Aortic regurgitation surgery: Difference between revisions

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Varun Kumar (talk | contribs)
Varun Kumar (talk | contribs)
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Majority of patients with severe aortic regurgitation requiring surgery undergo [[aortic valve replacement]] against [[aortic valve repair]] which are preformed at few surgical centers which have appropriate technical expertise and experience in selecting potential patients.
Majority of patients with severe aortic regurgitation requiring surgery undergo [[aortic valve replacement]] against [[aortic valve repair]] which are preformed at few surgical centers which have appropriate technical expertise and experience in selecting potential patients.

===Indications for [[Aortic valve replacement]]/Repair(AVR) in Chronic [[Aortic Insufficiency]] as per 2006 ACC/AHA Guidelines===
===Indications for [[Aortic valve replacement|Aortic valve replacement/Repair]](AVR) in Chronic [[Aortic Insufficiency]] as per 2006 ACC/AHA Guidelines===
{{cquote|'''Class I'''
{{cquote|'''Class I'''

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'''Class IIa'''
'''Class IIa'''

AVR is reasonable for asymptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency with normal left ventricular systolic function ([[ejection fraction]] greater than 0.50) but with severe left ventricular dilatation (end-diastolic dimension greater than 75 mm or end-systolic dimension greater than 55 mm). ''(Level of Evidence: B)''
AVR is reasonable for asymptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency with normal left ventricular systolic function ([[ejection fraction]] greater than 50%) but with severe left ventricular dilatation (end-diastolic dimension greater than 75 mm or end-systolic dimension greater than 55 mm). ''(Level of Evidence: B)''

'''Class IIb'''
'''Class IIb'''
Line 72: Line 72:
#AVR may be considered in patients with moderate aortic insufficiency while undergoing surgery on the ascending aorta.''(Level of Evidence: C)''
#AVR may be considered in patients with moderate aortic insufficiency while undergoing surgery on the ascending aorta.''(Level of Evidence: C)''
#AVR may be considered in patients with moderate aortic insufficiency while undergoing [[CABG]].''(Level of Evidence: C)''
#AVR may be considered in patients with moderate aortic insufficiency while undergoing [[CABG]].''(Level of Evidence: C)''
#AVR may be considered for asymptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency and normal left ventricular systolic function at rest ([[ejection fraction]] greater than 0.50) when the degree of left ventricular dilatation exceeds an end-diastolic dimension of 70mm or end-systolic dimension of 50 mm, when there is evidence of progressive left ventricular dilatation, declining exercise tolerance, or abnormal hemodynamic responses to exercise.''(Level of Evidence: C)''
#AVR may be considered for asymptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency and normal left ventricular systolic function at rest ([[ejection fraction]] greater than 50%) when the degree of left ventricular dilatation exceeds an end-diastolic dimension of 70mm or end-systolic dimension of 50 mm, when there is evidence of progressive left ventricular dilatation, declining exercise tolerance, or abnormal hemodynamic responses to exercise.''(Level of Evidence: C)''

'''Class III'''
'''Class III'''

AVR is not indicated for asymptomatic patients with mild, moderate, or severe aortic insufficiency and normal left ventricular systolic function at rest ([[ejection fraction]] greater than 0.50) when the degree of dilatation is not moderate or severe (end-diastolic dimension less than 70 mm, end-systolic dimension less than 50 mm).''(Level of Evidence: B)''}}
AVR is not indicated for asymptomatic patients with mild, moderate, or severe aortic insufficiency and normal left ventricular systolic function at rest ([[ejection fraction]] greater than 50%) when the degree of dilatation is not moderate or severe (end-diastolic dimension less than 70 mm, end-systolic dimension less than 50 mm).''(Level of Evidence: B)''}}

Revision as of 19:16, 13 April 2011

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Associate Editor-In-Chief: Cafer Zorkun, M.D., Ph.D. [2]; Varun Kumar, M.B.B.S.; Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan, M.B.B.S.

Please Join in Editing This Page and Apply to be an Editor-In-Chief for this topic: There can be one or more than one Editor-In-Chief. You may also apply to be an Associate Editor-In-Chief of one of the subtopics below. Please mail us [3] to indicate your interest in serving either as an Editor-In-Chief of the entire topic or as an Associate Editor-In-Chief for a subtopic. Please be sure to attach your CV and or biographical sketch.

Surgical Management of Chronic Aortic Insufficiency

Surgical treatment is controversial in asymptomatic patients. Surgery may be recommended if the ejection fraction falls below 50% or in the face of progressive and severe left ventricular dilatation. For both groups of patients, surgery before the development of worse aortic insufficiency ejection fracture/LV systolic dilatation, is expected to reduce the risk of sudden death, and is associated with lower peri-operative mortality.

Indications for surgery for chronic severe aortic insufficiency[1]
Symptoms Ejection fraction Other information
NYHA class III - IV ≥ 50 %
NYHA class II ≥ 50 % Progression of symptoms or worsening parameters on echocardiography
CHA class ≥ II angina ≥ 50 %
Regardless of symptoms 25 - 49 %
Cardiac surgery for other cause (ie: CAD, other valvular disease, ascending aortic aneurysm)

Majority of patients with severe aortic regurgitation requiring surgery undergo aortic valve replacement against aortic valve repair which are preformed at few surgical centers which have appropriate technical expertise and experience in selecting potential patients.

Indications for Aortic valve replacement/Repair(AVR) in Chronic Aortic Insufficiency as per 2006 ACC/AHA Guidelines

Class I
  1. AVR is indicated for symptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency irrespective of left ventricular systolic function. (Level ofEvidence: B)
  2. AVR is indicated for asymptomatic patients with chronic severe aortic insufficiency and left ventricular systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction 50% or less) at rest.(Level of Evidence: B)
  3. AVR is indicated for patients with chronic severe aortic insufficiency while undergoing coronary artery bypass graft(CABG) or surgery on the aorta or other heart valves.(Level of Evidence: C)

Class IIa

AVR is reasonable for asymptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency with normal left ventricular systolic function (ejection fraction greater than 50%) but with severe left ventricular dilatation (end-diastolic dimension greater than 75 mm or end-systolic dimension greater than 55 mm). (Level of Evidence: B)

Class IIb

  1. AVR may be considered in patients with moderate aortic insufficiency while undergoing surgery on the ascending aorta.(Level of Evidence: C)
  2. AVR may be considered in patients with moderate aortic insufficiency while undergoing CABG.(Level of Evidence: C)
  3. AVR may be considered for asymptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency and normal left ventricular systolic function at rest (ejection fraction greater than 50%) when the degree of left ventricular dilatation exceeds an end-diastolic dimension of 70mm or end-systolic dimension of 50 mm, when there is evidence of progressive left ventricular dilatation, declining exercise tolerance, or abnormal hemodynamic responses to exercise.(Level of Evidence: C)

Class III

AVR is not indicated for asymptomatic patients with mild, moderate, or severe aortic insufficiency and normal left ventricular systolic function at rest (ejection fraction greater than 50%) when the degree of dilatation is not moderate or severe (end-diastolic dimension less than 70 mm, end-systolic dimension less than 50 mm).(Level of Evidence: B)

Surgical corrections of regurgitant aortic valve have shown to improve symptoms in symptomatic patients with severe aortic insufficiency. In some studies, the left ventricular function (ejection fraction) also was seen to improve with AVR[2] [3]. In severe aortic insufficiency, new onset of mild symptoms are also candidates for AVR. It is recommended that surgery should not be delayed till development of advanced symptoms as this may result in development of some degree of irreversible left ventricular dysfunction [4] [5]. Patients who are symptomatic with NYHA Class IV, have poor outcome post AVR with less likelihood of improvement of left ventricular systolic function [6] [7] [8] [9].But with AVR, ventricular loading conditions are improved and expedite subsequent management of left ventricular dysfunction[10].

Symptomatic patients even with mild to moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction 25%- 50%) should also undergo AVR. AHA/ACC guidelines[11] recommends that patients with NYHA Class II and III symptoms should undergo valve replacement if:

  1. symptoms and evidence of left ventricular dysfunction are of recent onset
  2. intensive short-term therapy with vasodilators and diuretics results in symptomatic improvement
  3. intravenous positive inotropic agents result in substantial improvement in hemodynamics or systolic function.

Aortic valve replacement/repair is not recommended in a truly asymptomatic patient with normal left ventricular function (left ventricular ejection fraction ≥50%) without severe left ventricular dilatation because this would expose the patient to perioperative mortality risk of 4% against less than 0.2% mortality risk without surgery and other long-term complications of a prosthetic heart valve[12].In such patients 2006 AHA/ACC guidelines [11]recommends:

  1. Patients with end-systolic ventricular dimension <45 mm and end-diastolic ventricular dimension <60 mm should undergo clinical evaluation every 6-12months and echocardiography every 12months. However, if the patient is not stable or this is the initial study, he should be re-evaluated and echocardiography performed in 3months.
  2. Patients with end-systolic ventricular dimension 45-50 mm and end-diastolic ventricular dimension 60-70 mm should undergo clinical evaluation every 6months and echocardiography every 12months. However, if the patient is not stable or this is the initial study, he should be re-evaluated and echocardiography performed in 3months.
  3. Patients with end-systolic ventricular dimension 50-55 mm and end-diastolic ventricular dimension 70-75 mm with normal hemodynamic response to exercise should undergo clinical evaluation every 6months and echocardiography every 6months. However, if the patient is not stable or this is the initial study, he should be re-evaluated and echocardiography performed in 3months.

While interpreting these breakpoints of left ventricular dimensions, body size of the patients should also be taken into consideration. Because women or patients with small body size may not be able to achieve ventricular dimensions mentioned above as they were established in men [13] [14]. Body surface area when considered for left ventricular dimension, tend to mask the diagnosis of left ventricular enlargement, especially in patients who are overweight[15]. Therefore patient's height and gender should be considered during interpretation of ventricular dimensions. [16]

Other aortic root diseases like marfan syndrome, bicuspid aortic valve and aortic dissection which can cause chronic aortic regurgitation should be treated with AVR and aortic root reconstruction when degree of dilatation of aorta or aortic root ≥ 50mm in diameter [17]

Patients' age, ability to tolerate warfarin and patients' preference are taken into account for in deciding the type of valve(mechanical or bioprosthetic valve) to be used in valve replacement. [11]

Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 1


Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 2


Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 3


Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 4


Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 5


Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 6


Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 7


Severe aortic insufficiency in patient after aortic valve replacement 8



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