Surviving a bad interview: Difference between revisions

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# Don't make excuses or blame others or situations. Use "I" statements.
# Don't make excuses or blame others or situations. Use "I" statements.
# Don't be self-deprecating.
# Don't be self-deprecating.
# Remain objective, professional, and humble.
# Remain objective, professional, humble, and honest.

Revision as of 01:16, 21 January 2013

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Charmaine Patel, M.D. [2]


After looking forward to and preparing extensively for an interview, it can be disappointing to encounter a less than ideal interview day or a poor interviewer. Tips for preparing for an interview are found here. There are some things that one can do if they have done everything in their control to prepare for the interview, but they encounter a less than ideal situation. Given below are tips on how to handle some of the difficult interview situations that you may encounter.

General Situations During the Interview Day

You are not given the opportunity to meet with the Program Director/ person in charge

This can happen for a variety of reasons, the most common one being that the person in charge is too busy.

  1. For starters, do not take it personally, or bother questioning whether it is intentional towards you as an interviewee. If you let yourself get offended, it will show in your behavior.
  2. Remain confident, positive, and continue to put your best foot forward.
  3. It is likely you will meet with the Associate Program Director, or the second person in charge. Treat this person with the utmost respect, as if they are the person in charge. Do not treat them as second rate individuals, as they will pick up on this. Associate program directors communicate directly and work closely basis with Program Directors, so it is likely whatever impression you leave with them will be communicated back to the program director.
  4. Do not ask the Program Coordinator or anyone else why you did not get to meet with the Program Director/ person in charge. You will look needy and ungrateful, and it is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the answer anyway.

You are asked to arrive at a later time than some of the other applicants, have less interviews, or are interviewed last

This can occur either on purpose to stagger the interviews so that too many interviewees are not waiting at once, or by accident due to poor coordination of the interview day.

  1. Again, do not take it personally or bother to question whether it is intentional towards you as an interviewee. It will distract you and will come through in your attitude.
  2. Continue to put your best foot forward, and remain confident in your abilities to impress the interviewer regardless of the situation.
  3. Treat it as a challenge. If you have less interviews, make it your goal to give the best impression and connect with the interviewers as much as you can in a short amount of time. If you are interviewed last, make it your goal to make an excellent last impression that sets you apart from the other interviewees.

You are left waiting for a long time for an interview, or have to wait a long time for lunch

Remember, you are being "interviewed" for the entire duration of time that you are at a program, school, or business. How you react when you are not being actively interviewed by an individual, is just as important as the remainder of the time.

  1. Do not complain, or ask about lunch. Make sure you have a good breakfast in the morning if you are prone to getting low on energy around lunch. Carry some candy if it really affects you (but not chewing gum!).
  2. Do not ask how much longer you will have to wait.
  3. Have some material about the program to read, or congenially interact with the other applicants. Look engaged and self-directed, and not bored.
  4. Do not joke with the other applicants about the waiting time/ being hungry. You never know who is listening to what you are saying.

You are forgotten about, or are lost

With a lot of switching interviewers with other applicants, and tours without bathroom breaks, this may be apt to happen.

  1. Be proactive! If you are left alone for a long time, and something doesn't seem right, ask the coordinator politely whether you are doing the right thing by waiting.
  2. Carry the Department number with you, so you can call to find out where the other applicants are. This may happen if everyone has gone to noon conference, and you got left in an interview that ran over time.
  3. Do not take it personally, or get upset or angry.

During the Interview

You are asked questions about race, religion, marital status, or other questions you are not supposed to be asked

Although this is not supposed to happen, in some cases it may occur anyway. The key is not to get emotional, and not to let one bad interviewer ruin your chances of getting into the program.

  1. If you have no problem answering the question, answer it. It may be accidental on the part of the interviewer, and there is no point in making an issue for no reason.
  2. If you do not want to answer, pause and smile. At this time the interviewer may realize the question was inappropriate, and retract it.
  3. If they do not retract it, you may politely ask them why they are asking this question, give them a vague answer, or talk around the subject. Either way, remain polite and non-confrontational. You can take the issue up with the appropriate people after the interview day, but it is best not to ruin your interview or your chances by reacting immediately. You are not at the interview to teach anyone any lessons.

You are asked to explain a deficiency on your record

Nobody is perfect. Know your deficiencies, be comfortable with them, and be honest about them. There is no need to bring them up or make excuses for them if they are not asked about. When an interviewer does ask about a deficiency, they may be curious, wanting to know how you handled a difficult situation, or seeing how you react to talking about your deficiencies.

  1. Accept any deficiencies on your application, and practice how you would answer questions about them before the interview.
  2. When asked about it, acknowledge the deficiency, and take responsibility for the weakness that allowed it to occur. Then state what you have done to overcome this weakness so the deficiency does not happen in the future. Stick to the facts and don't give more information than is needed, it is not a confessional or therapy session.
  3. Don't make excuses or blame others or situations. Use "I" statements.
  4. Don't be self-deprecating.
  5. Remain objective, professional, humble, and honest.