Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder: Difference between revisions

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{{CMG}} {{AE}} Your Name
{{CMG}} {{AE}} {{MV}}
{{SK}} Synonym 1; Synonym 2; Synonym 3
{{SK}} PTLD;  

Revision as of 20:28, 23 May 2016

WikiDoc Resources for Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder


Most recent articles on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Most cited articles on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Review articles on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Articles on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ


Powerpoint slides on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Images of Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Photos of Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Podcasts & MP3s on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Videos on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Evidence Based Medicine

Cochrane Collaboration on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Bandolier on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

TRIP on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder at Clinical

Trial results on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Clinical Trials on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

NICE Guidance on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder


FDA on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

CDC on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder


Books on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder


Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in the news

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Blogs on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder


Definitions of Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Patient Resources / Community

Patient resources on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Discussion groups on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Patient Handouts on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Directions to Hospitals Treating Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Risk calculators and risk factors for Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Healthcare Provider Resources

Symptoms of Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Causes & Risk Factors for Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Diagnostic studies for Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Treatment of Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder


Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder en Espanol

Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder en Francais


Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in the Marketplace

Patents on Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Maria Fernanda Villarreal, M.D. [2]

Synonyms and keywords: PTLD;


Historical Perspective

  • Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder was first discovered by [scientist name], a [nationality + occupation], in [year] during/following [event].


  • Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder may be classified according to [classification method] into [number] subtypes/groups:
  • [group1]
  • [group2]
  • [group3]
  • Other variants of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder include [disease subtype 1], [disease subtype 2], and [disease subtype 3].


  • The pathogenesis of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is characterized by:
  • The has been associated with the development of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.
  • On gross pathology, characteristic findings of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.
  • On microscopic histopathological analysis, [feature1], [feature2], and [feature3] are characteristic findings of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.


  • Common causes of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, include:

Differentiating Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder from Other Diseases

  • Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder must be differentiated from other diseases that cause [clinical feature 1], [clinical feature 2], and [clinical feature 3], such as:
  • [Differential dx1]
  • [Differential dx2]
  • [Differential dx3]

Epidemiology and Demographics

  • The prevalence of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is approximately [number or range] per 100,000 individuals worldwide.


  • Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is more commonly observed among patients aged [age range] years old.
  • Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is more commonly observed among [elderly patients/young patients/children].


  • Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder affects men and women equally.


  • There is no racial predilection for post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.

Risk Factors

  • Common risk factors in the development of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder are [risk factor 1], [risk factor 2], [risk factor 3], and [risk factor 4].

Natural History, Complications and Prognosis

  • The majority of patients with post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder remain asymptomatic for [duration/years].
  • Early clinical features include [manifestation 1], [manifestation 2], and [manifestation 3].
  • If left untreated, patients with post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder may progress to develop [manifestation 1], [manifestation 2], and [manifestation 3].
  • Common complications of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].
  • Prognosis is generally [excellent/good/poor], and the [1/5/10­year mortality/survival rate] of patients with post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is approximately [#%].



  • Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is usually asymptomatic.
  • Symptoms of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder may include the following:
  • [symptom 1]
  • [symptom 2]
  • [symptom 3]
  • [symptom 4]
  • [symptom 5]
  • [symptom 6]

Physical Examination

  • Patients with post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder usually appear [general appearance].
  • Physical examination may be remarkable for:
  • [finding 1]
  • [finding 2]
  • [finding 3]
  • [finding 4]
  • [finding 5]
  • [finding 6]

Laboratory Findings

  • There are no specific laboratory findings associated with post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.

Imaging Findings

  • There are no imaging findings associated with post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.


Medical Therapy

  • There is no treatment for post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder; the mainstay of therapy is supportive care.
  • The mainstay of therapy for post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is [medical therapy 1] and [medical therapy 2].
  • [Medical therapy 1] acts by [mechanism of action1].
  • Response to [medical therapy 1] can be monitored with [test/physical finding/imaging] every [frequency/duration].


  • Surgery is the mainstay of therapy for post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.
  • [Surgical procedure] in conjunction with [chemotherapy/radiation] is the most common approach to the treatment of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.
  • [Surgical procedure] can only be performed for patients with [disease stage] post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.


  • There are no primary preventive measures available for post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.
