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==Risk Factors==
==Risk Factors==
*Common risk factors in the development of Blebibits include the following:<ref name="pmid10721955">{{cite journal |vauthors=Soltau JB, Rothman RF, Budenz DL, Greenfield DS, Feuer W, Liebmann JM, Ritch R |title=Risk factors for glaucoma filtering bleb infections |journal=Arch. Ophthalmol. |volume=118 |issue=3 |pages=338–42 |year=2000 |pmid=10721955 |doi= |url=}}</ref>
*Common risk factors in the development of Blebibits include the following:<ref name="pmid10721955">{{cite journal |vauthors=Soltau JB, Rothman RF, Budenz DL, Greenfield DS, Feuer W, Liebmann JM, Ritch R |title=Risk factors for glaucoma filtering bleb infections |journal=Arch. Ophthalmol. |volume=118 |issue=3 |pages=338–42 |year=2000 |pmid=10721955 |doi= |url=}}</ref>
**Experiencing a concomitant [[bleb]]-leak
**Undergoing [[trabulectomy]] for [[glaucoma]]
**Experiencing a [[bleb]]-leak
**Being young
**Being young
**Being African-American
**Being African-American

Revision as of 18:59, 27 July 2016

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:

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Historical Perspective




Differentiating Blebitis from Other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors

  • Common risk factors in the development of Blebibits include the following:[3]


Natural History, Complications, and Prognosis

Natural History




Diagnostic Criteria


Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings

Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy




  1. Wallin Ö, Al-ahramy AM, Lundström M, Montan P (2014). "Endophthalmitis and severe blebitis following trabeculectomy. Epidemiology and risk factors; a single-centre retrospective study". Acta Ophthalmol. 92 (5): 426–31. doi:10.1111/aos.12257. PMID 24020653.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Matsuo H, Tomita G, Araie M, Suzuki Y, Kaji Y, Obata H, Tanaka S (2002). "Histopathological findings in filtering blebs with recurrent blebitis". Br J Ophthalmol. 86 (7): 827. PMC 1771211. PMID 12084758.
  3. Soltau JB, Rothman RF, Budenz DL, Greenfield DS, Feuer W, Liebmann JM, Ritch R (2000). "Risk factors for glaucoma filtering bleb infections". Arch. Ophthalmol. 118 (3): 338–42. PMID 10721955.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Brown, Reay H. (1994). "Treatment of Bleb Infection After Glaucoma Surgery". Archives of Ophthalmology. 112 (1): 57. doi:10.1001/archopht.1994.01090130067019. ISSN 0003-9950.
  5. Feldman, Robert (2013). Complications of glaucoma surgery. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-538236-5.
  6. Brown RH, Yang LH, Walker SD, Lynch MG, Martinez LA, Wilson LA (1994). "Treatment of bleb infection after glaucoma surgery". Arch. Ophthalmol. 112 (1): 57–61. PMID 8285894.
  7. Reynolds AC, Skuta GL, Monlux R, Johnson J (2001). "Management of blebitis by members of the American Glaucoma Society: a survey". J. Glaucoma. 10 (4): 340–7. PMID 11558820.

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