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{{CMG}} {{AE}}
{{CMG}} {{AE}} Rupashi; {{Jose}}
Aromatase deficiency is an [[autosomal recessive]] disorder in which there is a decrease or absence in the level of [[Aromatase|aromatase]] in the body which leads to impairment in the conversion of androgens to estrogen. This is due to a [[genetic mutation]] in the [[CYP19A1]], a subtype of [[cytochrome P450]]. Patient affected by this disease typically presents with maternal [[virilization]], [[amenorrhea]] in puberty in females. Males are rarely affected.
Aromatase deficiency is an [[autosomal recessive]] disorder in which there is a decrease or absence in the level of [[Aromatase|aromatase]] in the body which leads to impairment in the conversion of androgens to estrogen. This is due to a [[genetic mutation]] in the [[CYP19A1]], a subtype of [[cytochrome P450]]. Patient affected by this disease typically presents with maternal [[virilization]], [[amenorrhea]] in puberty in females. Males are rarely affected.

Revision as of 14:48, 27 January 2022

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Rupashi; José Eduardo Riceto Loyola Junior, M.D.[2]


Aromatase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder in which there is a decrease or absence in the level of aromatase in the body which leads to impairment in the conversion of androgens to estrogen. This is due to a genetic mutation in the CYP19A1, a subtype of cytochrome P450. Patient affected by this disease typically presents with maternal virilization, amenorrhea in puberty in females. Males are rarely affected.

Historical Perspective

  • The evidence of the disease goes back to year 1991, when the first case of aromatase deficiency occurred in 24-year old primigravida and the female fetus showed pseudohermaphroditism.[1]
  • The majority of affected individuals were women during the third trimester of pregnancy manifesting with maternal virilization resulting in hirsutism and acne.


  • There is no established system for the classification of placental aromatase deficiency.



  • CYP19A1 gene mutation primarily causes placental aromatase deficiency and the placenta is not capable of converting androgenic precursors of estrogen to estradiol. Mutations on exons 3,5 and 9 have been reported.[3]
  • Studies suggested that it is more prevalent in consanguineous marriages and both are heterozygous carriers of the mutation.

Differentiating Any Disease from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

  • The prevalence of placental aromatase deficiency is unknown.[6]
  • There are only few cases that have been described in the literature.
  • First case in male was reported in 1995.[7]

Risk Factors


  • There is insufficient evidence to recommend routine screening for Placental aromatase deficiency.

Natural History , Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Study of Choice

History and Symptoms

  • The hallmark of placental aromatase deficiency is maternal virilization. A positive history of hirsutism, deepening of the voice, and cystic acne is suggestive of placental aromatase deficiency.[6][10]

Physical Examination

  • Physical examination of patients with Placental Aromatase Deficiency is usually remarkable for virilization and masculinization in mother during pregnancy, clitoromegaly, and primary amenorrhea in girls during childhood and puberty.[11]
  • Males are usually normal. They may be tall and have reduced bone age.

Laboratory Findings

  • An elevated concentration of serum testosterone and reduced levels of estrogen is diagnostic of placental aromatase deficiency.[12]
  • In aromatase deficient girls, basal and GnRH-stimulated FSH levels are elevated.[6]
  • Urinary levels of androgens are usually normal or elevated.


  • There are no ECG findings associated with placental aromatase deficiency.


Echocardiography or Ultrasound

CT scan

  • There are no CT scan findings associated with placental aromatase deficiency.


  • There are no MRI findings associated with placental aromatase deficiency.

Other Imaging Findings

  • There are no other imaging findings associated with placental aromatase deficiency.

Other Diagnostic Studies

  • There are no other diagnostic studies associated with placental aromatase deficiency.


Medical Therapy

  • In patients with aromatase deficiency lifetime hormone replacement therapy is mandatory.
  • Hormone replacement therapy like oral conjugated estrogen may be useful to stimulate pubertal growth spurt, breast development and induce menstruation in females. This may also lead to the resolution of cystic ovaries and promote bone growth.
  • After 14 years of age, the combination oral contraceptive may be used.[6]
  • Treatment options for males include transdermal estradiol that helps in increasing bone mineral density.[10]


Primary Prevention

  • There are no established measures for the primary prevention of placental aromatase deficiency.

Secondary Prevention


  1. Shozu M, Akasofu K, Harada T, Kubota Y (1991). "A new cause of female pseudohermaphroditism: placental aromatase deficiency". J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 72 (3): 560–6. doi:10.1210/jcem-72-3-560. PMID 1825497.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Akçurin S, Türkkahraman D, Kim WY, Durmaz E, Shin JG, Lee SJ (2016). "A Novel Null Mutation in P450 Aromatase Gene (CYP19A1) Associated with Development of Hypoplastic Ovaries in Humans". J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 8 (2): 205–10. doi:10.4274/jcrpe.2761. PMC 5096477. PMID 27086564.
  3. Ludwikowski B, Heger S, Datz N, Richter-Unruh A, González R (2013). "Aromatase deficiency: rare cause of virilization". Eur J Pediatr Surg. 23 (5): 418–22. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1324798. PMID 23093430.
  4. Agrawal SS, Chakraborty PP, Sinha A, Maiti A (2019). "Child with '46, XX' disorder of sex development: clues to diagnose aromatase deficiency". BMJ Case Rep. 12 (12). doi:10.1136/bcr-2019-232575. PMC 7001710 Check |pmc= value (help). PMID 31801784.
  5. Sinnecker GH, Hiort O, Dibbelt L, Albers N, Dörr HG, Hauss H; et al. (1996). "Phenotypic classification of male pseudohermaphroditism due to steroid 5 alpha-reductase 2 deficiency". Am J Med Genet. 63 (1): 223–30. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-8628(19960503)63:1<223::AID-AJMG39>3.0.CO;2-O. PMID 8723114.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Bulun SE (2014). "Aromatase and estrogen receptor α deficiency". Fertil Steril. 101 (2): 323–9. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.12.022. PMC 3939057. PMID 24485503.
  7. Baykan EK, Erdoğan M, Özen S, Darcan Ş, Saygılı LF (2013). "Aromatase deficiency, a rare syndrome: case report". J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 5 (2): 129–32. doi:10.4274/Jcrpe.970. PMC 3701920. PMID 23748068.
  8. Perez-Sepulveda A, Monteiro LJ, Dobierzewska A, España-Perrot PP, Venegas-Araneda P, Guzmán-Rojas AM; et al. (2015). "Placental Aromatase Is Deficient in Placental Ischemia and Preeclampsia". PLoS One. 10 (10): e0139682. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139682. PMC 4596497. PMID 26444006.
  9. Harada N, Ogawa H, Shozu M, Yamada K, Suhara K, Nishida E; et al. (1992). "Biochemical and molecular genetic analyses on placental aromatase (P-450AROM) deficiency". J Biol Chem. 267 (7): 4781–5. PMID 1371509.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Zirilli L, Rochira V, Diazzi C, Caffagni G, Carani C (2008). "Human models of aromatase deficiency". J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 109 (3–5): 212–8. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2008.03.026. PMID 18448329.
  11. Conte FA, Grumbach MM, Ito Y, Fisher CR, Simpson ER (1994). "A syndrome of female pseudohermaphrodism, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, and multicystic ovaries associated with missense mutations in the gene encoding aromatase (P450arom)". J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 78 (6): 1287–92. doi:10.1210/jcem.78.6.8200927. PMID 8200927.
  12. Mazen I, McElreavey K, Elaidy A, Kamel AK, Abdel-Hamid MS (2017). "Aromatase Deficiency due to a Homozygous CYP19A1 Mutation in a 46,XX Egyptian Patient with Ambiguous Genitalia". Sex Dev. 11 (5–6): 275–279. doi:10.1159/000485278. PMID 29324451.
  13. Rochira V, Carani C (2009). "Aromatase deficiency in men: a clinical perspective". Nat Rev Endocrinol. 5 (10): 559–68. doi:10.1038/nrendo.2009.176. PMID 19707181.
  14. Morishima A, Grumbach MM, Simpson ER, Fisher C, Qin K (1995). "Aromatase deficiency in male and female siblings caused by a novel mutation and the physiological role of estrogens". J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 80 (12): 3689–98. doi:10.1210/jcem.80.12.8530621. PMID 8530621.