Serratia marcescens]]'', ''[[Staphylococcus aureus]]'', ''[[Stomatococcus mucilaginosus]]'', ''[[Streptococcus pneumoniae]]'', ''[[Streptococcus pyogenes]]'', ''[[Streptococcus viridans]]'', ''[[Streptococcus milleri group|Streptococcus milleri]]'', [[Varicella-zoster virus]], ''[[Vibrio vulnificus]]''
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[Aeromonas|Aeromonas hydrophilia]], [[aspergillus]], [[Bacteroides|bacteroides melaninogenicus]], [[streptococcus|beta-hemolytic streptococcus]], [[candida albicans]], [[citrobacter|citrobacter diversus]], [[cytomegalovirus]], [[eikenella|eikenella corrodens]], [[enterobacter cloacae]], [[Epstein-Barr virus]], [[escherichia coli]], [[fusobacterium]], [[haemophilus influenzae]], [[haemophilus|haemophilus parainfluenzae]], [[herpes simplex virus]], [[histoplasma capsulatum]], [[influenza B virus]], [[kingella|kingella kingae]], [[klebsiella pneumoniae]], [[moraxella catarrhalis]], [[mycobacterium tuberculosis]], [[neisseria meningitidis]], [[parainfluenza virus]], [[pasteurella multocida]], [[peptostreptococcus]], [[propionibacterium]], [[pseudomonas aeruginosa]], [[serratia marcescens]], [[staphylococcus aureus]], [[micrococcaceae|stomatococcus mucilaginosus]], [[streptococcus pneumoniae]], [[streptococcus pyogenes]], [[streptococcus viridans]], [[streptococcus milleri group|streptococcus milleri]], [[varicella-zoster virus]], [[vibrio vulnificus]]
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| '''Pulmonary'''
| '''Pulmonary'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| No underlying causes
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[foreign body|Foreign body ingestion]]
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| '''Trauma'''
| '''Trauma'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| No underlying causes
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[foreign body|Foreign body ingestion]], [[burn overview|thermal injury]]
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| '''Miscellaneous'''
| '''Miscellaneous'''
|bgcolor="Beige"| Blind finger sweep, Caustic ingestion, [[Chloramine|Chloramines in pool water]], Hot water ingestion, [[Recreational drug use|Smoking illicit drugs]], [[cyst|Vallecular cyst]]
|bgcolor="Beige"| [[choking medical therapy|Blind finger sweep]], [[caustic|caustic ingestion]], [[chloramine|chloramines in pool water]], [[drinking water|hot water ingestion]], [[foreign body|Foreign body ingestion]], [[recreational drug use|smoking illicit drugs]], [[burn overview|thermal injury]], [[cyst|vallecular cyst]]

Revision as of 18:40, 17 December 2015

Epiglottitis Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Epiglottitis from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics


Risk Factors

Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings

X Rays


CT scan



Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Epiglottitis causes On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Epiglottitis causes

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical Trials.gov

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Epiglottitis causes

CDC on Epiglottitis causes

Epiglottitis causes in the news

Blogs on Epiglottitis causes

Directions to Hospitals Treating Epiglottitis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Epiglottitis causes

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Alonso Alvarado, M.D. [2]; Ogheneochuko Ajari, MB.BS, MS [3]


The most commonly isolated organisms of acute epiglottitis include Haemophilus influenzae,[1] Streptococcus pneumoniae, beta-hemolytic streptococci, and staphylococcus aureus. Other pathogens such as escherichia coli, candida albicans, or kingella kingae may be encountered in immunocompromised hosts.


Life-Threatening Causes

Life-threatening conditions may result in death or permanent disability within 24 hours if left untreated. Epiglottitis is a life-threatening condition and must be treated as such irrespective of the causes.

Common Causes

Causes by Organ System

Cardiovascular No underlying causes
Chemical/Poisoning Chloramines in pool water, smoking illicit drugs
Dental No underlying causes
Dermatologic No underlying causes
Drug Side Effect No underlying causes
Ear Nose Throat Vallecular cyst
Endocrine No underlying causes
Environmental No underlying causes
Gastroenterologic Gastroesophageal reflux
Genetic Hereditary angioedema
Hematologic Bone marrow transplantation
Iatrogenic Laryngeal mask airway, tonsillectomy complication
Infectious Disease Aeromonas hydrophilia, aspergillus, bacteroides melaninogenicus, beta-hemolytic streptococcus, candida albicans, citrobacter diversus, cytomegalovirus, eikenella corrodens, enterobacter cloacae, Epstein-Barr virus, escherichia coli, fusobacterium, haemophilus influenzae, haemophilus parainfluenzae, herpes simplex virus, histoplasma capsulatum, influenza B virus, kingella kingae, klebsiella pneumoniae, moraxella catarrhalis, mycobacterium tuberculosis, neisseria meningitidis, parainfluenza virus, pasteurella multocida, peptostreptococcus, propionibacterium, pseudomonas aeruginosa, serratia marcescens, staphylococcus aureus, stomatococcus mucilaginosus, streptococcus pneumoniae, streptococcus pyogenes, streptococcus viridans, streptococcus milleri, varicella-zoster virus, vibrio vulnificus
Musculoskeletal/Orthopedic No underlying causes
Neurologic No underlying causes
Nutritional/Metabolic No underlying causes
Obstetric/Gynecologic No underlying causes
Oncologic Laryngeal lymphangioma
Ophthalmologic No underlying causes
Overdose/Toxicity No underlying causes
Psychiatric No underlying causes
Pulmonary Foreign body ingestion
Renal/Electrolyte No underlying causes
Rheumatology/Immunology/Allergy Allergic reactions
Sexual No underlying causes
Trauma Foreign body ingestion, thermal injury
Urologic No underlying causes
Miscellaneous Blind finger sweep, caustic ingestion, chloramines in pool water, hot water ingestion, Foreign body ingestion, smoking illicit drugs, thermal injury, vallecular cyst

Causes in Alphabetical Order

The unnamed parameter 2= is no longer supported. Please see the documentation for {{columns-list}}.


  1. Trollfors B, Nylén O, Strangert K (1990). "Acute epiglottitis in children and adults in Sweden 1981-3". Arch Dis Child. 65 (5): 491–4. PMC 1792127. PMID 2357085.