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'''For the WikiDoc page for this topic, click [[Adrenoleukodystrophy|here]]'''
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==What is Adrenoleukodystrophy?==
==What is Babesiosis?==
[[Adrenoleukodystrophy]] describes several closely related [[inherited]] [[disorders]] that disrupt the breakdown ([[metabolism]]) of certain [[fats]] (very-long-chain [[fatty acids]]).

==What are the symptoms of Adrenoleukodystrophy?==
'''Childhood [[cerebral]] type:'''
*Changes in [[muscle tone]], especially [[muscle spasms]] and [[spasticity]]
*[[Crossed eyes]] ([[strabismus]])
*Decreased understanding of verbal communication ([[aphasia]])
*Deterioration of handwriting
*Difficulty at school
*Difficulty understanding spoken material
*[[Hearing loss]]
*Worsening [[nervous system]] deterioration
**Decreased fine motor control
*[[Swallowing difficulties]]
*[[Visual impairment]] or [[blindness]]

==What are the symptoms of Babesiosis?==
*Difficulty controlling [[urination]]
==What causes Babesiosis?==
*Possible worsening [[muscle weakness]] or [[leg]] [[stiffness]]
==Who is at risk for Babesiosis?==
*Problems with thinking speed and [[visual memory]]

'''Adrenal gland failure (Addison type):'''
==How do I know I have Babesiosis?==
==When to seek urgent medical care==
*[[Decreased appetite]]
*Increased [[skin color]] ([[pigmentation]])
*[[Loss of weight]], [[muscle mass]] ([[wasting]])
*[[Muscle weakness]]
==What causes Adrenoleukodystrophy?==
[[Adrenoleukodystrophy]] is passed down from parents to their children as an [[X-linked]] [[genetic trait]]. It therefore affects mostly [[males]], although some [[women]] who are [[Genetic carrier|carriers]] can have milder forms of the [[disease]]. It affects approximately 1 in 20,000 people from all races.
The [[condition]] results in the buildup of very-long-chain [[fatty acids]] in the [[nervous system]], [[adrenal gland]], and [[testes]], which disrupts normal activity. There are three major categories of [[disease]]:
*Childhood [[cerebral]] form -- appears in mid-childhood (at ages 4 - 8)
*Adrenomyelopathy -- occurs in men in their 20s or later in life
*Impaired [[adrenal gland]] function (called [[Addison disease]] or Addison-like [[phenotype]]) -- [[adrenal gland]] does not produce enough [[steroid hormones]]
==Who is at risk for Adrenoleukodystrophy?==
[[Adrenoleukodystrophy]] is a [[genetic disorder]], so anyone with a [[family history]] of the [[disorder]] is at risk. Since the [[disease]] is passed down from parents to their children as an [[X-linked]] [[genetic trait]], [[males]] are mostly affected.
==How do I know I have Adrenoleukodystrophy?==
*[[Blood]] levels
*[[Chromosome]] study to look for changes ([[mutations]]) in the [[ABCD1]] gene
*[[MRI]] of the [[head]]

==When to seek urgent medical care==
Call your [[health care provider]] if:
*Your child develops symptoms of [[X-linked]] [[adrenoleukodystrophy]]
*Your child has [[X-linked]] [[adrenoleukodystrophy]] and is getting worse

==Treatment options==
==Treatment options==
[[Adrenal]] [[dysfunction]] is treated with [[steroids]] (such as [[cortisol]]).
==Where to find medical care for Babesiosis==
[{{urlencode:{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}|Adrenoleukodystrophy}}}}&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=65.008093,112.148438&ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=91.690419,149.414063&z=2&source=embed    Directions to Hospitals Treating Babesiosis]
A specific treatment for [[X-linked]] [[adrenoleukodystrophy]] is not available, but eating a [[diet]] low in very-long-chain [[fatty acids]] and taking special oils can lower the [[blood]] levels of very-long-chain [[fatty acids]].
These oils are called [[Lorenzo's oil]], after the son of the family who discovered the treatment. This treatment is being tested for [[X-linked]] [[adrenoleukodystrophy]], but it does not cure the [[disease]] and may not help all [[patients]].
[[Bone marrow transplant]] is also being tested as an experimental treatment.
==Where to find medical care for Adrenoleukodystrophy==
[{{urlencode:{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}|Adrenoleukodystrophy}}}}&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=65.008093,112.148438&ie=UTF8&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=91.690419,149.414063&z=2&source=embed    Directions to Hospitals Treating Adrenoleukodystrophy]

==What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)==
==What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)==
The [[childhood]] form of [[X-linked]] [[adrenoleukodystrophy]] is a progressive [[disease]] that leads to a long-term [[coma]] ([[vegetative state]]) about 2 years after [[neurological]] symptoms develop. The child can live in this [[condition]] for as long as 10 years until [[death]] occurs.
The other forms of this [[disease]] are milder.
==Possible complications==
==Possible complications==
*[[Adrenal]] crisis
*[[Vegetative state]] (long-term [[coma]])
[[Category:Patient Information]]
[[Category:Patient Information]]

Revision as of 17:10, 8 June 2010

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Editor-in-Chief: Shantanu Srivatsa Please Join in Editing This Page and Apply to be an Editor-In-Chief for this topic: There can be one or more than one Editor-In-Chief. You may also apply to be an Associate Editor-In-Chief of one of the subtopics below. Please mail us [1] to indicate your interest in serving either as an Editor-In-Chief of the entire topic or as an Associate Editor-In-Chief for a subtopic. Please be sure to attach your CV and or biographical sketch.

What is Babesiosis?

What are the symptoms of Babesiosis?

What causes Babesiosis?

Who is at risk for Babesiosis?

How do I know I have Babesiosis?

When to seek urgent medical care

Treatment options

Where to find medical care for Babesiosis

Directions to Hospitals Treating Babesiosis

What to expect (Outlook/Prognosis)

Possible complications


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