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Synonyms / Brand Names: Dihydrohydroxycondeinone, Dihydrohydroxycodeinone, Dihydrone, Oxycodone Hydrochloride, Oxicodona, Oxycodone Hcl, Oxycodonum, oxycodone, PTI-821, Combunox, Dihydroxycodeinone, Dinarkon, Diphydrone, Endocet, Endodan, Endone, Eubine, Eucodal, Eucodalum, Eukodal, Eutagen, Oxanest, Oxicon, Oxicone, Oxikon, Oxycodeinone, Oxycodon, Oxycon, Oxycontin, Pancodine, Percobarb, Roxicodone, Supendol, Tecodin, Tekodin, Thecodine, Thekodin, OxyIR, OxyNorm, Percolone, OxyFAST, Supeudol, Remoxy

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Dosing and Administration

While symmetric (same dose AM and PM), around-the-clock, q12h dosing is appropriate for the majority of patients, some patients may benefit from asymmetric (different dose given in AM than in PM) dosing, tailored to their pain pattern. It is usually appropriate to treat a patient with only one opioid for around-the-clock therapy.

Physicians should individualize treatment using a progressive plan of pain management such as outlined by the World Health Organization, the American Pain Society and the Federation of State Medical Boards Model Guidelines. Health care professionals should follow appropriate pain management principles of careful assessment and ongoing monitoring

Package Insert Resources|FDA Package Insert Resources]
Indications, Contraindications, Side Effects, Drug Interactions, etc.

Calculate Creatine Clearance
On line calculator of your patients Cr Cl by a variety of formulas.

Convert pounds to Kilograms
On line calculator of your patients weight in pounds to Kg for dosing estimates.

Resources|Publication Resources]
Recent articles, WikiDoc State of the Art Review, Textbook Information

Resources|Trial Resources]
Ongoing Trials, Trial Results

& Evidence Based Medicine Resources|Guidelines & Evidence Based Medicine Resources]
US National Guidelines, Cochrane Collaboration, etc.

Resources|Media Resources]
Slides, Video, Images, MP3, Podcasts, etc.

Resources|Patient Resources]
Discussion Groups, Handouts, Blogs, News, etc.

Resources|International Resources]
en Español

FDA Package Insert Resources



side effects|Side Effects]

drug interactions|Drug Interactions]



instructions for administration|Instructions for Administration]

how supplied|How Supplied]

pharmacokinetics and molecular data|Pharmacokinetics and Molecular Data]

FDA label

FDA on Oxycodone

and Administration|Return to top]

Publication Resources

Most Recent Articles on Oxycodone

Review Articles on Oxycodone

Articles on Oxycodone in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ

state of the art review on Oxycodone|WikiDoc State of the Art Review]

Textbook Information on Oxycodone

and Administration|Return to top]

Trial Resources

Ongoing Trials with Oxycodone at Clinical Trials.gov

Trial Results with Oxycodone

and Administration|Return to top]

Guidelines & Evidence Based Medicine Resources

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Oxycodone

AND (Cochrane Database Syst Rev[http://worldselectshop.com/?id=9361 Cochrane Collaboration on Oxycodone

AND (Cost effectiveness)}} Cost Effectiveness of Oxycodone

and Administration|Return to top]

Media Resources

Powerpoint Slides on Oxycodone

Images of Oxycodone

Podcasts & MP3s on Oxycodone

Videos on Oxycodone

and Administration|Return to top]

Patient Resources

Patient Resources on Oxycodone

Discussion Groups on Oxycodone

Patient Handouts on Oxycodone

Blogs on Oxycodone

Oxycodone in the News

Oxycodone in the Marketplace

and Administration|Return to top]

International Resources

Oxycodone en Español

and Administration|Return to top]

Adapted from the FDA Package Insert.