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Altitude sickness Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Altitude Sickness from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic study of Choice

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings



Echocardiography and Ultrasound



Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Altitude sickness history and symptoms On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Altitude sickness history and symptoms

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Altitude sickness history and symptoms

CDC on Altitude sickness history and symptoms

Altitude sickness history and symptoms in the news

Blogs on Altitude sickness history and symptoms

Directions to Hospitals Treating Altitude sickness

Risk calculators and risk factors for Altitude sickness history and symptoms

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Generally, different people have different susceptibilities to altitude sickness. For some otherwise healthy people Acute mountain sickness (AMS) can begin to appear at around 2000 meters (6,500 feet) above sea level such as at many mountain ski resorts. AMS is the most frequent type of altitude sickness encountered. Symptoms often manifest themselves 6 to 10 hours after ascent and generally subside in 1 to 2 days, but they occasionally develop into the more serious conditions. Symptoms are described as headache with fatigue, stomach sickness, dizziness, and sleep disturbance as additional possible symptoms. Exertion aggravates the symptoms.


Altitude sickness usually occurs following a rapid ascent and can usually be prevented by ascending slowly. In most of these cases, the symptoms are only temporary and usually abate with time as altitude acclimatization occurs. However, in more extreme cases symptoms can be fatal.

High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and cerebral edema (HACE) are the most ominous of these symptoms, while acute mountain sickness, retinal hemorrhages, and peripheral edema are the less severe forms of the disease. The rate of ascent, the altitude attained, the amount of physical activity at high altitude, as well as individual susceptibility, are contributing factors to the incidence and severity of high-altitude illness.

High Altitude Categories:

Classification Altitude(mts) Altitude(feet)
High altitude 1,500-3,500 mts 4,921-11,483 feet
Very high altitude 3,500-5,500 mts 11,483-18,045 feet
Extreme altitude 5,500-8,850 mts 18,045-29,035 feet


Symptoms generally associated with mild to moderate altitude sickness include:

Symptoms generally associated with more severe altitude sickness include:

The most frequent symptoms and signs of chronic mountain sickness (CMS) are headache, dizziness, tinnitus, breathlessness, palpitations, sleep disturbance, fatigue, anorexia, mental confusion, cyanosis, and dilation of veins.[1]


  1. Wu TY (2005). "Chronic mountain sickness on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau". Chin Med J (Engl). 118 (2): 161–8. PMID 15667803.

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