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| * [[Diacetyl]] | | * [[Diacetyl]] |
| * [[Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia]] | | * [[Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia]] |
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| ==References==
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| #{{note label|Brant|1|^}}{{cite book | author=Brant & Helms| title=Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology | year=1999 | }}
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| #{{note label|Webb|2|^}}{{cite book | author=Webb, et al| title=High Resolution CT of the Lung | edition=3rd Edition | year=2000 | }}
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| #{{note label|CDC|3|^}}{{cite book | author=Center for Disease Control| title=Fixed obstructive lung disease in workers at a microwave popcorn factory | edition=7th Edition | year=2002 | }}
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| #{{note label|NIOSH|4|^}}National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. [http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2004-110/ Preventing lung disease in workers who make or use flavorings, 2004]
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| #{{note label|Colby|5|^}} Colby, T.V. "Bronchiolitis, Pathologic Considerations". ''Am J Clin Pathology'' 1998;109:101-9
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| #{{note label|Hazmap|6|^}}National Institutes of Health. [http://hazmap.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/hazmap_generic?tbl=TblDiseases&id=551 Haz-Map; Information on Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational Diseases by Jay A. Brown, M.D., M.P.H.]
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| #{{note label|CalOSH|7|^}}[http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ohb/flavoringcases.pdf/ California Department of Health Services]
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| #{{note label|NEJM|8|^}}E. Neil Schachter. "Popcorn Workers' Lung". ''New England Journal of Medicine'' 2002;347(5):360-1.
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| #{{note label|Egilman|9|^}}David Egilman (2007). [http://www.ijoeh.com/pfds/IJOEH_1301_Egilman.pdf "Popcorn Workers Lung"]
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| #{{note label|Yahoo|10|^}} [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070905/ap_on_he_me/popcorn_lung_consumer;_ylt=Apuf6TQn0o.P4GubPgYwzKGs0NUE "Doctor warns consumers of popcorn fumes"], Marcus Kabel, Associated Press, September 5, 2007, hosted by Yahoo! News, retrieved 2007-09-10.
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| #{{note label|letter|11|^}} [http://www.defendingscience.org/case_studies/upload/National_Jewish_FDA_Letter.pdf Letter from Cecile Rose to U.S. Food and Drug Administration], from ''www.defendingscience.org''
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| #{{note label|PH|12|^}} David Michaels (2007). [http://thepumphandle.wordpress.com/2007/09/04/popcorn-lung-coming-to-your-kitchen-the-fda-doesnt-want-to-know/ Popcorn Lung Coming to Your Kitchen? The FDA Doesn’t Want to Know], a blog post at ''thepumphandle.wordpress.com''
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| #{{note label|Reuters|13|^}}Reuters New Report: [http://uk.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUKN0524254120070905 FDA to probe popcorn link in man's lung disease].
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| #{{note label|Weaver|14|^}} Weaver Popcorn Company Press Release: [http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/08-28-2007/0004652723&EDATE= "Pop Weaver Introduces First Microwave Popcorn With Flavoring Containing No Diacetyl"], 2007-08-27, hosted at PRNewswire.com. {{PDFlink|[http://www.popweaver.com/NoDiacetylPressRelease.pdf "Pop Weaver introduces first microwave popcorn with flavoring containing no diacetyl"]}}.
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| #{{note label|ConAgra|15|^}} USA Today. [http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2007-09-05-popcorn-lung_N.htm ConAgra to drop popcorn chemical linked to lung ailment]
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