Vas-occlusive contraception: Difference between revisions

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Ochuko Ajari (talk | contribs)
Ochuko Ajari (talk | contribs)
Line 26: Line 26:
* [ Another article]
* [ Another article]
* [ Birth control for men promising] — has some extra details and information about current trials
* [ Birth control for men promising] — has some extra details and information about current trials
* [ Birth control breakthrough — But will it hold mass appeal?] (picture appears to be a mistake)
* [ Information about Chinese versions] — using MPU medical-grade polyurethane, and MSR medical-grade silicone rubber
* [ Information about a silicone rubber version, the shug] — anchored with a suture


Revision as of 19:16, 12 April 2013

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Vas-occlusive contraception is an experimental male contraceptive method that is not yet approved for general use. Proposed methods of vas-occlusive contraception attempt to prevent sperm from traveling down the vasa deferentia. Potential methods include clips, plugs, valves, and other devices.

The intra vas device, analogous to the intrauterine device (IUD) for women, is meant to be a reversible alternative to a vasectomy. The device consists of a set of flexible, hollow silicone plugs, each about a millimetre in diameter and 2.5 cm long. The IVDs are inserted into the vas deferens and block the flow of sperm from the testes to the seminal glands.


As of 2005, human clinical trials are being performed to evaluate its effectiveness as a contraceptive. One version is currently in research and development at the Shepherd Medical Company in Vancouver. Another version currently being researched in China is an elastomer plug device, using medical-grade polyurethane (MPU) and silicone rubber (MSR) injected as a liquid.[1]

The FDA approved human trials for the intra-vas device in 2006.[2]

Related Chapter


  2. Full text PDF Robert Finn. "Male Contraceptive Methods Are in the Pipeline". Ob.Gyn. News 42:28, May 1, 2007.

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