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Latest revision as of 18:25, 3 August 2011

WikiDoc Resources for Gymnophobia


Most recent articles on Gymnophobia

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Review articles on Gymnophobia

Articles on Gymnophobia in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ


Powerpoint slides on Gymnophobia

Images of Gymnophobia

Photos of Gymnophobia

Podcasts & MP3s on Gymnophobia

Videos on Gymnophobia

Evidence Based Medicine

Cochrane Collaboration on Gymnophobia

Bandolier on Gymnophobia

TRIP on Gymnophobia

Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Gymnophobia at Clinical

Trial results on Gymnophobia

Clinical Trials on Gymnophobia at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Gymnophobia

NICE Guidance on Gymnophobia


FDA on Gymnophobia

CDC on Gymnophobia


Books on Gymnophobia


Gymnophobia in the news

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Blogs on Gymnophobia


Definitions of Gymnophobia

Patient Resources / Community

Patient resources on Gymnophobia

Discussion groups on Gymnophobia

Patient Handouts on Gymnophobia

Directions to Hospitals Treating Gymnophobia

Risk calculators and risk factors for Gymnophobia

Healthcare Provider Resources

Symptoms of Gymnophobia

Causes & Risk Factors for Gymnophobia

Diagnostic studies for Gymnophobia

Treatment of Gymnophobia

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Gymnophobia


Gymnophobia en Espanol

Gymnophobia en Francais


Gymnophobia in the Marketplace

Patents on Gymnophobia

Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to Gymnophobia

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Gymnophobia is a fear or anxiety about being seen naked, and/or about seeing others naked, even in situations where it is socially acceptable. Gymnophobes may experience their fear of nudity before all people, or only certain people, and may regard their fear as irrational. This phobia often arises from a feeling of inadequacy that their bodies are physically inferior, particularly due to comparison with idealized images portrayed in the media. The fear may also stem from anxiety about sexuality in general, or from a persistent feeling of vulnerability associated with the thought that those who have seen the gymnophobe naked will continue to imagine the gymnophobe nude.

Gymnophobia is derived from the Greek gymnos (naked) and phobos (fear).

In the television series Arrested Development, character Tobias Fünke suffers from a similar fear and is described as a "never nude."[2] Note that Tobias's case, as presented for humorous purposes, does not represent typical gymnophobia, which is usually not as extreme.[citation needed]

See also

Sources and references


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