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Latest revision as of 15:48, 6 September 2012

WikiDoc Resources for VOC contamination of groundwater


Most recent articles on VOC contamination of groundwater

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Clinical Trials on VOC contamination of groundwater at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on VOC contamination of groundwater

NICE Guidance on VOC contamination of groundwater


FDA on VOC contamination of groundwater

CDC on VOC contamination of groundwater


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Causes & Risk Factors for VOC contamination of groundwater

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Treatment of VOC contamination of groundwater

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on VOC contamination of groundwater


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List of terms related to VOC contamination of groundwater

VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are a dangerous contaminant of groundwater. They are generally introduced to the environment through careless industrial practices.


VOCs are responsible for a number of adverse health effects especially for nursing and pregnant mothers. Many of these compounds were not known to be harmful until the late 1960s and it was some time before regular testing of groundwater identified these substances in drinking water sources.

Specific VOCs


Tetrachloroethylene is used in metal degreasing and dry cleaning. It is generally harmless to adults.


Trichloroethylene is used in cleaning metal parts and was widely believed to be harmless before being linked to birth defects.


Toluene is an organic compound which is mostly harmless to adults and is sometimes abused as an inhalant. Fetal Toluene Syndrome has been defined and resembles Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with resultant birth defects, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified differentiating features between the two syndromes including FTS havinng the additional facial features of micrognathia, large anterior fontanel, down-turned mouth corners, hair patterning abnormalities, bifrontal narrowing of the face, and ear abnormalities.[1]


Camp Lejeune

U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune was built near Jacksonville, North Carolina in 1942. In 1982, the Marine Corps discovered volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in several drinking water wells that fed into two of the eight water systems. The sources were traced to Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) from a dry cleaner off the base and Trichloroethylene which had been used in vehicle maintenance on the base. These problems were addressed but there were concerns with nursing and pregnant mothers who may have been exposed previously. It wasn't until the late 1990s that the federal government tried to track down people who may have been exposed.

Love Canal

Love Canal was an abandoned canal near Niagara Falls, New York which was used by the U.S. military and Occidental Petroleum as a chemical waste dumping ground. Numerous cases of cancer and birth defects were found from the 1950s to the 1970s. The primary VOC at Love Canal is toluene, which is found along with dioxins and other pollutants.

See also

External links


  1. CDC. (2004). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis. Can be downloaded at http://www.cdc.gov/fas/faspub.htm

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